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Boxing day for charity 2011 Lets post Totals!!


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I thought I posted this earlier, but didn't see it - either I forgot to hit submit, or the computer has a grudge against me, or I did and it's there and I've lost my mind.


Anyway, I finished up some more kitty snuggles. The three with purple centers are made from the squares Denise generously sent me. The red and red/pink ones are patterns from the Combo and Square a month CALS. I still have an excessive pile of yarn remnants, but mine will eventually look scrappier I'm sure.



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Wow Donna! I hardly recognize my blocks in there! This is just the kind of show and tell I need so I can figure out what to do with reject blocks in the future! Of course I am not so good at making up rows.

Is that solid red block from ChampyGirl? I have that pattern set aside to try soon.

Thanks so much for sharing. I am inspired!

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Yes, both the heart patterns are ChampyGirl's.


I removed the white sc row on the one I used the green with, but other than that, I just adapted. They waved a bit, unless they're deliberately flattened out - I seem to crochet more loosely than you do, but presumably the cats won't be too critical! Some judicious stitch skipping and more open rows made it work. Thanks again for sending them. They were fun to work with - not to mention that I finished the blocks Really Fast with a chunk of them done!

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Everything looks great! Love the colors of the snuggles! What a beautiful sweater, Dorothy. I've been working on kitchen items for a local mission. Have topped 4 dishtowels, made two dishcloths and one potholder. Will put pictures up when I get a chance. Was a beautiful sunshiny day here yesterday and today...makes me anxious for spring. Stay warm everyone.

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just stopped in for the first time , didn't know what this post was, but glad I came! Had to read all the posts, look at all the pics, and drool over all the kitty kitties posted! I have two, recently lost one just a couple weeks ago, hard getting used to saying I have two, instead of three. And a doggie that is a good girl. I also do lots for charity, and thought maybe I will keep an eye out on this post, and post what I donate from this date forward, we'll see! Anyway, had to stop in and say wow, love your works, you all do splendid!


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I thought I posted this earlier, but didn't see it - either I forgot to hit submit, or the computer has a grudge against me, or I did and it's there and I've lost my mind.


Anyway, I finished up some more kitty snuggles. The three with purple centers are made from the squares Denise generously sent me. The red and red/pink ones are patterns from the Combo and Square a month CALS. I still have an excessive pile of yarn remnants, but mine will eventually look scrappier I'm sure.



Those look great!


just stopped in for the first time , didn't know what this post was, but glad I came! Had to read all the posts, look at all the pics, and drool over all the kitty kitties posted! I have two, recently lost one just a couple weeks ago, hard getting used to saying I have two, instead of three. And a doggie that is a good girl. I also do lots for charity, and thought maybe I will keep an eye out on this post, and post what I donate from this date forward, we'll see! Anyway, had to stop in and say wow, love your works, you all do splendid!





Glad to have you join! Can't wait to see what you make!

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just stopped in for the first time , didn't know what this post was, but glad I came! Had to read all the posts, look at all the pics, and drool over all the kitty kitties posted! I have two, recently lost one just a couple weeks ago, hard getting used to saying I have two, instead of three. And a doggie that is a good girl. I also do lots for charity, and thought maybe I will keep an eye out on this post, and post what I donate from this date forward, we'll see! Anyway, had to stop in and say wow, love your works, you all do splendid!


Welcome Katy! Sorry about your kitty.

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I dropped off the first of the snuggles yesterday, and it was a mixed experience. The woman who is the contact is more on the dog side, and not terrible enthusiastic about the cat ones. She would like the the bigger dog sizes, which I am not as keen on making, since a little more and I have a baby blanket. She was also very vague about what she needed and wanted. I kept asking how many she could really use, and never got an answer. I am left wondering if she really wants them or not. I might make a few along, but I'm not going to focus on them. On the other hand, I know a vet who might like them. I may contact her eventually.


On the other hand, when I dropped of 2 baby blankets and 2 lapghans to Sr. Sharon, my hospital contact, she was begging for as many as I could make. They have a hospice, elder care center, an abused children's center, and always need baby blankets, so I am really going to focus on things for her. I only listed one each of these in my signature, since the other two I made last year and had just failed to drop off.


So... that's the plan. I'm sorry, because the snuggles were lots of fun.

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Donna, I'm sorry you got mixed reviews on your delivery. Even if the person who got the snuggles wasn't that thrilled with them, the people who will put them to use will be very happy to have them. I'm glad the hospital had a better reaction, and let you know how much they appreciate your efforts.


I'm keeping up with my one-hat-a-week schedule. I actually made this week's hat on Saturday while my son (who doesn't drive) was on a date with his girlfriend at a movie, and I was at a coffee shop waiting to bring them home.

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Oh Donna, I'd like to reach through the internet and smack the person at the shelter. I would have danced a jig and done a cartwheel if you had brought those to me! I know that people in those positions have a hard time keeping up enthusiasm, but there is no excuse for that.

On the other hand, if the hospital contact is so apppreciative, then I can see why you would focus your efforts there. Either way, you are doing good things and making the world a better place, one dc at a time. As we ALL are!

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Well, Denise, it's probably just as well, because the hospital was my first commitment. I used to be a nun and Sr. Sharon and I were in the same congregation, though we never lived together, and have been friends for a long time, so I felt a little like I was short changing her. I'm probably just getting lazy and wanting to make LITTLE things for a while!


I have more than enough to keep me busy, dc-ing away, so I really can't whimper too much about it. And since I have dozens of works in mind on the afghan and baby blanket front, it just means I'll get to play with those sooner.

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I feel so behind.... I have been working a lot and have been deeling with 3 sick kidos and the puppy who has decided that chew toys are not good enough for her she wants to eat everything else! I have gotten 10 more hats and 12 squares done. Taylor took off with the squares and the twins took the hats to school already. They didn't even give me a chance to take pics. But all of them are out of the same yarns.

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Dorothy, I can't believe how productive you are even when you are feeling behind. I"m sorry though that you've had so much unfun stuff to deal with lately.

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I dropped off the first of the snuggles yesterday, and it was a mixed experience. The woman who is the contact is more on the dog side, and not terrible enthusiastic about the cat ones. She would like the the bigger dog sizes, which I am not as keen on making, since a little more and I have a baby blanket. She was also very vague about what she needed and wanted. I kept asking how many she could really use, and never got an answer. I am left wondering if she really wants them or not. I might make a few along, but I'm not going to focus on them. On the other hand, I know a vet who might like them. I may contact her eventually.


On the other hand, when I dropped of 2 baby blankets and 2 lapghans to Sr. Sharon, my hospital contact, she was begging for as many as I could make. They have a hospice, elder care center, an abused children's center, and always need baby blankets, so I am really going to focus on things for her. I only listed one each of these in my signature, since the other two I made last year and had just failed to drop off.


So... that's the plan. I'm sorry, because the snuggles were lots of fun.


Maybe a different shelter would be more appreciative. Thats sad she was so vague. Glad the hospital was nicer. I'd focus there too. Is there a 'cat person' you could give the snuggles to at the shelter? I'd hate to see uncomfy cats because of one 'dog person' with an attitude.


Donna, I'm sorry you got mixed reviews on your delivery. Even if the person who got the snuggles wasn't that thrilled with them, the people who will put them to use will be very happy to have them. I'm glad the hospital had a better reaction, and let you know how much they appreciate your efforts.

Yup the cat people will be doing the cartwheels! :cat

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I dropped off the first of the snuggles yesterday, and it was a mixed experience. The woman who is the contact is more on the dog side, and not terrible enthusiastic about the cat ones. She would like the the bigger dog sizes, which I am not as keen on making, since a little more and I have a baby blanket. She was also very vague about what she needed and wanted. I kept asking how many she could really use, and never got an answer. I am left wondering if she really wants them or not. I might make a few along, but I'm not going to focus on them. On the other hand, I know a vet who might like them. I may contact her eventually.


On the other hand, when I dropped of 2 baby blankets and 2 lapghans to Sr. Sharon, my hospital contact, she was begging for as many as I could make. They have a hospice, elder care center, an abused children's center, and always need baby blankets, so I am really going to focus on things for her. I only listed one each of these in my signature, since the other two I made last year and had just failed to drop off.


So... that's the plan. I'm sorry, because the snuggles were lots of fun.


sorry to hear that she wasn't that responsive to the cat snuggles

but with them wanting the dog ones at 24x24 and 36 x 36,thats a pretty big piece of work.

Portsmouth Humane has been actively seeking cat snuggles,and as long as the fingers hold up,I'll make the 14" round ones

i just finished up # 7 and starting on #8

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I was given a bunch of yarn yesterday, and I plan to use a lot of it making hats. Since I'm on the stashbusting CAL, I want to use up a bunch of it as quickly as possible, so I finished a hat this morning.


My count is now 8.

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I wish "the Plague" would leave my house! My kids are taking turns passing it around still. I have to work a double again today. I am hoping to take something to crochet to work tonight. I think I will just take squares. Than Tay will have something to do. I stopped at hobby lobby last night and ffound a bunch of yarn and some super cute totes on clearence. currently they are hiding in the trunk of my car. I bought the totes for the kids and have to wait till they are not home to bring them in.

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I found a huge yarn clearance at HL last summer - I've been thinking it's about time to look in again. I would love to find another windfall like that. Congrats on yours, Dorothy - color me jealous!


My crocheting is languishing while I'm on this wretched work schedule. I crashed and burned last night, spending the whole evening asleep in the recliner with the crochet on my lap. At least my intentions were good! I'll get back on track eventually. I brought it to work today to play with on my lunch break.

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