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Who is your crocheting companion?

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She's beautiful.


I want! :drool


I've always loved basset hounds. They always seem like they understand what a rotten day i've had, and they wholey sympathize. lol.



I love her so much. We got her for a year and 4 months. She's a retired breeding dog. She is the sweetest most loving dog I've ever seen. Our other dog is a basset beagle mix so she's a bit more active then Wilma and Morgan's younger. She's 3. We've had her for a year and a half. We got her from a family who didn't want her anymore, which we still don't get. She's mischievious, but still a good dog.


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i have 6 cats. 5 are 5+ years and are trained well to not touch the yarn. The new kitten is still learning.


i usually have 1 sitting beside me on the loveseat with 2 or 3 on the back behind me and 1 in the floor beside me. the ones not with me are usually tearing the rest of the house up, lol

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My crochet companions are Pagan, Natalie, Mouse, and Titus. I usually have to make Mouse and Titus get down because I end up with white cat fur crocheted into everything, but anytime I sit down, my 2 personal dogs and these two very clingy cats want to be as close to me as possible. Pagan, though, thinks everything I make must be a sweater for her, so she wants to try it on- and if she tries it on, Natalie wants to try it on, but most things will only fit on Nat's head. lol

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Aww reading all these animal stories makes me want a pet! :(


Maybe I could convince my parents to let me have a cat... since I'll probably move out before they want to sell the house anyway. My mom says she wants to wait so that there isn't cat fur everywhere (like it was when we first moved into this house).

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With my cat, Shadow,--it's dirty socks!! He doesn't want the clean ones--they have to be old and smelly!! :think Go figure!!


My dog Dusty Rose is like this--she especially loves my shoes, after I've worn them all day. She'll bat them around and then lie next to one of them. I've heard this is because our scent is on shoes or clothing we've worn.

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Of my 4 kitties ~ I have 2 that are my crochet buddies. Oscar and Shortie (my avatar). Usually if Shortie (true name is Jack) is on my lap Oscar trys to get even closer! This usually involves him sitting on Shortie. They are my lap kitties and I can't imagine life without them!

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We are currently without cats, although the dog loves to be wherever her people are. Every morning I take my son to school at 7 and my daughter catches an 8:10 train. When I get home around 7:05, my daughter has the tea made and we spend the next 45 minutes having tea, talking and crafting---she knits and I crochet. It has turned into a very nice ritual and lets us connect with each other every day.

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When I lived with my parents, I had moms' cats. One would try to take my yarn, the other tossed my hooks around. Now I only have the TV. Nighttime has better shows. Around here you can get PBS in the daytime, so I watch educational/British comedies when I get a day off.

Ellie 13

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I have a full time cat and a part-time dog as companions. Buddy the dog belongs to my daughter and I keep him if her work hours would leave him in the crate for more than 4 or so hrs. He doesn't help but does lay by my side or at my feet while I am working.


Samantha is our beloved cat. She is Daddy's play buddy. Her favorite toys are milk rings, which she will catch in mid air and fetch to Daddy. She is Mommy's baby and lays by my side as I crochet. Usually she does not want to help, but will occasionally string a ball of yarn from one end of the house to the other. This is usually when she thinks that Mommy is not giving her enough attention. She is a very needy cat. She also loves to test finished items for softness. Never alone here.



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Typically, my two pups are at my feet, but now and again, my canary is known to perch close by busily worrying the yarn with her tiny beak.

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Both of my cats are my crochet companions. My male always wants in my lap as soon as I sit down to knit or crochet, and especially loves it when I am making a nice afghan. He is convinced that once there is about 2 feet of afghan, it must be done since it is now kitty sized and so he gets in my lap and refuses to move so that I can turn my work. He also loves to carry half-finished projects about and to dig in my project bag. He will even attack DH's afghan and drag it around, much to my chagrin as he has managed to tear holes in it and I have had to do several repairs. Good thing I love him so much...


My little girl cat has always been my craft companion. She usually sits next to me either on the foot stool (her chair) or in her heated cat bed that is right by my chair. She will occasionally pounce the yarn, even though she is now 10 years old.


Every time I get under an afghan, I usually have at least one cat as well. They both just love anything that is homemade, which is nice. It is always nice to have your work appreciated :hook

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Every time I get under an afghan, I usually have at least one cat as well. They both just love anything that is homemade, which is nice. It is always nice to have your work appreciated :hook


Yes, they always appreciate it more than most people! :lol

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Oh wow so many replies. Lovely to see all the pictures of your pets. I can however see a recurring theme here. Lots of ladies who crochet seem to have cats. I am getting this image of me sitting on the couch under my Cosie blanket, crocheting with my cat next to me. Watching my telly over the top of my glasses. I must look like a Granny lol

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I don't have a crochet companion, unless you count the laptop and tv. We can't have pets where we stay :( My daughter is 4 and pays zero attention to me unless she wants something. My husband will try to cuddle up with me while I crochet but it doesn't work very well because I constantly knock him in the face with my elbow.

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Oh wow so many replies. Lovely to see all the pictures of your pets. I can however see a recurring theme here. Lots of ladies who crochet seem to have cats. I am getting this image of me sitting on the couch under my Cosie blanket, crocheting with my cat next to me. Watching my telly over the top of my glasses. I must look like a Granny lol


What is really embarrassing it checking out at walmart with a buggy full of yarn and cat litter.


But in all fairness- my oldest cat is 12 and I've been crocheting less than 2 years. ;)

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My crocheting companion is my 3 year old gd. She has been my crochet buddy since she started sitting up. Every time I had yarn she wanted some to. She has grown to asking for some yarn and a hook. Right around Christmas I took a picture of her sitting in her chair with hook and yarn. I have told her when she is 5 I will teach her to crochet. I'm away for the winter so can't wait to get back and share our crocheting time together. We babysit her full time and enjoy every minute of it.

She is also grandpa's outside buddy.

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My 2 cocker spaniels, Coby and Cooper. If I am lying on the bed crocheting Cooper has to be on what ever I am working on or on the yarn. :hook

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