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New Bernat Crochetalong - did you see this?


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Yeah what kittyloverdeb said! For some reason doing the increase square I was able to crochet over the yarn,but when I did it the way Bernat said it bunched,so I had to weave them in at the end,BORING! :lol Now wish I had more time but I am starting training for a NEW JOB on Wednesday! First real job that is not seasonal in more than a YEAR! :clap:cheer Plus it is at the American Legion where my BF is the Adjutant so sometimes we can carpool. :)

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Yeah what kittyloverdeb said! For some reason doing the increase square I was able to crochet over the yarn,but when I did it the way Bernat said it bunched,so I had to weave them in at the end,BORING! :lol Now wish I had more time but I am starting training for a NEW JOB on Wednesday! First real job that is not seasonal in more than a YEAR! :clap:cheer Plus it is at the American Legion where my BF is the Adjutant so sometimes we can carpool. :)


I see. I've been crocheting over them and I'm not having any problems. It just depends on the person doing the crocheting, I suppose! :P Congrats on the new job. :yay

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Just finished my nineth square. I like this square, but man, are they a pain to get right! I've frogged more squares than I've kept, tried both the decrease and increase methods (stuck with the decrease), loosened my stitches, increased hook size, etc. I'll make one good square, and then the next one will be wonky again. I plan on redoing a couple of them, but I'm going to wait until I get 16 done. Here's what I have so far: they look better in the pictures than they do in person since the carpet is so good at "blocking" the squares. Looks like I'll have to wait a few days to retake them in natural light...



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reporting live here from clue #3


by now you have all probably either assumed me dead or being a perfectionist :heehee


it is option B


tried square three with a J hook (aluminum (?) susan bates) no good. with my other J hook (plastic Lion) no good. an I hook--no good. An H hook.........no good. Finally breakdown and do what I've not been wanting but also wanting: buy a J Boye hook from Walmart (only didn't want to since I already had two)


worked the square--almost good. Height good, width narrow, I think I can deal with that though....I think I have one done and two partial squares...haha. I work them partially until I figure out what's going to work then frog/re-work as necessary.


Hopefully I can get some pics posted tomorrow? the next day?....tomorrow's soup makin' day so we'll see what happens



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they look better in the pictures than they do in person since the carpet is so good at "blocking" the squares.


your squares are looking good. I hear you about frogging lots--but I'm also very far behind...makes me wonder if things will just be getting worse and worse for me or if I'm one of those opposite people who will breeze through the more complicated squares....that would be a classic case of--well, something opposite, i dunno. :lol


and the carpet blocking the squares.... :heehee

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here we go everyone!

finally took some pics to show off... I have only half my squares done, but oh well. I am keeping this fun and trying not to stress out... even though they arent really coming out square... haha. tried the increase way and while it felt faster and easier, it came out bigger. Luckily, if I don't look too closely, I can't even tell its upside down, because I don't want to have to do an extra square!

now, waiting for clue 6...





and PS - everyones squares are really looking great! Love seeing all the colours in different patterns. I can't wait to see them when they're done!:clap

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Everyone's squares are looking good!!!!


I got up this AM, turned on the computer, went to Bernat...and lo and behold...No clue #6 yet!!! Now I'm going to have to wait till I come home from work to see what it is!


I only got one more square done last night so I am officially half way done with Clue#5- 8 more to go!


Jenny- Welcome to "villager"-dom!!


SockMad- Congrats and good luck at the job today!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Well, it would be better if the new clue was up :( Not that I finished clue 5 yet or anything :lol I finished #6 last night and half of #7, so I'm getting there slowly. I just had a busy weekend and wasn't able to really sit and work on them until sunday so then I had to try to 'figure' them out :think I've got them working up decently now and if I remember will take a pic tomorrow to share.


Jenny - Sounds like your coming along :hug:clap


Tigrix - Love your squares....I think you're afghan will match my house :lol


Joanne - :yay for making it half way!!!!! I have 1 1/2 to go before I reach that point :eek


Angelfire - At least you'll be able to read all the comments and try some of the adjustments right from the start, maybe you won't have to frog as much :think Enjoy you're company :D

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Good morning:morcoffee

I see we all got up bright and early to find out no new clue...:(

Well I guess I will just have to wait with the rest of you. But all is not lost, I have dinner in the crockpot so that when I come home from work I will have more time to finish clue #5. I only have two done so far but I got busy trying to finish a CAL from lionbrand for a cardigan and it came out wonderful. I can't wait to wear it.

Have a great morning!

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I love seeing everybodys pictures. Looking Good.



reporting live here from clue #3


by now you have all probably either assumed me dead or being a perfectionist :heehee


:rofl Did you see my post about my clue 3?, I made the 8 for the first blanket worked on other squares in between and when I went to work on the square for the second blanket, I couldn't get it to work...worked on it two hours nothing to show for it :blush


hey--just noticed i'm a villager now...hm
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Yea! :cheer The clue is finally here!!! Looks like an easy one and only 4 squares.:dance I think I will knock those out first and then get back to finishing clue #5. Have a great day!

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Nice color combo Tigrix13.


I just want to say that if you stay in bed until 9:30, the clue will be there waiting for you when you get up! Only 4 squares this week, and only one color!


I wish I could stay in bed until 9:30!! They have been posted at midnight for every other clue, but I wasn't concerned today. I can't do any of them until lunch anyway. :P


Can you all believe we are in the 6th week already? Crazy!

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WOOHOOO!!! So glad Clue #6 is easy, one color, and only 4 of them! I only have 5 of Clue #5 done... and that's if I don't decide to "re-do" my first one... Working tonight and tomorrow night (and hopefully this is my last week of swing shifts, a morning person quit a couple hours after I talked to my boss about moving me to mornings :D ) then friday we're going to sign our lease and get the keys so we can move in on Saturday!!!


Not sure if I've talked about it here (I know I have on another thread) but DH and I have been living with my dad and step mom since June, so we're so glad to finally have our own place again... not that it's been terrible living with the 'rents but having that independence and all of our stuff in one place (most of it's in storage now) is pretty much priceless.


So anyway, we're taking two car loads of stuff when we go Friday, DH has to work (he's a sub) at noon, so I'll probably just hang out in the empty apt, crocheting like a mad woman... because... we need to come back with only one car because one of us needs to drive the uhaul :)

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Got the 4 squares for Clue #6 done :hook. They were so nice and quick compared to last weeks! :thair Should only be 12 squares left now!

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I have 11 mitered squares finished and a 12th nearly done. (I do have a few ends to weave in still though.) I was hoping to finish them all before tomorrow, since we will be gone on vacation for the next week and a half, but I don;t think that will happen. I will do clue 6 while we are gone, but I don't want to drag all the skeins of yarn along that I would need for clue 5.

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