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Captain Hook & the Yarn Pirates


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Morning, Miss Judy- O


How are you this fine cold day ?

Waiting for 8 to 12 inches of snow:lol

It's coming around dinner time...wind and everything...oh well.

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Sorry, Jude

I sat this down for a minute. I'm pouring it on trying to make some headway with my Jackson Squares- I am now almost done with # 11 . I want to have it completed before next Friday,which will be our start date for the FG Games --


I have no idea how much snow we are to get here. I heard the weather girl the other day say it'd be a shovel-able amount .

I haven't wanted to hear since then . I am ready for spring to get here ...


See you later on today ! Get everything done and ready to batten down the hatches. It sounds like you're in for a lot of snow .


I bet the ocean is so pretty this time of year, when it's so cold and windy out. Probably FREEZING, but pretty .


One year, we went to Myrtle Beach for Christmas .It was pretty down there but the wind could cut right through your clothes . NOT swimming weather .


And the ODDEST stuff would wash up on the beach . One day we found someone's top false teeth, another day a man's glasses .

I was convinced someone had dumped a body someplace out in the water, and his "accessories" were washing up on the beach .

I stopped looking too hard after that . Didn't want to find an EAR or a KNEECAP .


CSI- LIVE .................Yek .

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morning, Julie and all...


Happy Friday!!!


Judy - :eekYikes!!! that's a lot of snow!

I guess i should check our forecast for tomorrow, seein's how I am supposed to be flying:eek

I like your idea of a "computer schedule"... I need to think about doing something like that, too:yes


Jenni - your colors are realy smart on your 'ghan! WTG getting them done so quick!


Julie - I think I forgot to say :ty for the compliments of my photobucket:blush:blush Please forgive me?


Everyone: Have a wonderful day!

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Morning LeaAnne-

No worries, I read so many posts ,I wouldn't remember if you thanked me or not, but it's fine either way .

So how many days will you be gone ,and did you say you'd get a chance to be on here and check in any or not ?

We will miss you, but you have a great time,and we'll all be here waiting when you get back .

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:lolabout Spongebob... It is a weird show! Have fun with your "little guest" this weekend! How old is he?


we leave tomorrow afternoon, and come home on Wednesday night.

we are staying 2 nights at Treasure Island (I have never stayed on the strip before), and 2 nights at Golden Nugget.


I hope DH will let me check in on his laptop, but am not sure if I can since it is a 'work issued' machine.


I will be having 'ville withdrawals if I can't:lol

I really :manyheart this place! so many friends:yes


My biggest problem of the day is packing my carry on with my :yarn and :chook... I don't know which project to bring besides this one :shrug It's a 5 hour flight, so I will get lots of time to :crocheting!:devil


I gotta run... time to get my kiddos up and out, and get my fanny to work. I will be back this afternoon sometime.


meanwhile, have a great morning!

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You will be greatly missed . You are a really special person in the group .

Maybe you can sneak in and drop us a note once just to catch us up on the fun .

Take some photos so we can see what it looks like out there .


My grandson is 7 ,and he spends the weekends with us . He is my best pal.

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Good morning, all my fine shipmates. I'll be off to work in a few minutes, but wanted to drop in to say hello. My sc squares are done and I've started the hdc squares now. We're supposed to get some snow today, one to three inches. Not enough to get snowed in, but perhaps I will pretend I'm snowed in and crochet, crochet, crochet. LOL


See you all later.

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Wow! Looks great and I can't believe you are almost done.


Jenni, that great!! :cheer I also prefer whipstitching over sc joining...


Cindy, I hope work goes well for you tomorrow.:hug


'nite all. :manyheart


Wow, Jenni, you're FAST !! Very pretty colors. Can't wait to see it all put together.


I'm starting on the hdc squares tonight.


Jenni~Nice color choices, very pretty. :cheer



I haven't even started mine yet. :blush


morning, Julie and all...


Happy Friday!!!


Judy - :eekYikes!!! that's a lot of snow!

I guess i should check our forecast for tomorrow, seein's how I am supposed to be flying:eek

I like your idea of a "computer schedule"... I need to think about doing something like that, too:yes


Jenni - your colors are realy smart on your 'ghan! WTG getting them done so quick!


Julie - I think I forgot to say :ty for the compliments of my photobucket:blush:blush Please forgive me?


Everyone: Have a wonderful day!


Thanks everyone!! I got half of the blanket joined last night before my head started pounding and neck started aching and I had to put it all away. Once I sign off of here I will be finishing the blanket up and deciding if I want to add an edge around it or just say its done.

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Ahoy mates.............

how be you all this fine snowy mornin'?

T' snow be comin' down like crazy! We may be needin' to take cover below Captain. With what I be hearin'... we may be in for some serious accumulation. We don’t be needin’ any more snow around these parts. But its comin’ anyway!

Well… me squares have been sorely neglected. I have been so consumed by me Valentine Flannel’ghan that me hook hasn’t been workin’ on me Jackson squares! There only be 4 done. L

I be makin’ me afghan a bit different. 2 squares in each pattern… in each color……… so… 2sc – 2hdc – 2dc and 2 sc/do all in pink… and so on.



Arrr…….mates… me be needin’ a refill on me coffee.

Catch up with ye’ all in a while. Gonna grab a shovel to get back here.






aka: shipmate-lookout

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Morning, Debbie !

Thanks for checking in this morning ~


Jenni- you are making great progress ! Keep up the good work !


Tricia-- good for you , you are off to a good start ~


Tam- my old fishin mate ..... don't be getting snowed in or you'll have a rough time gettin back to the ship .

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Morning Sherri

Thanks for droppin in. It's easy to get distracted when you have more than one thing going at once, isn't it ?

I'm trying to concentrate totally on this to get it done soon ,since next weekend is the start of the Flannelghan group project .

I also have my poor knitting square 4 getting left out . I would also like to get it done before next weekend . It's maybe about 2/3 or 3/4 done .

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Jules, you're funny:lol:lol:lol


Well, I have my pinks and white yarn ready to start for next week...I figured out how to adjust the pattern for baby size, too. By the time I use what I've pulled out I'll probably need to stash dive again. This could be an interesting blanket:lol


Okay - getting off now...back to my pointy sticks and the squares. Working on #13 square.

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:clap It's done It's done It's done!!! Post pictures later but I am very pleased with the way it came out. I decided that it looks fine with out an edging on it so I didn't add one to it.


Now I'm lost I don't know what to do....I have a whole week till I can start the FG. Maybe if I start the Optical Art blankie I can get it done by next Friday.

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Hey Jude-

Doing great ! When I first read your post, I thought you meant you were on KNITTING square 13 already !!!


I thought, DOGGONE,she is getting to be a speedy knitter !

Yeah, right:lol:lol:lol

I DO only have 4 repeats of the stripe pattern to do on the knitted square ...then I have to look up how to bind off:P

:clap It's done It's done It's done!!! Post pictures later but I am very pleased with the way it came out. I decided that it looks fine with out an edging on it so I didn't add one to it.


Now I'm lost I don't know what to do....I have a whole week till I can start the FG. Maybe if I start the Optical Art blankie I can get it done by next Friday.

That's great!:clap

I did manage to miscount how many stitches I had, I'm losing stitches but I don't know where:think Oh well I'm working on another scdc square which is going well. I'll get back to the sc square soon, when I don't want to burn the yarn...much.

I had that very same problem years ago when I tried making a project using SC stitches. You have to put the hook in right next to the ch1...and count every row before going on to the next. I had to count till I finally got to the point I could eyeball it and see if I was doing it correctly.

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Hi shipmates!

Sherri and Cindy your colors look great.

Jenni your colors look great to and congratulations on finishing your afghan.

LeaAnne have a wonderful time in Vegas. My hubby and I were married there the first time to Vegas. We stay at the Imperial Palace and were married in there chapel. The second time we went we stayed at the Palace Station and the third time we stayed at Hilton (we were vacationing with family and it was there choice). We liked staying on the strip over all.

Julie is it is beautiful at night with all the colors.

I don't have any squares started yet. I thought I would of, but I have gotten involved in a couple of things here in the rv park and it is taking up some of my time. I have been working on the 3 valentine heart dolls for the gks. They are almost finished. I want to be able to mail them monday or tuesday at the latest. Have a busy weekend going on so I hope it works out for me.

Will catch you later.

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I had that very same problem years ago when I tried making a project using SC stitches. You have to put the hook in right next to the ch1...and count every row before going on to the next. I had to count till I finally got to the point I could eyeball it and see if I was doing it correctly.


I've done projects in sc before though, namely the D&I 'ghan, and not had this problem. Oh well I'll get it eventually.

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