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2010 Stashbusting CAL - NOW CLOSED!!!


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I bought one skein this week and used up one. I thought I'l get more crocheting done today, but I ended up helping my mom with the garden. Turns out18- 8 ft long landscaping timbers are a bit of a pain.:lol


WTD: 0; YTD: -201

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I finished 2 more skeins on my afghan, so for the week that gives me a

WTD +6 YTD -9 - my best so far this year!

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Good morning everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I will be posting scores this evening after 7pm Central time. Pretty full day here with Church and other things. Will get to it this evening. Just didn't want to leave you all hanging!!!

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Oh goody! I thought I missed the deadline. The online network in our area was out since the wee hours of Saturday. We called the company and a router malfunctioned and our service just came back on about an hour ago.


My score is not a big deal though. I worked just one skein into a ball this week while working on the "never-ending" prayer shawl. I was almost done with the baby blanket and I screwed up horribly. I had to frog almost the entire thing and start crocheting again.


For week ending May 29, 2010:


WTD: +1 / YTD: -37

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Phew, I made it in time. Posting totals totally slipped my mind yesterday being on the road attending family events and placing flowers at cemetery. And today is race day for the Indy 500. My family has never understood my love of this race though it is the only race I watch all year long. At least I will be sitting for an extended period of time so I should be able to get a lot of crocheting done.


WTD: 5 YTD: 133

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ok ladies. Here goes. Don't forget that next week we will be adding our YTD score as well.



crocheting4mygirls +20 gold

lhasaapsolady +8 silver

quietheart +8 Bronze


Honorable mention


gshall +6

dragonpuck +6

NeedleArts +5

CLLinda +4


Ellie_13 +1

basjordan +1

BigPinkPolkaDot +1


holding steady

pineknott 0

dilyca2006 0

MouseCLP 0

yarn_geek 0

any_monty 0

Marzee 0

walker1021 0

DesertCrocheter 0


getting some yarn!!


fc1123 -4


Braxxi -8 Shoot the moon award!!!!

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I'm assuming that's my -8 that got "Shoot the Moon"...lol. Wow, that's twice in one year now! :lol

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I'm assuming that's my -8 that got "Shoot the Moon"...lol. Wow, that's twice in one year now! :lol


Congratulations everyone! Great totals! People are really doing great stashbusting, this is the second week recently that our shoot the moon was only a few skeins!

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Wow! A terrific week of stashbusting! Keep up the good work, everyone!



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Congratulations everyone! Great totals! People are really doing great stashbusting, this is the second week recently that our shoot the moon was only a few skeins!


I agree! We are all on a roll!!

Next week's score?? Different story....Yarn shopping:shop + TurtleLvr:turtle = Jana has some new yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn. lol 10 skeins came home with me from Michaels. Trying desperately to work at getting rid of some skeins:crocheting before next week's totals are posted. :help

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Yes. I am sorry that I hit the ss instead of the xx!!!!!


LOL...no biggie! I was just surprised that a -8 ended up Shoot the Moon! :D

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Thank you!!!LOL You know my -8 is what got me the shoot the moon last week. Not a lot of yarn being taken in the last couple of weeks!!!!LOL


LOL...no biggie! I was just surprised that a -8 ended up Shoot the Moon! :D
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I just had to go buy buttons at Hancock. Two skeins of yarn just jumped in my cart. Good thing it's that cupcake yarn, so it will be used up fast.


So now I'm at a -2 so far. I sure hope I don't get the "Shoot the Moon" this week with a -2. :lol It's been really low lately.



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I used up a skein today, so I'm at 0. Now I won't get the special " Shoot the Moon" award. I'm trying to be careful.


Unless some yarn keeps calling my name from the HL as I drive by after my workout.



This sometimes happens!:lol






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