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Good morning/afternoon friends!


The days are flying by even faster!  Wow!


Beth-hoping that your work week is going well.  I bet you will miss the hubby terribly, thankfully you have your inventions to keep you company.  Will they be taking summer classes?


Joanne-how's it going? feeling better?


I tried uploading pics of the shop onto my computer but it wouldn't work, I was able to load them onto my facebook shop page, hope you all can hop in and stroll in.  I do adore my little space in the world, it makes my heart happy to be in here every day.  Feels like home.


Best get my tush in gear and get back to work.  Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies!


Thank you for the lovely compliment Beth, you are so very sweet.  :hug


Happy Friday my friends!  I hope that the day whizzes by in a flurry so that you all can get to the weekend!


Last night's craft a long was a blast.  what fun!  I must catch up on paperwork but after that..I am going to play with yarn.  I have a Spring hat that one of my friends asked me to make for her, here is the pattern if you all would like to try it.  I love the pattern, it is very easy and so versatile.




hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, so glad you are enjoying your craft group.  What fun!!!  I love the hat pattern.  It would be a very nice sun hat for those of us who have to protect our delicate complexions all the time.


Joanne, welcome to Friday!  I hope you have a great, relaxing, and fun weekend.


I had a fun day, considering that my husband is flying to Japan as we speak.  After work, my oldest son and I went to get hair cuts, then we went out to dinner.  I took him to a Thai place.  It was pretty good.  Neither one of us can talk right now:  We had our tongues Thai-ed.  (Sorry -- I love corny jokes.)  It was nice to sit and talk with him for a while.  He is going out to see his honey and show off his new haircut.  It is really short for him.  I like it a lot.  He looks so much neater than usual.


Well, have  good weekend!  I get to hang out with my buddies who also play with yarn on Saturday!!!

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Hi all

Busy week- and so far the weekend is busy- We have Robbie's party tomorrow and today we had to take DH's vehicle in for some repairs- so we went out to breakfast after dropping it off and then ran some errands. Now we're back home and I'm procrastinating doing the necessary chores! We'll have to go back out again later to pick it up.


So far, PT is going well and I'm hopeful that it will do the trick with my elbow! This weekend I'm only supposed to ice it a few times a day and not do any exercises---I go back Mon AM


We're supposed to get a major snow storm Tues into Wed---seriously????? It's spring!!!! Can't believe it--but wouldn't surprise me.


Beth- glad to see that DH made it to Japan---hope you had a fun time with your friend this morning


LeeAnn- your shop pictures are great- You have created a very inviting place to shop! I sure wish I lived closer to visit in person!


Stacy- I hope all is well with you and the kiddos-----hugs!

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Joanne, I hope the elbow is feeling better all the time.  How was Robbie's party?  They are talking about snow here, too, but I'm hoping it will stay up north, so we won't lose any school days.  I want my spring break.


LeeAnn, I love your shop.  I agree with Joanne, it would be so much fun to pop in and browse the shelves.  You make the most amazing products, and now you have YARN, too!!!  Awesome!  You are living the dream.


Stacy, countdown to spring break!  It's right around the corner!  I hope you get some rest in.  What will the kiddoes do when they are on break while you still have school?


I am not sleeping well at all without my husband.  I am a bit worried about work today.  They have me working on the monthly database reports -- lots of fiddly, doesn't-quite-make-sense computer stuff, following a bunch of badly-written instructions...  I hope I am awake enough to absorb what is going on with it today.  I have help now, but the goal is for me to take over and do it by myself.  I am so far away from that right now.


I have been working on a granny stripe afghan in Loops and Thread Impeccable in royal blue and clear blue.  I like how it looks, but I had to buy a lot more yarn so it will be big enough.


Have a fun Monday. 

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Good afternoon ladies!


It has been another busy day here at the homestead.  I had lots of chores to get done..whew!  Still have the bathrooms but thought I would take a little break.


Beth-I hope that you day was successful and that you can sleep better tonight. I bet it's difficult being separated from your dh. Your granny stripe ghan sounds just beauutiful!


Joanne-wow!  What a fun weekend!  I can't believe how fast your grands are growing.  Seems like they were both just newborns.


My kiddos are officially on Spring break! :clap   We took them to the inlaws yesterday-they are spending a few days with them.  They were so excited.  I am so relieved to have a break from all of the running back and forth. I am exhausted.  Guess I had better get my tush in gear and clean up my craft room so that I can get to those bathrooms before the hubby gets home.


hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, I hope your kiddos enjoy their spring break.  I am counting down until mine. 


Yesterday I got to substitute for myself.  I was supposed to have an extra day in the office to work on the database, but the woman who was supposed to sub for me had to stay home.  Her baby girl got sick literally on the way out the door.  So I lost one database day there.  Then I got a text asking me to sub for the other teacher today, so I lost another database day.  I wonder why I am having problems learning this?


We got a few flakes of snow yesterday.  It was pretty - barely covered the grass, didn't stick on the roads.  I hope everything is not slippery today.


Joanne, I hope your PT is helping your elbow.


Stacy, I hope school is going well for you and your girls.


Marisa, I miss hearing about your fun-filled life.


Take care!

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Top of the morning ladies!


Beth-how funny that you were your own sub :rofl I bet you will figure out the paperwork as soon as you get a chance to really work on it.


Joanne-hope you are doing well. 


Now snow here but it sure is cold, I am hoping that it will warm up but March winds have taken hold and are blowing blowing blowing.


The kiddos are coming home today, I told the hubby they are coming home now that I have the house clean and organized.  :yes   I am gong to have them clean their rooms, they do a pretty good job but I would love if they would dust their bookshelves and get rid of a few things that they do not want.  I better be careful in what I ask, my son is not emotionally attached to anything except his electronics..I can see him cleaning out and tossing everything.. :no


Other than that, trying to keep up.  One of the baby afghans that I had here in the shop sold, I need to make another girl ghan as they are the rage right now..what pattern do you all think I should use that  is easy and works up super fast but still looks like I put a lot of detail into it?  I was thinking a shell of some sort?


Whipped up more lotion this morning and last night, back to listing..one of these days I will be caught up.  Hugs n squishes!

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It's almost Friday!!!!


The work to repair our ceilings started today- and they look good. We're switching out the one light in the kitchen with a ceiling fan/light. I live in a bi-level and in the summer, even with central AC, it sometimes get warm in the kitchen- this should help! We were able to get in touch with the guy that painted all our rooms a couple of years ago and he also does odd jobs. He's very good, reasonable--and always cleans up!  I'll be glad when the house is back to normal and the ceilings are not water stained.


On that note- I'm off to do a little reading and knitting. I'm getting addicted to the Maggie Sefton series I took two out of the library- finished one Knit One Kill two and just started the 2nd in the series- Needled to death---light easy reading.!


Have a good night!

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What a day.  It has been raining for a couple of days now, and it is just gray and depressing out there, but it is truly a sign that Spring is here.


I took my daughter to breakfast this morning, hit  puddle pulling into the restaurant, and the power steering went out on the car.  I'm glad I was driving.  I learned to drive without power steering (in a pickup truck) and it was not fun, but I managed to park between two cars.  Luckily, it worked fine when we pulled out after breakfast.  My son the mechanic-in-training will look at it. 

I have a cat adoption event today.  I would much rather stay at home.  I am working on my granny strip afghan, and find it very entertaining and relaxing, since I decided to carry the colors up the side, rather than cutting them and working in all those ends. 


Yesterday, my "babies" turned 20.  Today, my daughter has her second date with a guy from one of her classes.  I've never met him.  He texts her good morning every day around 11.  She really likes him, like a friend, not just a crush.  He seems to like her a lot, too.  Their first date was walking in a nearby park.  They were there for over 4 hours.  They saw a few huskies, and Amanda liked them.  (She's not a big dog fan.)  He now has a husky puppy.  Hmmm, coincidence?


One week down, two to go, and my husband will be home.  I am looking forward to it.


Joanne, how is your elbow doing?  Is the ceiling fixed? 


LeeAnn, did you get all the new things posted in Etsy? 

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Hi all

The ceilings are fixed and painted as well as a few other areas that needed it. Glad that is behind us. It was a rainy weekend here and I missed being able to go out walking. I did see the boys today and we had fun.


PT is helping. But I think I overdid it with crocheting and knitting yesterday. We were stuck here due to the worker so I read a little and then got to crocheting and knitting while watching the NCIS marathon. Glad I have pt tomorrow


Beth. It sounds like that guy is smitten with Amanda. Wow. Smitten. That ages me. Lol. Happy belated Birthday to the twins no more teenagers and you survived!!!! How was the cat adoption? Don't remember if I told you but dd adopted a 5 mo old cat.


Lee Ann. How was your weekend? I'm reading Maggie sefton books and they are set in Colorado. Makes me think of you.


Stacy and Marisa. Miss you guys !!!!!

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Joanne, I held the most adorable 5-month-old kitten today who just laid in my arms, and watched everyone go by. She was adopted.  We have a possible adoption on two more cats, as well.  I am so excited about it.  That is half the cats that were there.  I am going to help the women who run the cat adoption group maintain the shelter used by a feral cat colony that they tend.  That will be some time in April.  I am REALLY glad your daughter adopted another cat. I hope she is very happy with the cat.


Oh, my local crochet buddies and I are planning a trip to the nearest Hobby Lobby on Saturday.  It takes about an hour to get there, but that's more time with some of my favorite non-related people. 


LeeAnn, I hope things are going great.  Are your kids going back to school on Monday?  Do you have a lot of your Easter goodies made already? 

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-Happy late birthday to your wonderful inventions.  How exciting for your dd to be in this new phase of life, fun fun fun! 


Joanne-so happy to hear that the pt is working and your dd has a new fur baby.


This weekend was fun.  Joyce watched my shop on Saturday, it is so nice that we can help each other out.  We took the kiddos to Pueblo, a city  about 2 hours away from here.  They had a great time, we stopped at the mall and Joann's and Hobby Lobby, we had a delicious lunch and then stopped at a goodwill store.  I found the most amazing antique snack sets, I am so excited with them. 


Yesterday we relaxed, cooked and cleaned.  It was so nice to take a break from everything.  Today I have been whipping up Bubble bath's and deodorant..the kiddos made lots of lotion for me.  They are my new employees, they love earning extra money and I love that I can save my wrists a tiny bit. I have had a lot of wrist pain, I think it is all of the crocheting that I have been doing as well as whipping up goodies.  I may have to hire someone to help..how neat would that be?   The kiddos do a great job but I am thinking that I may need more help eventually.


off to labeling, I have all of the new Easter goodies on Etsy now on to Mother's Day sets..whew!  Hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, how cool that you are thinking about hiring help already.  Your business is taking off!  That is so exciting.  I'm glad your kiddos can help you out.  I'll bet they enjoy it.  Part of the family business.  Do you have any plans for Easter?


Joanne, I hope the PT continues to help.  I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.  How is work going?  Any days off coming up?  Any plans for Easter?


School has been very stressful lately. I've had to sub for the other teacher, and the server has been down for the last 3 days.  I had to input a lot of student data into the other server, which we were using, and I didn't get any notice or extra time to input it.  I had to do all the classes, since the other teacher was out.  And her classes are not as nice as mine.  Not that mine are perfect, but I do appreciate them a lot more after spending time with her kids.


This has been Spirit Week, and next week is spring break.  The kids are all very restless.  I am looking forward to a week off.  I won't be going to Ohio with my husband away, but I will be relaxing and getting some spring cleaning done finally.


Anybody working on any exciting projects?

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Beth. I am taking the last week of April off. Will probably head to Boston for a few days and then do some spring cleaning de cluttering on the other days. Pt is going well. I cancelled for today but return on Friday. I'm busy at work but leaving on time. Sounds like you can really use a break!!! Only 2 more days and then you are off for the week. No big plans for Easter I always loved to go out for brunch and then just go to a park and hang out. Dd won't be coming down since I'm heading up the weekend after Easter. I'd live to go down to the beach and walk along the boardwalk. Lots will depend on the weather. And also not sire what youngest wants to do.


Lee Ann. Hope your wrist is doing ok. That's wonderful that you are doing so well that you may need to hire some help. Kudos to you!!! Sounds like the kiddos are a big help. How is ds doing?


Marisa and Stacy. Think of you often and hope you are well


Better go figure out dinner. I'm thinking leftovers although DH won't be thrilled with that. Lol

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Good afternoon ladies!


Joanne-I almost forgot, that is wonderful that you were able to get your ceilings painted, painting is not my favorite thing to do.  Can you send your painter over here?  :yes   I have a new candle shelf that my father in law just built for me..have to paint it white. 


Beth-hoping that your day  goes well.  Paperwork is not my idea of fun.  I am so glad that you will be off next week, will you have the house to yourself?


I have been busy working on my taxes..oh my!  What a major paint, but they are done until July..whew!  Tonight is our craft a long, I have 6 ladies that are coming..my little group is growing.  I set up the snacks this morning, have the coffee and tea ready, I like to be prepared, some of them get here early to pick a spot.


Going to work some more on Etsy, have an order that I need to drop off at the post office, will run and do that while Joyce is here.  Hugs n squishes! :ghug :ghug

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Forgot to ask you all, have you tried the CrochetDude's new crochet hooks?  I bought a few, they are WONDERFUL and feel great on my hands.  :cheer

No I haven't. I think they have the hook like Boye and I like an inline hook like Susan bates. I live my bamboo handkerchief bates hooks!!! Glad that you are liking them and they probably will make a difference in your wrist pain


Happy Friday. I have early morning tomorrow for pt so I'll say it now. TGIF!!!!

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Joanne, how funny that we like the opposite type of hooks.  I find Susan Bates difficult to use.  I much prefer the Boye hook.  So I guess I'd like the Crochet Dude hooks.  I wonder if they are as nice as the Tulip hooks?  Those are so soft - so nice to use.  I bought one because it was the only hook in the size I needed, and fell in love.  My friend tried it, and went out and bought a BUNCH of them.  She is more addicted than I am! 


LeeAnn, I hope your crochet club went well. What fun!  I'd enjoy being a part of a group like that.  I am so happy for you, with all of your success.  You deserve it.  You work so hard, make such a great product, and sell at such a reasonable price. 


I am on spring break, but had some issues with all the paperwork, and ended the week on a sour note.  Now I'm having trouble getting out of my bad mood.  I have a road trip tomorrow with my two best local crochet buddies to Hobby Lobby in Richmond about an hour and half away.  It should lighten my spirits.


My granny stripe afghan is coming along very nicely.  I've used 4 balls, so I'm getting close to half done.  It is a lot easier now that I don't cut the yarn at the end of every stripe, and have to work in all those ends.  I just carry the unused color up the edge of the row, and switch when I need to.  It is so much quicker and easier, and I feel like I'm cheating, which is kind of fun.

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No I haven't. I think they have the hook like Boye and I like an inline hook like Susan bates. I live my bamboo handkerchief bates hooks!!! Glad that you are liking them and they probably will make a difference in your wrist pain

Happy Friday. I have early morning tomorrow for pt so I'll say it now. TGIF!!!!

Just looked at this post this morning. Auto correct sure messed up some words lol

I love my bamboo handle bates hooks! Not my Handkerchief bates hooks as auto correct thought I meant. Lol

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Have fun today on your road trip to hobby lobby, Beth!! It's such a fun place to go.


I had a fun time last night at the KAL get together. It is so hard to limit my crocheting and knitting because of this elbow tendonitis.


Well I'd better get a move on. Lots of cleaning and laundry to do


Happy Saturday

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Happy afternoon ladies!  I thought it was morning..whew!  Just looked at the clock and noticed that it is indeed afternoon.  :yes


Beth-have a super duper awesome time at HL, hope you find lots of yarn deals.  I could spend quite a bit of time looking around, I have found that their yarn prices have increased, is it just me?


Joanne-it is difficult to take a break.  Is the estimated recovery time long? 


My father in law made a new shelf for me, I LOVE it!  I spent all day yesterday painting it..whew!  Then I spent all morning stocking it up, I am going to post a pic on fb as it is easier, also changed the way that I am displaying products.  Going to grab a bite to eat then back to work on line.


Hugs n squishes :ghug:c9

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Hobby Lobby has a version of I Love This Yarn called Beth's Garden.  It literally called my name!  So I bought two skeins for a scarf.  I bought a couple skeins of alpaca too.


Wonderful day, great company, lots of fun!!!

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Ahhh, Spring Break!  I don't have to go to work today!  I do have to go to the vet, the post office, the gas station, the grocery store, the recycling center, and maybe a couple more places, though.  Be nice to get that all done, so I can relax tomorrow, except for spring cleaning the kitchen.  That's my big project for this break.


LeeAnn, What kind of goodies do you have planned for Mother's Day?


Joanne, how is the elbow?  How is the new/old print shop your daughter opened?  How is her cat baby?  (Is that the same daughter?)  How are the grandsons?


I need my coffee.  I hope you have an amazing day.

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