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I'm off to see the Wizard -LYG

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I am going to be heading out in about an hour to attend a Local Yarn Group. It is technically a knitting group that has crocheters but I am not fussy after all these years of looking for a group.


A new member here was kind enough to let me know about this group. Thanks Charles :hug


Well I will let you know how it works out. It will be so nice to meet people who are probably as crazy :loco about yarn stuff as I am.


How about you :?


do you have a group :?


do you search for a local group :?


Don't give up - it may yet happen.




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I wish you all the best. It took me a very long time to find my current group and I wouldn't trade them for alll the yarn in the world! We have been together for about 2 years now and are all the best of friends. Some of us only crochet and some only knit and some of us now do both. This was not the first group I tried but it is now my only one. We are always there for each other be it for project help or just a hug we are there for each other.

If you haven't found the right group for you don't give up. They are out there.

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That's awesome, Darski! Enjoy!!


I've looked for groups around here but haven't found any. I have found several that are 30-45 minutes away but that's not doable for me. Oh, well. I'm sure I will find something sooner or later.

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I would LOVE to find a local group to get together with every week. The whole problem down here in Texas is that no matter where you live, the next town is 30 minutes to an hour away, so unless you are lucky enough to find people right in your own town, it's too far to drive every week just to get together to crochet or knit!


I've been thinking of putting up flyers around town looking for people from our own town to start a weekly group. We can get together right here at the hotel, we have a cozy little conference room that's set up like a dining room with a lounge area. There's a gorgeous cherrywood dining set where some could sit at the table to work, and there's a HUGE sectional couch that winds around two walls and that could accommodate another four or five people.


I've been tossing the idea around for a while now, I might try to get a group going this fall. We could take turns bringing goodies to snack on and the hotel can supply coffee and tea. I think it would be a lot of fun! Now I just have to find some people who want to do it! :lol

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Oh, lucky you. If I were brave enough - and, let me be more honest, had enough time - I'd love to set one up myself over here.


I was really excited to see one set up in my parents' little village - but it was organised by a woman married to a missionary. The subtext of the whole thing was to convert people to their particular religion. I found it a bit sneaky*, I must admit, so that was a short-lived joy. But yarn groups have become popular in Dublin - even read about it in the news - so maybe it'll spread from the British Isles over to Germany, too.


* Just to explain: IMO if you're going to convert someone, be open about it. Don't lure them in with knitting needles and then bombard them with scripture. :lol

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I am lucky - several of my colleagues are as interested in needlework as I am. One is a genius at designing crochet garments. The others, like me, enjoy both crochet and knitting, and one is very good at embroidery. We have a wonderful time in the staff room during break.

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Thanks all. By the time I got home last night it was getting near bedtime for me and I needed to process all the input from the meeting.


It was so wonderful to be among people who can just throw out a name of a project or a yarn and know that everyone there "gets it". I have been looking for that for ages now.


I was the only "dyed in the wool" (boo, hiss pun) crocheter there but I don't mind that at all. I was probably one of the few who used acrylic yarn but I don't care about that either.


It was just such a great combination of chat about yarn, families and creating stuff. I am planning to go next week so I guess you would call that a success :ghug.


I have waited for this for years; it is nice to have it happen. :dreaming


Again thanks to Charles for letting me know about this.:hook

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Good for you! A group is a way to really encourage you to keep up your crafting. Whether it's knitting, crochet or other crafting, it's a great way to meet people.


I found a group a few years ago at my church. We all knit or crochet things for different charities. It's just so much fun. They were meeting on Tuesdays when I first joined. That's great for the summer, but when I went back to teaching, I couldn't attend. I asked one day if they could move the group to Fridays and they did.


I'm looking into a new job and I may have Wednesdays off. So I asked the group if they would mind changing to Wednesdays if I get the job, and they will change again for me. So I'm crossing my fingers that I get the position that I want.


I love my group. I'm the youngest (at 49!), but that's ok. We stitch and chat and really learn from each other. And we also get donated yarn, which really helps us make our projects. We share patterns, help each other and encourage each other.


Good luck and I hope everything turns out ok.



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  • 1 month later...

We have a group that meets at the library on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30. Some knit, I crochet. Who ever is around comes. About 3 weeks ago, a man from the local paper came up to do an article. I was the only one there, so I was interviewed. The only thing wrong was, he kept referring to my afghan as a rug and I was knitting it. It is a round ripple afghan for a friend.

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My library has a knitting/crochet club called "Dream Weavers" we meet monthly. The club was started by a staff member of our library who wanted to get together with the other knitter/crocheters of our county. There is around 20 members including myself. Some knit & some crochet. Just about all of the members do basic simple things like baby booties/baby caps, afghans in other nothing really complicated. The only members that do complicated things are me & my friend Lisa. Lisa is a crocheter. She was surprised to learn I also knit.


The first meeting I went to everyone was so amazed at me doing a 3 strand afghan last December. They were just watching in amazement. :lol


For those of you who don't have a local yarn club check and see if your library does. You could try requesting a yarn club be started if they don't have one.


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Good for you, Darski! So glad you were tipped off to a local group and that you attended and enjoyed!


Chatting, caring, sharing and showing -just like this wonderful community, but live! -What could be better!


Here's to crocheting converts now that you and Charles have your hooks into the group. :cheer

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We have a group of about 15 that meets every week, sometimes at a bookstore, sometimes at a bakery (yarn and cookies, a lethal combo haha) sometimes at someones house. We mainly knit but a few of us do "hook" once in a while. Boy that sounds bad. HAHAHA!


I love my little group, we range in age from about 20ish to about 50ish, it's a nice variety. :)

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My LYS has an open work night on Thursday a month (wish it was once a week). There are usually people knitting and crocheting, sometimes spinning and they are invited to bring ANY kind of handwork. I really enjoy it....and yes, it's nice to be in a group where they "get it"!

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