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Help....Lost in cyber-space!!

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In the last few days, I have gone to different sites, and clicked on a link, which led me to click on a link,.....well, you get the idea.:P But I have found so many different patterns, I have printed out more than I can ever use in this lifetime!! But, they were FREE and I really liked them..Does anyone else have this affliction?:blush Am I alone, do I need help???:lol

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Well, I have hundreds of patterns (probably more than that) on flash drives and my hard drive. Crochet, machine embroidery, quilting, etc. :lol So, :yes I'm afflicted. I haven't printed them all out, but the one's I have and made, I've put into plastic sleeves in binders.

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I'm SO glad to see this has hit someone besides me! With all the patterns I've downloaded from RH, Bernat, LB, Michael's, etc., I'd have to crochet non-stop till I'm 150! And that doesn't include all the neat patterns the 'Ville members have provided (thanks Darski, CroJulee, et al--to name a few).


This could become an epidemic. :hook

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Try 15 binders full of printed patterns (12 are crochet) all in sleeves, sorted by type:

thread, household items, adult wearables (3 are these), children's wearables, afghans, squares, toys, etc...All this over a period of about 9 years. Also a full shelf of hard cover books and two large magazine bins full of pamphlets. Oh and 3 plastic zip cases with those small books like gourmet crochet. Yes I am a pattern addict, but I do go through them and discard ones I have decided I would never really do, no matter how pretty it is, and ones I have made and won't do again. But they are soon replaced with new ones, :lol. I reuse the paper for notes and often print draft things on the reverse side.

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Oh I thought I was the only one who prints and saver dozens of free crochet patterns. :think I'm glad I'm not the only one. Just the other day my son was telling me I use up all the paper and ink, OH WELL, it's my love for crochet addiction. :hook I'm glad I'm not alone. :lol:lol I have decided to slow down on the printing and instead I'm save it to my favorites on the computer, but I do love printing out the free patterns.

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I too, am guilty of the same. I love to look at crocheted items online, and have saved quite a few patterns. And when I'm at thrift stores or yard sales, I buy the yarn and crochet patterns.


Ahhh, so many crochet patterns, so little time. :hook

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Hello, My name is Tracey and I am a crochet addict. I collect tons of yarns, and just as many patterns. I have free pattern and purchased PDF patterns stored everywhere computer, printed up and loose, some in binders, some in crochet books. Now I found the other day that my iphone update allows you to copy and paste, and did you know that kindle is free app for the iphone. and that there are crochet magazines and books that are on Kindle. Isn't technology the greatest thing ever. So don't feel alone in this addiction, some of us are in bad shape.

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Just a word of caution. If you see a pattern that you want to save, you really need to copy and paste it into a Word document or save to a CD or print it out. So many sites have shut down and those patterns are gone forever. :( Saving the site to your Favorites will be useless if the site shuts down.



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every so often I move all my patterns to a CD. I am thinking of trying flash drives these days but they are there when I want them. I have 5 CD's currently with about 600MB each. I know there are duplicates there but that is not a problem for me. :rofl

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I have to say GUILTY!!! I crochet more then my 2 girls and I need. I give away as much stuff as possible. Now i'm moving on to charities. I love patterns and can't get enough of them. Sad thing is that I love starting new projects, then never finish them cus there is a new patter I "have" to try!!

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Just a word of caution. If you see a pattern that you want to save, you really need to copy and paste it into a Word document or save to a CD or print it out. So many sites have shut down and those patterns are gone forever. :( Saving the site to your Favorites will be useless if the site shuts down.




I would save the document to the computer and a CD or memory stick (they make the memory sticks that will store lots and lots :devil). That way if the computer crashes you still have your documents. :yes I learned my lesson the hard way, computer crashed and lost everything. :eek Starting my collection of free patterns and e-patterns again.

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I too have been bitten by the same bug. I have the large binders full of patterns, that I could not do in a lifetime. But I had to have them, because I might need it. You know the feeling. I printed off 15 patterns for mittens until I finally was satisfied with one of the patterns. It is a crazy addiction, as well as expensive (for paper and ink). :rofl:rofl:rofl

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