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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-hugs and warmest thoughts to you and your dh for a speedy recovery.  I hope that he feels better soon.  Did you go to craft club last night?


Beth-your little fur babies are adorable.  I hope that you can keep all of them together too.  Do the kiddos in your area go to school all year long?  Teaching is hard..it's rewarding but definitely a challenge.  A Moose visit sounds fun, hope you take lots of pics. 


Marisa-anything exciting on the agenda for the week?


Sales on line have slowed down as well..I'm trying not to stress about it..but it sure does have me worried.  While at the shop today I am going to promote promote promote..hopefully this works.  We are still freezing here in CO..the bitter cold is just dreadful..feels like Spring will never be here.


My kiddos are doing well.  Cristopher and I are taking a class together on Monday evenings called "Life's Ups & Downs" it is an intense class with lots of writing assignments..I'm not sure that I love love love it, but my ds seems to like it and is learning how to deal with life.  He had a bit of setback a week ago...we are working through it, I'm hoping that between this class and counseling that he will continue to grow and learn.  Growing up is so very difficult.  Those old feelings and insecurities have a way of creeping back in.


Guess I had better get my tush in gear..today is another day.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Joanne - I hope DH is doing better :hug


Beth - Hope you're feeling better and not so run down :hug


LeeAnn - I hope the class helps DS with his life coping skills :hug


Seems like there's a lot of not so happy things going on here today!


Well, I'll turn it around a bit....my date went super well on Saturday.  After our beer tasting event we went to get a bite to eat.  I really like this guy so we'll see what happens.  I typically try not to get my hopes up, but I really think he likes me too.  We've been texting back and forth and are going to dinner tonight!  It's a super nice place too, I even ran home to change clothes because what I had on wouldn't cut it.


Sunday I went to church with a patient because they were having a women's luncheon after mass and she thought I could network a bit.  I did meet a lot of people that's for sure and everyone was very friendly and welcoming.  However, mass was much different from what I'm used to!  In the evening we went across the street to the neighbors house for the horrible super bowl.  We made Stromboli's and scotch eggs :drool


I guess that's it for now....will be back tomorrow to update you about tonights date!  Although, we are supposed to get some horrible weather tonight into tomorrow.

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Good morning.


Ice here and work has delayed opening at 11. We'll see what it's like later. Hoping the power stays on.


Beth--- we r going to Maine in July. Where in Maine are u going? We r thinking if going to Portland. Dd has been there and said she thought I would like it. And yes it is diabetes related with DH. He has been very good since getting home and even already scheduled his follow up appointments Think maybe this WAS a wake up call that he is heeding.


Marisa. Positive thoughts that all continues to go well with the new man. Can't wait to hear about your date.


LeeAnn. I think things will pick up soon. I didn't go to craft club. We had about 8 inches of snow on Monday and the library was closed


Stacy. I am jealous of your weather in Cali. Spring can't come quick enough

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Joanne, we are still planning, but we are thinking about flying into Bangor, spending most of our time near Moosehead lake, then finishing the vacation looking at lighthouses.  We are looking at the second week in July, after the 4th.  How about you?  I'm glad your dh is taking care of himself.  From what you've said, he sounds like a great guy, and you should keep him around for a while. 


LeeAnn, so sorry things have slowed down.  I blame the weather.  It has been awful lately.


Marisa, hoping to hear good news from you.


Stacy, enjoy the California weather for all of us.

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Beth. We took off the week of 4th of July since we only have to take 4 vacation days. In my case I also took the Monday after we get back to do laundry. Lol.


I ended up staying home and took a vacation day. All ose vacation days I didn't get to take last year because of the project are coming in handy this winter

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Hi there ladies!  Why can't I copy and paste anymore :(


Well, the date went great and he took me to the Capital Grille, which is the fancy kind! I'll fill you in about him a bit more later.  But I just wanted to let you know it went well.  For now I can't wait to get home because I woke up sick today and I just finished with a new patient so am feeling drained.  But, tomorrow I don't have any patients scheduled so may just stay in bed if I still feel crappy :(


So, I may or may not be back tomorrow :hug

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Joanne, it would be funny if we would be in Maine at the same time.  You will have to let me know how you like it. Glad you have lots of vacation days to use.


Marisa, feel better soon!  Glad your date went well.


LeeAnn, I hope things are picking up a bit.


I was going to go back to bed, but both dogs asked to go out, so I stayed up.

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Hello ladies!


I feel like I have been gone for such a long time.  But I'm BACK!


Beth-how are you?  What hooky projects are you working in? 


Joanne-has it stopped snowing in your neck of the woods?


Marisa-how ya feeling?  Hopefully better.  So happy that your day was FUN!


It is finally picking up here at the shop..whew!  I was really starting to stress, I am having returning customers..makes me feel very happy.  Valentine goodies are flying off the shelves..woohooo!  Last night's craft a long was fun, we are a small group but it is really enjoyable.  They all seem to like it.  I have brought in yarn from my stash and have sold quite a bit, ordered different colors and types..hoping that they will continue to sell.  If not, I will have quite a stash!   I am actually downsizing my stash at home.  This morning I packaged up a bag to take to one of the gals that is learning, she is learning how to crochet but doesn't have the extra money to spend on yarn..since I have bins of small balls,..I thought I would share.


Going to package up an Etsy order..I am one away from 600...it's driving me crazy..I just need one sale...


Hugs n extra squishes!

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick check in yet again before I head out of here for the weekend.  I am feeling better, just stuffy yet but at least everything coming out is clear :D  But no sleep for me last night....I woke up at 3:15 this morning, eyes wide open.  I layed for about an hour and a half then decided I may as well get up and play some candy crush, maybe tire out my eyes or something :idea  No such luck though.  So I've been at the office since 8 and probably got more accomplished today than the past 2 weeks together! :lol


I have date #3 tomorrow :clap  We're going to dinner and movie, the 'traditional' date.  Keeping :xfin for this one!


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday :hug

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Marisa, glad you are feeling better.  I wonder if your sinus medicine woke you up.  Sudafed will do that to me -- wide awake.  Good luck with the next date.


LeeAnn, I see on FB that you hit 600 sales.  I remember waiting for you to reach 100.  You go, Girl!  I haven't been crocheting.  Since I injured my finger, it hurts to hold the yarn.  I'm hoping it heals quickly.  I can type a bit better now, so I know it is on the mend.


Joanne, happy weekend!  I don't know about you, but I am so glad it's here.


Stacy, I hope you are doing great.


Well, I had a snuggle-deprived pit bull jump on my head at 4:30 this morning, looking for love.  So I got up with him, so dh could get some sleep.  The dog is now snoring next to me in the chair.  I  love this dog.  So glad I got him.  I'm meeting with my crochet buddy for coffee at her house this morning.  I will take a bag I am making in Paton's Décor yarn, a blue and green variegated that is just gorgeous, but is too scratchy for clothing.  I'm planning on making  a huge tote for carrying things to the school.

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Good morning


Yes I am happy it's the weekend!!!!!


Beth- have fun with your friend this morning. I've been nursing elbow tendonitis and it's cit into my crafting time. But I find that doing knit stitch only is ok so I'm working on the garter stich blanket. I woke up early so I turned on the tv and watched some of the women's Olympic hockey game and they won


Lee Ann. I also saw you hot 600 sales. Congrats


Stacy. I saw you had a Ben and jerry kind if night. I love "phish food".


Marisa. Hope you feel even better today and have fun on Date 3


Last night I went out with some friends I hadn't seen in a while and we had such a fun time. Must remember to do this more often. We already planned another night out in April.

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Good Sunday afternoon!


I am waiting not so patiently for dd,sil,and the boys to get here. I made chicken cacciorte for dinner and made a chocolate sugar free pudding pie for desert. Had a nice relaxing day yesterday watching the Olympics and alternating between knitting, computer and crocheting. DH enjoyed his little naps in between watching LOL


We are supposed to get a few inches of snow but so far it hasn't started yet.


Watching the cross country skiing right now. I'd rather be watching something a little more exciting. Oh well the boys will be here soon and then the fun begins!


Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!!!

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Joanne, I hope you had a wonderful time with your dd and her hubby and kids.  I'll bet the boys are growing up so fast!  Is it odd to have little male children after you only had daughters?  Is there a difference?


LeeAnn, I hope things are picking up nicely for you.  I imagine Valentine's sales are keeping you busy.


Marisa, how are things?  How are the turtles?  Is your mom feeling any better?


Stacy, thinking of you and dreaming of California-type weather.


My #2 son has been sick with a sore throat for a week.  He started coughing this weekend.  I decided to skip the sore throat and go straight to the cough.  I would love to crawl back into bed.  Oh well. I work in the office today.  At least that is fun.

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Good morning


Beth- it is much different with the boys. They are more active than I remember my girls being. Or maybe I just don't remember. Lol. We had a ball and they boys are so different. Ryan will sit and let you read to him whereas Robbie will sit for a few minutes and then he wants to go go go. Even when Ryan was that age he loved to sit and be read to. Now Ryan is reading to me since he knows some of the stories b y heart


We r bracing for yet another storm Wed into Thursday. Oh spring. Where are you?


Off to get ready. Have a good day. Hugs

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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-how cute your grands sound!  That is so very sweet that you live so close and get to spend time with them.  How is your elbow feeling?  Did you make it to craft club?


Beth-Oh no!  I'm sorry to hear that you all are sick, we are fighting the germies here in our neck of the woods as well.  Hope your day goes well.


Marisa-can't wait to hear about your weekend!


This last weekend flew by!  I have been busy making new soapies and crocheting.  The new scarves are so much fun, I have two sold..need to get cracking on the second one that sold. 


I had a long post typed and my computer went poof!  Best get my tush to work.  Hugs n squishes!

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Hi ladies :hi


Ugh!  It's really annoying that I can't cut and paste anymore!


My date on Saturday went well, we saw the Monuments Men, which I thought was really good and then we had dinner at a Mongolian Grill followed by frozen yogurt for dessert :drool


My mom has another colonoscopy scheduled in March so hopefully it will show objective improvement :xfin  The turtles are doing well, I just ordered them a new backing rock, but haven't put it in there yet. lol


See y'all tomorrow :hug

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We had a dusting of snow today, which turned to rain.  I'm hoping it won't freeze before my oldest gets home from work -- I'm waiting up for him, worrying like a mom will do.  At least I rock the gray hair.  


Marisa, I am glad you are feeling better.  It sounds like the dates are going well.  So glad the turtles got a new rock.  I hope your mom's colonoscopy shows improvement.


Joanne, I'll bet the boys are darling.  Since I had my kids so late, and none of them seem ready to settle down, I think I will be a very old grandma, if I ever am one.  I think I would enjoy spoiling grandkids.  It sounds like yours are adorable.  I hope the elbow is feeling better.  I'm crocheting pretty well now, when I have time.  My boss wants me to teach her to crochet a scarf.  Should be fun.  she's such an awesome lady.


LeeAnn, I hope you are staying warm and dry.  I'm glad sales have picked up and you have regulars.  Craft club sounds great, too.  I love the pics of the scarves you made.  Are those knitted or crocheted? 


Almost 11, hopefully, I'll be able to go to bed soon.  4:30 sure comes early.

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Hello and happy Valentines Eve!


Beth-did your oldest make it home?  It is scary to watch our kiddos drive especially when the roads are not clear.  I'm still not much of a backseat driver..I can't seem to get over my own nerves when my ds is driving.  Me mostly drives with the hubby.  He's a good driver, I'm just paranoid.


Marisa-your dates sound awesome!  How very exciting and fresh!  Are you working on any hooky projects?


Joanne-hope you are staying warm.


We have had the most unusual weather, it has been above freezing..weird huh?  :yay   The family is doing well, now that they have shared their germies with us..the hubby and I are feeling sick.  I can't miss work because Joyce is headed out of town..I have to be there to watch our shops.


The new ribbon scarves are crochet, they take me about 45 minutes to whip up..I bet you all can get them done in less time.  :manyheart   Last night was the Annual Chamber of Commerce meeting, it was  really fun, they had a Silent Auction-Joyce and I donated goodies from our shop..hope it sold.  I wasn't able to stay until the end, I had to pick up my ds..hoping that I was able to score a few items that I had bid on.  Joyce was going to stay and keep an eye on them.


Off to get ready, have to go pick up my ds new contacts in another town before heading to the shop.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day :manyheart:heart :heart :heart :heart


We got a ton of snow yesterday and work was closed. They had prepared for that and some of us got to work from home. My shift was 6AM to noon- I could get used to that!!! LOL


Our lawn guy came last evening and plowed/shoveled us out and then overnight we got a few more inches, so I'll have to shovel that. At least we have delayed opening at work at 10 so I don't have to rush around and can take my time.


Spring can not come soon enough!!!


Leeann- hope that you won something and that your goodies sold! Feel better quick!


Marisa- Good news about Craig----sounds like things are working out----take it slow and steady!!!


Beth- How's work going? Did DS make it home safely driving in the snow?


Stacy- So jealous of your So Cali weather! And congrats to DD on 1st place in the science fair!! That's AWESOME!!!


Off to get some coffee and start the day~



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Sorry I didn't post sooner.  By the time my son came home from work, the snow turned to rain, and it was just driving in a slight drizzle.  I'm glad.  I didn't know, though, so I waited up for him.


LeeAnn, I hope you feel better soon.  It is scary when the kids drive, no matter how good they are.  It's a lack of control thing, in part.  Did you win anything at the silent auction?


Joanne, I'm glad you got to work from home.  I would love to be done by noon. 


Marisa, I hope things are going great for you.

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Happy Saturday ladies!


How is everyone today? I hope you are all relaxing and having an enjoyable weekend. 


My laptop is officially out of commission..i am using the new one that we just bought back in November..uggghh huge learning curve for me.  The hubby is trying to give my laptop CPR..hopefully he can order a few new parts and get it back up and running.


hugs n squishes!

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Ago ther snowy day here. It was snowing earlier and then turned to rain and now back to snow.

DH and I went out to dinner at Applebee's last night and afterwards went to see the boys.

Today I began the day with coffee crochet and hockey. Great game between the USA a nd Russia. This afternoon I've bee. Dung laundry, a little cleaning and watching the Olympics and knitting and crocheting. Taking breaks since my Elbow is still bothering me a little I'm making a scarf with red heart sift that I had in my stash. I finished the shawl I was working on. I think I'm going to give it to dd I'll get a picture when there is decent light


Have a good rest of the day


Tomorrow I babysit in the afternoon so dd and sil can go refrigerator shopping. Next Sunday I'm babysitting again so they can go snowboarding. My sil proposed to dd in VT when they had gone snowboarding They and a group of friends including my middle dd used to go every winter on Christmas break for a week of snowboarding. Gosh it seems like yesterday they were doing that !!! Time sure flies by!!

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Hi all,

I was just getting ready to go to Craft Club and decided I should check the library website. Sure enough, library is closed for President's Day--so that means no craft club tonight!


We are supposed to get more snow- about 2-4 I think- I'll see what it's like in the AM- I may just make my own 'delayed opening" LOL


Now that craft club is not happening, I think I'll get in my comfy pj's and just crochet/knit/watch Olympics tonight!


Hope you all had a good Monday!

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Hi ladies :hi


Ugh!  It's really annoying that I can't cut and paste anymore!


My date on Saturday went well, we saw the Monuments Men, which I thought was really good and then we had dinner at a Mongolian Grill followed by frozen yogurt for dessert :drool


My mom has another colonoscopy scheduled in March so hopefully it will show objective improvement :xfin  The turtles are doing well, I just ordered them a new backing rock, but haven't put it in there yet. lol


See y'all tomorrow :hug



Hi Marisa- You can copy paste by using control c and then control v- it worked for me!!! Hope you are doing well and that things were Craig are going great!

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Hi all,


I am fighting  cold, and feeling really Blah!  Hopefully, resting today will get me what I need to teach again tomorrow.  I hate missing school days.


LeeAnn, did your hubby get your laptop working?

Joanne, did you enjoy your delayed opening?

Marisa, how are things going?

Stacy, I hope you aren't too busy.


Not much going on here, besides everybody being sick.  My mother-n-law is back in the hospital, and we don't want to go visit, because we are all contagious. 

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