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Security Guard

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Yesterday my husband had an appointment at the local Social Security office and to my surprise there was a security guard inside. The office was practically empty so he made sure my husband got properly checked in and then the guard was getting ready to walk through a door into the offices part when I pulled out my knitting for while I waited on DH. Instantly the security guard was on the alert.


"Is that crochet or knitting you have? Are those needles?"


"It's my knitting."


"You may not be able to do that in here. It could be dangerous."


I smiled sweetly and said, "These are circulars with bamboo needles on the end. They're not sharp."


"Yeah, but you just never know about some of these people around here." I silently observed the waiting room, which was empty save for me and my husband. Again, I smiled.


"I'll try not to hurt anyone." This was getting ridiculous.


"Well. It'll be OK out here but when you come through the door you will have to stow them."


Hmmmmm... so all these crazy people are in the back working at desks? Sheesh.

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so, ummmm, we can no longer eat at decent restaurants (w/ his theory) due to them having KNIVES as part of the placesettings?? or mow our yards because the mowers have BLADES that cut? or even write a letter w/ an inkpen since they can be used to POKE a person and inflict harm??


our society has officially gotten WAY too paranoid for its own good. lol


have a very merry christmas everyone, dont let someone use the tinsel as a garret on ya (sorry, warped humor here)

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Thank you, I needed the laugh! I know the type of security guard, I actually live next to one! What I think is funny is when we had to go to the courthouse to check on something, and my husband had to get wanded because his artificial KNEES set off the metal detector!

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Our court house now has a metal detector that you have to walk thru just to get into the building. It is manned by the country sheriff's officers during the entire day. You can't take anything like crochet hooks, scissors, knitting needles, cell phones or even manicure items. You literally have to empty pockets, purses and any bag you are carrying and they will keep anything they deem "potentially dangerous" until you leave and you can pick them up again on your way out.


We used to go in person to pay taxes and such but now I just send it in or pay at the bank. Less hassle.


Sure is a far cry from decades past and both scary and sad.



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I was really surprised when I found a security guard at my SS office. What I find amusing here is that my 3 inch pocket knife was ok. I even showed it to the guard and she measured it and everything.


I've seen in movies (Lethal Weapon 4 comes to mind) that the prayer beads were actually a garrot. I wonder if they'd take those away too or even bother to check them.


It's a sad states of affairs in the world we live in today. I promise I won't get started on TSA.

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Oh yes, very, very strict at the Social Security offices. The two that I have been to the past few years have been.


I was really surprised when I found a security guard at my SS office.


Hmmmmm... is this because they are government offices? Are all national government offices guarded this way?


By the way, I forgot to add that at one point he told me you couldn't take knitting needles or crochet hooks on airplanes. I didn't bother telling him he is wrong. I think there was a time right after 9/11 when that was so but those rules have been relaxed.

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I remeber an old expression...


"He'd be dangerous ...if he only had a brain." :eek


That seems to apply to this half-wit. Must be related to Joy Behar who got knit and crochet removed from flights because she was such a scardeypants. :rofl

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dangerous because someone just might knit him a hat and scarf while sitting in the waiting area...revealing how long they've been sitting there? :lol

silly people.




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