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"I swear honey, the yarn Realy multiplies like bunnies"

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I heard a rustling in my bathroom where i have the last 2 boxes of yarn (not small boxes mind u) I got off freecycle are sitting till I get the walk in closet cleaned out, as it's becoming my Craft area. well

I went to investigate all the noise and what do i see




RELAY SEE it Multiplies like BUNNIES!!!!!


That or I REALY have to stop replying to Freecycle adds who's yarn is not Neutered ****!!!!!


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LMBO, the yarn fairy keeps visiting my house with re-homed yarn, hubby has threatened to shoot her in her behind if he catches a glimpse of her

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I have heard of "yarn barf" before but never "neutered yarn"! How funny is that?


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My boyfriend has said NO more yarn,until you use what you have! Yeah like THAT is going to happen,poor man! :)

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My yarn is neither spayed nor neutered. I hope it keeps multipying until my room looks like the house of a yarn hoarder :lol. Any unwanted yarn is welcome in my home. All yarn gets lots of TLC without discrimination. I just wish my yarn would grow and grow and grow, till I drown in it. As long as I can see the floor, I don't have enough yarn :yarn:lol

So, if I knew of people getting rid of yarn, I would definitely say, bring it on! :P

Do I love yarn? You bet I do! It's soft, it's pretty and it doesn't argue with me. :yay

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omg!! and get this... almost ALL of this yarn is Lion's brand. bernat baby, Terrycloth stuff, some red hearts, There are 2 unopend packs of i think its Red hearts baby Finger weight yarn there like 6 i think skeins in both bags. My jaw was on the floor with what the lil yarn bunnies produced. All the wounderous things i can make


also there is a few Started projects!!!!.

im gonna have to get pics to see if anyone can identify the pattern.. I'd love to continue it, other wise i have a few crochet things laying around started but never finished lol.

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hey turt i've been there.... but it seems to jump in my cart when im not looking and I end up takign it home cause I realy dont want to walk ALLL The way to the back of the store where the Yarn was to put it back.:blush

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I make sure I take Jana (walker1021) with me. She buys WAY more yarn than I do and it makes my measily purchase look pitiful! :rofl



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That darn yarn. It always jumps in my cart and sometimes, I have to really fight it off. But when they are on clearance, I have to take them home. I don't want any yarn to go homeless.:)


As for yarn multiplying in the closet, it sure does! My storage bins can attest to that one.



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Oh, yarn sure does have a mind of its own! Perhaps some annoyingly logical types (like my dh), would argue that we're just transferring our feelings to the yarn, but we all know that that is not the case!!! The yarn really does make me take it home from the store. It tells me these sob stories of how it yearns to be made into a scarf, or purse or blanket. It says, "Look how pretty, soft, and colorful I am!" It's impossible to resist. (Now, I really wish my yarn wasn't spayed or neutered-- I have to "adopt" all my yarn at some cost)

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Well all i can say is that I thank god for the donations of yarns i've gottem from some of the ville members here that think of me when they have their odd balls / scrap balls cause i tell ya they are happy when they arrive here to their new home where they will be worked up into a kitty bed or doggie blanket or toys or scarfs for homeless etc..


I cant really say mine multiplies here cause I dont give it a chance for it to multiply I work on them fast and to being crocheted fast it goes...


I do have to say however I have seen this most bright pretty pink yarn its from Red heart and its a super saver 8 ounce skein and every time i go to walmart it just there calling me and starting at me and i walk over to it and caress it and tell it how i wish it can come home to me cause i love the color but then i got to tell it that maybe next time as i can never have the extra $ to buy it... But i tell ya it calls me every time...


so i think they have a mind of its own and knows who to talk to....

And a clearance for get it i would never be that lucky around this walmart...




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OH mmoooooo moooo watch out for your local freecycle, that is where I get my Un-nutred yarn and everytime i do I wake up to MORE and MORE hehehe

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anything good on the yarn clearence rack somehow finds its self in my cart. I just can't leave it there on the rack. I feel sorry for it. Then I have to come home and hide it.

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You ladies are just toooo funny... but i think yarn does talk to us....

They know a good home when they see us coming...




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You just HAD to make me go count. I don't mean count skeins, I'm way past the point of no return on that. My skeins have reproduced soooo much I am counting bins. Yes, bins.


For the last 2 months, my estranged hubby has been coming over here each weekend and helping me drag out everything from every nook and cranny, every box and bag, and it's stunning really, how much yarn I have. And I have stuff that I swear I have never seen, so it must be some of the new yarn babies.


So far, hubby and I have filled 51 bins, and I still have 36 trash size bags to sort. That's way more than our Walmart carries. The nice part is that almost all of it was bought for $1 a skein or was free. I did pay full price for a bit of it, but not much.


I thought hubby would have a fit when he realized how much yarn I have, but instead he wanted to organize it by color and type, then he decided see-through bins would be wonderful so we could see the colors, so every weekend he's playing in my yarn.


I came across 6 skeins of a white Bernat yarn a couple days ago that I've never seen. I think they're yarn babies. They're plump the way baby chicks are, so I think I'm right.


There's this odd thing that goes on that keeps my yarn stash large. When I crochet a number of items for gifts and give them away, and give away some yarn too, there will suddenly be a fabulous sale of some yarn I adore in my favorite colors. I'll buy some, and right after that, I'll be given yarn. I end up getting back 3 times what I gave away. This has happened over and over. The last time, I was literally given about 8 dozen skeins!


I look at the yarn, and every skein is a treasure. I ooh and aah over each one, because in the moment, each one is my favorite. As far as I'm concerned, my yarn can multiply all it wants, and I'll keep crocheting. I always have numerous projects in progress, and plenty of new projects in mind.

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YUP! I can never turn down a bag of yarn in need of a home off Freecycle, Someone has to take it and lovinly turn it into a treasure. It's all it's ever asked for.. to be turned into something that someone will love,


mine can Multiply all it wants too, Rite now hubby is just a lil erked that It's decided to breed before I'm finished with the "craft closet (room)" He says I need to buy more bins or go to the box bin at The store and get more boxes so it dose not have to live in bags. he says if im going to keep adopting more i need proper places to put it so It's not living all over the house.. and I need to be sure to clean up after it when it leaves it's Snipplets on the floor from projects, I told him them snipletts were playing with the cats! Don't take it out on them for wanting to have fun too!

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i was able to go here yesterday in nashville! as i was mom and dang near broke i was able to resist but i'm going to save up a BUNCH and go have fun






:droolNashville? That is driveable and I have a good friend in tennessee!


As for the yarn multiplying...many of us can testify to that phenomenon!


WOW! Haven't looked on freecycle but maybe it is time to start!!!

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Hi Friends!


All this talk about yarn makes me want to go out and save, rescuse and claim more yarn! I love yarn! Ohhhhhh the sight of it makes me oh so happy! I am so happy to know that others feel the same way. My dh is quite understanding, he does ask that I save a spot on the couch for him to sit on, but ya know, the yarn just needs room to breathe, it takes over.



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