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Our House Part Two


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Hi Linda

Thanks for showing us the pictures from your quilt trip. Everything is so pretty . I do have a question about the loop thing or the loom I think it is called . Is it put together, or it needs to be ? I've never seen one,so not sure how they work. You and Cheeria will now have something to compare notes on if yours is like hers .

Sorry you have another bum tooth. I think the pulling it would probably be the easiest and lowest cost .Too bad you had another one happen so soon .


Thanks guys, for understanding my absences . I just let things get to me too easy then blow a gasket . Gotta figure out how to stop it .

Julie, the loom is together, but it's not strung/threaded at this point, so not really ready to do any weaving on it yet.I have a DVD to watch that will explain in more detail how to do lots of different things on it.

Ok, put on your big girl panties and get over it!




Gatlinburg is about a 4 hour drive, give or take a bit, from where I live. A lot would depend on the time of year and how Kim is doing as to whether or not I could come and whether or not I would bring her with if I came. It sure would be fun and we'd both enjoy it, I know. :devil

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Just finished watching Biggest Loser and working on the border of the baby blanket. Heading upstairs- door is locked just in case Mary2 doesn't stop in- and I'll see you all in the morning!

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OK ladies

I've got my Big Girl Panties on ... now what ?


Anyhow, thanks to all who have replied regarding the trip. I know it is a next to impossible goal . Fun to think about ,but pretty hard to try when we all live so far apart and all have different lives and responsibilities .


It sure would be fun to have a meetup at some point,even if only part of us could come. It is really hard to choose a spot where it'd be located close enough for everyone !


Maybe someday we will figure something out .


Since I am last one in,I guess I'll do the honors of locking up.


I will leave the night light on in the bathroom. Beware if you TRIP OVER something on the floor -- it may be my extra pairs of big girl underpants drying on the shower curtain .

***No, it's NOT the shower curtain, it's my UNDERPANTS . :D

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Thank you, Julie, for the smile you just put on my face as I head upstairs- just had to stop in one last time- and saw your avatar and started cracking up- DH thinks I've lost it!! But that's ok:lol


Night all!

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OK ladies

I've got my Big Girl Panties on ... now what ?


Anyhow, thanks to all who have replied regarding the trip. I know it is a next to impossible goal . Fun to think about ,but pretty hard to try when we all live so far apart and all have different lives and responsibilities .


It sure would be fun to have a meetup at some point,even if only part of us could come. It is really hard to choose a spot where it'd be located close enough for everyone !


Maybe someday we will figure something out .


Since I am last one in,I guess I'll do the honors of locking up.


I will leave the night light on in the bathroom. Beware if you TRIP OVER something on the floor -- it may be my extra pairs of big girl underpants drying on the shower curtain .

***No, it's NOT the shower curtain, it's my UNDERPANTS . :D

:lol:manyheart:lol Love it, Julie! So glad you're back. :hug

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I won't be around to turn out the lights or close the drapes, so someone else will have to do that. I'm an early riser/early to bed type person. :yawn



Maybe someday we will figure something out .


Since I am last one in,I guess I'll do the honors of locking up.


I will leave the night light on in the bathroom. Beware if you TRIP OVER something on the floor -- it may be my extra pairs of big girl underpants drying on the shower curtain .

***No, it's NOT the shower curtain, it's my UNDERPANTS . :D


Good grief I had to climb in through the bathroom window, I accidentally kicked the nightlight and broke it and then fell flat on my face..Thought I tripped over the shower curtain or something but, someone left their big girl panties on the floor..musta fallen off the shower curtain..they were still a bit damp so I hung them back up again.



Ok re-locking the door. I replaced the night light in the bathroom. After that adventure maybe I'll leave the light on in the kitchen for the early birds on the east side of the house :lol


Night all :hug

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Thanks for leaving the kitchen light on. I found the backdoor key under the mat outside, so could let myself in. I've relocked the door (after putting the key back under the mat for any other nightowls.) Heading off to bed now. Catch you all in the morning.


Interesting idea on the album, Julie. :think

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To the Night Owls :


This morning when it gets light out, I will go out and take my other pair of Big Girl Underpants ,and run them up the front yard Flag Pole .


Our House won't be called The House of the Rising Sun . :sun


It will be called House of the Flapping Underpants . :greenflag




**Easy to spot from FAR AWAY !!! :yes

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Good morning and it's so good to have you back Julie!!!! :yes Thanks for leaving the kitchen light on- it's still dark here- and raining! :rain


I love the idea of the album and would like to play-:tup now to figure out what I want included and gather some pictures together!


Mary2- Sorry that you tripped last night since The House of the Flapping Underpants was all locked up- hopefully you're not too sore this morning!!! Thanks for replacing the broken nightlight!!!!


Linda- I really appreciated that the kitchen light was on this morning- it was very dark when I woke up at 4:00! Yes, you read that right- 4AM- wide awake and raring to go! WHAT???? :eek


So I sat and drank some coffee :mug and crocheted a round of border on the baby ghan,:crocheting hopped in the shower- and boy oh boy did I have a hard time finding the shower with those big girl panties hanging to dry! They are all dry now so they are ready for Julie to hang on the flag pole :greenflag when it's light out!


I hope you all have a good day in the House! I'll be thinking of you while I'm in Paradise and will see you all later!:ghug

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I will leave the night light on in the bathroom. Beware if you TRIP OVER something on the floor -- it may be my extra pairs of big girl underpants drying on the shower curtain .

***No, it's NOT the shower curtain, it's my UNDERPANTS . :D


Julie's back!:lol

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Good morning ladies :tea


Thank for the laughter this morning, I totally needed it :ghug I barely slept at all last night and think I saw the clock about every hour :sigh I think I was even up for a good hour at one point :think Oh well, such is life. I'm just hoping that work is uneventful today because I don't think I can handle any confrontations :think


Julie - Gatlinburg would be a 10.5 - 11 hour drive for me :eek Probably more for you though. Do you know where the closest airport is? I don't have the flu thankfully, just a nasty cold here :eek Feeling a bit worse this morning. The book is a great idea, I'm not commiting myself just yet though. I have to look and see what kind of pics I have here, I'm not much of a picture person just because I don't like carrying a camera around :eek So I really don't have much :sigh


Joanne - Your omelet sounds delish :drool


Hello to Cindy, Toni, Linda, Mary2 and anyone else that may have had to sneak back in last night

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Marisa, the closest airport to Gatlinburg would probably be in Knoxville. I'd guess that it is approximately an hour drive from there.


Thanks Cindy, then I guess it would depend on airline tickets and when would work :think I am planning my move at the end of summer/beginning of fall, so that might play a part as well :yes

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Good morning everyone. Glad someone else opened up this morning, since breaking in, isn't one of the things I'm good at.


Julie, it's good to have you back. I like the album idea, and would like to participate. However, I don't have many paper pictures, so I will have to get some printed.


I have the day off, but I didn't sleep well, and have been up since 5. Yesterday I could barely drag my butt out of bed at 5:30 to go to work. DD and the grandsons are coming over for a while this morning, so I don't expect to accomplish much today. My only plan is to do laundry, and maybe get groceries. I ran the vacuum last night.


Joanne, and Marisa, hope you have good days at work.

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Morning House of the Flapping Underpants! Thank you for all the :rofl this morning!


Julie, good to see you back! The photo album sounds like fun. I'd have to print out some photos...will think on it a bit before I commit.


Marisa, hope you're feeling better and I wish you lived closer too. Appreciated the offer to take me out if you did. Sorry you're still :sick with that cold. You sound terrible! :hug:hug:hug:hug Try to have a good day at wwork


I need my :coffee and it's brewing, just do NOT like this time change :angry :angry :angry


Mary, hope you didn't hurt yourself when you tripped!


Joanne, I know what you mean about waking up early. Hate when that happens. Hope you have a good day.


Cindy, enjoy your day off with the dd and grandkids.


Well, going to get my coffee and log on to work. Talk to you all later!

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Read back quick, time change has me getting up late (for now) and work blocked this site so I can't even lurk at work anymore. :(

Hope everyone who needs prayers is better today.

A get together sounds fun. TN is too far for me.

IF anyone in the NE is going to vacation in the Catskills tho' I'd love to meet up! :D

LindaT cool stuff!


Rain, 100% chance, today. Rain makes me tired, time change makes me tired, I'm screwed.....

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Good morning, peeps!


Jules, no mini vacay for me to anywhere in the forseeable future - but it;s a wonderful thing to think about.


I'll let you know about the picture thing...it does sound like fun.


Ok, put on your big girl panties and get over it!


I think I have a xs oiece buried in a box of wips and wim....with that very same saying:lol:lol:lol


Off for breaky - BBL!

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Read back quick, time change has me getting up late (for now) and work blocked this site so I can't even lurk at work anymore. :(

That sucks:P

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Morning ladies ! Thought I'd make another drop in to say howdy to the ones who were in since I was last .


No worries about the meetup vacation. i knew it'd be really hard to arrange , with all of us scattered all over the place .


Also, it's ok if we dont get a large number interested in the album thing. On second thought I guess we can kinda already show photos on here if we want, so it might be extra work and expense for nothing . Just an idea .


I just need to keep my brain busy with something to yank myself out of this latest fog I've been in,but I'm sure I can possibly come up with something else to keep me back on track .


I've been trying to get into some stamped embroidery type projects again. I used to like doing them,but havent done them for quite awhile,so need to keep myself busy with them .


I DID purchase some more cotton thread to try made by Hobby Lobby . don't wanna get my hopes up with it yet, because it may be another bust ,but do have it in a bag so I may pull it out today and see how it goes . No clue what to do with it,but maybe I'll see something that catches my eye .


Will check in again in a bit --gotta run downtown for a few minutes .

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Morning house, the lil darlings and myself are battling coughing and stuffy nose and I don't think the IV treatment I received on Friday help this situation at all for my immune system is compromise. So here me and my lil darlings sit coughing, sneezing with drippy noses. Yuck :( Other then that I'm fine but most days tired maybe because of my cold. I have not done any crochet since Saturday and hopefully today I can get back into working on my doily-ghan which if I may say so my self is coming along nicely. Sunday late afternoon my DH and myself went to the movies to see The Adjustment Bueau, it was okay just a different twist on a love story. The bummer was having to wait two and a half hour inside of a close, darken Mall for my DH van to come and pick him up. As the minutes and hours ticked by it took away the great mood I was in just to be out and about with my DH. So that's all for now House, sending HUGS. :hug:hug

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Hi Kiyo

You are welcome to pray for this old crabby sack of skin if you want to ! Thank you for the offer .




I need someone to tell me what your sis tells you . Maybe then I wouldnt have time to feel sorry for myself !



Uhhhhh Julie-----why you sneak into my house and hold my panties up and take a photo too, no less????!!! lol------that's actually my FAVORITEST saying---I actually have a pink and white plaque hanging up here in my cubical at work and I tell that to EVERYONE when they start in on something! lol. My cousin sent it to me---that's how often I say it! .

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OK ladies

I've got my Big Girl Panties on ... now what ?


Anyhow, thanks to all who have replied regarding the trip. I know it is a next to impossible goal . Fun to think about ,but pretty hard to try when we all live so far apart and all have different lives and responsibilities .


It sure would be fun to have a meetup at some point,even if only part of us could come. It is really hard to choose a spot where it'd be located close enough for everyone !


Maybe someday we will figure something out .


Since I am last one in,I guess I'll do the honors of locking up.


I will leave the night light on in the bathroom. Beware if you TRIP OVER something on the floor -- it may be my extra pairs of big girl underpants drying on the shower curtain .

***No, it's NOT the shower curtain, it's my UNDERPANTS . :D





Hmmmmmm..........Who would be traveling the furthest???? lol-----My Honey lives in Lebanon.......I'm afraid if I got back there, I wouldn't quite make the meet up with ya'll!!! :0) teeee heeee! But then again.......if I move back there......that would be awesome!




as far as the bathroom and it's new accessories----I never turn on the light at night, had no idea what was going on, didn't care until I went to walk out and something was wrapped around my ankle!!!! Thanks Julie! They're hanging on the doorknob now! lol

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Good afternoon, housemates. I overslept this morning and Kim had to wake me up. :lol We're back on track now. John caught an earlier flight, so will get home about an hour or so earlier than planned. Kim is full of vim and vinegar this morning and excited about John getting back home.


I played around with different quilting ideas for the challenge quilt yesterday. Not real happy with any of them at this point. Will keep experimenting until I find something that works for me.


House of the Flying Underpants! :rofl :rofl :rofl Julie, it's soooo good to have you back! You crack me up.


Have a good day, everyone. :hug :hug :hug to those in need of them. Hope those who are under the weather soon get to feeling better.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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