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Who is Martha Stewart?

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This question may sound dumb for some of you, but I live in Spain and I have NO idea who she is..

I imagine she runs a craft tv show.. but then I read something about being in jail or something like that :think when she wore that famous poncho.. and why is that so famous? first woman using a poncho over there? :blush


Thanks :D

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Do a search in Google for Martha Stewart and you should find enough reading to make you dizzy. She got in trouble with the Stock Exchange on some questionable selling of stock; nasty trial; went to jail, etc. Then one of the fellow jail mates crocheted a poncho for her when she was let out and it became famous.

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I didn't get the whole hoopla over the poncho either :think Granted it was a nice poncho but geez :lol


This question may sound dumb for some of you, but I live in Spain and I have NO idea who she is..

I imagine she runs a craft tv show.. but then I read something about being in jail or something like that :think when she wore that famous poncho.. and why is that so famous? first woman using a poncho over there? :blush


Thanks :D

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It's hard to imagine that not everyone knows who Martha is! lol Here in the States that's about all we heard about for so long!

I have to agree....the poncho was nice but jeez! None of my ponchos were famous! lol :laughroll:haha


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I have to agree about Martha's poncho. It's nice but not extraordinary. I can honestly say I have not made the Martha poncho for either myself or anyone else. I did print out the pattern but that was it. Yes, she did wonders for the crochet world by wearing that poncho out of prison, I will give her that. I am not anti-Martha in anyway, she has some nice linens, dishes, etc... I just don't see what all the hoopla was about in regards to the poncho, her illegal activities & being in prison. You do the crime, you do the time and it shouldn't be sensationalized.

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You know, I didn't even think it was a very nice poncho..I mean, maybe it was the colour or something but it just looked so shapeless and bulky.


Yeah, Martha Stewart is basically the modern Stepford Wife.

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She got in trouble with the Stock Exchange on some questionable selling of stock


No she didn't.

While insider trading is illegal it's not what she went to jail for. She went to jail for lying under oath. Honestly had she not lied, she probably would have gone free, like the stupid Enron guys.


I thought the poncho was cute enough. Cuter than some, not as cute as others. I'm just not a poncho type girl and think most only look good on little girls.


Martha is a self made millionare. She had a lot of neat tricks to happy home making. Some were her own, some she learned over the years. She was just smart enough to market them. They started out simple but grew to silly and outlandish through the years. She has decorating books and cook books and entertaining books. She has/had a magazine, tv show, and a deal with Kmart for a lot of items to be sold with her name on them.

Now she is going to have a show called Martha's Apprentice from the makers of The Apprentice.

There you go, the short short version. :)



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Oh Aunty Dana,

Yeah :clap :clap , I feel the same way about HER (Martha Stewart) as you do. I don't like her and would NEVER buy any of her products. They could have kept her in prison as far as I'm concerned.

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The short short short version is: Martha is Satan.




I've never liked her, or her outlandish ideas... I laughed when she went to jail, and I will never buy anything with her name attached to it.


The poncho is OK, but I don't like the trim. I picked up the freebie pattern that Jo-Ann's had out of curiosity (which I believe is the same as the Lion Brand pattern)... if I ever make one, I am going to alter it to get rid of those goofy shells on the bottom.

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I don't get all this hatred of Martha. Don't get me wrong, I'm not her biggest fan. However I don't think everything she does is outlandish. She does have some cute and simple ideas.

I don't think making homemade mirrors is for me. However I do think making homemade crayons out of broken ones that I'd normally toss, is and my daughter loves them.

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To be honest, I just don't like her... vibe. So I have never watched any of her shows. What clips I have seen were just these odd ideas that only seemed to serve to make you appear superior to everyone else. She just doesn't appeal to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wouldn't watch her shows. Her pace and demeanor is not something I can relate to. But, I do have a couple of her magazines around here somewhere. I believe they are soley for cooking. She has some nice recipes for sure. Her mac'n cheese is really good and she does make some beautiful looking cakes and such. I don't bake (but I cook really well) so I can appreciate anyone who can bake.


I really thought locking her in jail was silly, taking into consideration the kinds of hardened criminals that sherk prison time in the country because they make deals with county and state prosecutors. Don't get me wrong, she shouldn't have lied and she deserved SOMETHING. My friends and I believe her time would have been better spent in IRAQ tfeeding the soldiers and the homeless there. Really, that would have been a better use of her time.

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I think that with Martha, you either love her or hate her, not much in between. I think she knows what she's talking about with anything to do with the home, but I don't want my home to be so perfect.......as for the poncho, I still have never made one or own one so hers didn't make me want one any more or less.

I also don't think she should've gone to jail, that was unfair. The upside to her going to jail is now she's more popular than she's been for years.

On her newest magazine ( I only saw the cover, she's wearing a green turtleneck sweater ) they must've retouched the picture or put her head on another very slim body.......but look at the hands they're huge :eek she has man hands :think LOL

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I just had to post this link here. If you are at all familiar with Erma Bombeck and Martha Stewart (or even if you aren't) this is too funny. They are not real letters, but you will laugh. :lol

Martha Stewart's letter to Erma Bombeck

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"OMG!!! I just watched the video of the singing kid....if you are having a bad day, click on it....it will get you ROFL!!!"


Where? I couldn't find it.


Oh and those letters are funny. I"ve seen some others on Martha Steward that are really funny. never heard of Erma though.


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I think the appeal of the Martha Coming Home Poncho for me was the scalloped edging instead of cutting all that fringe!



It reminds me of a Brady Bunch Episode! Martha, Martha, Martha! (instead of Marsha, Marsha, Marsha) Now she's gonna have a new show on TV! Geez!

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I have to agree about Martha's poncho. It's nice but not extraordinary. I can honestly say I have not made the Martha poncho for either myself or anyone else. I did print out the pattern but that was it. Yes, she did wonders for the crochet world by wearing that poncho out of prison, I will give her that. I am not anti-Martha in anyway, she has some nice linens, dishes, etc... I just don't see what all the hoopla was about in regards to the poncho, her illegal activities & being in prison. You do the crime, you do the time and it shouldn't be sensationalized.


i agree. if one of us had been wearing it, it would have never made the headlines. there have been some designs posted here to this site that would put the Martha poncho to SHAME. it was nice, but not spectacular.

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