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Does anyone get overwhelmed?

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Lately, I've been getting overwhelmed with needing to get certain projects done...


I'm working on the Ladybug Afghan for our little neighbor, I have a friend who's expecting that I want to make a baby blanket for (and I have NO idea which pattern I want to use), and I want to make a sweater for someone for Christmas. Plus, our local LYS is doing an Afghans for Afghans drive and I'm supposed to make a child's sweater for that! AHHH!



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Yes, I used to. If I have more than 2 projects I'm working on I tend to fry my brain and get overwhelmed. So now I try to have one project that stays at home like an afghan or nearly finished baby ghan and one I can take with me that's done in smaller sections like grannie squares, hats or booties, etc. When someone asks me to do something, I simply consider my priorities and tell them where they would be in the line up and when they could expect the item. If that doesn't work for them ... then it doesn't work for me.

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Oh yeah. That's when it turned into work and I didn't enjoy it anymore. I put my hook down for a few months and went thru a dry spell. When I picked my hook back up I swore to myself that I do this for enjoyment - not work and that I won't over commit again.

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I think it happens to most of us from time to time.

This is exactly why I swore off any new patterns until I finished my WIPs....that hasn't exactly worked 100%, but it has made me stop and think before I do anything new. ;)


Take a step back and get organized:


You need a fast child's sweater? If I were you I'd do a hexagon sweater. There are other versions of this, but this one doesn't have as many holes.


When is the ladybug blanket due? :ladybug How long does it take you to make a square? Figure out how many squares you still need, and then determine how many you can do a day. Be sure to take along supplies when you leave the house so you can make a square if you find yourself waiting somewhere.


When is your friend expecting? Unless it's in a couple weeks, just work on the other two projects for now and look for a pattern in your spare time.


Christmas is going to take the last place, here, I think. Knock out the ladybug blanket and child's sweater, then you can work on the baby blanket while you plan the Christmas sweater. :hook


Good luck!! You can do it! :cheer

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Well, I'm making the Ladybug Afghan for Christmas. My friend is due in November sometime. The sweater is just for me, so I could theoretically put that on ice for a bit. The thing that needs to be done the soonest is that Afghans for Afghans sweater (September). It's a knit pattern, unfortunately, so I can't really knock it off quickly.


I think my biggest stressor is trying to figure out what to make my friend who's expecting. I'm tempted, since I've done it before, to make another Ladybug Afghan, as it's a very cute pattern. On the other hand, I keep seeing SO MANY different baby crochet patterns that are adorable, too! :crocheting

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Absolutely!!!!! I so agree with RoseRed. Once the projects begin to take over your life then it ceases to offer me any enjoyment whatsoever. I used to crochet multiple gifts for Christmas giving to relatives and friends.....WHAT A HORRIBLE STRESS LEVEL!!! Now, I pick and choose who I give crocheted items to. From time to time I still get a bit burned out on crocheting especially if I the items I have been working on are larger and time consuming. Then, I too step back, put away my hooks and grab a couple of mystery novels to get lost in.


Don't beat up on yourself if you can't get everything finished within your time limit. It's always an option to let the recipient know you are working on the project and want it to be your best work so it may take a little longer than anticipated.


Remember to have fun crocheting....that's the most important thing.

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Do you know if your friend is having a girl or a boy? And what season is the baby due?

I ask bc my 3rd baby (a girl) is 10 weeks old and I also have 2 boys ;) so I'm in the midst of it babies!


For a girl - any season - I really recommend the Angelwings Pinafore bc it's very fast to make and - the best bit - it can be used in all seasons (using a top underneath in winter) and can be a dress for a yound baby but also a top for an older baby/young toddler.


If by any chance your friend uses cloth diapers then a great idea would be the one-size-fits all Easiest Ever Soaker - again this fits newborns and toddlers!


For a boy I'd go for a cardigan with a hood - that's what I found most useful for my boys.


Good luck - you have some lucky friends!

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My crochet schedule is sooo crazy. I work full-time and run my website working on new patterns all the time. Right now, I am working on 2 tank top patterns, but I have about 8 patterns that I never got written up from last winter, that hopefully will get done for this winter. sigh. That's not counting ALL the other projects that I started that won't ever get done. There are times that I do feel overwhelmed, but, for the most part, I enjoy the challenge and push. If I get overwhelmed, then I just take a week off. That's about all I can stand, though. Crochet designing gives me such pleasure.

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Sure everyone gets overwhelmed at sometime or other. When that happens pick the project that needs to be finished first, then put the other projects in a order.

Or when all else fails put aside for a couple of days and pick up a good book, then go back to your project. Good luck with all of your projects. :)

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It happens to the best of us. Like everyone else says, take a breather and just do the important ones. Rushing yourself makes it feel more like a job and that's when I tend to make the majority of my mistakes in my projects.


When it comes to doing afghans for an expected baby, I always print out a copy of the picture seperately. This way, if I'm running behind and it's going to be late for the baby, I give the picture as a gift and explain that time got away from me but it will be ready soon for the baby to enjoy.


Hugs and Cookies

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I think this can happen to all of us. At one time I was trying to make crocheting a business, it was booming! I had about 10 orders some for dolls, scarves/hat combos and bag ladies, I was crocheting like crazy and just burnt myself out. I would like to sell again but I think this time I will make things ahead of time then go from there. It such a fantastic hobby to let it weigh you down. Have you thought of what to do first?

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I had that "I'm so overwhelmed with projects" moment about a week ago...I just sat down, mentally mapped out what needed to be done and when, and that really helped me. I figured my GIANT afghan projects can be put on hold through the summer, since it's 100* here and who wants to sit with a big afghan on their lap?!?

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Yes when school was going on I was getting really stressed about getting my brother's graduation afghan made for him but I completed it 2 months ahead of schedule and after that said no more afghans though right now I am making myself a blanket for me fiance thought I was making it for someone else I said no it's for me not for anyone else.

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I am going thru that at this time..... crochet burnout. I found that too many project were started, partially completed and I couldn't "get into the groove" of finishing any of them. Then the nice weather came and there was so much to do outside..... nope... I couldn't do it all and it was really affecting me!!!! On my mind night and day!!!!!

I put down the crochet hooks -with difficulty-- went outside and worked in my garden. I haven't picked up a hook in over 1 month and even tho I miss it, my garden is completely done.

Now I can say I really miss crocheting!!!! I plan to pick up my hooks this week after a good "breather" and sit and crochet while I look out on my beautiful garden.

There is a time for everything...... we just have to step back and realize this.

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Sure everyone gets overwhelmed at sometime or other. When that happens pick the project that needs to be finished first, then put the other projects in a order.

Or when all else fails put aside for a couple of days and pick up a good book, then go back to your project. Good luck with all of your projects. :)



I agree. Sometimes the stress can really get you.


I have the county fair coming up and I used to get all stressed about getting all my projects done, and done perfectly. Now, my attitude is to get done what I can, and if I don't get everything done that I had planned, then it's not a big deal.


And this year, I didn't make any afghans. They just take too long. And I did win First prize on one last year, which has been my goal for the last 5 years, so I don't have to try any more in that catagory.



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I can relate! I have a graduation, 3 weddings and five (count'em!) five babies to crochet for this year, One wedding afghan done, except for ends and 3 baby afghans almost finished. (Some take flowers and stars to sew on them)


I just started another wedding afghan today. Funny, I do my best work when I have deadlines and have to crank it out.


Oh, and my grand daughter, Arden, has me working on some Crochet Garden dresses for her. Then there are some scrap afghans I just pick up now and then.


I have been relentless ith my hooks lately.



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Well, I've decided to try to at least get the Ladybug Afghan done first, as that's almost done. I'm not exactly looking forward to all the sewing, but I should get that out of the way. I'm going to try to get my sweater to a good stopping-point, so that I'll know pretty well where I left off. I'm going to start the Afghans for Afghans sweater, as that's the first thing that's going to need to be done. I think I'm going to wait until my friend finds out the sex (7/2) before I decide on her baby blanket. That might take some of the stress off there...

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When it comes to doing afghans for an expected baby, I always print out a copy of the picture seperately. This way, if I'm running behind and it's going to be late for the baby, I give the picture as a gift and explain that time got away from me but it will be ready soon for the baby to enjoy.


Hugs and Cookies


I've done this in the past. My girls are the world's worst about asking for a baby blanket but they need it for the weekend! The last one I didn't have finished I took a picture of it with my cell phone and sent it to my DD to show the mom-to-be.


Christmas is when I overload myself. Last year I just couldn't get it all done, so it will be for this year :lol

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