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Our House Part Two


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Judy - That is the just the cutest afghan!:yay You used the perfect colors for the border and all of the animals are wonderful. If it's okay with you,I'd like to print it and let Luke have a puzzle to put together? Your graph work is awesome. :applause

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Hi All - been busy the last couple of days. Took both GS to the Fall Festival at the church day care--they had a blast. There was two horses to ride (will post pics later) and games to play. We stayed for about 1 1/2 hours and I was ready to go. Today was the oldest GS karate tournament. He did great but if he would have practiced, he might have done better--but he was being stubborn and wouldn't practice before the tournament. he got 1 first place (for hop fighting--the hold a elastic ring, hold up one foot and hop around until one either puts his foot down or gets out of the square), and 3 second place (for star throwing, breaking, and forms). Really proud of him.


Watched OSU and OU play, both won!! Started a shrug at the beginning of the OU game, so hopefully this one will work for DD. I really don't think she's going to be able to wear the jacket that I've worked on. Will let you know how it goes, the pattern is really easy (a repeating one) but it started with a foundation sc which I hadn't done before but it wasn't too hard to figure out.


Hope you all had a great weekend. Hugs to all!

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Judy - That is the just the cutest afghan!:yay You used the perfect colors for the border and all of the animals are wonderful. If it's okay with you,I'd like to print it and let Luke have a puzzle to put together? Your graph work is awesome. :applause
thanks ladies! And of course you can print out te picture Mary. That's a cute idea.



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Good morning housemates!


Judy - I love your animal ghan.


Linda - glad you found a car.


Mary I great idea for a puzzle.


Marisa - were you able to window shop only?


Sherry - hope the shrug works for your DD. My team, Alabama Crimson Tide won too.


Hope all have a great Sunday!



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Here's the animal ghan



WOW!!! This is outstanding, just beautiful work.


For anyone who is feeling ambitious, and wants to give this technique a try, here is a site that has lots of little motifs graphed for use in crochet or cross stitch. Lots of animals, letter's and other motifs. I don't know how to crichet from a graph, but it sure looks like it would be worthwhile to learn.

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Hi House. :)


Sherry ~ Your time with the grandsons sounds so special! Looking forward to seeing the shrug. :hook


Cindy ~ I think the link is blocked...just lots of asterisks! I haven't done any graph work either, but I sure love it.


Hi Valerie ~ Wow! Alabama has an amazing team again. :yes Have you been crocheting a lot?


Hi to the rest of the House, too! :manyheart


We went out for breakfast and then to the store for a few more things. Baby Zachary will be delivered early tomorrow afternoon! :c9

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We went out for breakfast and then to the store for a few more things. Baby Zachary will be delivered early tomorrow afternoon! :c9

Oooooo! It's getting close! :manyheart


Rosie and I went over to Carol's house and helped her with the quilt she's working on for a friend whose husband just died this summer. We got farther than any of expected, but ran out of one of the main colors so had to quit.


From there I went to WalMart and picked up some OTC meds and groceries.


Sweet Pea had herself a ball while I was gone. She smelled out some gum that was somewhere in the stuff I've been unpacking and had it strewn all over the place. She'd gotten up and knocked my water off the table along with some other stuff too. She was so full of herself she was tearing back and forth between the bedroom and the livingroom at full speed. :dog Crazy dog! :lol

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Just dropping in for a minute. I'll be back in the morning. What a busy weekend we had. Hubby has to work all week, and he has to be there at 7 so I'm heading to bed and hoping for a good nights sleep.

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Mary - hope all goes well tomorrow. Will say some prayers for all of you.


Linda - sounds like you had a good time with your friends. Sorry you had to come home to a mess :(


Worked on the shrug most of the afternoon. Will have to go buy more yarn, don't have enough to finish it (of course, I knew this when I started it, just needed an excuse to buy more yarn LOL).


Here's a pic of the boys at the Fall Festival. They wanted their faces painted (why they wanted that look is beyond me but it took a long time to scrub it off). Also of them riding the horse.


Hope you all had a great weekend!




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Good Morning!


Sherry ~ Your grandsons are so cute in their costumes and face paint! I'm glad you had some crochet time yesterday. :)


Linda ~ :lol Sweet Pea must have been bored - sounds like she created her own fun! I think it's so neat that you, Rosie and Carol can all quilt together!


Marlene ~ I hope you slept well. :manyheart Do you have special plans while DH is working all week?


Valerie ~ Hopefully, you will find out about the orders soon! Are you guys all settled in now?


We'll pick up Luke about 8:30 and bring him here for a few days. His mom and dad have to be at the hospital at 10. My DH is taking the week off...thank goodness! ;)


Have a good morning, everyone. :manyheart

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passing through -- I did read everyone's posts - and TY all for the compliments on the ghan.

Oh - Mary - I wish DD and everyone a safe delivery and joyous homecoming! Is Luke ever going to be surprised!!!


Monday - and the usual chores.:P



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Linda - sounds like you had a good time with your friends. Sorry you had to come home to a mess :(

It was really a minor mess. Every once in a while she gets like this. Not sure why. She's been known to do it even when I'm home and in another room. :lol

Worked on the shrug most of the afternoon. Will have to go buy more yarn, don't have enough to finish it (of course, I knew this when I started it, just needed an excuse to buy more yarn LOL).

I've been known to do that on more than one occasion. :devil

Here's a pic of the boys at the Fall Festival. They wanted their faces painted (why they wanted that look is beyond me but it took a long time to scrub it off). Also of them riding the horse.

How adorable! :manyheart

Linda ~ :lol Sweet Pea must have been bored - sounds like she created her own fun! I think it's so neat that you, Rosie and Carol can all quilt together!

We really did have a good time. And what the three of us accomplished together would have taken one person alone 20 hours just in the cutting and sewing. More for all the getting up and down to do the various tasks that others did. We had two machines going and kept Rosie busy keeping each of us going.

We'll pick up Luke about 8:30 and bring him here for a few days. His mom and dad have to be at the hospital at 10. My DH is taking the week off...thank goodness! ;)

By now Luke's baby brother should be here. :hug:manyheart

Have a good morning, everyone. :manyheart

Good morning all. I worked on a prayer shawl last night while watching a movie. I have 2 - 5 rows left to go. I'll try it on a little later and make the decision on whether or not I need another patter set of three rows or if it's okay as it is now.


Wishing you all a good day. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm a little late checking in because I had my family of patients this morning :clap So that was 3 and I have 1 coming in later :woo


I'll be heading home on Wed morning after the patient I scheduled at 10. I wish I could just go now. Mom's still having a rough go of it. She's been on this new medication for a week now and I don't know that it's showing any progress :think She had blood work this morning, which I'm waiting for the results and has a dr visit this afternoon.


Over the weekend, I finished my mystery ghan....I'll gets pics up just a bit later :xfin Went running with Steph on Sat and while we were in the car she asked where I usually buy my pants at because she knows I need some (I'm down to 2 pair of slacks now, but bringing my mom about 5 pair :lol ) I said usually NY & Co, but that I went earlier in the week since I had a coupon and didn't find anything to fit nice. The problem right now seems to be that the 12's are a smidge small and the 14s are a smidge big :shrug So she was going in Express and I tried on pants there (I don't shop there because it's just too expensive) and it was the same result :sigh BUT, she tried on a top that was super cute...it didn't look very flattering on her because she has a small bust and didn't really fill out the style of the shirt. So she made me try it on and loved it so much that she bought it for me and it wasn't even on sale :bounce I tried on some more pants after that in Sears and Macy's but still no luck :shrug


Yesterday was a relaxing day and then the neighbors came over for the Steelers game and we made some stromboli's :drool Steph made a Jewish Apple Cake since we had a bag of apples and was super frustrated that it fell apart coming out of the pan.....so depressing, but on the upside....it tastes wonderful!!!!! She wanted to throw it away so she wouldn't have to look at it, but I wouldn't let her :no


Cindy - What did you end up sewing over the weekend? A project, or fixing things?


Mary - Oh boy, oh boy....baby Zachary should be here, or almost :clap Great idea to have Luke stay with you a few days, he's going to be so excited :yes Great idea also with Judy's blanket :yes


Judy- Absolutely gorgeous animal ghan :manyheart Archiving might work :think


Sherry - Your GSs look so cute all done up, and my guess is they wanted that look because it's halloween and they're boys :lol WTG to karate GS and his placings :clap I hope the shawl works out for dd :xfin


Val - I did window shop and I got to real shop a bit too :yes:lol


Linda - Awesome job with your quilting :clap You ladies must have surely been in a groove. WTG on your prayer shawl! Sweet pea is too funny :lol


Marlene - I hope you get some rest time today after your busy weekend :hug

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I'll be heading home on Wed morning after the patient I scheduled at 10. I wish I could just go now. Mom's still having a rough go of it. She's been on this new medication for a week now and I don't know that it's showing any progress :think She had blood work this morning, which I'm waiting for the results and has a dr visit this afternoon.

When I had c-diff the doctor said it's really hard to knock out and sometimes takes 3 complete courses of those expensive antibiotics to clobber it. :hug Keeping her in my prayers. :hug

Over the weekend, I finished my mystery ghan....I'll gets pics up just a bit later :xfin Went running with Steph on Sat and while we were in the car she asked where I usually buy my pants at because she knows I need some (I'm down to 2 pair of slacks now, but bringing my mom about 5 pair :lol ) I said usually NY & Co, but that I went earlier in the week since I had a coupon and didn't find anything to fit nice. The problem right now seems to be that the 12's are a smidge small and the 14s are a smidge big :shrug So she was going in Express and I tried on pants there (I don't shop there because it's just too expensive) and it was the same result :sigh BUT, she tried on a top that was super cute...it didn't look very flattering on her because she has a small bust and didn't really fill out the style of the shirt. So she made me try it on and loved it so much that she bought it for me and it wasn't even on sale :bounce I tried on some more pants after that in Sears and Macy's but still no luck :shrug

I run into those pants problems frequently. Wishing you luck finding some that fit or are able to be altered to fit.

Yesterday was a relaxing day and then the neighbors came over for the Steelers game and we made some stromboli's :drool Steph made a Jewish Apple Cake since we had a bag of apples and was super frustrated that it fell apart coming out of the pan.....so depressing, but on the upside....it tastes wonderful!!!!! She wanted to throw it away so she wouldn't have to look at it, but I wouldn't let her :no

Looks aren't everything. Taste if at least as important if not more so.

Mary - Oh boy, oh boy....baby Zachary should be here, or almost :clap Great idea to have Luke stay with you a few days, he's going to be so excited :yes Great idea also with Judy's blanket :yes


Linda - Awesome job with your quilting :clap You ladies must have surely been in a groove. WTG on your prayer shawl! Sweet pea is too funny :lol

Thank you. :D We really did boogy on the quilt yesterday.

Marlene - I hope you get some rest time today after your busy weekend :hug

Repair guy was here this morning and tightened up the kitchen sink, which was loose in the setting and rehung the blinds in my bedroom that had come down a couple of weeks ago. Makes me a happier camper. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, You found some really good buys at the quilt show. Glad you were able to find a new car. How nice of you girls to make Carol's friend this t-shirt quilt. She's going to love it! So glad your up to being out and about and active again. Sweet Pea must of wanted to show you what her talents are. lol Way to go on the new shawl.


Sherry, Way to go on the shawler for yourself. I have one in the works, but I haven't worked on in a very long time. Hope the jacket for DD works out. The GS's are adorable! Congrats to GS on his karate placings.


Judy, The animal ghan is so cute. You did an awesome job on it. I agree that's a lot of work to give away. She'll love the saltine ghan just as much.


Joanne, We live in the country but I prefer city living. Glad your having a good time with your family.


Val, The silhouette would be perfect for an "I Love Lucy" fan. I have a t-shirt I bought at Disney (in Florida), the front is Lucy and Ethel working in the chocolate factory and the back has a red heart on it and inside the heart it says "I Love Lucy". I get compliments on it every time I wear it.


Marisa, Can you call the patient and reschedule them to come in a day earlier? Prayers for your Mom. Maybe like Linda said she may need another dose or two of the new medicine.


Cindy, Today would be another good day to be sitting by the fire and crafting. Thanks for the Lucy links. I saved the Lucy silhouette link. I love Lucy to.


Mary, Baby Zachary is probably here now or will be soon. Luke is going to be so excited having a new baby in the house. When Jocelyn was born they had to block Payton away from here as he wouldn't let her sleep. And kisses she got more kisses from him than any one could count. Hope the delivery was nice and easy. Maya more than likely will be the one to pick the name for the new puppy. She called me yesterday to give me a new name but I forgot what it was. I'll call her tonight and get it again. I plan on doing some cleaning and sorting/throwing things out. Besides taking hubby to the VA tomorrow and the dentist thursday. Those days he'll only work in the morning.


Friday on are way to Maya's we stopped to visit my cousin. She came up to spend a week with her Mom (my cousin lives in Tennessee). Leaving there I decided to take the highway. That turned out to be a big mistake. They had the big sign telling you the highway was closed in both directions. Going this way I didn't know any back roads. We got out the map (we have a map that goes by counties) and the gps. It took us two hours to get there. By this time it was dark and had rained the whole time. Next time I will go the back roads. The funny thing was my aunt had fixed dinner but we didn't stay to eat. Hubby doesn't care for spaghetti. We were both hungry when we got there. We went to the mall and ate my favorite sandwich place (I can't remember names for nothing) (Giant ?). Needless to say I was really stressed out from this trip. DD headed out to meet her friends and it took her an hour to get to where she could get on the highway. I sent her a different route than we took. They had a 12 car pile up between the two lanes. People drive nuts out there on that highway. I'm sure rain, speed and tailgating was the cause of the accidents.

Saturday we went shopping for the puppy. Maya picked out a new collar, a harness and a portable kennel for the car.

Yesterday we made a stop at the funeral home. A really good friend of mine her husband passed away. Along with him one of are neighbors from back home and one of my teachers also passed away. She was an exceptional teacher.

Been doing some sorting/cleaning and laundry today. I should get back to it.

Will catch you all later.

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Here's a pic of the boys at the Fall Festival. They wanted their faces painted (why they wanted that look is beyond me but it took a long time to scrub it off). Also of them riding the horse.


Hope you all had a great weekend!


Those boys are sooo cute!!!

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Cindy ~ I think the link is blocked...just lots of asterisks! I haven't done any graph work either, but I sure love it.




We went out for breakfast and then to the store for a few more things. Baby Zachary will be delivered early tomorrow afternoon! :c9


Cindy, the link is not coming up for me.



I guess the link is to a site that is blocked by C'ville. Sorry about that.


Mary, I assume that baby Zachary has been delivered by now. (haven't read through all the posts yet). Hope all went well.

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I'll be heading home on Wed morning after the patient I scheduled at 10. I wish I could just go now. Mom's still having a rough go of it. She's been on this new medication for a week now and I don't know that it's showing any progress :think She had blood work this morning, which I'm waiting for the results and has a dr visit this afternoon.



Cindy - What did you end up sewing over the weekend? A project, or fixing things?




Marisa, I'm sorry your mom is still doing poorly. I was going to ask about her today. (I was thinking about her at work.) Hope the doctor can help.


Congrats on finishing the mystery ghan. And really the pants thing is good, you are just shrinking out of them. All those workouts are paying off. And how nice of your sister to buy you a top.


I ended up not really sewing anything, just some mending. I made Christmas tree ornaments instead. (essentially just acrylic paint swirled around inside clear glass balls) Super simple and they look great. How-to's here. I think these would be great little gifts, especially if you used a paint pen to add the year to the outside.

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Linda, its so good to see you posting like old times again. sounds like your energy levels are getting better.


Marlene, sorry about all the deaths of friends you are having to deal with. traffic was bad on the freeway here Friday night too.


Work was super busy today, and I expect it will be the same tomorrow. Well, gotta go, the oven timer just rang. Guess that means dinner is ready!

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Thanks to all of you for the well wishes! Baby Zachary is just perfect and DD is feeling pretty good this evening. He was born at 1:08 this afternoon and is 7# 1 oz. and 21 inches long. :c9 I went to the hospital about 2 and just stayed for a few minutes. We'll take Luke to pre-school in the a.m. and then go back to the hospital for a short visit. We're so thankful that DD and baby are both doing well. :manyheart


See you all tomorrow!

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Mary, Congratulations on baby Zachary! Good news DD and baby are doing well. Zachary sounds like he's the perfect baby.


Cindy, Hope your day won't be quite so busy if your working tomorrow.


Marisa, I forgot to congratulate you on finishing your mystery ghan.


My sister called and wants me to come and stay tomorrow after hubbys appointment until thursday. She needs some help with some things. So I said I could help her.

The computer has been giving me fits tonight. I put google chrome on it awhile ago because ie kept giving me problems with facebook and a few other sights. Tonight google wants to keep crashing. So I restarted and now I'm going to head for bed. Hubby has to be to work at 6 so 5 will be early. Have a good tuesday!

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