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Our House Part Two


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Good morning peeps!


Don't you feel so helpless when you see what the Japanese people are going through?? And now the nuclear reactors...wouldn't it be ironic if radioactive particles drifted our way?:(


Linda, You and Cheeria now have something to share!! Have fun weaving:clap


CU all later. It's a nice sunny day, and I hope those of you who have the nice weather can get out and enjoy it.:hug

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I like lighter longer (warmer) days but I hate this dumb time change. It takes me at least a week to adjust. Why don't we just stop it altogether? Arizona doesn't change their time. So for 6 months out of the year its a different time of day in AZ and all its neighboring states? How's that work? Or go forward a 1/2 hour and be done with it. Split the difference so to speak.

With my old dog Susie it always took her a week before her appetite alarm adjusted...she would wake me up to eat (and get her meds) based on the old time.


This guy we have doesn't seem to care. He'll sleep till I decide to get up:lol

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Good morning ladies,


I read the posts, but I'm on my nook right now so not the easiest for typing. I watched the news all morning yesterday in such amazemnt as well. During that time I started the belle scarf with homespun. In theafternoon we went shopping and when we came back I finished the scarf and wore it out to dinner. Then we wen to the neighbors house for a party. Today we will be heading out in the afternoon for the day.


Joanne, my friend kept m updated on the game last night! :) and nope, mary will not be moving to pitt with me. Maybe at a later date she would venture here, but definitely not leaving her mother.


I hope you all have a wondrful day and I'll see you tomorrow evening.

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Lots of cleaning has been done already!!! I'm happy that the sun is shining, but feeling very helpless about the situation in Japan- It's like I want to read about it but at the same time, it makes me very very sad---and now the nuclear reactor situation.


Tammy- My goodness, girlfriend!! You have way more patience and kindness in your heart than I would in your situation. And even in the light of what is happening in the world, you have your own little world that needs tending to so it's perfectly ok if you need to let off some steam with us! Your projects by the way are lovely as usual! And I'm sharing a cup of coffee with you right now.:hug


Marisa- It was good to see your post and hope you have a good day today. Was there alot of snow in Pitt?


Judy- Have a good day- and that ole fashion granny is Perfect for a nursing home- Heck, it's perfect for ANY home!!!:manyheart


Off to finish my cleaning. I needed a coffee break and the cup is finished, so off I go....


:hug:hug to all!!

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Good morning. I did not have time to check in yesterday. I skimmed through posts, and gathered that Julie is sick. Hope she feels better soon.


Tam, :hug:hug:hug


We went out for breakfast already this morning, and just got home. Hopefully the weather holds and we can go out for a walk today. Both dh and I need the exercise. Its really gray and gloomy out, so we'll see what happens.


My big plan for today is to see if I can make that baby shoe pattern work out.

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Rabbit show tomorrow. Luckily we drove there tonight. About 3 hours from home. Can't wait to see bunny friends again!


I did have a couple more litters born the last few days. Trying a med (I don't like medicating the rabbits, but one does get desperate) to see if it can help out these moms keep their babies. They can get bugs just like we can and I think a bug was souring the milk. I've had it happen before quite a few years ago. At least that is what I hope! at least I know how to treat that..:D

Good luck at the bunny show! And good luck with the sour milk bunnies, too.

I have a cousin in Japan. She is in the Air Force. The said all the military people are safe. It sure is a sad day in the world to see all this destruction. Prayers for all the people being affected by all of this. I'm so glad that they are safe.

Today we made potato salad, brownies, tartar sauce. We use to have a party by the pond, but last year we had bad weather so we held it at the club house. So we decided to hold it there every year and change the name of it to spring fling. It was more work hauling everything there to make a meal than it is to make it in the kitchen and serve it there. We will be having deep fried fish of some kind, and polish dogs and hush puppies. One of the commitees has some games planned to. You are making me soooo hungry.

Maya got to meet her other Grandpa. He lives in California and he came for a visit to meet her and her sister. She's been having a good time with him. We got to meet him over the internet. Maya is usually pretty shy around new people but she went right to him. DD says Maya's Daddy looks like his Dad. So that's why she wasn't worried. She does talk to him on phone to. Funny thing is his name is Bob to same my hubby.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Glad Maya got to meet her other Grandpa Bob and that it's going well.

·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

How is everyone? I'm so sorry I spent the last few days complaining! Especially after the saddness in Japan :(:mdust Praying for all in that situation :mdust


I've been invited to have coffee with a dear friend this morning ..... I sure hope I can get the chance to go! Hubby is neutropenic right now... so having my grandson around with this issue of scabies isnt safe at all. Hubby has done his best to stay far away from him. But you know ... makes me mad... The one place Hubby should be safe... his own home... and he's not! :( So I feel like I need to stay here and keep things sprayed.... wiped down... cleaned up... etc. So leaving to go have coffee just doesnt sound like a good idea. Michael is also not safe here.

My daughter certainly wont tend to things..... she sits on facebook all day and lets the rest of us .. Mostly me take care of her 3 kids. Oh good grief... I'm doing it again........... GEEZ sorry guys.... I dont need to be complaining ... .really I dont. I'm so worn out... I'm physically sick ... and its getting the best of me.


So... lets see.... change subject.

I still am writing up the pattern for the back pack... but... I'm getting close.

I have been working on a scrap granny'ghan in a CAL here and its coming out neat.


I finished the charity squares I needed to get done for a lady. :hook


I'm testing a little girls summer top and its really turning out cute. I hope to spend much more time on it today.


I have a new orange prayer blanket (for new leukemic) in the works. His name is Justin. Prayers are very much appreciated.


Okay.. .I need a fresh cup of coffee and see about getting caught up on email... then maybe get the ol' hook out and get some work done!

You all have a wonderfully blessed day!!!!

Love you guys.......... :hug



:hug :hug :hug I feel your pain and frustration. :hug :hug :hug Your crafting is gorgeous, as usual.

Whats a heddle loom? And do I need one? I wonder if thats one of the looms my friend has of his wifes.(my friend who passed away) I'll take a picture of mine later this weekend. It's a very simple loom to operate, and very basic. No fancy peddles or anything, but it will get lots of different things made very nicely such as scarves, placemats, rectangular shawls, and such.

I like lighter longer (warmer) days but I hate this dumb time change. It takes me at least a week to adjust. Why don't we just stop it altogether? Arizona doesn't change their time. So for 6 months out of the year its a different time of day in AZ and all its neighboring states? How's that work? Or go forward a 1/2 hour and be done with it. Split the difference so to speak.

I always think that if they are going to have daylight savings time that it should be in the winter instead of the summer, because winter is when we go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. It would be nice to at least come home with some light. Of course, they didn't ask me. It's a huge pain in the butt for farmers and dairy farmers in particular. The cows don't know the difference and it takes several weeks to get them on schedule every time the time changes.


I don't have to leave as early for the Expo this morning, so got a chance to chat a bit. Better get going now though. How you all have a great day. My heart goes out to all of those effected by the earthquake and tsunamis.


Catch you all later tonight. :manyheart

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Good morning. I did not have time to check in yesterday. I skimmed through posts, and gathered that Julie is sick. Hope she feels better soon.


Tam, :hug:hug:hug


We went out for breakfast already this morning, and just got home. Hopefully the weather holds and we can go out for a walk today. Both dh and I need the exercise. Its really gray and gloomy out, so we'll see what happens.


My big plan for today is to see if I can make that baby shoe pattern work out.

Good luck with the baby shoes! I'm sure you'll be able to do it:yes

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Morning House, can't sleep late this morning, on my way out the door but wanted to stop by and say GOOD MORNING. :eek


Linda - WOW a rigid heddle loom, which one did you get. You are going to love weaving.


Joanne - thanks for the reminder about daylight saving time, my husband was just mentioning to me I better leave early for church tomorrow.


Tam - as always, beautiful crochet items. I love the granny squares, I wanted to join in but I don't even have time to scratch my nose. I understand about being neutropenic for that is what I went through 1 1/2 years ago in the hospital because of a drug that I was on. It is hard fighting germs but hang in there. :hug


Prayers for Japan


To the rest of the House here a HUG to get you through the day. :hug

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Cindy- Hope that you and DH get your walk in today- I'm planning to take a walk in a little while since the sun is shining and I, too, could use the exercise! Good luck with the baby shoes- I'll bet that they will turn out great


Linda- Enjoy your day- Can't wait to hear all about it!


Cheeria- Enjoy the sunshine and your day!


I headed to ACM and then my car also took me across the hwy to Michael's also. I bought one skein of the yarn I needed at ACM and one skein at Michaels and used a 40% coupon for each. I was browsing the yarn aisles at Michael's and they had some cotton ease on clearance for 2.99 so a few skeins of those hopped into my cart as well as some skeins of Vanna's Sapphire Blue and Espresso which were also on clearance for 1.79.:lol All in all, a nice little shopping expedition.:yes


See you all later!

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HELLO!!! Yes, I'm still around just crazy busy and hardly have time to even get on the computer at all these days! Way too may posts to try and catch up on but :hug:hug:hug to everyone!


Don't know if any of you have heard about the teenager that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday, but he goes to my dd high school! He did it for kicks and is lucky that he walked away with very few injuries. It is crazy what these kids do for fun these days. Needless to say, the school is now trying to figure out what to do about field trips, since it happened when the humanities core was on one. My dd is NOT amused and neither are any of the other kids, especially those that happened to be there when it happened. Pretty traumatic for them.


Hope everyone has a great weekend and to everyone (like myself) who has to work tomorrow, go to bed early to make up for the hour of sleep we'll miss due to daylight savings.:eek

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I headed to ACM and then my car also took me across the hwy to Michael's also. I bought one skein of the yarn I needed at ACM and one skein at Michaels and used a 40% coupon for each. I was browsing the yarn aisles at Michael's and they had some cotton ease on clearance for 2.99 so a few skeins of those hopped into my cart as well as some skeins of Vanna's Sapphire Blue and Espresso which were also on clearance for 1.79.:lol All in all, a nice little shopping expedition.:yes

Oooooh...sounds like a fun time:yes

HELLO!!! Yes, I'm still around just crazy busy and hardly have time to even get on the computer at all these days! Way too may posts to try and catch up on but :hug:hug:hug to everyone!


Don't know if any of you have heard about the teenager that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday, but he goes to my dd high school! He did it for kicks and is lucky that he walked away with very few injuries. It is crazy what these kids do for fun these days. Needless to say, the school is now trying to figure out what to do about field trips, since it happened when the humanities core was on one. My dd is NOT amused and neither are any of the other kids, especially those that happened to be there when it happened. Pretty traumatic for them.


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:hi Just a quick drop by before calling it an evening.


Worked this morning. Amazing how much you can get done in 3 hours when you don't have emails, IM's and phone interruptions :lol One of the things I was going to do, didn't have to. They are having so much trouble with the new system, they pushed the deadline to reconcile charge cards out a week. Good thing, I hadn't even started :lol


Then I did more paperwork organizing and decided a nap was in order. After that, got out the instructions sent to me for the tea cosy. Okay, they are better but I'm thinking there is a language barrier here. Still hard to understand what she's trying to say, but I "made" it work with the stitch numbers she gave me. Not sure it's right, but the stitch count is :devil. I just want to get past this part and I'm almost home YAY! Then the instructions will go in trash. I do like my friend, a LOT. She was thrilled with the snail and frog tapesters I sent to her.


I am so sad about Japan and also for Haiti who has never recovered from their earthquake. The nuclear thing is very scary. I am so happy our troops in that area are okay. I had to quit watching, as it was depressing me.


Everyone, have read through your messages and see everyone is busy with going to shows bunny and sewing, shopping, being sick, having problems with family, etc.


Hugs and Prayers to all. Good Night!

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Quick stop in before calling it a night. Had a great time with my DD's. It ended up just being the three of us and we had a great time. DD's BF couldn't make it since he was mentoring one of the students from a very poor family in Newark and he seems to be making progress with him. He and my DD each mentor an underprivilidged child in art. The girl that my DD is mentoring just had one of her art pieces put up in the Newark Museum of Art. DD said she was so excited to find out today- she had no idea. It warms my heart to hear that they are volunteering their Saturday's to work with underprivilidged children! DH didn't come along since there were not going to be any other men- turned out for the best- we had a great girls' night out!


Toni- I was getting very depressed watching all the coverage of what is happening in Japan. My DD told me tonight that one of their artist friends is from Japan- the rest of his family is living in Japan- he is alone in this country- well he finally heard from his sister- and she is ok- as are his parents. It must be so hard to hear of such devastation in your home country and not be able to contact them.


I'll see you all in the AM!! Remember- turn those clocks ahead one hour!!!

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Hope I make it to bed before some of you are up.... oops. Don't forget to set your clocks forward!


Lights turned down... curtains pulled...uh..what is that glowing thing in the faaaar eastern sky? Glad it's not here for awhile lol


Night/Morning house!

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Good night Mary2- how did the bunnies do?


Good morning house!

Sun is shining and the birds are singing! Could it be that spring is right around the corner? Very excited at that thought!


I slept until 7:15 (which would have been 6:15 had the clocks not been turned ahead an hour) But that is still about an hour later than my usual wake up time so I guess i didn't lose an hour after all...:think:lol


Enjoy the day ladies and I'll stop back in a while.

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Morning house!!! Only good thing about time change, makes me feel like I slept in :rofl Other than that, just wish they would leave it alone.


Sun is beautiful coming up over the mountain this morning. Going to be a good day and hope to get a walk in. Will cloud up and then rain again tonight and tomorrow. So will really enjoy the sunshine today.


No racing today, but I am determined to finish the tea cosy so I can get it packed up and out of sight! :lol


Mary2 you're either up late or early, can't figure out which.


Joanne, I do that with the news when it's something like the quake. I watch and watch and watch until I decide this is just not good for me and turn it to something happy. Once can take so much sadness in a day/hour/minute.


Trish, can't believe what kids will do for "thrill" seeking. They really do think they are indestructible.


BBL Need more :coffee

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Don't know if any of you have heard about the teenager that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday, but he goes to my dd high school! He did it for kicks and is lucky that he walked away with very few injuries. It is crazy what these kids do for fun these days. Needless to say, the school is now trying to figure out what to do about field trips, since it happened when the humanities core was on one. My dd is NOT amused and neither are any of the other kids, especially those that happened to be there when it happened. Pretty traumatic for them.

Oh my!!!!!


Morning house!!! Only good thing about time change, makes me feel like I slept in :rofl Other than that, just wish they would leave it alone.


Sun is beautiful coming up over the mountain this morning. Going to be a good day and hope to get a walk in. Will cloud up and then rain again tonight and tomorrow. So will really enjoy the sunshine today.

Yup they should just leave it alone.


We went out for breakfast already this morning, and just got home. Hopefully the weather holds and we can go out for a walk today. Both dh and I need the exercise. Its really gray and gloomy out, so we'll see what happens.


I went for a walk yesterday. Only 1 mile, but first walk of the season, and new shoes, I didn't want to over do it and then not want to walk again. It was nice & sunnt, almost no breeze. I think I actually started to sweat a little! :rofl

Today is gloomy. I may go for another walk anyway if the wind isn't biting.

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WTG on the walking Wrennie!!! I didn't get out for a walk, but last night with my DD's we had to park about 1/2 mile from where we were headed- so I got it in last night!


We are heading out in a bit to the Apple store.I had downloaded a pdf file and it just won't go away- won't open, won't move or anything. Figure I 'll take advantage of their "Genius Bar" and let them figure it out for me. So I made an appointment with them. Then DH wants to go to the Outlets which aren't far from there- so I'll get my walking in there! The outlets are outside so I'm looking forward to some bargain shopping and sunshine!!!


See you all later

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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower We're spending the weekend in the yard...and it feels wonderful! It's too early to plant most things, but the beds will be ready when it's time. :)


Joanne ~ Your time with your daughters sounds so nice! Enjoy your Sunday, too. :yes


Kiyo ~ Oh, I'm so glad you and your honey were able to talk. :manyheart And he's coming back in a month? Sounds serious to me! :D


Linda ~ Yay for a new loom and a wonderful time at the Expo. :cheer Can't wait to see pictures of the loom and your other projects...hint, hint. :wink I hope John and Kim have had a safe trip.


Marlene ~ Hi! You always sound like you're having a good time and have so many friends at the coast. :) Are you able to squeeze in any crocheting? We thought we might get down there this month, but will probably stay close to home and MIL for now.


Tam ~ :hug from me, too. I hope things get better for you soon...how long will you have the extra family with you? Thanks for the pictures! I love the scrap granny 'ghan. :hook


Wrennie ~ I so agree with you on the time change! I'm messed up for a week, the pets' schedules are off...and I whine about it every time it happens. :lol I'm glad you were able to go for a walk - one mile is great! Is all that snow melted yet?


Toni ~ Congrats on figuring out the tea cosy! :clap Sure sounds like she needs to rewrite the pattern. And yay for having some uninterrupted work time yesterday. :yes


Mary2 ~ How are the bunnies? Your schedule sounds super busy, but really interesting. :) I just saw what time you posted - did you finally get some sleep?


Trish ~ Hugs to your DD and her classmates. :hug That would be so awful for them to see - the fact he survived is amazing!


Hi to those I've missed. :manyheart


Time to do a few things inside and then it's off to the back yard. Gracie can't wait to help us. :lol

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Good morning peeps!:)


got out the instructions sent to me for the tea cosy. Okay, they are better but I'm thinking there is a language barrier here. Still hard to understand what she's trying to say, but I "made" it work with the stitch numbers she gave me. Not sure it's right, but the stitch count is :devil. I just want to get past this part and I'm almost home YAY! Then the instructions will go in trash.

Could you email me with the changes?? Haven't gotten to it and won't for a while, but it's definitely on my list

I am so sad about Japan and also for Haiti who has never recovered from their earthquake. The nuclear thing is very scary. I am so happy our troops in that area are okay. I had to quit watching, as it was depressing me.

I don't watch the news for that exact reason:(....DH is a news junkie so I rely on him for the condensed version. He can't comprehend not wanting to be current with world events:P


Off I go - have a great day everyone...BBL!:hug:manyheart

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WTG on the walking Wrennie!!! I didn't get out for a walk, but last night with my DD's we had to park about 1/2 mile from where we were headed- so I got it in last night!

A walk is a walk, it counts!



Wrennie ~ I so agree with you on the time change! I'm messed up for a week, the pets' schedules are off...and I whine about it every time it happens. :lol I'm glad you were able to go for a walk - one mile is great! Is all that snow melted yet?

I whine everytime too

As for the snow.... a picture I just ran out now and took>>>


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Mary2 you're either up late or early, can't figure out which.


late...very late... watched my cell phone change time... :lol


Mary2 ~ How are the bunnies? Your schedule sounds super busy, but really interesting. :) I just saw what time you posted - did you finally get some sleep?



yeah I did. I was catching up on videos from Japan..guess I'd better not do that after a long day.

The last litters born so far are doing well. PTL!

The rabbits did well at the shows. There were 3 shows in 1 day. It's always an opinion of the judge so often you can win one show and not get a thing in the next with the same rabbit.

I am actually working towards my judges license over the next couple of years. Not an easy task to do.

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Linda - WOW a rigid heddle loom, which one did you get. You are going to love weaving.

I don't know if this is an original or a knock-off version, but it will certainly get me started. I was going to take some pictures, but the battery in my camera is dead, so will have to wait until I can replace it.

Don't know if any of you have heard about the teenager that jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday, but he goes to my dd high school! He did it for kicks and is lucky that he walked away with very few injuries. It is crazy what these kids do for fun these days. Needless to say, the school is now trying to figure out what to do about field trips, since it happened when the humanities core was on one. My dd is NOT amused and neither are any of the other kids, especially those that happened to be there when it happened. Pretty traumatic for them.

Oh, good grief! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I headed to ACM and then my car also took me across the hwy to Michael's also. I bought one skein of the yarn I needed at ACM and one skein at Michaels and used a 40% coupon for each. I was browsing the yarn aisles at Michael's and they had some cotton ease on clearance for 2.99 so a few skeins of those hopped into my cart as well as some skeins of Vanna's Sapphire Blue and Espresso which were also on clearance for 1.79.:lol All in all, a nice little shopping expedition.:yes


See you all later!

Sounds like a very successful outing. Way to go!

I whine everytime too

As for the snow.... a picture I just ran out now and took>>>

At least there are some bare spots in the picture and the snow isn't up to the eaves. :D


Didn't have a chance to get on the computer last night. John had them both tied up all evening. The last class was equally as good as the others. Learned a ton of things. I need a free-motion foot for my machine to do it properly and the store was sold out of them, so couldn't do as much practicing as I would have been able to if I'd had it, but was still able to do enough to know that I will be able to do it when I have the right foot. I'm no longer scared of it, which is a huge step forward.


Bought top-of-the-line needles and thread for my machine yesterday and 5 size 7 crochet hooks (the size I use for most of my thread work) which I consider as sound investments and stocking up on basics for my crafting. It was another great day. I had time to visit with a bunch of others at the show too which was fun. Didn't win anything at the prize drawing, but that was okay. After all, I won my machine at the last one. :D


I bought 2 quilt patterns and one clothes pattern and only 5 fat quarters (all of oriental fabric) this time. The fabric that really tempted me (until I found out the price) was $25/yard. :lol :lol :lol Figures! But that's okay. I bought things to make a number of new crafts &/or make some of my current crafts easier to do, and stocked up on staples at show prices, which is much cheaper than in-the-store for the most part. And picked up information of a bunch of things.


I tried out a whole body vibrating machine which was wonderful. Got rid of the tiredness and aching in my legs from all the standing and walking on concrete floors. And had time to visit with the dealer about the possible benefits of using it with Kim, since the circulation in her right leg is so very poor. Then today I went on-line and checked out some of the studies that have been done with stoke patients and am even more excited about it. I'm going to check with her doctor and see if they will prescribe it for her, as then there is a really good chance that the insurance will cover the cost of it which would be fantastic. It not only has cardiovascular benefits, but helps with improved bone density, respiratory system, and balance, too. All areas that are problems for Kim. Keep your fingers crossed. I can see benefits for all three of us. And it doesn't take up a lot of space either. Another plus.


John left for a conference this morning so it's just Kim and I for the next four days. We'll have fun.


Hope everyone has a good day. :hug Praying for all those effected by the earthquake and tsunamis. :hug


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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Good morning. Another gloomy day here today, and its snowing off and on. its not real cold though so it won't amount to anything.


Went to church this morning and then went over to the in-laws and visited with them for an hour.


I was working away on my doily-ghan last night, when I discovered I had made a stupid, (and very obvious) mistake on the round before the one I was working on. it takes forever to do a round now, so I just folded it up and put it away. I'll pick it back up and fix it a little later in the week. I was hoping to finish it today, but now I don't feel like it.

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Cindy, can't you fudge the mistake - or would it be too obvious?


Linda, that thingamabob sounds awesome! Maybe the doc will authorize it...


No crafting today...just window shopped in Pier 1 and Michaels. No new yarn...still have so much here!:lol



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