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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I received a sweet square from grannieannie in the mail yesterday!! I have no Internet credit so I can't upload the photo. I tried linking through Facebook but it doesn't show me the URL grrr. Phones and forums do not go well without tapatalk.Grannieannie if you have a pic could you upload it for me please? I love the square, the colour is gorgeous! Going by the post date you must of thought it went AWOL! I sent out a square a week and a half ago so I hope it makes it to it's recipient In the next week.

I'm so happy that it finally made it! I was beginning to worry! :whew Here's a pic of the square.


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hello ladies! how re we all? good i hope! just wanted to drop in and say hi. im finally over being sick, i hope! :clap im finally getting a chance to get started on my family's christmas gifts!!! i just hope they like bookmarks! :D

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Nice square Paula and Ann, and abby, love the back pack! Everyone having a good weekend so far?

Thanks! Same old stuff around here. Not much going on. Crocheting and hanging out, but it's a good weekend.


hello ladies! how re we all? good i hope! just wanted to drop in and say hi. im finally over being sick, i hope! :clap im finally getting a chance to get started on my family's christmas gifts!!! i just hope they like bookmarks! :D

So glad that you're finally feeling better! Bookmarks are a wonderful gift! :hook

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I love all the squares!!


I know this is not a square but I wanted to show you the finished backpack that I made for my niece.




Very pretty!


hello ladies! how re we all? good i hope! just wanted to drop in and say hi. im finally over being sick, i hope! :clap im finally getting a chance to get started on my family's christmas gifts!!! i just hope they like bookmarks! :D


Glad you're feeling better!



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Wow that square is gorgeous! It's Sunday here and the sun is trying to shine. I am going to practice parking in an empty carpark today. Then we are coming home to do some baking for school and start on a sweet snake I am crocheting for an adorable little boy who turns 1 next month. So an enjoyable day. Better then yesterday when my youngest was sick. Thanks grannieannie for posting the photo. It looks brighter than the one I took. It has received many compliments from my few crafty friends on Facebook : )

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Nice bag Abby I got yer square today!! [ATTACH]44171[/ATTACH] Danke/Thank you!:clap:clap

Beautiful square!


Wow that square is gorgeous! It's Sunday here and the sun is trying to shine. I am going to practice parking in an empty carpark today. Then we are coming home to do some baking for school and start on a sweet snake I am crocheting for an adorable little boy who turns 1 next month. So an enjoyable day. Better then yesterday when my youngest was sick. Thanks grannieannie for posting the photo. It looks brighter than the one I took. It has received many compliments from my few crafty friends on Facebook : )

You're welcome! :blush Enjoy your time practicing to park and have fun baking!

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Those squares look awesome! Next wednesday is payday so I plan on sending out atleast 2 squares. I also have 2 other packages I need to send out. One to a friend and one to my SIL. Haven't been able to do much crochet the last few days. My son has an ear infection. It's nearly cleared up now but he's been so miserable the past few days. It's difficult when he is sick because I feel so helpless. I am hoping by this time tomorrow he will be all better.

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Those squares look awesome! Next wednesday is payday so I plan on sending out atleast 2 squares. I also have 2 other packages I need to send out. One to a friend and one to my SIL. Haven't been able to do much crochet the last few days. My son has an ear infection. It's nearly cleared up now but he's been so miserable the past few days. It's difficult when he is sick because I feel so helpless. I am hoping by this time tomorrow he will be all better.


It is always the worst when our little ones get sick.Good thing they do start feeling better about the 3rd or 4th day. Hang in there momma. HUGS to you both!:hug


I am glad you liked the square dragonracer :hook

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Grannyannie, Im not sure if Ialready posted, But thank you for the square, I love it :)

You very welcome.

Those squares look awesome! Next wednesday is payday so I plan on sending out atleast 2 squares. I also have 2 other packages I need to send out. One to a friend and one to my SIL. Haven't been able to do much crochet the last few days. My son has an ear infection. It's nearly cleared up now but he's been so miserable the past few days. It's difficult when he is sick because I feel so helpless. I am hoping by this time tomorrow he will be all better.

Poor little ones! Hopefully he'll be feeling better today. We do feel so helpless when our children are sick. Hang in there! :hug

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Wow that square is gorgeous! It's Sunday here and the sun is trying to shine. I am going to practice parking in an empty carpark today. Then we are coming home to do some baking for school and start on a sweet snake I am crocheting for an adorable little boy who turns 1 next month. So an enjoyable day. Better then yesterday when my youngest was sick. Thanks grannieannie for posting the photo. It looks brighter than the one I took. It has received many compliments from my few crafty friends on Facebook : )


Glad your youngest is feeling better. Good Luck with parking.


hello ladies! how re we all? good i hope! just wanted to drop in and say hi. im finally over being sick, i hope! :clap im finally getting a chance to get started on my family's christmas gifts!!! i just hope they like bookmarks! :D


Very glad to hear you are feeling better.


Those squares look awesome! Next wednesday is payday so I plan on sending out atleast 2 squares. I also have 2 other packages I need to send out. One to a friend and one to my SIL. Haven't been able to do much crochet the last few days. My son has an ear infection. It's nearly cleared up now but he's been so miserable the past few days. It's difficult when he is sick because I feel so helpless. I am hoping by this time tomorrow he will be all better.


I'm glad your son is feeling better. It's hard when they are sick.

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wow i can't beleive someone waits that long, lol glad you finally got it! I got my permit the day I turned 15, and my license the day I turned 16! Been driving ever since, I still don't parralell park very well, nor do I back in somewhere very well, but haven't seen the need to use it much either so don't mind! Keep trying, there's a whole new world out there, when you're a driver!

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I'd try again Ambi. Do you have any backroads that you could Practise on until you got your confidence up. My first couple of lessons were out at a race track. I drove around in circles for hours lol. I live in a small town. We got our first set of traffic lights this year and I am not ready to drive down the main street yet.



I know I need to. So many times I wish I had my license. Just to much of a chicken. Any time I drive I go so slow. Its so hard for me to keep it at a constant and high enough speed. Another thing my mom always tells me is I hug the shoulder to much. She always thinks we are gonna run of the road or something. And backing up forget it. I am just to nervous. I know I just need to do it. Maybe sometime soon. Thank you for the encouragement.

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

Hope all is well with everyone!

I do apologize for being so absent!!!

I have been trying to get things done for the fundraiser for hubby... get things done for charity and find time to get squares done for all you lovely ladies!

One day at a time...... huh!

well.. need to run my son to work.

catch up more later!

have a great day all!



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Your're quite welcome! glad you got it, I was beginning to wonder about some of the ones out! Four more going out probably tomorrow, and then three or four next week, and Im done mailing to all on the list I can do! (do you all do the ones in yellow??) So, have a great day everyone!:hug

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I was told that the ones in yellow have been off the site for awhile. You can do them but don't expect a thank you.

I didn't get my drivers license until I was 23. My fiancee was the one who taught me. I was the 2nd youngest of 8 so by the time it was my turn my parents were tired. :lol

Took my son to the doctor today. His ear infection is getting better but not as quick as the doc hoped so she gave him some antibiotics. If he doesn't get way better in about 2 days she told us to bring him back in. Hopefully we won't have to. We left the house at 10am and didn't get back until 2:45pm.

He's laying down for a nap so I'm gonna try and sneak some hook time in. :)


BTW- that is a very nice square!

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Some of the yellow ones pop on and off here. Afra is one that hasn't had internet for awhile, but he sent out handwritten notes for thank yous. You can by all means send to those people, but a while back I was getting PMs from senders saying they weren't getting an acknowledgement that the square made it. This was my way of saying "Send at your own risk" :)



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