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Our House Part Two


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Shopping trip was a success: jeans that fit (spandex is my friend:lol), New Balance sneakers that are comfy...and a Liz Clairborne small, barrel type handbag. Off white accents with teal and bright pink LC initials scattered on it:D

I didn't need a new bag, but it was on sale, after all.....:devil


...and Heidi has been able to walk up the stairs to our bedroom for 2 days now. The entire flight:)

...she froze up when I tried to get her to practice coming down this afternoon....:lol

...and I used people clippers to get those pointy tips off her nails: after donning some leather gloves.:D

Good thing, because she was busy trying to chew the gloves and I was actually able to get all 4 paws done!

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Finally home from work. I taught all day and then went to a 2 hour meeting. No-one is home, so here I am.


Toni, your hobo-hearts tote turned out really well. Hope you can log onto work soon. Also that DD's car is back on the road soon.


Dusti, your condo week sounds like it will be a nice relaxing time. I know what you mean about packing. I think it's all the decision making involved. I always pack books and craft projects first. And even then it's hard to decide what to pack.

I did do a few rows on the granny stripe afghan this morning. Its about 2/3 done, not counting a border.


Judy WTG for finding jeans that fit. That is worthy of celebration! Sounds like you found some other fun stuff as well. And poor hubby......

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Cindy, I hope you have time to put your feet up!


Hubby admitted it was hard...between Heidi eating stuff on the ground when he took her out to play, her looking at the door and he's not sure if she has to go out....and then she won't come in, even though he has her on a leash...

It was a long 2 hours for him:lol


The newest thing is when the dogs play/fight Sparkie lays down and Heidi lays across him or straddles him...


We definitely have an Alpha female:lol

...and she had better learn how to come down the stairs. Very soon:yes

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Mary, so glad you are safe. Good to hear that with all the devastation around the country from storms and flooding.


Judy, glad hubby is babysitting so you can get out and about for a while :yes


Called car service dept and made arrangements for them to check dd's car. Called towing company and told them to use the credit she has coming to her from Saturday and come and tow it to the service dept. I want this car fixed and my car back. Now that I can drive again, I want my car! :lol

:cheer Hoping that you can finally get the car fixed so you can have yours back!!! Love the tote BTW!!! Hoping you get logged into work soon


Good morning everyone.


I have to teach ACLS today and tomorrow, which means today I don't have to be there until around 9. The first two hours of class is done in a large group, and then they split off into smaller groups. Tomorrow it's an early start though.


I went grocery shopping with DD yesterday and she gave me all sorts of coupon advice, (and coupons), with the net result that i spent $75 and got $30 off with coupons. DD did a lot better than I did.


I am going to go work on my granny stripes afghan for a while. BBL

How's the GS coming along? I have yarn for another one, but these totes have me making more and more! I did start another RR like the one I made for Ryan- to give to a co-worker --


Good Morning! I didn't get back here yesterday - the workers and Gracie kept me busy - and my DSL was not working! :( Our sirens went off several times last evening and we had high winds, hail and more rain. Some houses were leveled just a few miles from here...we feel so lucky that it wasn't worse. The sun is out and the tile work should be finished today. I will catch up and be back a little later. :manyheart
Glad that you were safe!!


Shopping trip was a success: jeans that fit (spandex is my friend:lol), New Balance sneakers that are comfy...and a Liz Clairborne small, barrel type handbag. Off white accents with teal and bright pink LC initials scattered on it:D

I didn't need a new bag, but it was on sale, after all.....:devil


...and Heidi has been able to walk up the stairs to our bedroom for 2 days now. The entire flight:)

...she froze up when I tried to get her to practice coming down this afternoon....:lol

...and I used people clippers to get those pointy tips off her nails: after donning some leather gloves.:D

Good thing, because she was busy trying to chew the gloves and I was actually able to get all 4 paws done!

Sounds like quite the productive day!!! Isn't it funny how 2 hours 'babysitting" can wear a man out?:lol


Dusti- Your plans sound wonderful!!! I'm not much of an expert on Sewing machines- and will jsut get a basic machine. I was mentioning at work, and one of my friends said that her hubby who is involved in community theatre and has several sewing machines since he makes costumes, may be able to give me one of his----!!!:clap I'll find out soon!!


Thinking of all of you- and asking if you could keep a friend of mine and her DH in your prayers- her DH was just diagnosed with aggressive prostate CA- he goes for bone scans on Tues-they think it may have spread. She is beside herself- Thanks!!

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Quick good morning!


Hope all who may have been having the horrific weather are safe.


I worked some more on the RR last night- it was hard NOT to start another tote!!!


Marisa- Glad that your guy won on Idol- the show itself was good, but I was still sad that James didn't make it all the way! Loved Steven Tyler singing at the end! Are your Boscov's trips over now- or do you still have to go back to redeem your stamped ticket?


Judy- Hope that Heidi makes the big leap today and learns to go DOWN the stairs!!!


Trish- Hope all went well with your surgery- and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery!


Tam, Julie, Cheeria, Toni, Linda, LeAnna, Mary, Mary, Cindy, Marlene, LeAnna, Wrennie, Kiyo, Dusti, and the rest of the house----have a good day.

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Good morning everyone. Cold, rainy and stormy here today, (but nothing bad) It's also cold. Monday the air conditioning was on, today the furnace is running.


I have to teach a class today, and then this afternoon we will head out to visit with my mom and dad. Dad says mom is making good progress, but it will be a while yet before she can come home. We're planning to come home late tomorrow.

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Your kitties are sp pretty. I like the one called Hunter-- he looks like a big powerful cat .Those cats are my favorite. They look strong and brave . My cat when I was little was like that -big and powerful and I think he was the strongest cat in the neighborhood. I think HE thought that too . Cats seem to have a certain attitude about themselves,don't you think ? They can't TALK,but they seem to send out a signal of what they are like ,without needing to TELL you .

He is a big boy, but Skinny is the King of attitude.


They are all great!!!! Did you enjoy your 1/2 day off work today?

I did some gardening and then crocheted a bit. Only bad part was there was a hir or something that kept tickling my shin. I went to pull the loose hair off from under my pant leg and it was a BIG ole' tick! :eek So, of course all night every little hair or touch of fabric i thought was a tick.


Wrennie, love your furple photos. What pretty cats you have.



I have to teach a class today, and then this afternoon we will head out to visit with my mom and dad. Dad says mom is making good progress, but it will be a while yet before she can come home. We're planning to come home late tomorrow.

Glad she's making progress.


Dusti your vaca sounds fun!

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Hi ya, peeps!:D

Sounds like quite the productive day!!! Isn't it funny how 2 hours 'babysitting" can wear a man out?:lol

My reaction totally:lol:lol:lol:lol

Thinking of all of you- and asking if you could keep a friend of mine and her DH in your prayers- her DH was just diagnosed with aggressive prostate CA- he goes for bone scans on Tues-they think it may have spread. She is beside herself- Thanks!!


Good morning everyone. Cold, rainy and stormy here today, (but nothing bad) It's also cold. Monday the air conditioning was on, today the furnace is running.

Sounds like some of our May weather here!

I have to teach a class today, and then this afternoon we will head out to visit with my mom and dad. Dad says mom is making good progress, but it will be a while yet before she can come home. We're planning to come home late tomorrow.

Safe travels:hug:manyheart:hug



I did some gardening and then crocheted a bit. Only bad part was there was a hir or something that kept tickling my shin. I went to pull the loose hair off from under my pant leg and it was a BIG ole' tick! :eek So, of course all night every little hair or touch of fabric i thought was a tick.

Ewwww...I'm like that too. Once I had a tick on the cack of my neck and had to walk hubby through the removal process. NOT fun:P


Gotta dash!

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Good morning housemates :hi


Last night was our last boscov's trip :clap We love going, but by the end it gets old :lol But we got our 7 piece bakeware set for 5.99 or 6.99 :think for making the 3 days last week and we got our free mixing bowl set for making all 12 days over the past 4 weeks. I also got 2 more boxes of the hand sanitizer for 10 each (I forget if I mentioned them last week when I picked some up) They've been $20 the whole time until last week so I got 3 then and 2 yesterday. It's softsoap brand and has the dispenser with 9 refill boxes, which is an awesome deal for $10 because that stuff is expensive. So I grabbed the opportunity and have bought the first item for my new office :lol I also bought my sister a pocketbook for her bday which is monday. She loved mine with the monkey's on it that I got a few weeks ago that I shared a pic of. They were on sale so I got her one with elephants :D


Then we went to the diner and I brought home a pizza to bring to work for us for lunch today. Watched American Idol :clap:cheer:yay:bounce:woo Love, love, love that boy....if only I was half my age :manyheart:rofl


Was up early today and decided to go back to sleep for an extra hour, then got up and cleaned the turtles and now here I sit. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the turtles later because Mary's coming over to take her algebra test online. Well, she's very bad at math and has done ok wtih the past 2 courses she took and this whole course until now. She already took the test 2x and didn't do well so only has this 3rd chance left, so needs to pass. I told her to do it here and I'll help her with it, I've kind of been tutoring her the whole time since I love math. She just has a problem looking at the questions and breaking them down step by step, so gets overwhelmed. But once she's on track, she's good with it :think:shrug


Then tomorrow I'm going to my parents after work and so I can't leave the turtles sitting all icky until monday :no I only cleaned them a week and a half ago :eek I picked up this moss ball thingy that was supposed to help keep the tank clear, never seen it before so decided to give it a try. OK for a couple days, but guess what.....the turtles ATE it, so then it came out the other end and made a big ole mess and clogged the filter :rofl Now back to normal :yes


I cut and pasted the above portion with another thread so that I can get to my workout quicker since I'm running a bit behind now :(


Cindy - Glad your mom is making progress :hug Have fun teaching.


Toni - I hope dd's car gets fixed soon :xfin You've waiting so long to drive :eek Praying that your power comes back soon too :yes


Mary1 - Hope the weather calms down for you. How are your tiles coming along?


Judy - Sounds like a great shopping trip :yes Who knows what I did with my time :think In and out of phases I think.....while watching tv, I always had a crossword or sudoku in front of me :yes


Dusti - condo week sounds like such fun :yes I used red heart curly q yarn or something like that :think It's stretchy so I had to tweak the pattern for the yarn. I picked it up a while ago when I was out with Joanne after our first meeting :clap I had white pizza with roasted red peppers at the diner :drool


Tam - Hey there sweetie, hope all is well on the home front :hug


Joanne - That would be awesome if the sewing machine came through :xfin Definitely sending prayers out for your friends dh :hug :hug :hug


Wrennie - I'm the same way.....feeling something crawling all night :yes


Gotta keep it moving ladies, I may or may not get back later.....all depends :think

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:hi house! Not much happening. Still can't log on to work, but the boss called and gave me time charging guidance and said he has expedited getting me my new token so that I can log on. Should come FEDEX today or tomorrow.


My oldest came to visit yesterday and surprised me. We were out and about all afternoon. She will be back today. YAY! We haven't seen each other in long time and I've missed her. Just told both dd's that they needed to get along for the short time she is here. :lol They are like oil and water. Love each other, just can't get along.


Judy, if you leave Heidi at top of stairs, she will learn to come down them. Right now, she's got you trained :rofl


Joanne, have a great day in Paradise.


Cindy, enjoy your visit with your dad and mom. Continued prayers for her healing and being able to come home soon.


Mary1, Mary2, Julie, Cheeria, Kiyo, Dusti, Tam, Linda and all the rest of the house, have a great day!!!

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:sun Good Morning House


Sun is shinning here today. Was gloomy and rainy yesterday! We've had nothing but rain outs for ball games this week.... :(

Hopefully the sun will stay and dry up the fields so Michael can have his game tonight!

Wow... everyone has so much going on! Busy Busy Busy!

Stay safe everyone!

have a GREAT day!







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Good morning! We had a Freeze Warning issued for last night, so DH and I spent a bit of time rigging tarps and blankets and pots and covers for my pretty flowers and the fragile vegetation we have sprouting up in the garden. Everything looks good this morning, so that is a relief :whew. Temps are supposed to be cool for the forseeable future, in the high 60s, but we can always pull on a sweatshirt if it gets too chilly.


I do not have any outings with the girls this afternoon. When was the last time I did not have to run into town at noon? :think I think I am going to just sit out on the deck, crochet and call it "me time" :hook


:yay:yay to Judy and Marisa for fun, successful shopping trips, yesterday. It sounds as though you both got some great deals and cute handbags.


...and 2 hours of babysitting duty was too much for hubby. He was exhausted when I got home:lol

Oh, that is so funny. My dad had the same opinion, when mum left him with my nephews (3-yrs and 4-months) for the afternoon. I called him at the end of his one-on-one bonding time, and he was tuckered out :rofl


Dusti- Your plans sound wonderful!!! I'm not much of an expert on Sewing machines- and will jsut get a basic machine. I was mentioning at work, and one of my friends said that her hubby who is involved in community theatre and has several sewing machines since he makes costumes, may be able to give me one of his----!!!:clap I'll find out soon!!


Thinking of all of you- and asking if you could keep a friend of mine and her DH in your prayers- her DH was just diagnosed with aggressive prostate CA- he goes for bone scans on Tues-they think it may have spread. She is beside herself- Thanks!!

I will say a prayer for your friends :hug

How great would it be to get a sewing machine sooner, rather than later? :yay I hope it works out for you. And then, watch out -- you'll be a tote-lining queen :manyheart


Good morning everyone. Cold, rainy and stormy here today, (but nothing bad) It's also cold. Monday the air conditioning was on, today the furnace is running.


I have to teach a class today, and then this afternoon we will head out to visit with my mom and dad. Dad says mom is making good progress, but it will be a while yet before she can come home. We're planning to come home late tomorrow.

We have not had it warm enough to think about A/C, yet, but it sounds as though you have our 'cold and rain' from yesterday. Hang in there. Drive safely, as you head to your parents'. I hope you have a good visit with them, and that you can see your mom's progress for yourself.


There really is not a lot going on around here. MIL called to chat this morning. After an hour, I am all caught-up on the news from that side of the family for the week :) Our suitcase is packed (with the exception of last-minute toiletries and bed-time loveys). I think I will go and work on my ruffled purse for awhile. Talk to you, later :waving

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****HeLlOoooooy.......***** I figured I needed to re-introduce myself, just in case you may have forgotten me..... My name is Kiyo and I'm a KRAZZZY girl from Utah.....OH, wait----how could you forget me??? hehehheheee :0)


Yes, I have missed you all- work and personal life have been super duper busy these last few weeks. Tomorrow is Aree's last day of 4th grade ( She's growing up WAAAAAAY to fast for me-----had to buy her more lil braziers! She's growing 2 little hairs in each arm pitty) GEEEEE WHIZZLE I am not sure I'm ready for all of this! lol Maybe I need just 1 more! SHe would love it----b.f would love it too but until he decided whether he's moving here or not, I'm not interested in doing the whole baby thing alone! B.F is flying in on June 4, these 90 day intervals royally S*@K!!!! We both agree something needs to give and give VERY soon-----i'm nervous to have him come out here with the economy and our job situation here is pretty ugly! So....we will see hopefully soon.


HOW ARE ALL OF MY GIRLS IN HERE??? I'm trying to get caught up on posts but unfortunately TONI---hope you are all re-building ok and managing. ANd your eyes???? Hopefully you are gaining sight and loving it!


Marissa---hope your office search has been a little successful

Tam--hope all is well with your WHOLE family situation---I hear ya' on the rain and rain outs! Aree has a tournament this fri and sat---we will see how it ends up! Last year we got rain early sat morn and then it was a nice tanning day the rest!


Julie----hope you are back to the norm or on your path thereof!


Linda, Cindy, Mary, Mary, Joanne, Judy, Wrennie, Cheeria---and to everyone else......I am sorry if I forgot you---I did all that from memory!!! YIKES!!! I tried anyway, right! I hope all of you are doing well- I MISS YOU!!!

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Hi again!

Baby is sleeping - again:lol She had her lunch, played quietly while she digested...and then we all (Sparkie included) helped wear her out again.:lol

Hubby says he's very happy to be going to work tomorrow:rofl:rofl

Last night was our last boscov's trip :clap We love going, but by the end it gets old :lol But we got our 7 piece bakeware set for 5.99 or 6.99 :think for making the 3 days last week and we got our free mixing bowl set for making all 12 days over the past 4 weeks. I also got 2 more boxes of the hand sanitizer for 10 each (I forget if I mentioned them last week when I picked some up) They've been $20 the whole time until last week so I got 3 then and 2 yesterday. It's softsoap brand and has the dispenser with 9 refill boxes, which is an awesome deal for $10 because that stuff is expensive. So I grabbed the opportunity and have bought the first item for my new office :lol I also bought my sister a pocketbook for her bday which is monday. She loved mine with the monkey's on it that I got a few weeks ago that I shared a pic of. They were on sale so I got her one with elephants :D

You were woman on a mission over these past weeks!:lol

Then we went to the diner and I brought home a pizza to bring to work for us for lunch today. Watched American Idol :clap:cheer:yay:bounce:woo Love, love, love that boy....if only I was half my age :manyheart:rofl

I still look...and I could be your mother....:lol

Was up early today and decided to go back to sleep for an extra hour, then got up and cleaned the turtles and now here I sit. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the turtles later because Mary's coming over to take her algebra test online. Well, she's very bad at math and has done ok wtih the past 2 courses she took and this whole course until now. She already took the test 2x and didn't do well so only has this 3rd chance left, so needs to pass. I told her to do it here and I'll help her with it, I've kind of been tutoring her the whole time since I love math. She just has a problem looking at the questions and breaking them down step by step, so gets overwhelmed. But once she's on track, she's good with it :think:shrug

My son and I have the same problem with math - I remember going over math problems with him and reminding him to pay attention to the punctuation in the word problems, etc. We get overwhelmed with too many lines of instructions, regardless of the source. I know HE has ADD...I guess I do, too:lol

Then tomorrow I'm going to my parents after work and so I can't leave the turtles sitting all icky until monday :no I only cleaned them a week and a half ago :eek I picked up this moss ball thingy that was supposed to help keep the tank clear, never seen it before so decided to give it a try. OK for a couple days, but guess what.....the turtles ATE it, so then it came out the other end and made a big ole mess and clogged the filter :rofl Now back to normal :yes

Oh, brother!!!!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol



Judy - Sounds like a great shopping trip :yes Who knows what I did with my time :think In and out of phases I think.....while watching tv, I always had a crossword or sudoku in front of me :yes

I found Sudoku on my Nook one day - another addiction, if I start!:eek

:sun Good Morning House



Sun is shinning here today. Was gloomy and rainy yesterday! We've had nothing but rain outs for ball games this week.... :(

Hopefully the sun will stay and dry up the fields so Michael can have his game tonight!


Wow... everyone has so much going on! Busy Busy Busy!

Stay safe everyone!

have a GREAT day!







I hope the weather cooperates!


How is hubby?

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Hi, there, Kiyo!:hug:manyheart


Toni, you're right about Heidi:lol

First I just need to close off all the doors upstairs and then see what she does....:yes

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I finished my summer shawl/wrap:D


Need to block it now and once it's dry I'll take a pic to share. It wraps around my *ahem* endowed chest perfectly.:D

I love it....:c9

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Good Morning! I didn't get back here yesterday - the workers and Gracie kept me busy - and my DSL was not working! :( Our sirens went off several times last evening and we had high winds, hail and more rain. Some houses were leveled just a few miles from here...we feel so lucky that it wasn't worse. The sun is out and the tile work should be finished today. I will catch up and be back a little later. :manyheart





Hey Girlie!! Just was going to share with you----the other night, (i'm sure maybe the evening you posted this--)I had a driver going through TX and the Hail shattered his sun roof in his semi----was quite crazy---try finding somewhere to park that big rig under to protect him from the weather from coming in! That was pretty wild.

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Hello there everyone!


I stayed after work and my friend helped me make a diaper cake for DD's shower- so I didn't get home till about 8!!!


I'll try and post more tomorrow- but in the meantime, Cindy- safe travels to your parents and Dusti- have a great vacation!!


Kiyo- It was great hearing from you again!!!! And seriously- I would never forget you!!


Marisa- WTG on finishing up with the Boscov's outings- and getting the great bargains- and especially- your first supplies for your new office to be!!!


Judy- Any luck with Heidi and the stairs? Can't wait to see your shawl!!!


Off for the night........see you in the AM!

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Hi Ladies,


I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I ended up staying home for a week. It was nice! I got home and hubby wasn't feeling to well so had to get him better. We did the VA appt and it went well. They did some blood tests and a chest xray. We ended up staying at my sisters for 2 nights. We went garage saling for days and it was a lot of fun. Found some good bargins. Monday I called the surgeon who did hubby's hiatal surgery to make an appt and they could get him in on tuesday so we took it. He goes on the 1st for an upper GI and back to him on the 9th. His chest pains are back and much worse than ever before. I hope this test shows something so they can fix it and he can quit worrying and complaining about the pain.

Tomorrow Jocelyn and I will pick Payton up after school and head to my house have supper and hubby will go with us to DD'S and Maya's. Can't wait to see her. I talked to her last night on the phone. She wanted to tell me something without her Mommy listening. So I told her go in her bedroom and we could talk privately. She talked forever and her Mom already knew what she wanted to tell me. It was funny she thought it was going to be so secretive.

I'm going to be home most of the month of June. Hubby has 3 doctor appts and I have something I need to do so I asked my Mom if she could babysit and she said she would. I have a lot of cleaning out to do. Plus I need to see the doctor about my hand. I think it needs more than the exercises I do from when I was going to pt. I noticed last week doing dishes it's still pretty weak when I picked a light pyrex dish. Here at my sons they have a dishwasher so I don't really do any dishes here. Maybe I'm just expecting to much to soon.

I'll try and catch up next week with everyone. I need to head to bed now. Have a safe weekend everyone.

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Good morning everyone!




It was great to see a post from Marlene--sounds like you have been super busy- hope that they can figure out source of DH's chest pains and that you get your hand checked out again. Enjoy the time with Maya!


Does anyone have plans for the Memorial Day weekend? I plan to take it easy- do my basic weekly cleaning/laundry, and then just do whatever it is I want to do. On Monday, DD and SIL are having a bar-b-que.


Safe travels to Cindy, Dusti and Marisa! Dusti --enjoy your week by the lake!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise. have a good day all!

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Good morning ladies and TGIF!!!! I'm still trying to wake up and it just doesn't seem to be going well :think


Anyhoo, nothing new here. We did Mary's test, well she had to do a review first, which is what didn't go so well for her so after we finished the review, we right did the test. We sat here from 8-11:15 :whew I coulda had it done in an hour easy, but I made her work out every problem :devil:lol I just keep her on the right path :yes Now she can move on to the next section.


Toni - Have fun with your dd's :clap My sister and I never got along until she moved away, now were like best friends :yes But I must admit that we do worry about living together again since I'll be staying in her house when I move to Pitt :eek


Tam - Did Michael get to play last night? How did he do?


Dusti - Oooo, it's the perfect temp over there for me :manyheart Have a great weekend


Kiyo - Awe Aree sure is growing up :yes and :yay for june 4th


Judy - Math always came easy to me and I love numbers :blush I can't wait to see pics of the shawl :bounce How's Heidi doing on the steps?


Joanne - :yay a diaper cake!!!!!


Marlene - I hope dh's appt goes well and they're able to figure something out :xfin Keep up on that hand, they may need to do more testing :think Glad you found some good buys at the garage sales :yes


I won't be back until the AM. Driving up my parents after work and when I get there, my neighbor is going to paint my toes for me :clap

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Morning. I had a cat fight run across my face this morning. That woke me the rest of the way up pretty quick! Guess the old reflexes are pretty good. Got my arm up so I still have eyes intact. He did get a good slice on my ear, right where the arm of my glasses sit. Bad kitty! He's been trying to kiss up ever since. :lol

We had tornado warnings here last night. In the mountains :think weird.

My irises have started to bloom. I have loads of buds this year. I'll have to get some pictures over the weekend. I have to work saturday till noon, then I wanna see if theres any yard sales nearby. Like I need more stuff.:P

Yesterday a girl who used to work at my job came in with 2 puppies. about 10-12 weeks old. Rhodesian ridgeback mixed with maybe lab, one black with a distinctive ridge and the other brown.

Well Donna, the customer service manager who is adamantly NOT ever getting another dog. When the ones she has are gone thats it! NO more! Very firm no, no, no..... is taking one home over the weekend to see how he gets along with her 3 dogs she has now.:lol:lol:lol She says its a maybe, I say as soon as that puppies paws hit the floor, he's home.

I'll have to see if I can get a picture of him. :yes

Have a great day everyone!

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Well, so much for catching up and getting back here on Wednesday. :lol Good morning to all of you. :manyheart


I have to be gone until late afternoon, but would sure love a quiet day today. :) Have a good day, everyone!

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