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My first ever finished project


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I made a hat! It is my first ever finished project and the first time I used a pattern. I am proud of myself.


I used a pattern I found for free at walmart.





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Very lovely hat. You did an amazing job on it for a first project. You done wonderfully, so cheers to you, for a project well done! :cheer:cheer:cheer

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Congratulations!!! It looks wonderful. Your stitches are nice and even and your tension looks great. Doesn't it feel great to finish something and have it turn out so great! :)

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Nice even stitches -- good job! Isn't that a great feeling to complete your first project? The best part is that it just keeps feeling that way! I still get that sense of satisfaction after every project is completed. Here's to many more for you!


BTW -- I like the pooling of your variegated yarn -- has almost a globe look to it! :)

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You did a great job. You should be very proud of yourself. I really do like the colors in the yarn. You did a great job in picking the perfect yarn for the hat. Your crochet looks like you have been crocheting for a long time, you are very talented.


Keep up the good work.

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WTG, don't it feel good to finish something.. esp from one of them Gibberish patterns!!!

I am almost done with my Very first Project using a pattern... I Never used one till now.. Imay have only used a pattern to start something.. like first row or 2 but in the end I always just put away the directions and went with it on my own and turn it into my own Design.

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