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Our House Part Two


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Howdy ladies

Just another jump in to say howdy and see what everyone is up to .


Tam -what color did you get your fingernails done ?


Not much new here today --it's a hot one and humid,so a good day to stay in with the air on .

The grandkids and family will be here in about 2 weeks from today .They made a first stop in Hawaii to visit some friends from when they lived there, then will come this direction next .


Cam leaves for camp for one week this coming sunday ,so I need to have him up before then since we wont get to see him for a week .


My car was in the shop yesterday --the poor thing, it had 2 gas leaks. It's 18 years old,but my friend with wheels --- I hate to put it out to pasture so keep trying to limp it along .


Not much else new in Hillbilly Village . Hope you all are doing well .

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Hi there House! Been a long day today with work, packing up the little kitty and taking it to the adoption center, walking around KMart, going to vampire and then to Wally World and home to feed furples and eat some fried chicken YUM!


Joanne and Cindy, training new employees is always a tough one when you're trying to do your job too. ICK


Wrennie,blech is right, just hate when auditors are around. Everyone walks on egg shells. Glad I work off-site and don't have to be there when they come around. If they want to talk to me, they have to call or come to the mountains.


Val, sorry you have a headache, that can really put a crimp in your style for the day.


Jude, sounds like you had a great dentist visit! :lol


Julie, glad the kids and grands will be there soon. You sure do need to get Cam time before he goes to camp. I totally understand about the car!!


Linda, what did you and Kim wind up doing today?


Cheeria, Kiyo, and all others hi and hope you are having good days!


BBL, maybe :lol

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Hi Toni

So what are you working on currently ? Sorry if you mentioned and I forgot .Sometimes it's hard to remember with lots of group members ,who is doing what .


I hope someone nice picks out the kitty you found . Someone dumped a bagfull of baby kittens in the dumpster down at the post office ---the mailmen coming in early that morning could hear a noise coming from it,and found the kitties . They were trying to find homes for them .That is really sad that someone would do that to baby kittens . I'm sure glad they rescued them in time .

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Hi all,

Today actually went better than anticipated. I got alot done- despite training! She is a quick learner---and we get along great. She'll be a great addition to the team. So it looks like the rest of the week should be ok- lots to get done, but at least I know the training will not be too difficult- she is very computer savvy (thank goodness)


Judy- Glad to hear you had a good dental visit!!! Have fun working on your comfortghan!


Toni- It sounds like you are feeling much better and that makes me happy!!!! Your fried chicken sounds really good--haven't had that in a while!!!


Marisa - Glad you kept the date open and I hope Mary can come along too! How was your day today?


Cindy- I'm glad I'm not the only one training a new employee- it is rough when you still have to get your own work done. But the one bonus, is at least I know I'll teach her right!!


Linda- What did you end up doing on your quiet day?


Wrennie- I couldn't live without AC at home- I was melting the few days when we had to wait for our replacement!!


Julie- Wow- your 18 year old car has served you well!!


Val- Sounds like you've had a nice couple of days in AL and Atlanta!!!


Off to get a bite to eat....maybe BBL!

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That is so sad that someone would drop kitties in the dumpster---and even sadder to me when you read about babies being left by a dumpster...wonder what people are thinking?

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That is so sad that someone would drop kitties in the dumpster---and even sadder to me when you read about babies being left by a dumpster...wonder what people are thinking?


I agree, very sad that people would do such things. Glad that the post office employees found them.


What makes it worse is that in today's world, you can just hand them over with no questions asked......babies and animals :(

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Hey ladies :hi


Work was busy again, but I was able to get my narratives caught up. I just don't want to leave them for my replacement.


Toni, Linda, and Cindy - work is rough right now for a couple different reasons. We have 4 offices and at the current time 6 docs (including me because he already hired the extra) My office keeps 2 since it's the busiest and the other 3 each have 1, but when anyone needs off then the extra doc in my office covers that office. So my extra doc is dr tan. The guy he hired is over at a different office and the girl that was over there (that we trained last year) is replacing me, that's jess. So she was on vaca last week and was supposed to be back yesterday, but had an incident that landed her in the hosp mon evening and released tues at about 2, which was why she wasn't in yesterday. Meanwhile, last week the doc at one of the offices had to leave to go back home, his mom passed away so he's due back next week on thurs, dr tan will be covering his office until wednesday. Well, next week is also the doc a yet another office's vaca, which was previously planned and was done so against the days I already had taken off since we all always coordinate since only one can be off at any time. So Jess will cover his office all next week. And low and behold that the new guy has off wed thru fri at that office so dr tan will switch to that office for thurs and fri which leaves him hanging at one office for wed. :whew That was a mouthful, but that's why its crazy right now. Everyone know where they will be, but between the vacas being taken and the emergencies all at once :shrug


My last day at my office is thurs July 21 and then I have fri off and the whole next week for my family reunion and to be home extra while my nephews and niece are here (I'm excited to MEET my niece :yes) Then I have 2 work weeks left and my official last day is Aug 12 :clap:yay For those last 2 weeks, I'm going over to the office that the new guy is at, which is a super slow office and was told that I can use that free time to finish up my planning and phone calls and 'just hang out for 2 weeks' :D So hopefully I've explained that well, it's not intentional, but not avoidable right now either. But, I've already been given my free two weeks coming up at the end :lol

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:whew that message was getting long :blush


Toni - Glad you saved the kitten :hug


Wrennie - I can't wait to see your pics when your camera is working :yes


Judy - Glad the dentist went better than expected :hug


Cindy - I sure hope you got your chores caught up between yesterday and today :hug


Tam - You are so not mean, you are perfectly right :yes Too many parents today try to be friends with their kids when they really NEED a PARENT. Friends is for later :yes


Val - I hope your headache improved and your enjoying time with your sister :hug


Julie - Poor car :( Is Cam looking forward to camp? He's going to have so many stories for you when he gets back :yes


Joanne - :yay for having a good day at work....sounds like we were both prodcutive :h5

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Wow Marisa- I 'm glad that you all know what you are doing- because I'm all confused!! But it seems like everything is under control- although a little crazy!!! I'm happy that you'll get to MEET your niece and that you'll have extra time to spend with your bro and his family!! And the last 2 wks of work sound like they'll be easy- so it's just getting through the rest of this week and next!!!


Now, you should get back to going through your clothes!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Wow Marisa- I 'm glad that you all know what you are doing- because I'm all confused!! But it seems like everything is under control- although a little crazy!!! I'm happy that you'll get to MEET your niece and that you'll have extra time to spend with your bro and his family!! And the last 2 wks of work sound like they'll be easy- so it's just getting through the rest of this week and next!!!


Now, you should get back to going through your clothes!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol


I didn't start yet tonight :eek Giving the upstairs time to cool down while I'm checking in here since I don't leave the AC run all day.


I think I'm the only one that knows where everyone needs to be...my boss even called me yesterday to question me about it all and who was supposed to be where :lol I just tell them where to go :yes

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good morning ladies :)

it`s been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since my last visit to your house

actually i keep quitting crochet because of life stress and i haven`t done any complete project since a long time.

i participated in swaps last year it was really fun but yet i don`t complete a project for my own :( sad

an hour ago i started the snowflake afghan i really love to have it as a throw for those lazy afternoons in front of the tv (baby channel with boring cartoons sigh) but what can i do my elder daughter is the boss eeek


how are you all doing?? i hope you are all doing great

i need time to settle in here and catch up with you ladies

i hope i`ll be encouraged to continue what i start of my projects


do you still post photos on Friday?? if that so i would love to remember that and be here to show you what i`m working on it`ll be as an update for me

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Good morning and welcome back q8! Yes, we still have Photo Friday's although we tend to post pics when we want- or if we remember on Friday!!!


Not much new to report since last night- I did a few more rows on the Heart String Tote, then switched and made a square so I could give my mind a rest from counting!!!


Time to get coffee and start the day. Praying for a quick one!!!

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Hi Athba

Welcome back. I know, life can sometimes get in the way of crochet,and times where you put it down for other things. I hope we can give you a little encouragement to keep on working on your afghan.That snowflake afghan turns out very pretty .

Do you guys ever SEE snow over there ?

I dont really know much about the weather in Kuwait,but I picture it as always hot and dry . Maybe you do have snow in some parts of your country ?

Welcome back --

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3 of my 4 animals were drop offs. It has gotten better since the adoption center was built, thank goodness. Not sure about the little one we found. Just hope it finds good forever home.


Currently I'm finishing up the towel toppers, dishcloths and potholders for church ladies, sewing in the lining to the diaper bag for ggs arrival, and working on an SBT in cotton that is to the top and waiting on the yarn from TampaDoll to finish it. After all of this is complete, will pull out a couple of afghans that are close to being finished and finish them up for Christmas gifts.


Hi Toni

So what are you working on currently ? Sorry if you mentioned and I forgot .Sometimes it's hard to remember with lots of group members ,who is doing what .


I hope someone nice picks out the kitty you found . Someone dumped a bagfull of baby kittens in the dumpster down at the post office ---the mailmen coming in early that morning could hear a noise coming from it,and found the kitties . They were trying to find homes for them .That is really sad that someone would do that to baby kittens . I'm sure glad they rescued them in time .

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Morning all! Nothing changed around here since last evening. Just having my first :coffee with y'all before logging on to work.


Joanne, so glad your new team member is an easy train. Makes life easier. I couldn't live without AC either! :eek If my house AC quit working, would live in my car until it was fixed :lol


As for animals being dumped, I sent a rant to the local newspaper when they quit funding ASPCA and decided to do it on their own (county) and it was at a time when lots of animals were being dumped here. They wanted my permission to print it. Yep, no problem. It was all about how many had been dumped here, if people would spay and neuter would solve a lot of unwanted little one's (for people if you don't want babies get "fixed" too!). I could go on an on, it's a very touchy subject for me.


Marisa, that was a mouthful but explains everything and that you are not getting dumped on because you are leaving, which would make it sad. Good that you are going to have all that family time and get to meet the new niece :-)


Welcome back Athba! Good to see you again!


Cindy, yes, it's sad that people care so little for life as to drop off babies and animals. They can't fend for themselves. I just don't understand it.


:hug :hug :hug everyone! Almost time to log on to work. BBL

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Oh, no! Good luck with the audit. :hug

It got postponed till monday. I'd rather get it over with myself. But it does give us time to polish up.


Wrennie,blech is right, just hate when auditors are around. Everyone walks on egg shells. Glad I work off-site and don't have to be there when they come around. If they want to talk to me, they have to call or come to the mountains

Just one person does the audit. We actually have a teller at one branch who gets so nervous around her(the auditor) that she has to sit with her back to her to answer her questions. She knows her stuff but the audit makes her that nervous.


I hope someone nice picks out the kitty you found . Someone dumped a bagfull of baby kittens in the dumpster down at the post office ---the mailmen coming in early that morning could hear a noise coming from it,and found the kitties . They were trying to find homes for them .That is really sad that someone would do that to baby kittens . I'm sure glad they rescued them in time .

:(:(:( Thats awful.


Wrennie- I couldn't live without AC at home- I was melting the few days when we had to wait for our replacement!!

we open the windows at night and let the cool mountain night air in, then close them up tight in the morning. It stays surprisingly cool in here. On really hot/humid streaks its not as easy, but a killer fan upstairs, facing out with all the windows closed(except the one the fans in), works wonders.


good morning ladies :)

it`s been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since my last visit to your house

actually i keep quitting crochet because of life stress and i haven`t done any complete project since a long time.

i participated in swaps last year it was really fun but yet i don`t complete a project for my own :( sad

an hour ago i started the snowflake afghan i really love to have it as a throw for those lazy afternoons in front of the tv (baby channel with boring cartoons sigh) but what can i do my elder daughter is the boss eeek


how are you all doing?? i hope you are all doing great

i need time to settle in here and catch up with you ladies

i hope i`ll be encouraged to continue what i start of my projects


do you still post photos on Friday?? if that so i would love to remember that and be here to show you what i`m working on it`ll be as an update for me

Welcome back q8!!!!!!!



Our manager came in yesterday not feeling well. He had had a fever, I guess over the weekend and swollen glands. Well, dummy came to work. Donna (customer service manager) insisted he go to the doc. He left around 1:00, went to Dr. calls us around 2:00..... :P He wont be in the rest of the week, he's on antibiotics, doc gave him an inhaler, and he has a contagious virus! Thanks for coming in & spreading the germs (jerk) If ya don't feelwell stay home. Don't "do us a favor" by coming in! Gah! tee-hee, he'll be sorry when the rest of us call in sick cause of him.

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Good morning friends. Blue skies, sunshine, and hot here. I finished the 4th Christmas stocking for Kim's cousin yesterday and in the evening read a chunk of my current book. Another quiet day on the books for today although tonight is the prayer shawl group if John gets home in time. I've got a problem with the current prayer shawl as the last skein is a different dye lot than the previous two. It's very obvious to me, but not sure if it's that obvious to others. Think I'll ask Rosie's opinion on it.


Toni, Linda, and Cindy - work is rough right now for a couple different reasons. We have 4 offices and at the current time 6 docs (including me because he already hired the extra) My office keeps 2 since it's the busiest and the other 3 each have 1, but when anyone needs off then the extra doc in my office covers that office. So my extra doc is dr tan. The guy he hired is over at a different office and the girl that was over there (that we trained last year) is replacing me, that's jess. So she was on vaca last week and was supposed to be back yesterday, but had an incident that landed her in the hosp mon evening and released tues at about 2, which was why she wasn't in yesterday. Meanwhile, last week the doc at one of the offices had to leave to go back home, his mom passed away so he's due back next week on thurs, dr tan will be covering his office until wednesday. Well, next week is also the doc a yet another office's vaca, which was previously planned and was done so against the days I already had taken off since we all always coordinate since only one can be off at any time. So Jess will cover his office all next week. And low and behold that the new guy has off wed thru fri at that office so dr tan will switch to that office for thurs and fri which leaves him hanging at one office for wed. :whew That was a mouthful, but that's why its crazy right now. Everyone know where they will be, but between the vacas being taken and the emergencies all at once :shrug


My last day at my office is thurs July 21 and then I have fri off and the whole next week for my family reunion and to be home extra while my nephews and niece are here (I'm excited to MEET my niece :yes) Then I have 2 work weeks left and my official last day is Aug 12 :clap:yay For those last 2 weeks, I'm going over to the office that the new guy is at, which is a super slow office and was told that I can use that free time to finish up my planning and phone calls and 'just hang out for 2 weeks' :D So hopefully I've explained that well, it's not intentional, but not avoidable right now either. But, I've already been given my free two weeks coming up at the end :lol

WOW!!! I'm glad that it's just an odd combination of circumstances that has you working so hard right now and I'm glad that you still get some quiet time at the end.

good morning ladies :)

it`s been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since my last visit to your house

actually i keep quitting crochet because of life stress and i haven`t done any complete project since a long time.

i participated in swaps last year it was really fun but yet i don`t complete a project for my own :( sad

an hour ago i started the snowflake afghan i really love to have it as a throw for those lazy afternoons in front of the tv (baby channel with boring cartoons sigh) but what can i do my elder daughter is the boss eeek


do you still post photos on Friday?? if that so i would love to remember that and be here to show you what i`m working on it`ll be as an update for me

Hi, Athba! :hi Welcome back. How many children do you have now? The last I heard you were expecting your first. We're always glad to give encouragement.

Just one person does the audit. We actually have a teller at one branch who gets so nervous around her(the auditor) that she has to sit with her back to her to answer her questions. She knows her stuff but the audit makes her that nervous.

Oh the poor thing. That's awful.

Our manager came in yesterday not feeling well. He had had a fever, I guess over the weekend and swollen glands. Well, dummy came to work. Donna (customer service manager) insisted he go to the doc. He left around 1:00, went to Dr. calls us around 2:00..... :P He wont be in the rest of the week, he's on antibiotics, doc gave him an inhaler, and he has a contagious virus! Thanks for coming in & spreading the germs (jerk) If ya don't feelwell stay home. Don't "do us a favor" by coming in! Gah! tee-hee, he'll be sorry when the rest of us call in sick cause of him.

Oh, NO!!! Hope that you all avoid his virus.

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thanks ladies for the warm welcoms :hug



naaaah we dont have snow i wish we did, sometimes even the rain is not too much in winter although it gets very cold

it is true here its dry and hot, and now in summer most of the time its dusty eek :eek




oh my elder daughter completed her 3rd year last march

and i have smaller daughter about year and 20days :D


well i`m facing a lot of problems in the court with my husband and we are going to divorce so i thought crochet will take all the bad thoughts out of my mind and i`ll relax after a long period of problems

but i`m feeling great that i`m getting divorce its just reached a dead end and its for the best for us and our kids :yes



so i`m gonna go eat something its 5pm and i woke up half an hour ago loool so i need to eat something

then i`ll crochet a bit :P


see you ladies :)

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Good morning ladies :hi


I finished going through my clothes last night :clap:yay Tonight I'll go through my jackets (not much) and food to take up to parents what I won't use before leaving so she'll have some extra while everyone's around. Although she's been picking up some things for the past month little by little :wink


Trying to find some info for my sister which is why I'm late getting in here this morning, because then I did my workout :yes Now just had bfast and need to get my lunch together to head to work :sigh Only 2 days to get through.


q8 - welcome back, although I don't think we've met :think And if we did, I just don't remember :blush So sorry!!! Glad to have you back and this is just the place to get some encouragement for both crochet AND life events :hug :hug :hug It sounds like your good with the divorce and I'm glad to hear you know it's better for the kids to end that situation, too many people try to keep it together for them, but the kids can always tell when somethings not right :yes


Joanne - WTG on the heart strings and your square. I didn't do ANY crocheting last night :(


Julie - What's on your agenda for today young lady?


Toni - Wow!!!! You sure do have a lot going :whew


Wrennie - I sure hope you don't get sick from your manager :xfin


Linda - :xfin that John gets home with time for you to go to the prayer shawl group tonight :hug


Catch y'all later :hug

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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•

How is everyone this rainy morning? I sure hope it dries up for tonights ball game!



Hi, ladies!


Val - I hope you're feeling better:hug


My dentist appointment went much easier than both me and the dentist thought it would. :whew... good!!!! :)He actually gave me a high 5 when he saw me off:lol

Nitrous oxide made it sooooo easy.


BBL ladies. Want to get the border started for my charity ghan.


Howdy ladies

Just another jump in to say howdy and see what everyone is up to .


Tam -what color did you get your fingernails done ? I had the french tip manicure done. Just something simple and clean looking. It was so nice to go do!


Not much new here today --it's a hot one and humid,so a good day to stay in with the air on .

The grandkids and family will be here in about 2 weeks from today .They made a first stop in Hawaii to visit some friends from when they lived there, then will come this direction next . Oh wow!


Cam leaves for camp for one week this coming sunday ,so I need to have him up before then since we wont get to see him for a week . aww... yeah! that would be fun!


My car was in the shop yesterday --the poor thing, it had 2 gas leaks. It's 18 years old,but my friend with wheels --- I hate to put it out to pasture so keep trying to limp it along . LOL... sometimes those old cars are the best if you can keep them going!


Not much else new in Hillbilly Village . Hope you all are doing well .


:whew that message was getting long :blush


Toni - Glad you saved the kitten :hug


Wrennie - I can't wait to see your pics when your camera is working :yes


Judy - Glad the dentist went better than expected :hug


Cindy - I sure hope you got your chores caught up between yesterday and today :hug


Tam - You are so not mean, you are perfectly right :yes Too many parents today try to be friends with their kids when they really NEED a PARENT. Friends is for later :yesYou learn with each child more and more as a parent... these last three are catching the REAL MOM this time after all my leasons and mistakes from the first three! :) Like it or not... I'm going to do what I need to do to not let them or me make the same mistakes!


Val - I hope your headache improved and your enjoying time with your sister :hug


Julie - Poor car :( Is Cam looking forward to camp? He's going to have so many stories for you when he gets back :yes


Joanne - :yay for having a good day at work....sounds like we were both prodcutive :h5


good morning ladies :)

it`s been a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time since my last visit to your house

actually i keep quitting crochet because of life stress and i haven`t done any complete project since a long time.

i participated in swaps last year it was really fun but yet i don`t complete a project for my own :( sad

an hour ago i started the snowflake afghan i really love to have it as a throw for those lazy afternoons in front of the tv (baby channel with boring cartoons sigh) but what can i do my elder daughter is the boss eeek


how are you all doing?? i hope you are all doing great Well hey there!!! :welcome back! :D

i need time to settle in here and catch up with you ladies

i hope i`ll be encouraged to continue what i start of my projects


do you still post photos on Friday?? if that so i would love to remember that and be here to show you what i`m working on it`ll be as an update for me





Coffee refill time...........brb



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nope we didnt meet before but i`m glad we are meeting now :) nice to have you all with me friends :hug




hey there , thanks for the welcome

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3 of my 4 animals were drop offs. It has gotten better since the adoption center was built, thank goodness. Not sure about the little one we found. Just hope it finds good forever home.


Currently I'm finishing up the towel toppers, dishcloths and potholders for church ladies, sewing in the lining to the diaper bag for ggs arrival, and working on an SBT in cotton that is to the top and waiting on the yarn from TampaDoll to finish it. After all of this is complete, will pull out a couple of afghans that are close to being finished and finish them up for Christmas gifts. :whew.......... good thing you done have much to do....... LOL...LOL


It got postponed till monday. I'd rather get it over with myself. But it does give us time to polish up.



Just one person does the audit. We actually have a teller at one branch who gets so nervous around her(the auditor) that she has to sit with her back to her to answer her questions. She knows her stuff but the audit makes her that nervous.



:(:(:( Thats awful.



we open the windows at night and let the cool mountain night air in, then close them up tight in the morning. It stays surprisingly cool in here. On really hot/humid streaks its not as easy, but a killer fan upstairs, facing out with all the windows closed(except the one the fans in), works wonders.



Welcome back q8!!!!!!!



Our manager came in yesterday not feeling well. He had had a fever, I guess over the weekend and swollen glands. Well, dummy came to work. Donna (customer service manager) insisted he go to the doc. He left around 1:00, went to Dr. calls us around 2:00..... :P He wont be in the rest of the week, he's on antibiotics, doc gave him an inhaler, and he has a contagious virus! Thanks for coming in & spreading the germs (jerk) If ya don't feelwell stay home. Don't "do us a favor" by coming in! Gah! tee-hee, he'll be sorry when the rest of us call in sick cause of him.OMGoodness... honey... take your vitamins and stay healthy! Drink lots of water... to keep your system flushed from getting whatever he brought in. :hug


Good morning friends. Blue skies, sunshine, and hot here. I finished the 4th Christmas stocking for Kim's cousin yesterday and in the evening read a chunk of my current book. Another quiet day on the books for today although tonight is the prayer shawl group if John gets home in time. I've got a problem with the current prayer shawl as the last skein is a different dye lot than the previous two. It's very obvious to me, but not sure if it's that obvious to others. Think I'll ask Rosie's opinion on it. How wonderful that all sounds... well except for your yarn issue... but ahhhh... :hug



WOW!!! I'm glad that it's just an odd combination of circumstances that has you working so hard right now and I'm glad that you still get some quiet time at the end.


Hi, Athba! :hi Welcome back. How many children do you have now? The last I heard you were expecting your first. We're always glad to give encouragement.


Oh, NO!!! Hope that you all avoid his virus.


thanks ladies for the warm welcoms :hug



naaaah we dont have snow i wish we did, sometimes even the rain is not too much in winter although it gets very cold

it is true here its dry and hot, and now in summer most of the time its dusty eek :eek




oh my elder daughter completed her 3rd year last march

and i have smaller daughter about year and 20days :D


well i`m facing a lot of problems in the court with my husband and we are going to divorce so i thought crochet will take all the bad thoughts out of my mind and i`ll relax after a long period of problems

but i`m feeling great that i`m getting divorce its just reached a dead end and its for the best for us and our kids :yesoh hon... i'm sorry this is happening.. but I am happy that you're doing okay. Its always sad when relationships end! :hug



so i`m gonna go eat something its 5pm and i woke up half an hour ago loool so i need to eat something

then i`ll crochet a bit :P


see you ladies :)






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ladies i have some questions looool


i know that was loong time ago but there was a group some of you were in it to knit a learn to knit afghan. i didn`t see you finishing it that was sad

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Just got back from the dentist. They called this morning to say that Kim's mouth guard had come in. We were in and out in about 15 minutes. No adjustments needed at all. Kim wanted to see it and then didn't want to give it to me or the dentist to see if it fit. :lol She's a pistol today. Picked up my meds on the way home and now are back in the cool house. It is horribly hot and humid out today. Thermometer here at home says 103*. :eek Yikes! :eek

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