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Our House [Archive 4]


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:hi Krystal. She loved it. :yes It has been making her tired, too. :lol She got 3 "stars" (R1) today. They earn them and every so many they get a reward (I am guessing book and stationery vouchers which is what the other school was using and the two schools are very similar). She got today's ones were for changing quickly after PE and 2 for excellent behaviour. Also, she didn't get lost as many times as yesterday. :lol


Not getting lost is always a bonus :lol Not something I could accomplish that quickly :lol Tell her great job on the her 3 stars :yay:cheer:clap

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Karen I hope the suit case shows up today.


Suitcase arrived :clap I have my favorite hook and tapestry needle back :clap:yay


Karen, have fun with your first day of classes! I remember professors doing that testing to us.


My first day of classes was good. 29 students in my class and they seem OK (but we will see :P ). The testing will be done again at the end of the semester. The department, college and university require stuff like this for accreditation and stuff. It is a way of "measuring" learning over the semester.


My son started school yesterday and my girlfriend and I always celebrate with a bottle of champagne. :lol (guess I'll never make mother of the year)


And the teachers and professors celebrate with a bottle of chanpagne on the last day :D


Please help me choose. I designed these this afternoon.. (first try so i am very proud)


Autumn Leaves



Autumn Harvest



Ohhh I like the Autumn Leaves. I like bright too :yes



HarvestFriends.jpg I have finally finished my Harvest of Friends. I enjoyed working on this afghan. It took a while, but I am very satisfied with the finished product.



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Klutz - my youngest heads of to Kindergarten on Monday. A few mothers and I had planned margaritas at 10AM... then remembered it was a bit EARLY... :lol:rofl

Go by Tracy's time zone...it's not too early there!






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Hello ~ It may take me awhile to find a routine, what with driving 80+ miles per day, but we are doing well on this end. The girls absolutely LOVE school. :whew Even my super-shy 3-yr-old initiated a conversation with her new teacher. We are off to a great start :yay:yay


Sprtsbear -- Gorgeous!! :droolYour Harvest Friends is wonderful. I am wondering, where could I hang one at my house?!? You deserve to be very proud; nice work!


Cathy -- you will have to keep us posted on your Rebel Flag design. Did you find the graph paper you needed, while the wheels in your mind were spinning with ideas? Hope it goes well for you.






LavenderBear -- All of your WIM's are great choices. We must have similar tastes, because I did the Pretty Gingham Baby Quilt and Just Ducky as my first two quilt-ghans. I have half of the yarn to do the Penguin Cuddle, too. Yes, all good projects :yes


Oh my goodness, Kidget, your designs are beautiful! I prefer the Autumn Leaves design...I wish I had had these designs before I started my IC, because I much prefer seeing the Autumn colors to the blues with which I am working. Oh well, I could always to another one... ;) Towards which design are you leaning?


Everyone else -- :flower!!

Mary -- did I read right that you frogged your SIC? Did you add another color and change to a Double?

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Klutz - my youngest heads of to Kindergarten on Monday. A few mothers and I had planned margaritas at 10AM... then remembered it was a bit EARLY... :lol:rofl

As you get ready to drink one, raise your glass and say 'It's 5:00 somewhere' :lol

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I guess I should post what I came here to say. Krystal talking about Margaritas caught my eye and distracted me :lol:lol


I have 2 more rows sewn together. Only 4 more to go. But first I have to make more saltines. Then comes the assembly :D

I have slowed down a bit on this ghan. I still have a few projects I have to get done, so I am alternating.

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Morning everyone


Wow the house is buzzing with IC's:yay


Karen Im glad your suitcase has finally arrived safely and that your first day of classes went well.


Donna the cabin ghan looks great so far.:clap


Priszm its hard to go back to work when you have been on holiday, wow and even better if you can work from home. Can you somehow work and crochet.


Cathy congratulations on finishing the Desert Star.:clap Oh and Im glad that everything is ok where you live and your all alright.:hug If your looking for a smaller project I would go for the Casa. :D


Tabby :hi Have you started that ghan yet.


Laura Lee welcome to the group. What pattern are you making.


Julie B thanks. and duh why didnt I realise that WAGC was were all gods children.


Suzanne welcome to the group. You have chosen some nice patterns there to start with. I havent done the ducky but I have done the penguin and I really enjoyed making it and seeing the picture come to life.


Diane its great to see you, Im glad you had a great time on your trip.


Kidge both patterns look great, its hard to choose, I can see your dilemma.


Sprtsbear love the harvest ghan, you did an amazing job. Well done :yay:cheer Whats next on the agenda.

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I just went back and tried to get caught up on all the posts. So much to read, and by the time I got done, I forgot most of what I read :lol


Everyone's work is amazing. I hope my little itty bitty ghan turns out half as good as everyone's.

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Klutz - my youngest heads of to Kindergarten on Monday. A few mothers and I had planned margaritas at 10AM... then remembered it was a bit EARLY... :lol:rofl


:rofl :rofl


:yes, use my time zone or Wendy's time zone. :devil Well, it has to be after 5 somewhere in the world, right? :lol And it will be after 5am, too. :wink


Yep thats a great idea.

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Wendy, shhh! I actually do try to crochet some while working. Since I literally log into my physical computer at work, all the information is being fed through the work servers, to that computer, through my internet connection to my computer. So occasionally things run slightly slowly. And I do crochet while waiting on the stuff to load :D

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If it isn't too late to share an opinion...I llike them both but I definitely prefer the brighter one--Autumn Leaves. You know, you could always make both of them! :devil

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Thank everyone... I have decided to make Autumn Leaves. Hubby bought me all the yarn I had some but once he saw the design he loved it and for our anniversary bought me enough to make sure I have plenty.


:hug Thanks for all the input

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Hi Ladies. :)


Welcome Back, Diane. Glad you had a nice holiday trip!


Kidget29~16 solid squares added. :yes


sprtsbear~Your fall ghan is beautiful. Isn't that a great pattern? :crocheting


Hi Tracy. Yay for Kyla's 3 stars! 14 solids/2bicolors added...is this your ATW or Casa? :hook


Cara, I think Zoe and Tuon have been talking when we're not looking. ;) I just hope Tuon doesn't start grabbing your squares and drowning them like Zoe does. :lol I'm glad the yarn made it in good shape. The padded envelope looked big enough until I started cramming the yarn in it. :blush

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Oh, how sweet. And you know you'll have something you both love.



Thank everyone... I have decided to make Autumn Leaves. Hubby bought me all the yarn I had some but once he saw the design he loved it and for our anniversary bought me enough to make sure I have plenty.


:hug Thanks for all the input

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Hi Mel! Great progress - 16 solids added.:D


Dusti~Nope, I didn't frog the SIC, I threw it in the trash. :lol No way was I going to try and separate squares...but I have started working on a double IC and need to start joining some squares. :crocheting


Hi to Wendy and Joyce, too!

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I see the light! It's faint! But I see it! I officially have 5 rows left of the parts that contain the ribbon! I still haven't decided how many rows of white on the ends, I'll decide that after I get the ribbon part done.

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I have to go yarn shopping tomorrow... I've started my DICh ... I'm using a light blue (not baby blue) and pastels varigated... I want to use a darker color as the background but the yarn I'm using is a light weight worsted and all I have are medium and heavy weight... I have some RHSS sport that is about the same weight but all I have is christmas red and I don't want that...

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