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Our House Part Two


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Good morning. Cool and looks like rain here today, but who knows what it will be like a little later. And I agree with Joanne, it's better than hot and humid.


My mom is quite a bit better in terms of mobility, but they still don't have a definite diagnosis, other than the fact that she has a tumor in her brain. They'd like to do another MRI at a larger facility, but my mom says she isn't having another one, because they scare her, and even the suggestion of sedation hasn't swayed her from that decision. I think that all she wants to do is go home for whatever amount of time she has left.

Can't say that I blaim her. There's no guarantee that another would give you any better information. Maybe, but not necessarily.

Wrennie, I don't believe I've ever seen a yellow columbine. I hope you remember to get a picture of it. And I will have to look for the mouse scent repellant. We have a camper and they seem to attract mice. We set traps in it, but that means that we have to remember to check out there every day or two in the winter. The pop up we had before this camper was totally ruined by mice over a winter.

Mice are a problem for sure.

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Morning, peeps!!:)


Joanne (and Judy and Cheeria) - Well.......I may have mentioned to my mom that I might just come home on saturday after meeting up with you ladies :think:lol And well......my mom doesn't really understand the word 'might' :rofl That's why we usually don't tell her stuff until we're sure :yes So, yep.....I will be there :clap I really wanted to come and there's no specific reason that I have to be there early sat. So if I part from you at noon like usual, I should be home by 2. Unless of course I stop at the Hobby Lobby in Easton :think Hmmmmmmm............


We are back from visiting my mom and dad. We'll be home all day tomorrow since dh had some business matters to attend to.

I don;t think we are going to make it to Turkey Run. Dh kind of wants to go, but it would end up being a rushed trip and I'd rather go when we have more time. We are now considering either going to Shipshewana, Indiana, to poke around in the shops. or to the Thursday Flea market in a little town, north of us. Shipshewana is about 2 hours from here and the flea market is at most, a 45 minute drive.


My vote will probably go to the flea market, since a lot of plants and produce are sold there. I want to redo one of my flower gardens, and I am planning to buy some low growing flowering shrubs or some peonies for the back of it. Plant prices at the flea market are about 35% less than at the garden centers.

It sounds like you have a lot of great places to see near you! Making it a leisurely trip is always best when you really like visiting somewhere nice....:yes


It certainly sounds like your mom is a strong lady!


Judy ~ Love the Lucy stories. :lol We had two Irish Setters (for 17 and 15 years) and they were very good at stealing food off kitchen counters when my back was turned. Very quiet about it, too. :rolleyes:lol

They can be real stinkers:lol

Here goes...again. I've had a really hard time getting pages to load and now I can't get pics to upload! :think Yay - it finally worked!

He's so big!!!:c9


It's been a very long couple of weeks and I'm willing to admit that I'm tired. Our doctor wants to schedule a surgical consultation for me and I'm not ready yet - the pain is gone and it's not urgent, but there probably is some infection going on. I just need one more "uneventful" day and then I'll decide. MIL is about the same and my parents are, too. :yell Just having the time to visit with you all makes such a difference. :ghug

We're always here for you:hug:hug:hug

CROCHET UPDATE! I've made some progress on the Evergreen crocheted quilt and have started another scarf.:hook

Can't wait to see pics!:cheer


Lucy vomited up another rock at 3:30 AM....it was one of the red, jagged stones...no blood, and she ate breakfast just fine.:)

She's going to be the death of me:lol


She's no longer being given free reign in the yard. I have another leash to attach to hers so she and Sparkie can still wrestle...I'm just opening up the area in the house she has access to so she can play, and will be trying to get her outside in the front, too...


My 17 yo goddaughter gets out of school at 1ish today so she's coming over for lunch and a visit. Her days are so filled with activities that's it's nearly impossible to see her, so it's a treat. She hasn't seen the little gremlin yet, either - I have to warn her that Lucy isn't the cute, cuddly puppy she's expecting:lol

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Morning, peeps!!:)

Lucy vomited up another rock at 3:30 AM....it was one of the red, jagged stones...no blood, and she ate breakfast just fine.:)

She's going to be the death of me:lol

Oh, NOOOO! I'm glad it didn't harm her, but I hope she's learned her lesson. Probably not though since there's so much time between the swallowing and the bringing it back up.

She's no longer being given free reign in the yard. I don't blaim you! I have another leash to attach to hers so she and Sparkie can still wrestle...I'm just opening up the area in the house she has access to so she can play, and will be trying to get her outside in the front, too...


My 17 yo goddaughter gets out of school at 1ish today so she's coming over for lunch and a visit. Her days are so filled with activities that's it's nearly impossible to see her, so it's a treat. She hasn't seen the little gremlin yet, either - I have to warn her that Lucy isn't the cute, cuddly puppy she's expecting:lol

Nope. Lucy is definitely not a cute little bitty puppy. Cute - yes. Little - no. Have fun with goddaughter.

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

just poppin' in to say :hi HI and see how everyone is doing!

I have alot of crocheting and knitting I need to get done and luckily today... I have the day to get busy on it!

got my :mug... my :hook..... and a quiet house!



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Good Morning! Thanks so much for the sweet comments about Luke - he's the joy of our lives! :c9


Wrennie ~Oooh, I love Columbine! I have some pale yellow, but have never seen a "pure" yellow!


Joanne ~ Get ready! ;) Little Ryan will melt your heart from the first time you hold him.


Judy ~ This to shall pass. :lol Gracie still brings us rocks, mulch, snails...such treasures! Is she interested in any of her toys? Gracie still prefers rocks and sticks. ;)


Cindy ~ I'm glad your Mom's mobility has improved. I think I would make the same decision she has. What did you decide to do for the rest of your vacation? :think


Linda ~ We need a laundry and dishes fairy to come and make it disappear. :rofl With just two of us, I still do laundry every day and usually run the d.w. once a day. I'm so glad you had a much needed break while Kim and John were gone. :manyheart


Tam ~ Enjoy your quiet time! How is your DH doing?


Thanks for the well-wishes, too. :manyheart Here is where I described what happened. I think I worded it in a "family friendly" way, so won't go into it again. :lol For now, it's just tender and a little uncomfortable, but it won't go away on its own - according to the Radiologist.



Hi to All the Ladies of the House! Time to do some cleaning and pay some bills.

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:clap Morning house, nice day today not to hot just right. I hated jury duty, they try to put me on a case but thanksful I got excuse from it, boy was I relieve. I did get in lots of crocheting and reading as I waited not so patiently to be dismiss from jury duty. :eek The whole experience, which was my first tired me out, so I came home and went to bed and slept until the morning. I'm am looking forward to our meet-up on Saturday.


Mary - WOW Luke is growing up fast, I remember when he was born. :think


Joanne - I'm excited for you too, being a grandma is awesome, the love one feel for their grandbabies is so hard to put into words :manyheart


Tam - hope you get in a lot of crocheting and knitting today :hook:crocheting


Marisa - Love the new do, it look nice on you. :hug


Judy - WOW you are your furbaby mommy, but dogs grow up fast :eek


To the rest of the house sending Love and Hugs, I want to get into some crafts before the lil grand darling wake from his nap and need my attention. The other grand darling is playing with his PaPa (grand pa) so at the moment I have a little ME time. :hug:hug

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Thought I'd stop by on my way to cut out a pair of sleep pants for my youngest. Storms all around me but nothing here. Sis said they are getting golf ball size hail :eek Don't need any of that!


Joanne and Marisa, hope you had a good day at work!


Cindy, think flea market would win with me too :lol I love flea markets and garage sales and Trade Day on Saturdays!!


Mary, loved the pics of Luke.


Judy, love, love, love you Lucy stories! Makes me want another pup. When my beloved Apollo was a puppy he knew he wasn't to get on counter or take food. Was busy one day baking cookies and putting them on the counter to cool before putting them in the jar. Was off doing something in the other room, heard pitiful whining. Went to kitchen, he had eaten every peanut butter cookie his nose (big doberman boy) and he couldn't get more without putting his paws on the counter. It was sooooo funny, hard to be mad at him. Of course, he did a LOT of different things when he was young. I miss him. Here's another Shasta photo. We call it her "frog" position




Cheeria, glad to see you. Wish I lived closer for that meet up. Will just have to live vicariously through your photos and stories.


To everyone I missed :hi and :hug :hug :hug to all

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

just poppin' in to say :hi HI and see how everyone is doing!

I have alot of crocheting and knitting I need to get done and luckily today... I have the day to get busy on it!

got my :mug... my :hook..... and a quiet house!







I'm so glad you have your house back to just your family. I can hear the happiness in your writing. :yay

Thought I'd stop by on my way to cut out a pair of sleep pants for my youngest. Storms all around me but nothing here. Sis said they are getting golf ball size hail :eek Don't need any of that!


Judy, love, love, love you Lucy stories! Makes me want another pup. When my beloved Apollo was a puppy he knew he wasn't to get on counter or take food. Was busy one day baking cookies and putting them on the counter to cool before putting them in the jar. Was off doing something in the other room, heard pitiful whining. Went to kitchen, he had eaten every peanut butter cookie his nose (big doberman boy) and he couldn't get more without putting his paws on the counter. It was sooooo funny, hard to be mad at him. Of course, he did a LOT of different things when he was young. I miss him. Here's another Shasta photo. We call it her "frog" position



Stay safe in the storms, Toni. You really don't have to send them this way.


Cute story about Apollo. I had a dog that liked to do that "frog" position. Did it most in the summer when it was hot. Maybe it help him cool off to put belly to the tile or linoleum.

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Tam, nice to hear that you're having some peace-filled time!


Judy ~ This to shall pass. :lol Gracie still brings us rocks, mulch, snails...such treasures! Is she interested in any of her toys? Gracie still prefers rocks and sticks. ;)

I'm not giving her much chance to pick up anything...on leash I'm able to grab whatever she DOES get before she can eat it. Sparkie used to eat stuff but never rocks! Lucy's current favorite thing to chew is the thick nylon leash I added to hers to give her a little more roaming room when wrestling with Sparkie outside. I hold on and don't let go when she's out.


Thought I'd stop by on my way to cut out a pair of sleep pants for my youngest. Storms all around me but nothing here. Sis said they are getting golf ball size hail :eek Don't need any of that!


Judy, love, love, love you Lucy stories! Makes me want another pup. When my beloved Apollo was a puppy he knew he wasn't to get on counter or take food. Was busy one day baking cookies and putting them on the counter to cool before putting them in the jar. Was off doing something in the other room, heard pitiful whining. Went to kitchen, he had eaten every peanut butter cookie his nose (big doberman boy) and he couldn't get more without putting his paws on the counter. It was sooooo funny, hard to be mad at him. Of course, he did a LOT of different things when he was young. I miss him. Here's another Shasta photo. We call it her "frog" position




It IS hard to get mad at them:lol He sounds like he was very special...All of our dogs and even our cat (first pet) wer eso different and wonderful, despite the many things that would sometimes drive us crazy.

Lucy lays like that sometimes....and on her back with legs stretched out..too cute!


Off for the night!:hug:manyheart

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Judy, yes, it's hard to get mad at them. All I have to do when Shasta does something bad is look at her with what my kids used to call "that look" She hangs her head and goes into the crate :lol My furples have never had a hand laid on them but boy, the change in my voice or the look sure does work :lol


Linda, storms went north into TN and had the largest concentration of lightening strikes our weatherman had seen. 12k in less than 10 minutes :eek!


I'm off for the night. Got the sleep pants for dd cut out. Boy am I rusty at the sewing thing!!!


Hugs everyone and talk to you all tomorrow!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work moved along pretty slow today :( But now I'm going to work on a square to mail out while I watch tv tonight, then read...I'm close to finishing my book and I think there's 2 more after it :think


Cindy - I can understand your mom's point of view. It just sounds like she's ready and hopefully the family will be okay with her decisions (I know you mentioned you are, but I'm hoping that nobody else really tried to push her into more than she's willing to do). That's good that she's showing some improvement though :yes:hug :hug :hug


Linda - I do laundry maybe every 2-3 weeks and I'll get 2 loads, one whites and one darks :lol It is easier with just me :think I don't even use my dishwasher because it takes so long for me to fill. If I do alot of weekend cooking, that's about the only time is gets used :shrug


Judy - Boy oh boy, Lucy loves rocks :think Maybe you should put something icky tasting on them that might repel her :think Do they make things like that?


Tam - :yay for the quite 'me' time.....out of the closet :wink


Mary - OH :oops now I totally remember, thanks for refreshing my memory :hug I sure hope all goes well, when are having the surgery?


Cheeria - Thanks :hug and glad to hear you got dismissed from jury duty and :yay for getting crocheting done :wink


Toni - Yet another adorable pic of shasta :yes


Have a great night ladies :hug

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morning everyone!


I have to get a picture of the yellow columbine my friend has growing in front of his store. I've never seen a pure yellow like it. Best part is he said I could take some seeds in the fall. Yippy!


I seem to have gotten rid of the mice that were living in my truck (ewwww). I found a scent repellant called mouse miracle, or something like that. It smells mostly like spearmint to me. Its made specifically for campers boats, cars etc. I'm glad cause I dont really want to have to get those glue traps then finish off the little pests myself. They tend to stay on the running boards so snap traps wouldn't work.


JoAnne is there a way through your attic you could get to where woody is pecking? Maybe a radio from inside with obnoxious music would send him away. I know it works for bats. maybe birds too.

I wish there were! No way through the attic. But I must say it's been quiet the last few mornings! Fingers crossed that it continues!

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Hi all,

Had a nice turkey sandwich/stuffing/cranberry sandwich at DD's for dinner. Her MIL also came over- so we had a nice visit. DD and SIL have all the gifts from the shower put away- the clothes in the closet and dresser, and everything ready. They hung some pictures and have been 'nesting' it seems. She had a good visit at the doctor and goes back in 2 wks.


I read all the posts, but am watching the Bruins game right now-- since I just got home a few minutes ago and I wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone!!


See you in the AM!

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Hi ladies!


Marisa, I don't think there is anything Lucy doesn't like to eat. I tried putting bitter orange and tabasco on my woodwork in the kitchen - she licked it off!!


Joanne that's great about DD's check up!


Gotta run...hubby needs my puter...

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Good morning ladies :hi


I thought I posted here already :think Oh well :shrug Getting ready to head up for my workout :D


Joanne - :drool your sandwich sounds just wonderful, I can't believe dd's already down to every other week dr visits :bounce


Judy - Too funny....maybe try something mild and boring :think:rofl


Be back

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Good morning housemates. Trouble had a tick last night be her ear, but had already scratched the body off by the time that John found it. I held her as John dug around with tweezers trying to get the head out. Then both dogs got dosed with flea and tick medicine.


Med place on the hip is vastly improved. It's down in size and is now a light pink instead of angry red and it's healing in depth, too. Yay!!! Another quiet day planned for Kim and I, at least until the evening. Then cleaners are coming to give an estimate on deep cleaning the upstairs and the prayer shawl group at church meets.


Linda, storms went north into TN and had the largest concentration of lightening strikes our weatherman had seen. 12k in less than 10 minutes :eek!

Not all of them went north, as they started in here about 5:30 and were still going at it at 11:30 when I went to bed. The first one included hail from pea size up to marble size with an occasional one that was bigger yet. It kept hailing for about 25 minutes before switching to just rain. Here's the back deck.




This is the front deck & a picture of some of the hail on one of the chairs with a penny to show the size of the hail, which had already done some melting.




Judy - Boy oh boy, Lucy loves rocks :think Maybe you should put something icky tasting on them that might repel her :think Do they make things like that? :hug

I have heard that you can put cayiene pepper or haljapieno (sp?) oil on things to discourage them, but don't that that would be too practical in a yard. And don't know if it would work.


:hug :hug :hug Hugs to all in need. Hope everyone has a good day. :manyheart



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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

How’s everyone? Rainy day here this morning…. Sure hope it stops soon… we don’t need anymore water right now.

Not only that … but we’re suppose to have a baseball game tonight.

Thanks everyone for all the sweet words! Yesterday was a good day for crocheting and getting a couple loads of laundry done. This weekend we hope to finish the ¼ of the basement that still needs to be cleaned. Then next weekend we start the upstairs! During the week I just keep the “normalness” around here with keeping the house in order. Hubby says… that’s enough of a job in itself… I don’t need to tackle the destruction my daughter left behind on my own. We’ll all pitch in on weekends to get it done! Sounds good to me!

Oh Toni… Your puppy is soooooooooooooooo cute laying there like that ! LOL… Shasta is adorable!

Oh Mary………. :hug So sorry you have to have surgery … but glad is not serious. Well.. as serious as can be anyway!

Hubby is doing good…. Thank you for asking! He is done with his last round of chemo and doesn’t go to see his doc for 5 weeks… then its biopsy time. Then after that… wait and watch for the next few years.

Cheeria……… I’m glad you got out of jury duty! I know you didn’t want to do it! :whew

Aww… so glad you had a nice time with you daughter Joanne! There is nothin’ better than a turkey sandwich from a nice baked turkey! I love ThanksGiving leftovers!

Wow Linda…………….look at that! Storming here this morning… no hail..(yet) I’m so glad the hip is healing!!!! :hug

Off for a coffee refill……. Check in more later



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Good Morning Ladies,


Toni, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a good one.


Joanne, Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Good luck at getting rid of the woodpecker.


Marisa, Cute haircut and bags to.


Trish, Take it easy and don't over do even though you want to.


Mary, Luke is getting so big and he is such a cutie. Good luck on your up coming surgery.


Cheeria, What a scary out come your daughter had from the rusty nail. Hope she continues to improve. Nothing like being in are own home and sleeping in are own beds.


Wrennie, Sorry for the loss of your friend Steve.


Judy, Glad Lucy didn't get hurt eating that rock.


Linda, Glad Kim's doctor took care of you and hope you continue to heal.


Tam, That's good news about Hubby. Will keep you guys in my prayers.

Glad you get to reclaim your home now.


Cindy, Glad there is some improvment with your Mom. I hope your family finds peace in her decision. Did you go to the flea market this morning with all the rain? It look like the rest of the week should be much nicer for the rest of your vacation.


Kiyo, Sorry about the boyfriend, but you have a good attitude. You have plenty to keep you busy and the most important person of all is your daughter.


Hubby's doctor appt has us going to a different doctor next week. But the doctor did rule out any problems with the hiatal hernia. But he has had 3 attacks in a week. The other day he was at Lowe's and they wanted to call an ambulance and he told them no. The doctor is kind of guessing and send him to a muscle doctor. Are doctor said to wait until we seen the hernia doctor and see what the results were and if nothing came from that then he would order a cat scan. I'm going to wait and see what next week brings then call are doctor back.

Tuesday we were up at 1am to meet DD to take her to the Detroit airport she is in California for a week. It was a 3 hour drive for us. We were the back up and had to be used. She is visiting with Maya's Dad's family and will be seeing him to. They are together but not living together. They will be but it will be awhile. When Maya's Grandpa came here he gave my daughter a ticket to come out. It's to bad it's so costly to go there.

Remember me saying we bought a gazebo. We put it up on a sunday and it came down on monday. We had very strong winds (40mph) and it came down. So we have to see if there is a way to make it work as I want it on the front deck.

We bought a new deck the other day and if it clears up I'll be putting it together. You have to build frame then put the top on it. It's an aluminum one. We have wood one we put out every year but it is getting to heavy as we are getting older to keep putting it out.

Saturday Maya and I are going back to my hometown for a parade. It's Yankee Doodle Days. It is one of the nicest parades they have.

Hubby went to the store for carrots and noodles. I'm going to make chicken noodle soup. I usually make my own noodles but don't feel like it today.

Need to do some stuff around here. Hope everyone has a good day!

Hope all is well with everyone! :hug and prayers for everyone!

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Hiya everyone, it's just me and my lil 1 year old darling today. At the moment he's naping, so I just wanted to stop in and say HI :cheer. Got to run now for I want to get some WIP finish off before he wake up. HUGS :hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning!


Cindy ~ You may already be gone, but either one of the vacation sites would be fabulous! Hope you have a wonderful time. :yes


Cheeria ~ The waiting time at jury duty can be so hard. I'm glad you didn't have to go back! I still can't imagine how you keep up with Jaedon and Sean at the same time. :lol


Toni ~ Love the pet stories! How are you feeling? :manyheart


Marlene ~ Wow! You guys are always so busy! I hope they can figure out what's going on with your DH very soon.:hug Your trip with Maya sounds like lots of fun.


Tam ~ That's great news about your DH. :clap I love your attitude about the house...it will get done! :yes


Linda ~ You had lots of hail! Glad it wasn't any larger...but any hail is bad enough. Poor Trouble. :( I hate ticks - we've been lucky with Gracie so far, but do check her often.


Fun morning here - NOT! I woke up to find water gushing down the front sidewalk. :eek The water co. came and shut the water off since I couldn't get the valve at the meter to budge. A plumber is here replacing the water line under the sidewalk...which is on our side of the meter, so our responsibility to fix. No telling how long it had been running down the street or what our next water bill will be!

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Marisa, I don't think there is anything Lucy doesn't like to eat. I tried putting bitter orange and tabasco on my woodwork in the kitchen - she licked it off!!



:lol They didn't work for Gracie, either. I still need to replace two slats on the wooden blinds at the back door...and one window ledge. :lol

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thanks everyone for all the sweet words! Yesterday was a good day for crocheting and getting a couple loads of laundry done. This weekend we hope to finish the ¼ of the basement that still needs to be cleaned. Then next weekend we start the upstairs! During the week I just keep the “normalness” around here with keeping the house in order. Hubby says… that’s enough of a job in itself… I don’t need to tackle the destruction my daughter left behind on my own. We’ll all pitch in on weekends to get it done! Sounds good to me!


Hubby is doing good…. Thank you for asking! He is done with his last round of chemo and doesn’t go to see his doc for 5 weeks… then its biopsy time. Then after that… wait and watch for the next few years. :mug

Good for hubby on both counts. :clap Sounds like a horrendous amount of cleanup to do. Hope she's got her act together now that she's in her own place and responsible for herself, her kids, and their home.

Hubby's doctor appt has us going to a different doctor next week. But the doctor did rule out any problems with the hiatal hernia. But he has had 3 attacks in a week. The other day he was at Lowe's and they wanted to call an ambulance and he told them no. The doctor is kind of guessing and send him to a muscle doctor. Are doctor said to wait until we seen the hernia doctor and see what the results were and if nothing came from that then he would order a cat scan. I'm going to wait and see what next week brings then call are doctor back.

Good luck with the doctor visits and hope they can figure out what in the world is going on. :hug :hug

Remember me saying we bought a gazebo. We put it up on a sunday and it came down on monday. We had very strong winds (40mph) and it came down. So we have to see if there is a way to make it work as I want it on the front deck.

Oh, dear!

We bought a new deck the other day and if it clears up I'll be putting it together. You have to build frame then put the top on it. It's an aluminum one. We have wood one we put out every year but it is getting to heavy as we are getting older to keep putting it out.

I hear you.

Saturday Maya and I are going back to my hometown for a parade. It's Yankee Doodle Days. It is one of the nicest parades they have.

Sounds like lots of fun.

Hubby went to the store for carrots and noodles. I'm going to make chicken noodle soup. I usually make my own noodles but don't feel like it today.

Oooooo. Now you are making me hungry.

Fun morning here - NOT! I woke up to find water gushing down the front sidewalk. :eek The water co. came and shut the water off since I couldn't get the valve at the meter to budge. A plumber is here replacing the water line under the sidewalk...which is on our side of the meter, so our responsibility to fix. No telling how long it had been running down the street or what our next water bill will be!

Oh, no! :eek Hope it's not too bad. If the water bill is attrocious, talk to the water company and see if they'll give you a discount on it. Something similar happened to us a year or two ago and they did that for us. It's at least worth asking about.

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Good morning housemates. Trouble had a tick last night be her ear, but had already scratched the body off by the time that John found it. I held her as John dug around with tweezers trying to get the head out. Then both dogs got dosed with flea and tick medicine.

I've been putting that on the dogs since it started warming up. We have lots of hiding places in the yard for ticks


Not all of them went north, as they started in here about 5:30 and were still going at it at 11:30 when I went to bed. The first one included hail from pea size up to marble size with an occasional one that was bigger yet. It kept hailing for about 25 minutes before switching to just rain. Here's the back deck.




This is the front deck & a picture of some of the hail on one of the chairs with a penny to show the size of the hail, which had already done some melting.




What a mess!! Good thing you were snug at home,

I have heard that you can put cayiene pepper or haljapieno (sp?) oil on things to discourage them, but don't that that would be too practical in a yard. And don't know if it would work.

No, too much area - and the smell would probably drive us to ditraction, too. All I would need is to miss one...and it would be in her mouth!

Fun morning here - NOT! I woke up to find water gushing down the front sidewalk. :eek The water co. came and shut the water off since I couldn't get the valve at the meter to budge. A plumber is here replacing the water line under the sidewalk...which is on our side of the meter, so our responsibility to fix. No telling how long it had been running down the street or what our next water bill will be!


:lol They didn't work for Gracie, either. I still need to replace two slats on the wooden blinds at the back door...and one window ledge. :lol

Sisters under the fur....:rofl:rofl

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