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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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After three weeks visiting my mom, I'm finally home with a big fat zero in my score. Yep, I managed to not buy yarn at my mom's LYS. It helped that they were moving into a new location and didn't have everything set up yet. For Boston members, Newbury Yarns has moved.


WTD 0/YTD-70

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Okay, Yarn Buddies, it's now the time you've been waiting for!


The Scores for Oct. 22, 2011:



Gold Winner! TCarra +15

Tie for Silver Medal! CLLinda +8 and lhasaapsolady +8

Tie for Bronze Medal! dragonpuck +6 and sahm2g1b +6




Crochet Fingers are Flying!

Ellie 13 +4

pineknott +4

cshort +3

cris +1

fc1123 +1



Steady does it!

BigPinkPolkaDot 0

Crafty Witch 0

greyhoundgrandma 0

sindrilla 0



Humming along with the yarn sirens!

Fiberfolly -2

FrLopLady -2

Kraftynkrazy -4

Mouse CLP -12


Braxxi -40

TurtleLvr -43

walker 1021 -66


Dancing on the moon!

yarn geek -114


You guys rock! If I missed anyone or misspelled a name or got your score wrong, I'll fix it. Just let me know. Blessings!

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Okay, Yarn Buddies, it's now the time you've been waiting for!


The Scores for Oct. 22, 2011:



Gold Winner! walker 1021 +66


Jana's should have been a -66. She got gifted a TON of fun fur. :)



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What did you forget Sue? Do you have more to claim on your score this week?????



Well, actually, I do have to pack my bags tonight because I am leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning. So I will post my score now and then you all can either aim to go higher or make sure you fly just under it. :rofl Guess I'll have to wait til I return to see who tried to out do me and if anyone did. :D

WTD = 66

Is this a positive or a negative? I'm sorry if I messed up. I'll fix it when you tell me, Jana.

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Great job on the scorekeeping! I'll be checking back later to see if there are any corrections.



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Humming along with the yarn sirens!

Fiberfolly -2

FrLopLady -2

Kraftynkrazy -4

Mouse CLP -12


Braxxi -40

TurtleLvr -43



Yes, the Yarn Sirens and "helpful" friends. I elaborated on this:





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Just staying out of Hobby Lobby this week. The ILTY is on sale, $3.66 and then crochet cotton by Coats is $2.22. I just have to resist and stay out of HL this week.



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So, I started a mile-a-minute and it needed a bag so instead of using any old bag I was inspired by the tote lovers on here and made up one for it. The tote used two big balls I had ( +2) and I've been movin along with the afghan (+3) woo hoo:) Now I think I'll make another tote....it was nice to have something useful made, quickly :)

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I finished a skein and rolled one into a ball. Today was my monthly trip to take my son to the airport, so I went by JoAnn's to use my coupons. I only bought yarn for specific projects--two Christmas presents. Ended up with seven skeins, so I'm at -11.

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Well, this morning I had to take my truck in to the dealership for servicing. It's only about a mile from JoAnne's. Yup... I'm at -3 for this week. Oh dear!

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Well, this morning I had to take my truck in to the dealership for servicing. It's only about a mile from JoAnne's. Yup... I'm at -3 for this week. Oh dear!




BTW, with it a little cooler here I've been snuggling with my new blankie. :hug



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BTW, with it a little cooler here I've been snuggling with my new blankie. :hug




I'll admit I was a bit worried :blush making yours with acrylic yarn because of where you live. That's one reason I looked for a special pretty "open" pattern. :) Clyde and I are glad you like it. :hug


P.S. Clyde's "new" thing now is digging at around 4:00 am. I'm a light sleeper so he wakes me up. :morcoffee ..... I foresee a lot of crochet time for making Christmas gifts and working down my stash if he keeps this up! ;)

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