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Pattern Addiction!

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Ok so crocheters always talk about having a yarn addiction, and I can empathize, but I have a real problem with pattern hoarding! I think I probably pick up a new pattern book two or three times a month! There is no way I will live long enough to crochet all the stuff on my to-make list! Does anybody else have this problem? How can I stop buying patterns and actually start making some more of this stuff? :think:lol

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I used to be the same way. Now, even though I see LOTS of patterns I like, I ask myself, "am I really going to enjoy making this?" or because I like to crochet wearables (for myself) I have to ask myself "am I REALLY going to wear this?" also there are tons of free patterns online, so I will look to see if there is something similar to what was in a book I saw, then save it....if I haven't made it in 6 months, I probably am not ever going to, so it gets deleted.

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Ya - I do.. and finding crochet books on sale or clearance or part of a book a month club doesn't help.. BUT alas..


My book shelf is unwieldy as are my bookmarks. My pattern PDF folder on my computer is only put to shame by my music addiction (I mean collection)...


Will I ever make them all? No... But I've had quite a few "AH-HAH!" moments where "you know, I've got that somewhere"... in fact I've quite a few of those still buried in my basement from when I moved.... in '05 :P


And I've only started looking at wearables :woo

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My patterns are mostly on the computer.


First I just wanted a few basic patterns. I put them all in one file.


Then I had to start making categories in my file.


Then some of the categories needed categories.


I don't know what happened! It's all those great patterns out there!

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Well I'll put it this way I have an addiction to yarn and patterns especially if it says free will I make some of those things maybe maybe not it all depends on who wants it or if I want it for future use you never know and now my fiance deleted a pattern I needed I know it was by accident by I wanted it to work on oh well I'll get it back.

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My name is Arlinka and I am a pattern-crochet-yarn-aholic.

Yes, I too collect patterns and have more than I will ever in a thousand lives be able to make. I print them out and put them in a book.... "in case I need it"..... hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Will I ever need that many? no

Will I ever make that many? no

Do I need to collect that many? yes

Why? I don't know


Sometimes I do sit on the couch and go thru my book to look at the patterns and admire them.

Just think of the numerous beautiful items we are able to create!!!!!

Mind-blowing for me. :crocheting:hook

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I have a pattern addiction along with my tote and turtle one. Most of my patterns are on the computer and that file is over 1/2 a GIG! Every once and a while I go through them to see what I want to make cause I know I've forgotten half of the ones I have.



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I have a LOT of patterns, too. Some of them I know I will probably never make, but they were just so pretty, lovely, adorable, etc. that I couldn't leave them all alone out there in cyber-space! :rofl

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Patterns! Oh yea, I'm addicted! Not only to crochet patterns but, sewing (mostly quilting), knitting and other craft patterns. I have a flash drive that currently contains over 1 GB of patterns, :heart most of them being crochet! I also have an entire bookcase devoted entirely to books, pamphlets and magazines of patterns! And yet I still find patterns that I have to download and save. One never knows :heehee when you may want to make something and need the pattern!


Also like Arlinka, I enjoy sitting down, going through my patterns, admiring all the wonderful things that have been designed and created by some very talented :flowerpeople.

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Hi, my name is tnkycrochetnut aka Kathy. I am addicted to collecting crochet patterns and stashing yarn. It feels so good to confess this and to find I am not alone. I think one reason I have collected so many pattern books and pamphlets is I want to make sure crocheting never dies out. If I don't save these patterns for someone or an organization why crocheting may die out. Never mind that so far I have never taught anyone else to crochet. If I would teach just one person who in turn would teach someone else why crocheting may go on forever. And not necessarily because I collected on these patterns.

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DH and I have big plans for our future, so we're putting our extra money away. That isn't to say that I couldn't buy something I want, it's to say I double-think my choices. If there's something I think I really want I tell myself I'm going to buy it in a week. Usually when that day comes around, I don't want it anymore. And now, because Christmas is so close, if I do really want it I put it on my Christmas list.


I find that giving yourself a few days to stew on the item is a good way to keep purchases that you may not really want at a minimum.

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I too have a pattern addiction. I actually have them stored in various places because I am afraid if my husband saw them all at once he'd have a heart attack at the thought of how much money I've spent. Granted many of them I got as bulk lots on Ebay for like 50 cents each, but still, it does make me feel a bit guilty.


I had to stash my yarn in various places too. I had a small bag of left overs from a blanket and it happened to fall off the dresser I had it on, and well my husband tripped over it and asked why it wasn't in the bin of yarn in our bedroom and I had to admit it wouldn't fit and he did get a bit upset, but then I reminded him that 2 of the huge bins of yarn I have were given to me for free by my grandmother. I rarely ever buy yarns/threads unless they are for something very specific, but I do deliberately buy more than I need because I am so afraid of running out mid-project and being unable to finish. He does understand that at least =) Unfortunately my WIPs grow much faster than my FOs!

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Pattern addiction????

Yarn addiction????

Is that what is wrong with me??

I have 2 free sites I have to check every night at midnight.....they post their new daily pattern at midnight.....I can't wait until the morning. {But hey..........I work until midnight anyway, so I get home and check the sites to see if there is anything new posted that I want.}

I HAVE in the past downloaded a pattern, more than once, to find out I had downloaded and printed it off already.

And buying patterns??? Sometimes I buy patterns JUST BECAUSE.

I really need to break these habits of mine.

I will never crochet up all the yarn I have or make every item of all the patterns I have.....not in this lifetime.

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I really enjoy browsing through my pattern collection to get inspiration for colours, shaping, combinations of stitches, etc., not just for picking out a particular pattern to work on.


But sometimes I overdo it. The other day I had a dreadful headache and a disturbed night, because I had so many patterns running through my mind!

I'd just bought 3 magazines, plus looking on here, on Ravelry etc. So I realised I needed to take a break from it all...well maybe for a few hours :blush

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