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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I received a letter today. It was shocking, and sad. I didn't realize things had gotten this bad. I know the economy has some to do with it, but I just, well, don't know what to think anymore. Has it really gotten that bad? And are we going to sit back or are we going to do something about it?





Here is a copy of the letter:





Dear Shell,


Hello, this is Violet from the National Association of Orphaned Skeins of America (NAOSA). I am writing to you with my concerns about the recent surge in orphaned skeins. All over the United States, skeins are going without cuddles and love. They are being looked over then left on the shelf, backs are turned on them, some are even being shoved behind boxes and forgotten.


Too many of these orphan skeins have been injured in their attempts to attract attention. Broken ply, shredded yarn, tangled knots.


It has come to our attention that you are part of an organization called Stashbusters 2011, whose goal is to use up more yarn than they buy. This is causing an influx of orphaned skeins.


Please, talk with your fellow Stashbusters, show them pictures of orphaned skeins. Show them the damage that is done when they leave the skeins behind. Won't you please help NAOSA in our fight to make sure no skein is left behind?


Thank you for your efforts,

Violet Rose Caron

President and Founder


p.s. Please extend our thanks to Jana (-286), Mona (-253), yarn geek (-384), and all the rest of the Stashbusters who have thought about the orphaned skeins and taken them home. It is people like them who help keep our cause going.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

I'll remember this as Sue and I go shopping in a few weeks. I'll make sure Sue takes home atleast a basket full of yarn. :haha:ha:haha

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:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

I'll remember this as Sue and I go shopping in a few weeks. I'll make sure Sue takes home atleast a basket full of yarn. :haha:ha:haha


I should have last time when you offered to pay! :rofl



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2011 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0 / YTD: +12


Have been having a laugh reading the last few days. I've been ignoring the true orphans calling me from the arts & crafts resale store, SCRAP (scrapaction.org), but luckily the weather is crappy and store is way across town. Also, declined going into Michael's which is right next door to the clinic where I spent most of the day last Friday. Took my crochet with me. Alas, nothing busted.




2011 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: +12 (Bronze Medal 03/07/11)

Yo Yo’s for Charity

Dishcloths of 2011 CAL

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I've managed to raise this week's -6 to a -1. I hope to get it to the positive side by the weekend.



Good for you. You are really working hard!



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Have a sinking feeling I'll be Shooting the Moon again this week...Michael's and JoAnn both got me! 37 new skeins!!!! :eek

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Have a sinking feeling I'll be Shooting the Moon again this week...Michael's and JoAnn both got me! 37 new skeins!!!! :eek


Great job helping out the National Association of Orphaned Skeins of America! I'm sure they will appreciate your efforts to help ensure that the orphaned skeins all find homes. :)

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Have a sinking feeling I'll be Shooting the Moon again this week...Michael's and JoAnn both got me! 37 new skeins!!!! :eek


I love you!!! :manyheart I was worried I'd be the STM this week. I also hit JoAnn's...25% off everything coupon... and the caron pounders were on sale to boot. I got them for $4.50 each! Glad the don't have a great selection or I would have been in bigger trouble. But now I know I can go buy some more and still be ok :rofl2


Damages are only 11 skeins..oh it could have been SOOO much worse :lol

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Dear Shell,


Hello, this is Violet from the National Association of Orphaned Skeins of America (NAOSA). I am writing to you with my concerns about the recent surge in orphaned skeins. All over the United States, skeins are going without cuddles and love. They are being looked over then left on the shelf, backs are turned on them, some are even being shoved behind boxes and forgotten.


Too many of these orphan skeins have been injured in their attempts to attract attention. Broken ply, shredded yarn, tangled knots.


It has come to our attention that you are part of an organization called Stashbusters 2011, whose goal is to use up more yarn than they buy. This is causing an influx of orphaned skeins.


Please, talk with your fellow Stashbusters, show them pictures of orphaned skeins. Show them the damage that is done when they leave the skeins behind. Won't you please help NAOSA in our fight to make sure no skein is left behind?


Thank you for your efforts,

Violet Rose Caron

President and Founder


p.s. Please extend our thanks to Jana (-286), Mona (-253), yarn geek (-384), and all the rest of the Stashbusters who have thought about the orphaned skeins and taken them home. It is people like them who help keep our cause going.


This just cracked me up tonight! thanks for the great chuckle!

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Can you believe it's the last weekend in March? Where did the month go?


That means it's time to post the Year to date scores.

Be sure to post both the WTD scores and the YTD scores so I can find all the scores for YTD and put together the scores for all to see.

Good luck everyone.

I hope there's been a big improvement in STASHBUSTING for the year scores so far.


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Can you believe it's the last weekend in March? Where did the month go?


]I hope there's been a big improvement in STASHBUSTING for the year scores so far.


I didn't do this last year, or keep track :lol but I DO know that it does help me (usually) in if i grab something or not. I can now (ususally...ok sometimes :lol) talk myself out of yarn I don't REALLY need right this second. It has made a difference..I just don't know how much.


Just have to say thank you whoever started this :hug


I do have to say that one of the gals that works at JoAnn's laughed at my shopping cart yesterday. My friend and I went in..and she asked..big or small cart :lol. We opted for the small..and when the gal saw that it was overflowing she got a good chuckle out of it..at our expense!! :eek:hook


Gotta be nice to addicts..even if it's just yarn :cheer:cheer:lol

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Putting in my totals now, so I don't forget...


I'm almost done with my scarf from ****, so I was able to make some headway on the jacket I'm making, so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD +36


I'm also hoping to get more done on my Granny Stripe Afghan this coming week, so hopefully I'll go through more skeins.

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