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An adventure in felting!


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I call it the Hairy Flopper bag!

I saw this yarn as a felted bag at the store and loved it but, my experience was kinda different! It took FOREVER to felt and still isn't to my liking but I will use it for toting projects.

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Well if you change your mind you could always send it to me! LOL I love it! That yarn colorway is pretty! Great job!

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I think it lovely!!! If it still has stitch definition you want to get rid of try putting it in a pot on the stove in boiling water with Ivory dish soap and some Arm and Hammer Baking Soda. Let it cook for 5 to 10 min then run through hot wash cycle. (I dump project and water into the washing machine.)

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<waving hand in air wildly> ME TOOOO I'd take it in a heart beat!!!!! I love the colors and the bag :lol

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I have a little trick I use when I felt. It is not really how hot the water is as much as how much it agitates. The more it agaitates the more it felts. When I felt I like to put a couple of old towel (Use old in case the yarn bleads) or a few ping pong or tennis balls or I have even put in old tennis shoes with it. (make sure the shoes are clean first) They seem to get the fabic to agaitae more and really helps it felt. Experiment a little.


The type of yarn you use will make a big difference too. Some are made specifically for felting but others like superwash wool will not felt. Have fun and enjoy your new tote.

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