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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Me? A gold medal with + 11? :faint. I hardly ever get medals. I finished the turkey door hanger and I hate to give it up. I'll have to make one for myself. I'm starting turkey pins now. Used 1 ball (+1) last night.

Ellie 13



Isn't that how things go. You make one for somebody, and then you have to make one for yourself. Congrats on the Gold!



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I haven't checked in in a few weeks, but I guess it doesn't matter much. I have been buying and using and pretty much staying even trying to finish up this afghan I am making my son and his girlfriend for Christmas. I will try to be better about posting scores this week. :)

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Turned a skein into a ball, but hit Michael's yarn sale today. Got 8 skeins. :lol


I'm hoping to get more done this week, now that our Snowpocalypse nightmare is almost over. We might get power back tonight...


Fingers crossed you get power back!!



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I'm hoping to get more done this week, now that our Snowpocalypse nightmare is almost over. We might get power back tonight...


Oh, Sweetie, You guys really got hit! I saw pictures on the Weather Channel of your mountainous piles of the white stuff -- and all those downed branches and power lines! How did you survive the whole week without heat, refrigerators, etc.? Did you have the opportunity to stay with someone or did you "camp out"?


In this part of PA, most folks got their power back by last Thursday, if not before. We were lucky -- only two days and we have a wood stove and a camp stove that kept us warm and allowed us to cook.


I hope all goes well and the lights come back on!

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This morning I finished a thread/bead crochet angel. It's a Christmas present for a friend. It was quite a bit of work for only one point! (ha-ha!) I can't post pictures yet because I haven't done the finishing with fabric stiffener.


I'm hoping to get more done this week, now that our Snowpocalypse nightmare is almost over. We might get power back tonight...


I can't believe the affects this quick snow storm had on the trees. What a nightmare for you all. :hug

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well I bought three skeins of yarn those darn 50%off coupons on my phone oh well I deserved to splurge a little since I have been doing with my studies so far. this week a -6

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I'm going down a slippery slope.... Michaels 7 skeins, 3 for a sock monkey hat, 4 for a scarf. Then I went to Bi-mart.... RHSS $2.19/skein...ok bought two to make a tote.

So -18 already...haven't hit Joann's yet :rofl

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Made 2 hats so that used 1/2 a skein each, but hitting Michael's again Friday with my 25% off coupon! Keep buying Mary. GO :rabbit




gonna give that :turtle a kick in the behind! get shopping!


Just remembered I won't be able to post scores this weekend until late Sunday or early Monday..just a warning to you all!

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Oh my goodness...have I done a LOT of crocheting this week. I've been home sick from work all week with a nasty bug....so all I've done is sleep and crochet.


I made 2 hats and 2 scarves for charity, also 2 12-inch squares for another charity. I'm working on my African Flower Hexagon Afghan...but I can only spend so much time connecting the hexagons before I have to stop to actually create something...much more enjoyable to create then connect... :rofl


I'm also working on a bulky afghan blanket....ripples. Using up some skeins of bulky yarns, specialty yarns, and doubling the worsted weight yarns. This is making skeins/balls disappear quick.


I am going on vacation next week to Las Vegas and Northern Arizona...and I know I will be purchasing some yarn at a few little shops here and there, so I need to use up this week so I hope to keep from going into the hole more than I already am :P


So far this week I have used up 3 skeins of bulky yarn and 7 balls of yarn for a total of +13....I have to tell you those bulky skeins sure go by faster than the One Pounders or Super Savers!!!!! :crocheting:yay

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I finished off a skein yesterday on squares I've been working on, so I was up to +3 for the week:clap. But then my daughter (aka the enabler) suggested we go to Joanns last night and I bought 4 skeins of RHSS so now I'm at -5. I have a 4 hour ride on Friday and again on Saturday which I will spend crocheting and hopefully improve my score.

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A sad day - the Joann's 1 block from my house is now officially closed. *sobs* We had 2 and now they are consolidating into a much bigger store - they'll be like a Super Joann's. While I'm excited about that, I can no longer just throw on my shoes and walk over to Joann's....


granted, that's probably a good thing for my stash.

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I don't know what it is, but almost every time I get a good score going, there's an irresistible yarn sale. :think:devil



This is so true. Or, someone is generous to you and gives you a bunch of yarn. Either way, it plays havoc with your score!



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I forgot I gave away 7 skeins with this month's tote! +14! Still have a WTD @ -2, but I'm going shopping after work tonight so I'm sure it will get bigger/smaller??? IDK. More negative I'm sure! :lol



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