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Our House Part Two


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Dusti- How fun for the kids at your Dd's school- to have rollerskating!!! I love rollerskating- and when I was 40 I tried my hand at Roller blading and had a ball- I even roller-bladed in Central Park in NYC!! What fun!!!!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I'm getting ready to head upstairs to jump into my pj's and then am going to watch some tv and work on the sleeve of my sweater, whcih has been patiently awaiting my return :blush


Toni - Sending prayers your way for you surgery tomorrow :hug :hug

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Hiya there House Family, my grand baby is walking and he has been keeping me extremely busy for I'm running after him to keep him safe on his lil wobbly legs, but each day he's walking better. On June 3rd he will be one year old, WOW where did the year go. :think Yesterday I taught my three year old grandson how to subtract and he love it. We use his crayons to count and subtract with and he was able to do at least six subraction problems by himself. Look like he's going to love school. :D


As for myself, I can say at the moment I happy with me. I'm still working on my stash buster tote and I'm hopeful to have it done so I can bring it to the next meet-up. My other bag that I was working on and also my shawl has been sitting in my project bag waiting for me to work on, for at the moment the stash buster tote has my complete attention. :hook


Linda - what a nice find and a treasury of family history, I enjoyed reading about it. :manyheart


Judy - how is your new fur baby, look like she been keeping you busy. :eek


Cindy - sorry to hear that your MIL had a set back but I'm glad to hear she is stablize now.


Joanne - WOW another pound lost, I need to lose some weight also. It seem as soon as I turned 60 I got a muffin top which I never had before, for my stomach through out the years remained relatively flat. I wonder how a muffin top happen??????? :hug


To the rest of the house sorry for being brief with my posting but I'm tired so sending hugs :hug

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Happy Hump Day!!!


Cheeria- I have no idea about the 'muffin top' - maybe too many muffins? Just kidding! Glad that you are enjoying your days and I'm sure your little walking baby is keeping you really jumping!!! The year does seem to have flown by for sure!!!


It's supposed to be another beautiful day here again- I could really get used to this, but living her in NJ, I know that the heat/humidity will be upon us soon so I'm really enjoying this!!!


Cindy- Enjoy your play day


Toni- Positive thoughts and prayers for you today!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I worked on my sweater last night, but did not finish the sleeve. I stopped when I finished the skein of yarn though :lol


Cheeria - Sounds like you are doing well, how's the weaving coming?


Joanne - happy hump day back at ya :wink Anything fun going on at work today?


Toni - Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way today :hug

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Good morning housemates. It's sunny and supposed to get into the upper 80's today. Kim has her monthly check-up with the doctor this afternoon.


I opened another box to sort last night and got quite a shock. I thought it was just another assorted box of stuff. Boy was I wrong. After the top layer, I found my partner's billfold, which brought lots of tears to my eyes. Then it was a whole lot of geneology stuff. Pictures going back to my Great-Great-Grandmother who was dressed all in black and looks mean and sour. My Grandmother grew up with her, helping take care of her. There was also two Bibles and a New Testament from 1901 to 1922 that belonged to my Grandmother and Great-Great-Grandmother. Also found some absolutely marvelous certificates awarded to my Grandmother and her high school graduation certificate for completing all 10 grades. They are large and ornate with lovely writing. Also notes from the 1920's and 1930's when Grandma was the secretary of the Women's Missionary Aid Society. She had beautiful handwriting! It brings history to life as I read about all the outreach that they did with so little. There are lists of things that they sent to Africa and China. Dues were $0.25, which in the 1920's was a lot. There is an envelope with a letter from my Grandfather's doctor that was sent with three one cent stamps. There was a cross-stitch picture that my Grandmother did when she was 85 years old. Truly a treasure trove.


More later. :manyheart

What a cool treasure to uncover!


Kim and I just got back from her doctor check-up. Everything was good. And she's lost 10 pounds in 6 months. Yay! What we're doing is working. Of course, some of that is weight she lost while in the hospital and barely eating. But she's down and I'm down! Made both our doctors happy.


It's at least 94* outside. Sheesh! Too hot. We just came right home and got back in the air conditioning. The weather this year is CRAZY!!!!!



Hi everyone. They called today with the time I have to be at surgery center tomorrow, what to bring with me and nothing after midnight. No :coffee:eek :eek I have to be at the center at 10:30 and they do surgery about hour to hour and a half later. Then have to pick up the eyecare kit and meds and then home. Thursday is early morning follow-up on surgery, vampire nurse and doctor appt and then home. So for two days, may be MIA and don't want you to worry. Will let you know how surgery goes on Friday, hopefully.

Good luck!! :hug


We live in the middle of 10 acres of woods, as do all of our neighbors, and the woods have grown taller and thicker. I think bluebirds like their surroundings to be a little more open. The only open area around here is our yard.

we ahve lots of different birds, so I suppose that it may have been too crowded as well.

Yup, the bluebirds like open fields. They will nest in boxes near other species of birds but not any closer than about 125 yards from another bluebird. The thickness of the trees may have made them decide to go to more open grounds.


A customer came in yesterday. He was digging near the stream bank next to his house and found a 100, 20 and $1 bill in varying stages of falling apart. I want to go dig near his house!

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Good morning everyone. We are supposed to have hot summer like weather today, and it is already very nice out.


I'm going to go to Kohls with my 30% off coupon this morning,and then I'm going to start a stashbuster tote in cotton.


DD works at the hospital where MIL is, and visited her last night. She says she is looking really good, is off oxygen and has been walking in the halls, and she hopes to be discharged soon.


Hope you all have a good day. I'll be around later.


OH...Wrennie, I'll come help you dig for buried treasure!

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Good morning, peeps! Been up for quite a while already - Heidi woke up when Sparkie decided to come up and say Hi at 5:30:lol She sleeps great otherwise.

They had to get their energy out - by chasing each other around the yard and under the big bushes...


Baby proofing, someone mentioned...other than a tall trash can, there's nothing under my kitchen sink, and the bottom 2 shelves of my laundry room unit are totally empty - she tries to climb up becasue she knows her food bag is on the top shelf!


Good morning everyone. We are supposed to have hot summer like weather today, and it is already very nice out.


I'm going to go to Kohls with my 30% off coupon this morning,and then I'm going to start a stashbuster tote in cotton. Sounds like a fun day!!


DD works at the hospital where MIL is, and visited her last night. She says she is looking really good, is off oxygen and has been walking in the halls, and she hopes to be discharged soon.

That's great news about your MIL!


Hi, Cheeria, Joanne...prayers for you, Toni, and everyone else who particularly needs them right now.


Later, gators!:hug:manyheart

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Good Morning Ladies,


Linda, What a great treasue to find. :clap For Kim's check up and her weight loss. 94* is to hot and to early.


Marisa, I added another row on the rr yesterday. I hope I have enough yarn to finish the row and a half I want to add. Then it may be big enough.


Judy, Can't wait to see your shawl.


Tam, Nice job on lining the SBT and cute accessories you add to it.


Toni, Keeping you in my prayers.


Mary2, We are finally starting to warm up here.


Dusti, How cool the girls school won a grant for sports. Your day yesterday sounds like a fun day. I use to roller skate when I was a teenager and loved it.


Kiyo, I'm with Joanne. Enjoy all these games/practices, and dances because when Arie grows up you will miss it.


Joanne, :clap on your continued weight loss. I just gave Maya a purse my Grandma made her Mom. And when my son was over sunday he was in the garage and picked up a fisher price house that they use to play with. I need to clean it up and the so the kids can play with it. Even Payton was excited to have it.


Cindy, Sorry your MIL had a set back. Enjoy your play day today.


Cheeria, :clap for the complishments for both of the boys. And the year has gone fast. Glad your getting some crochet time in. I need to finish my rr before I start sbt. Especially as addicting as they are for everyone.


Wrennie, I want to dig by your neighbors house to.


Yesterday I picked up an external hard drive for my computers. I have way to many crochet patterns saved on both of them and probably duplicate patterns. So I will be spending time getting transferred over.

Jocelyn graduates from preschool tomorrow and she has a pretty dress to wear so today were going to go get a pair of sandals to go with it. Not sure what else other than getting Jocelyn to school and picked back up.

Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Good morning, housemates. It's sunny again today. It's supposed to be upper 80s to lower 90s all week this week. Kim had a poor night last night so I expect us to have a very quiet day today. I'm to the center rounds on my RR.


Hiya there House Family, my grand baby is walking and he has been keeping me extremely busy for I'm running after him to keep him safe on his lil wobbly legs, but each day he's walking better. On June 3rd he will be one year old, WOW where did the year go. :think Yesterday I taught my three year old grandson how to subtract and he love it. We use his crayons to count and subtract with and he was able to do at least six subraction problems by himself. Look like he's going to love school. :D


As for myself, I can say at the moment I happy with me. I'm still working on my stash buster tote and I'm hopeful to have it done so I can bring it to the next meet-up. My other bag that I was working on and also my shawl has been sitting in my project bag waiting for me to work on, for at the moment the stash buster tote has my complete attention. :hook


I need to lose some weight also. It seem as soon as I turned 60 I got a muffin top which I never had before, for my stomach through out the years remained relatively flat. I wonder how a muffin top happen???????

Oh, boy, keeping up with those new walkers can be hectic. And they can get into sooo much more when they don't have to hang on to things to stay up.


I sometimes think the muffin top is, at least in part, muscle tone that we lose as we grow older.

Good morning ladies :coffee


I worked on my sweater last night, but did not finish the sleeve. I stopped when I finished the skein of yarn though. :lol:hug

Can't wait to see the sweater.

A customer came in yesterday. He was digging near the stream bank next to his house and found a 100, 20 and $1 bill in varying stages of falling apart. I want to go dig near his house!

WOW! Another kind of treasure trove.

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Hi Ladies. :manyheart Just a quick post to say Good Morning - hope to be home by mid afternoon...dental appt. and then taking care of Luke for a few hours.


Have a good day! :yes

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G'morning :hi


Yes, we all had a good time with the roller skating lessons, yesterday. As a child, I used to skate everywhere, when I lived in Hawaii. We did not have a car, there, so I skated to school, I remember having birthday parties at the roller skating rink, with the lights and music...very fun :yes. When I went to college, I bought my first pair of rollerblades, and I did not go back to my skates. Now, both girls have had rollerblades for years, and they are quite proficient on them. Neither had any bruises from hitting the auditorium floor, yesterday, and they cannot wait until they get to go again on Friday afternoon. The grant was a really lucky one for the school's principal to win.


I plan to finish the small, drawstring purse I started, yesterday. Only a few inches of the body of it to go, and then I can work on the drawstring rows. It's coming along quickly :hook


Hope you all have a good Wednesday :fluffy

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As for myself, I can say at the moment I happy with me. I'm still working on my stash buster tote and I'm hopeful to have it done so I can bring it to the next meet-up. My other bag that I was working on and also my shawl has been sitting in my project bag waiting for me to work on, for at the moment the stash buster tote has my complete attention. :hook


I have lost count on how many I've made. Have to go count again :lol They are tooo much fun!!


G'morning :hi


Yes, we all had a good time with the roller skating lessons, yesterday. As a child, I used to skate everywhere, when I lived in Hawaii. We did not have a car, there, so I skated to school, I remember having birthday parties at the roller skating rink, with the lights and music...very fun :yes.


I went roller skating a few weeks ago for the first time in 10 years. I used to work at the roller rink, my kids were "rink rats". I even asked for better speed skates because I know how to skate...well those first few rounds I texted my dd and told her I wasn't sure I remembered how :lol But after a few more minutes the muscles seemed to suddenly remember what they were supposed to do and all was well. Didn't even fall once :cheer This body I don't think would have handled falling well :eek


Off to the gym this morning. Ugh...

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~Afternoon House~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


Cindy................ hey ... good news about your mom-in-law! Its cloudy and rainy here today... but nice out!!!


Judy........... Heidi is so darn cute! I love hearing about your new fun your having with her!


OmGoodness Mary.............. how fun to go skating! I havent skated in YEARS! Wonder if this old lady would remember how! hmmmm?


Well.........back to fighting germs in my house! :( Please keep Michael in your prayers.... he has caught a cold. So.......... now from my grandkids being STILL sick... David.. myself and now Michael are all sick. :sigh





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Hi Ladies,


Mary2, What fun going roller skating. The last time I went my kids were teenagers and there in there 30's.


Mary1, Hope your dentist appt went well. Glad you could spend time with Luke.


Linda, Hope Kim feels better by now.


Tam, Will keep Michael in my prayers. I hope this isn't a set back for him.


Cindy, What did you end up doing today?


Marisa, Hope your out shopping and getting some good bargins.


Joanne, Is a ball game taken you away?


We've had sunshine then it cloud over and got dark twice but it never rained. We are the tail end of a storm but didn't get it. It's dark again. DD is in a severe thunderstorm warning but I don't think it is coming up my way. We got Jocelyn some cute sandals so she is all set except for I'm going to paint her toes tonight and fingers in the morning.

Well need to go paint her nails bedtime is soon. Have a good night everyone.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Getting ready to head upstairs to read a bit before bed. We made our boscov's trip tonight and again we were in and out :clap (it helps that none of this weeks sales interest us :lol ) But hey, whatever works :shrug


I downloaded angry birds on to my nook so ended up playing while watching american idol so I didn't do any crafting tonight :( But, tomorrow is another day :think


Night night

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Just a quick pop in-

I chuckled Marlene when you asked if a ball game was keeping me away! Actually, there was a dinner after work tonight honoring employees with 5, 10 or 15 years of service. I have been there 5 1/2 years - (would have been 10, had I not left for about 3 years to try "greener pastures" that turned out to be not so green). The dinner was very nice- and we all had a good time! I got to spend some time with my boss from the project from the last 2 years as well as the CFO who I had gotten to know while being assigned to the project. It was great!


I read all the posts, but I'm going to follow Marisa's lead and head upstairs and READ a bit before calling it a day- Tomorrow will be here before I know it!!!

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Good morning!


I read about 2 pages before my eyes got really heavy! But, hey, 2 pages is something!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise- supposed to be another beautiful day today- and now I hear rain all weekend! Doesn't that figure? I'm stuck inside all day on these gorgeous days. Definitely going to leave work on time today so I can enjoy some of the sunshine!!!


Have a good day all!!!


Marisa- James is my man on Idol- he HAS to win!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, I didn't get much reading done :( Only a few pages before my eyelids gave in :lol I have to stop by the post office on my way to work to mail out a letter to my apartment office that I'll be leaving in August :yay


Joanne - I hope that James and Scotty are the final 2 and I love them both :yes They are 2 of my favorites from the beginning (along with Casey).

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Hi, Marisa, Joanne, Cindy, Marlene, Tam, Linda, Jules, Tabby...and all my peeps.:)


Not much going on here...still getting the housebreaking thing figured out, but she's so young, it's not surprising. Heidi gets distracted when Sparkie is outside with her and doesn't always do all she should, so after she comes in, a while later I've had a couple of puddles in the kitchen. Easy to clean, tg.


Off to get myself together....



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Good morning housemates. The sun is out again this morning. John didn't get home from work until 9:30 last night so it was a looooong day for me. Kim is doing much better and our quiet day helped a lot. Nothing else on the calendar until next week which will also help.


Well.........back to fighting germs in my house! :( Please keep Michael in your prayers.... he has caught a cold. So.......... now from my grandkids being STILL sick... David.. myself and now Michael are all sick. :sigh



Hugs and prayers to you all. :hug :hug :hug


Judy ~ If you've only had to clean up a couple of puddles that's not bad. She is still awfully young.


Julie ~ Thinking of you, missing you, hope you are feeling better soon. :hug :hug :hug


Marisa ~ August will be here before you know it. Good luck with the move.


Marlene ~ Painting little girl's nails is so much fun.


Hope everyone has a good day. Catch you all later.:manyheart

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Good morning ~


I am rather envious of those of you with warm, summer-like temps. Oh, I understand that humidity and *hot* temps are no fun, but this morning's 37* was not too great, either :wbrr. My baskets of tulips, strawberries and geraniums are on wagons, so we just wheeled them into the garage last night, and they look alright, today :whew. I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but, "Come on, Spring!"


I finished the little, drawstring purse last night, so it looks as though I am going to have a couple of different projects to show-off on Photo Friday :yay I have a hexagon-shaped tote finished out of Patons Classic Wool in the Kimono (olive green, spring green, magenta, and old gold [where DO some of these names come from? :think]) colorway. I am working on the handles, today. I will not felt the bag until I can do the handles, too, so that will, probably, have to wait until this weekend. Projects are coming along, though.


I was informed this morning, "There are only 11 more school mornings until the end of the year." Gee, do you suppose someone is counting? :lol Today's agenda includes an annual eye exam for Kyri after school, but that is it. I am off to start a letter to one of my high school friends, who is living in Japan. I am sending her the purse I felted a couple of weeks ago from soy-wool blend yarn I had ordered on-line. Felting is so very fun and addicting :U.


Have a good Thursday :flower

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Hiya house :cheer Yesterday was beautiful so me and the grandbabies stayed outdoors for a couple of hours. My 11 months old grand darling has been having a bout of loose bowels, which kinda of have me feeling a little under the weather also. Whatever it is I'm prayerful that it pass for both of us for next week-end I'm on a three day trip with a friend to Maryland for a religious retreat. Overall among the diaper changes and the running behind the wobbly walking baby I had a nice day that when the day ended I was ready for my BED. Oh I did crochet a little between the time of running after him. :lol


WOW Judy the lil pup is keeping you busy, they are like lil babies. I want one. :eek


Cindy glad to hear that your MIL is doing much better, and that she is up and walking. :manyheart


Well the lil bugga is trying to climb into the toy box, got to run. Hugs to everyone. :hug

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Good morning ~


I am rather envious of those of you with warm, summer-like temps. Oh, I understand that humidity and *hot* temps are no fun, but this morning's 37* was not too great, either :wbrr. My baskets of tulips, strawberries and geraniums are on wagons, so we just wheeled them into the garage last night, and they look alright, today :whew. I am beginning to sound like a broken record, but, "Come on, Spring!"


I finished the little, drawstring purse last night, so it looks as though I am going to have a couple of different projects to show-off on Photo Friday :yay I have a hexagon-shaped tote finished out of Patons Classic Wool in the Kimono (olive green, spring green, magenta, and old gold [where DO some of these names come from? :think]) colorway. I am working on the handles, today. I will not felt the bag until I can do the handles, too, so that will, probably, have to wait until this weekend. Projects are coming along, though.


I was informed this morning, "There are only 11 more school mornings until the end of the year." Gee, do you suppose someone is counting? :lol Today's agenda includes an annual eye exam for Kyri after school, but that is it. I am off to start a letter to one of my high school friends, who is living in Japan. I am sending her the purse I felted a couple of weeks ago from soy-wool blend yarn I had ordered on-line. Felting is so very fun and addicting :U.


Have a good Thursday :flower

Wishing you warmer temps SOON. Sounds like you've been super busy on the crochet front. And summer vacation countdown sounds like it's definitely on at your house.:D

Hiya house :cheer Yesterday was beautiful so me and the grandbabies stayed outdoors for a couple of hours. My 11 months old grand darling has been having a bout of loose bowels, which kinda of have me feeling a little under the weather also. Whatever it is I'm prayerful that it pass for both of us for next week-end I'm on a three day trip with a friend to Maryland for a religious retreat. Overall among the diaper changes and the running behind the wobbly walking baby I had a nice day that when the day ended I was ready for my BED. Oh I did crochet a little between the time of running after him. :lol Well the lil bugga is trying to climb into the toy box, got to run. Hugs to everyone. :hug

Hope the scoots quit STAT. :hug :hug :hug Have fun chasing little one.


I just finished taking out half the pins from the Challenge Quilt and putting them back in. I had some puckers on the back that just would not do for a quilt that is going to be judged. Just brought up the sewing machine so that I can start in on the quilting now. I've got to get busy on it as there's a lot of quilting to do and only a little over two weeks to do it in. Where did the time go? :think Oh, yeah. :idea In sorting boxes and making Kentucky Derby hats. :lol

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Linda, you're right - Heidi is still so very young that a couple of puddles are nothing:lol

She fell off our bed last night:eek At 3:30 AM, to be precise. Poor thing cried....I felt awful - but then she went back to sleep.

Her fav place is at the bottom of the bed, but we're going to fix that tonight - by putting a long pillow there to stop her from sliding off.


I can't believe the quilt judging is so soon! You definitely had better get going on it!

Later, gators....

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