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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Day 1 of 12 is over!


Mary- glad you got some sleep- and hope things calm down for you.


ChayaStar- Glad to hear from you and your plans to donate comfortghans to that organization sounds wonderful! Please don't feel that you can't jump in at any time, and please don't feel offended if i forget to mention you in posts. It is getting harder to remember everyone who has joined us and it is so much fun meeting new people! We started out as a group of 9 and we got to know each other quite well- and I for one enjoy getting to know the "newbies" of the group!:manyheart


Beth- Wow your DH sure was busy- How's your back feeling- I hope he is not having you do to much! I didn't think the Skins would beat the boys, but hey one can dream!


Colleen- Sorry to hear about the van. And please keep warm! Hope you have a nice visit with SIL and I'm sure MIL and SIL will love their scarves that you made.


Stacy- George is certainly being mean-and I thought you would not have issues anymore- Hope the Motrin helped and that you were able to take your trip to the Museum today.


Vicki- Your baking is done and sounds delish!! Please tell Pam Hi from another northerner and hope she is feeling better. That was great to read about DH;s interview today- it sounds very encouraging and your post even sounded so optimistic!:yay. I will continue to pray that it all works out and then your stomach can untie itself!!! the JETS had some good luck what with the starters being taken out- but, hey a win is a win and that is something the Giants couldn't do.


Sarah- Did you get to go yarn shopping today? I was thinking about :crocheting all day today and will start again on DH's flannelghan when i finish here on the computer.


Everyone else (you know who you are and I don't want to tax my brain:think:lol hope you had a great day!



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HIya, Besties!


Joanne! One down, 11 to go!!! You can DO this!:cheer:cheer:cheer Go Delta Force! Do you get any short days for New Year's?


Mary, enjoy your peaceful evening. I hope you sleep better tonight. I'll send wishes for a good night your way!


ChayaSar, Good idea, making plans for the year. I have a few things brewing. I will try to come up with something more concrete.


Colleen, I'm sorry your van is misbehaving. I don't know why they need so many computers in everything now. Things used to be so simple, and they used to last so much longer... My hubby's work car had a bad computer. We bought one on e-bay and replaced it (took a couple of minutes, tops.) It saved us a lot of money to do it that way.


Vicki, I would love to smell your house!!! Was it wonderful while you were baking? I'm so happy to hear about your dh's good interview. :cheer We'll keep the prayers flowing for your family.


Stacy, I hope your motrin works, and George doesn't interfere with those wonderful plans that you made, walking in a winter wonderland... Sorry I seem to have that song stuck in my head lately....


LeaAnne, how are your chickens?


Shannon, how is your chicken?


Scooby, are you buried in a snow drift? I hope you are well.


Tena, Judy, Vickietoria, and all our other friends, I hope your day is :2rock


The piano is gone. The family who is getting it lives right around the corner, but we never met before. They also homeschool, have 4 kids, and 3 dogs. The father came alone to get the piano, so my men are going back with him to help him get it in his house. My house is growing!!!


I'm going to go play with a to-do list for 2010. Thanks for the idea, ChayaSar!

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Beth, :clap for found space! Your dh is very sweet for cleaning up for you. I hope your back is feeling much better.


Colleen, sorry to hear about the computer! When the last part died on my car, we also got it from Ebay, which saved us about $200! I hope you can get the part replaced at a decent price. Have a safe trip and, have fun at your SIL's.:hug


Mary, I'm sorry your brain is still tired. I hope you can rest and recharge at the IL's. :hug


Joanne- Day 1 down! :cheer You can do it!


Vicki, glad your sister is feeling better. Your baking-ness sounds wonderful! :manyheart:xfin and prayers for your dh. It does sound like there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Keep your chin up, as my mom tells me. :wink


ChayaSar- sounds like you have a good idea with the plan-making and your charity projects. I always start with good intentions, but a couple months in, I either forget or just get too swamped to finish.


Everyone else- I love you and hope you are having a fantabulous day! :hug


Dh and I went to the museum, but right as we were turning into the drive, he remembered that they are closed on Mondays!! :lol We went to eat, then poked around B&N for a little while. I got the latest issue of Crochet Today, and already have 3 WIM's. :rolleyes We ended up taking a drive out to the coast! :manyheart So, so pretty- we had planned to watch the sunset but a mountain was in the way. :lol So we went to a cafe on the pier instead. When we came home, Mia and Eva were sleeping, and Isabella was kicking my dad's butt at Monopoly. :rofl

I am going to put on my pj's and :crocheting for a little while. We are going to Knott's tomorrow so we can spend the entire day and not worry about being back for cake, etc. So I won't be around tomorrow. Hugs and love to everyone! :hug

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Hi gang! The baking is done! We made mondel bread, which is like a chocolcate chip loaf and chocolate caramel thumb print cookies. They came out good! My heart was not in to baking today. My stomach was in knots! Hubby was on an interview and I was a nervous wreck!


Anyway, the interview seemed to go well. The manager of the store said that hubby is grossly over qualified for the position that he interviewed for, which is a supervisory position. A step down, but that is okay; a foot in the door. Apparently this manager pulled hubby's application and reserved it so no other store could hire from it. The manager said he is going to speak to his district manager about him and see if there is another position in the district that is better suited to his ability. If not, the manager would want to give him the supervisory position with a plan to get him an assistant manager position soon. That is my understanding of the whole conversation. Hubby needs to call the manager back tomorrow after he came home and talked to me about the whole thing.


I was up half the night. Could I see a light at the end of the tunnel? I think so. I am relieved and just hoping that this works out. Prayers please besties. I need all your prayers just one more time to get me through this.


My sister is feeling much better today. She is right now playing a game with DD and her oldest son. We are getting ready to make dinner. Hot dogs and hamburgers! Nice and easy tonight!


Thanks for being here besties! You are all the best and I am so glad I found you all!






:xfin that your husband gets the job... I'm fixing to be in the same anxious mess here shortly as after the 1st I start job hunting :eek

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Did not go yarn shopping =0( ran to Wal-Mart long enough to grab a container for the Christmas tree since it's box basically fell apart after we got the tree out, got the tree down, all the outside lights down and everything that could handle being in an attic during a texas summer in the boxes and took them to store in fiance's mom's attic... the rest we'll put in a box in the corner of our bedroom... the parking lot in front of Hobby Lobby was full as was Wal-Mart and all the other stores and I didn't feel like dealing w/ the crowds just to browse the yarn section (especially the check-out lines)


think I might do most of my shopping on-line as I don't really need any more ww yarn as when I make a toy I generally buy just enough to do the project and when it comes to afghans I really prefer to use the bulky/fluffy yarns for them only other yarn I might be buying anytime soon is some more caron simply soft to finish a baby blanket for a friend of fiance who is pregnant (don't know her due date yet, but it's at least 6 more months so got plenty of time, she doesn't know about it though)

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Good morning one and all!! Early start to the day today- Woke up at 4:45- and couldn't fall back asleep so figured I'd may as well start the day!


I have 2 more blocks to finish on DH's flannelghan and then I'll be ready to join the strips together! Hoping to get at least one more block done tonight, maybe both! It all depends on how tired I am when i get home from work.


Have a wonderful day everyone and remember your vitamins:hug:manyheart

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Good morning all! I have caught up with everything I missed! I missed a lot since I last posted about the interview. The cookies came out good according to DD and my DN. I will snack on them later. SHHHHH. Don't tell anyone! The mondel bread makes a great breakfast!

The weather says it is going to rain today. So we are taking the kids to Itz today, which is this pizza and play place. That should have fun.

I interrupt this post for a messge from the visiting sister. Good morning Crochetville!! I hope you are all doing well. We are having a nice visit here with Vicki. The kids are all playing nicely together and yesterday we had fun baking old favorites from when we were younger, and the calories didn't count so much. As Vicki said, today is pizza arcade day and tomorrow we are taking everyone out for dinner. Then, Thursday, we jet back to NY for a few days of getting ourselves back together before everyone has to go back to work and school. Well, Vicki just walked back into the room,so I now return you to your regularly registered poster.

George came to visit me late last night. I don't want to take anything because I don't want it to bother my stomach. I'll have to try it and see how I feel.

Colleen - I hope you find the part for your car and get it repaired quickly! Is DD enjoying her break?

Beth - How is your back feeling? I agree with Stacy; found space is great! I hope you are enjoying all of yours! I hope you are enjoying your crochet time!

Chayastar - Hope you enjoy getting involved in the ministry that you mentioned! It sounds like a wonderful group and it sounds like they do great things!

Mary - I hope you are not getting sick again. Please take care of yourself up there!

Joanne - 1 down, 11 to go! You can do it! Hope you have a great day at work! GO DELTA FORCE!

Sarah - Hope you find the yarn you are looking for? When you order online, where do you typically order from?

Shannon, LeaAnne, Frogger, Vickietoria, and Tena, have a great day and I will talk to you all later!



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Good Morning, everyone!


Hi Vicki and Pam! I am glad you are having a good visit together. Family is SO important! Enjoy your pizza and arcade time today. I'll bet the kids are having a blast.


Joanne, I am sorry you didn't get all your sleep last night. At least you got some :crocheting time! Way to go on the flannelghan!:cheer


ChayaSar, Tena, Vickietoria, Frogger, LeaAnne, Mary, Colleen, Shannon, Scooby, Stacy, and anybody I can't remember b.c. (before coffee) Have a wonderful day, and know that you are truly loved!:hug:hug:hug:manyheart


Forgot to say my goals for today: I really need to get my kitchen cleaned up. I stop working whenever I feel my back start to tighten, so I haven't spent a lot of time on it since, oh at least a week, probably more. So today I try to find my kitchen, then I make a hat for hats for boxing day cal. Then back to my poncho.

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Good morning Besties!


I just read through a bunch of posts, so please excuse me if I don't remember everything or if I leave someone out!


ChayaSar- Consider yourself officially jumped in!! There were only 9 of us for a long time, and we have gotten very close. But we love meeting new friends, or else we wouldn't have met each other!:manyheart

The charity you talked about reminded me of It's a Wonderful Life. Can you imagine if they gave the new homeowners a bottle of wine, a loaf of bread, and a comfortghan?! That's probably the ONLY way they could've made that movie any better! Sounds like a wonderful charity!


Stacy- Have fun at Knott's today! Is today Isabella's birthday? If so, :birthday to her. (I'll sing after you've confirmed it:lol) Your date sounded so nice! I especially like the part about the Crochet Today!


Beth- How's your back? Don't overdo it in the kitchen--that's what you have inventions for!! Gentle :hugs to you!


Colleen- Have a safe trip to SIL's and stay warm!! It didn't get over 50 here yesterday and I was freezing!


LeaAnne- Boy, your family really needs you! Hope everyone is well and having fun!


Mary- I hope you start feeling better soon. It's no fun to not sleep well.


Vicki- Hi Pam! Nice to meet you! I have my fingers crossed and my prayers for you and DH said. You know, here at the Ville we don't like knots in our yarn or our tummies!!


Joanne- I can't believe you work so much and still find time to :crocheting. I'm counting down with you! You can do it!!


Scooby Doo, where are you??? Hope everything and everyone are doing well!


DD is going to Grandma's house today, so I have some major cleaning to do! OT was cancelled again today because her twins are sick AGAIN. I'd rather be :crocheting than cleaning! (am I allowed to say that here?)


Big hugs to Sarah, Judy, Tena and anyone else I may have forgotten!! (sorry) I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Love you all!!

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:hi friends! I am having a busy and weird week. Lots of cleaning and such going on, and lots of playdates/stayupovers and all the things that great vacations are made of!:U I finally told my family today that I need to check in with my friends, cause I miss them... so here I am!


I just finished skimming what i missed, and want to send out some hello's... I hope I don't miss anyone... I didn't take notes this time:lol


Mary - I hope you are ok :hug:hug:hug did you get any sleep? I am thinking of you, and praying that all is well. Are your DK's and GK's still there with you? How is your mom?


Joanne - :cheer by the time you read this, it'll be 2 down, 10 to go! You can do it!:cheer Is DH enjoying his "quiet time"? Did he hear about the job? WTG on your flannelghan being almost done... lil' Pete sure is enjoying his! You amaze me with all that you :crocheting, all while working more than a full time job! :nworthy:nworthy


Vicki & Pam - :waving, Pam!!!! It's so nice to meet you! We sure do love your sister around here... did she tell you that we have a "secret underground society"? :lol I am glad that you sisters are having such a wonderful time together! It's just what you both needed, I bet :wink

Vicki - I am here praying for DH to get that job! :hug:hug


Stacy - I hope you all had fun at Knott's today! Sounds like grandpa is having the bestest time with his GK's:clap (and his DD:wink) Does he :manyheart his flannelghan?

I hope George lightens up a bit, and that Jorge is enjoying the week!

...and :bday to Isabella! hope the :cake is yummy!:P


Shannon - How are you doing, sunshine? Is our Janna enjoying every Christmas gift she got? What are you cro-haying these days? Did you finish your flannel-ghan?


Beth - :woo:dance for more space! :clap:cheer Your DH sounds like he should join our CAL! Please give him and your inventions a :hug, and say :ty for taking such good care of you!


Colleen - I hope you had a safe trip to SIL's... enjoy your time with family. And WTG on the new Christmas CAL... It looks like it's a big hit already! There are some nice folks there who were in last year's CAL, too!


ChayaSar - I look forward to getting to know you... please don't be shy.

We :manyheart:manyheart friends in our group old AND New! :welcome again to our group:hug:hug I can't wait to see what your 2010 to do list looks like! It's a great idea... I should make 1, too. Maybe alternate a big home/cleaning project with a :crocheting project... you know, just to make sure there's time for both:wink:devil I, too, liked your idea of making time for charity in 2010!


Sarah - You sound like you are a busy lady with your little guy:) ... :clover with your beginning of a job search next week... I will be right in that boat with you:( I need to find a job, too. What :crocheting projects are you working on?


Tena - good for you getting to work on a hat! I hope that you and your GK's are all doing well and enjoying the week off:hug


Scooby - I hope your trek to WY was a safe one, and that you are having one awesome time out there! I am thinking of you:hug


Judy - How is your week going? I hope you are having lots of fun! How are our furbabies doing? Did :santa leave them some new toys?


:waving to you, too, Victoria, Frogger and Jenn (yes, I still think about you:yes) and to anybody I might have missed. If I missed you, i didn't mean to...


I would just like to say how very cool it is that our group continues to grow! I hope that all of you are having the very best day you could have!


I'll try to stop back soon... I really miss you girls!:hug:manyheart:hug

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Shannon, if you'd rather be :crocheting than cleaning, you are perfectly normal that's why we have this CAL any way, to motivate us to get through the cleaning so we can have fun!!!:crocheting:crocheting:hook:yarn:manyheart


I stuporvised some rearranging of furniture, and went through a basket of papers that needed a home. Now my dining room has a loveseat-sized storage ottoman in it (full of yarn... How did that ever happen?) and a file cabinet with a lamp on it beside it, so I have a nice, cozy place to curl up and crochet while everyone is asleep for those restless nights I have too often. We actuallly have a second chair in our room, so when the boys want to watch tv with their dad, at least one of them will have his smelly feet off my bed, and they won't be fighting over prime real estate on the bed. I haven't done any kitchen work. My back did complain a little about the work i did yesterday, but I am still glad I did it!!! My laundry room has never looked this good.


I am going to crochet. I need to start another hat.

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:lol:lol Yes, Beth, I know! But my :hook and :yarn are calling me big time today!


Nice to see you, LeaAnne! You've been missed around here!

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Uh, yes please. I've never been to Vegas before. Sounds like fun! Are the chickens going too?


As for the Saints, we'll just have to see. They still have it in them, they just need to find it.

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:lolWe are leaving the chickens at home, and bringing BIL instead:lol DH and BIL have friends who moved there years ago, and now my cousin (a son of Uncle Art's) is there. He (my cousin) is having a rough time lately, so it will be nice to see him.


YOu have never been to Vegas? It's fun... and a cheap trip (if you don't gamble, that is:devil

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Yep. I looked the other day and I think Ash Wednesday is February 16th. Don't quote me on that though.


No, never been to Vegas. We've talked about it, but that's as far as it's gotten. DH went with his grandparents years ago, but was too young to do anything.

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