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Our House Part Two


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Hello everyone. Still super busy at work. I was glad to be done with the day today, even though I actually had a very pleasant day. The entire unit seemed un-organized and chaotic, and after a while that is hard to cope with.


Mary 2, did new bunnies arrive yesterday?


Mary1, we've had worse than usual weather for the past 4 weeks, but prior to that it wasn't bad. We generally get around 100 inches of snow each winter, and most of it comes in December and January. This year we got 36 inches in February, which is way more than normal, and I spent a lot of time whining about it, so it seemed even worse than it was.

As for what I'm working on, I move from project to project. I am knitting a scarf, crocheting a doily-ghan, and embroidering pillowcases, mostly. I have lots of other projects laying around as well. I'm also trying to sew baby shoes.


Judy, are you working on a knitting project? I still haven't finished the "learn to knit afghan" but I haven't been working on it either. I've been knitting a scarf for the past month or two. (I'm slow.....) I also have quite a number of cross stitch UFO's.

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Good morning House- the curtains are opened!!!!!:lol


Thanks for locking up last night Mary and making sure we were all safe. Oh, and BTW, I love how your doilyghan turned out. Its' really beautiful!!! I really should try one of these and I was thinking of making one for my grandbaby to be in white Pound of Love- do you think it's big enough for a full term baby?



It all depends on the pattern chosen. Using the pound of love makes for a smaller doily'ghan than what I would want for a newborn. Consider using a Caron pounder or some kind of ww yarn. I improvised a lot on that 'ghan to get it as big as it is.

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I saw a crochet magazine today at walmart . It is made by Crochet Today I think ,and I think it is called Afghans or Blankets or Throws -- something like that .



It's brand new ,and I thought of you when I saw one of the baby ghans .. it is a round white afghan, done with blue stitching around the sides ,just like a baseball has .I think the pattern was called Little Slugger .


I thought of you immediately since your family is such a baseball loving bunch ! You might be able to hunt it up ,or even design your own if you can find a plain looking round shaped afghan .


Thank you so much for thinking of me Julie!!!:hug It's so funny that you mentioned it- and I forgot to tell you all that I got that magazine.:hook I went to ACMoore on Saturday after stopping at the Verizon store after work (it's two or three storefronts down) and had a coupon that just HAD to be used!!:lol I saw that magazine and showed DH that blanket- and I said I just HAVE to make that!!! So it is on my list of projects to work on. :crocheting

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It all depends on the pattern chosen. Using the pound of love makes for a smaller doily'ghan than what I would want for a newborn. Consider using a Caron pounder or some kind of ww yarn. I improvised a lot on that 'ghan to get it as big as it is.


Thanks for the advice!! I do have some Caron Pounders in my stash! And if you had to improvise to get it as big as it was....wonder what I'll do????:lol I have a few things to finish first and of course I want to start the baseball blanket- It'll be cool since baby is coming in August- and it's baseball season!!!

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Hello house,


Busy day in Paradise- it will be for the next three weeks as we wind down the project- there's lots to do between now and the end of the month! But, hey- no weekends- so it's all good!!!


Linda- I can feel your excitement regarding the quilt show and expo- hope you have a blast. Welcome home to Rosie and John. Speaking of John-how was his weekend at the the hunting lodge?


Cindy- Glad your day is over. B usy and chaotic get on my nerves - I can take the busy- I just don't like the chaotic too much!


Mary1- WTG on all those saltines!!! Wow 150!!!


Mary2- Did the bunnies arrive?


Toni, Cheeria, Val, Tab, LeAnna, Marlene, Tammy, Judy, Marisa, and the rest of the house----hope you had a good Monday!

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Judy, are you working on a knitting project? I still haven't finished the "learn to knit afghan" but I haven't been working on it either. I've been knitting a scarf for the past month or two. (I'm slow.....) I also have quite a number of cross stitch UFO's.

I have the basket weave square next in line from the LTK book. I've frogged it 3 times becasue I lost count....

Meanwhile last year I made squares 1 and 2, including them in my ginormous crcoheted ghan I made for my bed. I then made squares 1 and 2 again, and square one again becasue I had let so much time slide by I felt I needed a refresher.:lol

At this rate I'll only be a knit and purl gal:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Hi, Joanne and Toni!


Well, off for tonight. I finished attaching some random squares into 2 smallish blankies for the pets the vet rescues....


Now to make a couple of traditional granny squares for the other thread I'm on. It's a great way to use up my golf ball size scraps!



Havea good night everyone:hug:manyheart

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Worked a very LONG day, sister picked me up and we went to Sr. Center to have our taxes done, then back home and worked some more. Will be this way until I get caught up.


Mary 1 way to go!


JoAnn, no nap for me again today.


Kiyo, enjoy your hunny and hope you get things sorted out, for your peace of mind.


Julie, I have that afghan magazine and have a couple of them marked to make!


Judy, pet beds are wonderful things. Keeps them from laying on the cold concrete.


Okay, here's the link to the tea cozy http://megan.cc/RosyCosy/ I've done round 9 and am TRYING to do round 10. It's the one that has me pulling my hair out! This is one a friend that knits pointed me to and said she'd love to have one. I'd love to make her one, but I'm ready to throw it up against the wall!!!


Going to go in and veg for the rest of the night. My 20 gauge is next to bed, but I do thank whoever is the last one to lock up tonight.

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Hi Ladies,


Tam, Cute granny squares and a good way to use up scraps. You made a nice bags for the boys.


If I left anyone out sorry I didn't mean to.

Thanks sweetie! Its really turned out to be fun since I'm doing a square a day. The boys thing the backpack is really cool! I'm gonna need to make more for gifts! :hook

Hi Ladies,


Today was hubby's birthday and he is sick in bed all day. Not sure if it was food poisoning or a bug. He was in the bathroom all night. We went to Whataburger last night with another couple after we work a booth at the Oyster festival. We didn't get anything to eat or drink there. He only had an omlet for breakfast. He said one time that he was up he guess this is a pay back. One year he had 11 teeth pulled when he got his dentures and it was done on my birthday so there was no special dinner out for me.

Hope he is better tomorrow as we are having a carport put over the trailer tomorrow.

Heading to bed now. Have to be up early. Hope everyone has a nice monday.

Aww.. man... what a way to spend a birthday :(

Hmmm... just a thought.. maybe you should stop having birthdays... LOL :hug

checking to make sure the chain is on the door and the door is locked.... pellets in the stove... Just letting everyone know that "Our House" is secure for the night waiting for the earlybirds to open the curtains in the morning!



you are so sweet! kept us all safe last night! :hug :hug :hug

Good morning House- the curtains are opened!!!!!:lol


Thanks for locking up last night Mary and making sure we were all safe. Oh, and BTW, I love how your doilyghan turned out. Its' really beautiful!!! I really should try one of these and I was thinking of making one for my grandbaby to be in white Pound of Love- do you think it's big enough for a full term baby?


Tam- The TP covers that you were having tested have all come out nice- but then again, not surprised at all!!


Well, House, I'll be leaving for Paradise soon, so I'll be sure to lock the door behind me until someone else is awake!!!:)


Have a good day!

I think that would be big enough for a newborn. Full term or not... they are still small :D

Thanks for the compliment! As soon as I get the other two testers to test.. I want to post the pattern on my blog for "Freebie Friday"

Good morning ladies :coffee

Up and at 'em, let's hop to it!!!! :lol

That's me trying to syke myself out since it's monday morning :sigh

I don't know that I slept very well last night, I think I woke up every time I turned over :think Anyhow,


Tam - Glad to hear the patter writing is coming along :yay and WTG on getting some WIP's done. how's the doilyghan coming along?



aww... sorry you didnt sleep well last night :hug

I wasnt home all day today... hubby had a doc appointment... I went with because he had to get a shot today to help boost his immune system from it being destroyed last week from chemo.

Doily'ghan came to a halt last night due to running out of yarn. :sigh thought I had more... but it ended up not being the same color. Oh well.... yarn shopping sometime this week... :D



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Good morning!!!


Tammy- That's a shame that you'll have to go out yarn shopping this week!:lol


Toni- I forgot to comment on how nice that tea cosy is you are making for your friend. Sorry I'm not good at figuring out what the difficulty may be with round 10- good luck with it!


Marisa- How are you- missed your evening post. You must be very busy getting ready for your trip to Pitt. Hope all is well.:hug


I have another busy day in Paradise today and hope to be out on time. I want to stop at the store on the way home if I have energy then - most of my pants are too big (not complaining) and it's time to spend a little $ on some new ones and then donate the ones that no longer fit. We'll see if that pans out at the end of the day. WW again today and I'm anticipating that I have remained the same. I think the wt I am now is where I'd like to be and maintain. Who would have known that 10 lbs made such a difference!


Have a wonderful day everyone!:hug:hug


OH, Mary 2- Do we have bunnies yet?

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Good morning!!!


Tammy- That's a shame that you'll have to go out yarn shopping this week!:lol


Toni- I forgot to comment on how nice that tea cosy is you are making for your friend. Sorry I'm not good at figuring out what the difficulty may be with round 10- good luck with it!


Marisa- How are you- missed your evening post. You must be very busy getting ready for your trip to Pitt. Hope all is well.:hug


I have another busy day in Paradise today and hope to be out on time. I want to stop at the store on the way home if I have energy then - most of my pants are too big (not complaining) and it's time to spend a little $ on some new ones and then donate the ones that no longer fit. We'll see if that pans out at the end of the day. WW again today and I'm anticipating that I have remained the same. I think the wt I am now is where I'd like to be and maintain. Who would have known that 10 lbs made such a difference!


Have a wonderful day everyone!:hug:hug


OH, Mary 2- Do we have bunnies yet?

Good mornin' back at ya sweetie!

I know ..........its it just awful that I have to go yarn shopping........... :D

Hey... good for you for needing smaller pants! :yay....... hope you get the chance to stop and get new ones... oh.... while you're there... wanna grab my yarn..........LOL LOL

you have a great day my friend!



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I'm baaack!

We had no phone lines from saturday night till yesterday mid afternoon, and, I'm on dial up so no computer! :( I did lurk while at work but I cant actively participate. Don't want to get fired. I kinda need a job.


My sweater is fixed, and coming along pretty well. I have to finish up the back and sleeves, do a little sewing, and tada time.


I can't remember who was making the quilt, using black to 'line' some of the blocks, how did you do that? I think that'd work well for my cat quilt Chrizty designed for me.

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Good morning, peeps!


Hey, Jules....have a good morning, my friend.


Toni, I love that tea cozy pattern! Where were you having an issue with it on row 10? At the beginning or later on in it? I may have to make that.....:D

I'm baaack!

We had no phone lines from saturday night till yesterday mid afternoon, and, I'm on dial up so no computer! :( I did lurk while at work but I cant actively participate. Don't want to get fired. I kinda need a job.


My sweater is fixed, and coming along pretty well. I have to finish up the back and sleeves, do a little sewing, and tada time.YAY!


I can't remember who was making the quilt, using black to 'line' some of the blocks, how did you do that? I think that'd work well for my cat quilt Chrizty designed for me.

Cloth quilt is LindaT - crocheted squares "quilt", me. Edging with 1 row hdc....

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, by the time I got home last night I was exhausted!!!! I mean if I stopped at a red light I was starting to doze off :eek So I came home, got in my pj's, took my eyes out and crawled right into bed by 6:30!!!! :lol Slept until about 6:30-7 this morning and only woke up once to use the bathroom :lol Can I just say that I feel GREAT today?!?!?! After I got up I came down to get my water and back up to work out, then shower and here I sit to check in :yes No crafting or reading yesterday at all, but it's ok.


Judy - I only knit and purl as well :lol I haven't come across anything more extravagant than that yet, luckily that's all I need to make this sweater I started :yes


Mary1 - WTG on the pine tree ghan :clap


Linda - Getting closer to the sewing quilt expo :bouce :woo


Julie - You know us soooo well, picking out that afghan for Joanne and it's already on her list :h5


Cindy - Hopefully work isn't as crazy today :xfin WTG with all your projects.


Mary2 - :hi there


Joanne - WTG with ww and you're right about the 10 pounds :yes


Toni - I haven't even got my stuff together yet for my taxes :shrug I guess I better get my badorkus moving....I guess after my Pitt trip. I looked over the tea cozy and might have to work it out to try to help :think How far are you getting on round 10 or is it confusing from the start?


Tam - Sorry you HAVE to go yarn shopping :lol How's dh feeling today?


Wrennie - Sorry to hear about your phones being down :hug but :yay for being back and having fixed your sweater

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Good Morning, everyone! It may be hit and miss this a.m. - our power has been flickering and we're not even having storms or wind!


Linda ~ It's almost Thursday!:yay I'm glad Rosie and John made it back safely...have you shown her your quilt yet?


Julie ~ Keeping fingers crossed that you can put those winter coats away soon! We hardly ever need a really warm coat, but I have one just in case. I hope you're feeling okay, but waiting for the test results must be hard for you. :hug


Cindy ~ Oh, you've got lots of wonderful projects going. :yes Looking forward to pictures!


Joanne ~ Yay for no more weekends! The baseball baby ghan sounds perfect for the grandbaby. :c9


Wrennie ~ Good job on fixing the sweater! :clap Can't wait to see it!


Toni ~ Sorry, I'm no help on the tea cosy. But it makes me feel very safe that you have a 20 gauge close by. :D


Tam ~ Have fun when you go yarn shopping. :shop


Judy ~ Good luck with your knitting...I tried and tried, but finally realized that I'm too uncoordinated. :lol


DH's eye appointment was a good one. No Change! :) We're usually there for about 2 hours and they do scans, pictures, etc. It's all on computer, so he can show us each test and compare it to previous months.


I'm on battery power now, and it sure doesn't last long. Take care, everyone. See you later!

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~~Happy Tuesday~~ I'm back for a partial day! All is well with my man! I'm too uptight-long distance is hard on me. and He's older so he thinks I'm being a fool. lol -so to speak. He's actually one that has his head on straight, very laid back. We've done a lot of talking. hmmmm... He REALLY is sick and has been super sick. He has lost like 10 lbs in a week from not eating, his throat has been killing him the worst he said. His cough is nasty too. He woke up at about 300 this morning and said My throat is killing me.....so I got up and was trying to think of what we could do, so I made him a hot salty glass of water to gargle with. I'm taking some oils home for him at lunch from my friend. He told me NO VOODOO---I said, you're gonna think VOODOO! LOL


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Thank you so much for thinking of me Julie!!!:hug It's so funny that you mentioned it- and I forgot to tell you all that I got that magazine.:hook I went to ACMoore on Saturday after stopping at the Verizon store after work (it's two or three storefronts down) and had a coupon that just HAD to be used!!:lol I saw that magazine and showed DH that blanket- and I said I just HAVE to make that!!! So it is on my list of projects to work on. :crocheting

Sounds like a great project for you, Joanne.

Worked a very LONG day, sister picked me up and we went to Sr. Center to have our taxes done, then back home and worked some more. Will be this way until I get caught up.

Okay, here's the link to the tea cozy http://megan.cc/RosyCosy/ I've done round 9 and am TRYING to do round 10. It's the one that has me pulling my hair out! This is one a friend that knits pointed me to and said she'd love to have one. I'd love to make her one, but I'm ready to throw it up against the wall!!!


Going to go in and veg for the rest of the night. My 20 gauge is next to bed, but I do thank whoever is the last one to lock up tonight.

Hi, Toni. I looked at the instructions and can see why you're confused. It's awfully cute. I would need to actually do it to see what they are trying to say. I've got an idea or two, but have to make it to see which one is the right one. No time to work on that this week though.

I'm baaack!

We had no phone lines from saturday night till yesterday mid afternoon, and, I'm on dial up so no computer! :( I did lurk while at work but I cant actively participate. Don't want to get fired. I kinda need a job.


My sweater is fixed, and coming along pretty well. I have to finish up the back and sleeves, do a little sewing, and tada time.


I can't remember who was making the quilt, using black to 'line' some of the blocks, how did you do that? I think that'd work well for my cat quilt Chrizty designed for me.

Hi, Wrennie. That would be me with the quilt. I decided that what I needed was just a quarter inch border to do the trick. I picked black because it's a neutral color that makes what's with it pop without actually drawing attention to itself. I cut down the squares by a quarter of an inch per side and attached a three quarter of an inch strip to each side that I'd cut down. By the time all the joins were done, that left me with a quarter inch of the black on each side.


It a partly sunny/partly cloudy day here. The sun is warm but the wind is cold. My little rose bushes have new leaves on them, there are lots of trees with white flowers on them, and bushes full of lavender or yellow flowers on them, too. The moss is green and the grass is green now, too.


John didn't get home from work until 9:00 last night. I was so tired that I went straight downstairs, read for a while and then went to bed. Rosie and John got home at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. Rosie came over right away and we chatted a bit and I showed her the quilt top. She loves the effect of the black, too.


Kim has a dentist appointment this afternoon, so it will be a bit hectic today.


Have a good day, everyone. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Howdy ladies

I'm surprised it wasnt busier in here today ,but maybe everyone had stuff to do as I did. I woke up in the mood to get a bunch of errands ran early .Was gonna wait til next week, but decided to do them today since I was in the mood .

Got a very late start ,so I just now got home ,which is odd. I am an early morning errand person,so normally would have been home by 9 .

Anyhow I got a lot accomplished and now I am whooped .


i always start out with a small list of stops, then keep on thinking of more and more stuff to do,so I usually end up doing lots more thant planned on .




Had to chuckle at your sleeping schedule -- that sounds like me ! You must have been really tired !




We will all be excited to hear how your quilt makes out --now is it this weekend that it is judged, or is that at another time ?



I will be curious to see the baseball blankie -- I kinda thought the stitching part of it should maybe a a little brighter or darker so it is more easy to see, but maybe it just doesnt show well in the photo .


Hey Jude !

Whatcha got up your sleeve today ?



Sounds like your boyfriend has the same crud we had a few weeks ago ..makes you feel hideous, but since it wasnt flu,they couldnt do much for it . Maybe your friend with the herbal type stuff will know what to do .


Hey Miss Mary

So glad your husbands eye results are still holding firm . Great news !


And how far south in the state are you ? Your weather almost always sounds good compared to the rest of us .

Even poor Linda got several days of snow or ice ,which I dont think is totally normal for that area .

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