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Boxing day for charity 2011 Lets post Totals!!


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So I always try to bring it up a notch for Nicole's charity weekend and I got 3 cat mats done and another one almost done. Someone gave me about 8 skeins of red yarn. All different reds, so these are pretty bright. post-13802-135897681528_thumb.jpg

Had the day off today and took my mom for our second screening of Harry Potter. This last movie is very good. It was nice to see it with only about 20 people so no dialog is missed, but seeing it opening weekend with the crowd was electric, too. I will miss Harry. The books were exceptional. Time for someone else to take us on a journey outside our stressful lives. Anyone out there writing the next great novel??

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Here is the bag of yarn I received from a friend to make cat mats. More red there in the back. What is it with people buying red yarn and discarding it? Oh well, the cats don't mind.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I finished another cat mat this week. It's in the washing machine right now so I'll get a picture when it's done. I usually wash them twice before they go to the shelter so they are nice and soft. The more they get used and washed, the softer they become.

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Well, here it is: So odd looking. Ran out of the black halfway through and it sure looks like something weird happened, huh? The pastels patterned so that it looks like two big eyes are looking out. Creepy.:eek

Oh well, it will get used and abused and washed a zillion times and probably nobody but me will ever give it a second look.


Preseason football started Thursday. I can't wait until it's cool enough to pull out the two afghans I have started and finish those up (so I can start another one), but here in the Phoenix area, that won't be until January!!

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Hi everyone. What's everyone up to? My brother was here visiting from VA. He missed the earthquake and got home just in time to assess damage and hunker down for the hurricane. We had a few hours to kill before he went to the airport Friday morning so he and my mom helped me make a batch of fleece toys for the shelter. We made about 30. I know we are supposed to be showing crochet stuff but it's been quiet here, so I decided to post anyway!


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Denise, the toys look great and it dosen't matter what they are made of as long as they are for charity they count!!


As for me I quit my job, you would think that I would have more time to crochet and things but I am now a full time student home work is awful!!!! I have done a couple craft fairs with my pens. They have gone ok but I think that it is the wrong time of year. I think they will do better at graduation and at Christmas. Today I need to work on gettting my house back in order now that the kidos are back in school. Mabye it will stay clean! (doubt it but a girl can dream)

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From the frying pan into the fire? I am pretty sure I could not go back to the grind of school again. I am just too old I think. I am not sure if I have the right person, but are you a nurse?

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From the frying pan into the fire? I am pretty sure I could not go back to the grind of school again. I am just too old I think. I am not sure if I have the right person, but are you a nurse?


I did in home health care and I am going back to school for my RN. It is waaay diffrent being back in school!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Ladies!

I have not been doing to much lately. I was out in the garage making a wooden bowl and the lathe broke. Well needless to say I broke my wrist. I have been cleaning and weaving in ends on some of the hats that I have finished. I haven't counted them. I am also gathering up all the little yo yo's that are stashed in diffrent baskes and boxes. I haven't counted those either. I will.

Thank you all for the well wishes for school.

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Is it legal to switch charities in the middle? My dd and I volunteer at a cat shelter, and a litter of kittens needs eye surgery to correct a birth defect. The shelter is holding a craft sale to help pay for the surgery. I hope to make some animal-themed hats to sell. It's this Saturday, and I found out this morning, so I don't have much time.

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Is it legal to switch charities in the middle? My dd and I volunteer at a cat shelter, and a litter of kittens needs eye surgery to correct a birth defect. The shelter is holding a craft sale to help pay for the surgery. I hope to make some animal-themed hats to sell. It's this Saturday, and I found out this morning, so I don't have much time.



Yes it is legal!!!! lol Good luck with the hats!

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I am interested in joining for next year 2012. I make blankets for Project Linus, Chemo

caps for our local cancer center, hats,mittens scraves and slippers for Angel tree ministiries and the local woman's and Salvation Army shelters.

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I am interested in joining for next year 2012. I make blankets for Project Linus, Chemo

caps for our local cancer center, hats,mittens scraves and slippers for Angel tree ministiries and the local woman's and Salvation Army shelters.





If you want to start now you can. It is a year long thing. So even if you do 2 things it counts!!!

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