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Why must I work, when all I want to do is Crochet?!?!?

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:computeOy-vey, I am stuck at work and can't keep my mind on my job because I am thinking of the nearly finished sweater and slipper that needs a mate waiting for me at home. I need to win the lottery so I can hang out with my babies and crochet the day away..... someone smack me so I can wake up from dreamland, but it's so nice here:c9



I have a feeling this is going to be me at christmas, after staying up all night crocheting those last minute gifts. :smiling

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You are not alone! I wish I could be a stay at home mom to my 4 kitties and keep my house spotless, cook nice dinners every evening, and crochet until my hearts content! I swear one of these days it WILL happen! Now just to find a job for my hubby! :yes

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I couldn't find the fishslap, only thing I could do was to yell at you that you've got a fire under your butt so you could wakeup and come back to reality.


But I hear what you're saying.........I wish all I had to do was stay home and do my favorite hobbies, too.

But somebody has to buy the dog food or I would be in trouble there, too!



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:(:(So sorry.....I wish that you could stay home and :crochetingto your :heart's content. Now that I am out of school and a SAHM, I still don't find the time to :crocheting:lol. There always seems to be other things that have/or need to be done, cooking,cleaning,errands,yard work,dishes,more errands and the list goes on. I keep saying "One of these days......." but the day still has yet to come. I hope this makes you feel better, and for what it is worth, although I am at home, I am not spending the day :crocheting. I am lucky if I get to pick a :hook and :yarn late in the evening :(.
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My thoughts exactly. Just wish I could join you in the lottery win. Maybe we could leave home just for a little while and go on the Crochet cruise or a crochet retreat! Please don't waken me up - just wanna keep on dreaming zzzzzzzzzz

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I think the same thing to myself. I have even tried to take advantage of vacation time in the past for more crochet time. But with all of lifes other things that go on, I'm lucky I get a few hours in the evening to sit and crochet.

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I wish I could stay home too. I'd use the morning hours to get my housework, etc. done and then rest of the day to crochet or whatever I want. I have been working fulltime for over 37 years and just hope so bad that I live long enough to retire.

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Ditto what you all said. Wish I could stay home. I'd get two things accomplished: Have a spotless house (which never happens now) and I can get my Christmas project done. I've been playing the lottery too and as of yet not luck. :(

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Wouldn't it be heaven to just stay home and crochet all day? The closest I've come to it is when I've taken off extra vacation days around the holidays to finish up projects.


I always make the joke every day that I'm at work because my pets refuse to come in and work for me! :rofl I always say that my kitty Franklin could sit in staff meetings and look at people with a little snooty expression as if to say, "You want me to do what...WHEN???" :lol My dog Dusty could (literally) be the boot-licker...

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:computeOy-vey, I am stuck at work and can't keep my mind on my job because I am thinking of the nearly finished sweater and slipper that needs a mate waiting for me at home. I need to win the lottery so I can hang out with my babies and crochet the day away..... someone smack me so I can wake up from dreamland, but it's so nice here:c9



I have a feeling this is going to be me at christmas, after staying up all night crocheting those last minute gifts. :smiling


This is my dream to win the lottery. so that I can knit,crochet,visit yarn shops and read everyday all day. I would be so happy instead of tired a stressed out.

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I was a stay at home mom until my kids started school. To be honest, I had all the time in the world once the kids went to school and I spent my time doing housework and cooking meals. I think now that I'm working full time I am actually more organized and find time to crochet. When I had no place to be I felt like I had all the time in the world so things just got put aside until "later".

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I get to be a stay at home mom for a little while longer and I still don't get time to crochet until everyone is in bed. Now if only I could afford to be a stay at home mom once they are in school.... Winning the lottery would be nice :D I would travel a lot to different yarn stores all over the place :lol

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:2blushI admit -- I'm a kept woman! Can't say SAHM because two are out of the house, and the child who is left is going to be 18 next month (although he is special ed and does require more work than the average teen). And I do have 3 doggie kids. I hate to burst the bubble of all those who think I sit around and do nothing but crochet all day.


Now that I am home, I feel that I need to cook more and better (better usually means more time -- I even bake my own bread!) My son doesn't have chores anymore, I've taken over a lot of the manly chores like poop patrol, garbage hauling, leaf raking, plumbing repair..., When I worked, my DH used to do the shopping, but now I do. And the calls from all those who work who say, "Since you aren't working could you..." watch their sick kid, sick mom, sick grandma, wait for their burner repair guy, wait for the package they are expecting... And I never say no, because I feel guilty about not working.


As someone already said, I think I have less time for :crocheting because I used to schedule it. Now I look at my crochet basket and if there's something else to do, I just promise I will get to the crochet when there's nothing else waiting to be done.

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