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Some good clean fun?!

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Top of the morning friends! 


Beth-Happy Spring Break!  :clap:cheer I am so happy for you, you deserve a break.  The  new Beth yarn sounds yummy.  Did you see the fragranced yarn?  It smells like Lavender.  :lol   I am not a huge fan of Lavender, I think they should fragrance it in Baby powder..wouldn't that be so soft and cuddly?


Joanne-hope your Monday is Marvelous!


It is back to cleaning up my craft studio and labeling.  Last night I whipped up lots of new bath salts and lotions.  Need to create the labels, print and then give my craft table a good cleaning, the bath salts spilled out.  My hubby is installing a sink and counter top here in my studio.I can't wait!  it will be awhile yet before he gets to it, I need to save more $ to pay for it all, this will save me so much time and energy.


I must say I do love all of the new additions to my shop, it has changed so much since my grand opening, I love it more and more every day.


back to work my friends!  hugs n squishes!

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Good morning


I had pt yesterday morning. The elbow is feeling better but still not 100 percent. I can feel improvement though.


Beth. The print shop is doing well as is new kitty. And yes it's the same dd. DH and I are going to an event at the orient shop Friday night We spent Sunday with the boys and had lots of fun. Keeps us young. and tired. Lol. Just kidding although they do take a lot of energy. Hope you enjoy your time off from work. Is Beth's garden a color of I love this yarn or a type of yarn?


Lee Ann- your shop looks so inviting from the pics I've seen on fb. You really have put lots into it, that is great that DH is going to out a sink in for you. How are the kiddos doing?


I had a long day yesterday. PT, work then Craft club. I think I'm going to make it an early night. But first must get through a day in paradise.


Have a good day

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Joanne, Beth's Garden is a color of I love this yarn.  It's overdyed, according to the package.  It has purples, blues, and greens.  I'm glad the kitty and print shop are doing well.  I am a tad jealous about the grandsons -- it seems so awesome to have little guys who love you and who you love close enough for you to visit on a regular basis.  I am glad PT is helping, too.


LeeAnn, you have an amazing shop.  it just keeps getting better.  I am so happy for you.


Spring Break has been great.  I spent some time crocheting and knitting yesterday.  I got a lot of my running around done.  I won't want to go back.

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-whatcha up to today?  Hopefully you are getting a bit of relaxing and fun in.  Thinking of all of you today.


Joanne-how's it going?  Did you get a bit of rest?


Came in to the shop early, I had a few errands to run before coming in today, finished them early.  It was nice, I was able to come in early and eat breakfast here at the shop and clean up the kitchen.  I am having another craft a long tomorrow night, last weeks meeting was interesting.  We had an old lady that refuses to wear her hearing aides, she was yelling the entire evening and telling off colored jokes..me personally I had a bad case of the giggles..I laughed until I cried.  Some of the other ladies didn't find her as funny.  So I am having a make up class.  :lol  


My ds is going to prom this Saturday, he is a sophomore and a junior asked him to go.  It is one of his friends sister..he was excited to be asked but doesn't like the gal as a girl friend, they are going as friends.  He is wearing his Confirmation clothes, works perfectly since he will be getting Confirmed now in May, I didn't have to buy anything extra except for her corsage.  They are going as a group, dinner should be a little bit cheaper.  Hoping that he has a great time.


I forgot to answer your question Beth, I have gift sets for Mother's Day, need to get those listed on Etsy..will hop to it.  Also finished the baby ghan that I was working on, need to tuck in ends then I will share a picture on my fb business page. 


Hope you all have a fantastic day~hugs n squishes! :c9:ghug

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Wow.  I slept half the day away!  I sat in the recliner for a short cat nap (with a cat, of course) and woke up a couple hours later when my friend called.  Then I crawled into bed to get some serious napping done.  Woke up to an empty house.  The guys went to work, the gal went to her evening class.  I feel super lazy, but I enjoyed it a lot.  I haven't been totally lazy -- I've been spring cleaning in the kitchen periodically.  I seriously dislike that type of work, so I'm taking baby steps.


LeeAnn, The baby afghan is just beautiful!  What a lovely stitch you picked.  The open shell looks so dainty, so pretty.  I love it!  The chair is gorgeous, too.  I love the mother's day baskets.  They are a great gift.


Our local farmer's market opened today.  I was one of the first customers in there.  I got most of the things I need to make a broccoli salad that I've wanted to try for a while.  It's mostly broccoli, red and white grapes, and either sunflower seeds or sliced almonds, depending on the recipe.  I had it from a deli near work, and now I want it all the time.


I frogged the scarf I was knitting.  I messed up, and don't know how to fix it, but also I decided that the fuzzy yarn doesn't show off the stitches (which makes it harder for me to learn what I am doing.)  I will try it with a smoother yarn eventually.


I am almost half done with my granny stripe afghan.  I'm trying to do a row or two every morning.

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Good morning


I stayed home yesterday and will stay home again today. I have a cold and rest is what I need. I'm drinking lots of water, taking cold eeze and emergen-c and napping.


Beth I spent a lot of time napping yesterday too. I know you were happy that your farm market opened up. Spring is actually here!!!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation. When does DH get home ?


Lee Ann. I love that baby blanket AND the cute chair. Did you gave your crochet get together last night? I hope your ds has fun at the prom. I went to my prom with a friend. Actually there was a group of us that will went as friends and we had a blast !!!!!

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Good afternoon ladies!


The morning flew by in a whirlwind of activity!  Whew!   I met a few ladies this afternoon for a meeting, we are trying to put together work shops using Essential Oils here in our small town.  They have one called "Medicine Cabinet Makeover"  I would like to host one called "Laundry Room Makeover".  I need to figure out the amounts and such but am excited to be networking more..I talked to Joyce she said that I can hold the event in the back kitchen.  This works out wonderfully. 



Joanne-I am so sorry to read that you are sick, I am glad that you are taking a break, rest is what your body needs. :hug


Beth-thank you for your etsy order, I was so happy to fill it for you.  Returning customers make my heart happy.  :manyheart   How's your new project coming along? :hug


Tonight is my Craft A Long, I have the tea brewed and the coffee ready. Tonight I am serving chips & Salsa, I always serve a small snack. 


Last night I had the Chamber of Commerce meeting..so much going on but golly it is so much fun.  Guess I should get my head out of the clouds and balance my checkbook.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!


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LeeAnn, my sister will be so surprised and happy when she gets your package!  I wish I could see her face.  Thank you for sending it to her.  It sounds like you are super busy.  So glad you are enjoying it. 


Joanne, hugs, dear Friend.  I hope you feel better soon.  My oldest has a sinus infection and bronchitis.  He sounds horrible, poor baby.  I do recommend the rest.  Even though I'm not sick, it felt great, and gave me more energy to make a dent in my to-do list today.


I just did a couple of rows on my afghan this morning.  I am enjoying it -- it is mindless, and a few rows go by quickly.  It is fun to watch it grow, too.

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I went to the dr today. Sure enough I've got bronchitis. So I can relate to how your ds feels, Beth. I've spent most of the day in bed except for going to the dr and getting my meds.

I will go to work tomorrow and then it's the weekend and I'll rest some more


I haven't done much crafting while I've been home. But I have been reading.


Have fun tonight lee ann. You are really setting up such a nice little niche in your town. Beth enjoy your last day of spring break!!!

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My hubby is home!!!  He will probably be sleeping most of the day, catch up from so long in a plane yesterday.  He had a half hour delay on the last leg.  We went out to dinner before we came home, and he was so tired, he had trouble ordering. 


Joanne, I am so sorry you are sick.  I hope you get the rest you need to feel better quickly.  My son is doing a lot better.  It took a few days, but he is barely coughing now.


LeeAnn, I hope you had fun with your craft night.  That is so awesome.  I sure wish I lived closer, so I could join you, and see your store.


I feel sorry for my dog, who tore up all his toys, and tries to play with a tiny scrap of toy.  I am crocheting a tube out of 100% wool, which I will felt.  I hope it will last a little longer than 20 minutes.  He is really tough on toys!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-I am so very happy that your hubby is home safe.  Poor guy, traveling takes a lot out of a person.  Hoping that he can rest and will feel better soon.  Your fur baby is soo cute!  He's probably sad without all of his favorite toys to keep him entertained.


Joanne-feel better soon my friend!  Hoping that you are resting more this weekend.


Joyce is watching my shop today, we are cleaning.  My ds is out cleaning the car..getting it perrrtiiified for his prom date.  :lol   I made my list of craft goodies that I need to whip up this weekend, mostly candles and soaps...and tarts..they are selling selling selling.  My kiddos have made lots of lotion for me, they should last about another week and then we will be back to the drawing board.


Other than all that, enjoying all of these new adventures..back to cleaning.  Hugs n squishes! :hug

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LeeAnn, so glad your shop is doing so well.  It must be just what your town needed!  I can't wait to hear all about your son's prom. 


It has been nice to have my husband home.  I finished the dog toy, just a loop of wool.  it felted up nicely, and is very comfortable and seems rather durable (as in I've pulled him around the house with it.)  He's one tough puppy!

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Good morning ladies!


Beth- your furry sweetheart just sounds adorable.  :manyheart   I'm glad that your hubby made it home safe and sound and is getting to spend time with all of you.


Joanne-did you have a good weekend?


My son had a blast at the prom!  His date was very shy and didn't want to dance, Cristopher asked her if it was ok to ask another girl to dance, he danced and visited with his friends, together they went to the After Prop, it was games, music and a hypnotist.  All in all he had a good safe time.  I am very proud of him.


I put more gift Baskets together this morning..still have more to make but I want to see how these will do.  They did well for Christmas.


Other than all of the normal running and business, I am relaxing more a bit and not feeling so stressed.  Yesterday when I should have been creating product, I cleaned out a kitchen cupboard, covered it with contact paper, made bread, did laundry then read..spent the entire afternoon readying..it was pure heaven..I am trying not to feel guilty about it..but it's hard.


Guess I had better get my tush in gear, I am trying to update my blog at least once a week..I had let it go for almost a year.. :yes


hugs n squishes!

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Leeann. Nothing wrong with taking some hours to read for yourself. Glad to hear that ds had a good time at the prom.

I'm feeling better. It not 100 percent yet


Beth. Just saw on fb that you have bronchitis and sinusitis Feel better !!!!!


Off to get dinner


It is damp and rainy so I think after dinner I'm going to get in my pjs and sit under some blankets.

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Hi all,


I got up every 4 hours last night to pop more pills and drink more YUMMY (NOT) cough medicine, and woke up feeling pretty good.  I need more sinus meds now, though.  I think I'll be feeling fine by tomorrow.


LeeAnn, so glad Christopher had a good time at the prom.  I am glad you took a few minutes to refresh your mind by reading and relaxing.  You don't need to get burnt out.  You are the driving force behind your business.  It is important to take care of yourself.


Joanne, I hope you are feeling better.  The doctor told me that allergies lead the way for other things.  Are you back to work?


I made my husband fend for himself, as far as dinner goes, yesterday.  I think I did good to get his breakfast and lunch ready this morning. 

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-I sure hope that you are on the road to recovery soon.  It is difficult to be sick on top of everything that we must do daily.  You are a very good patient.  I'm proud of you! :manyheart  


Joanne-how ya feeling?  Did your grands get the bug that is going around?


Everyone here is ok, but that bug sure is trying to work it's way into our house again.  My dd wasn't feeling well but she is a trooper and went to school on Monday and feels a little bit better..tired but we are all feeling the strain of too many activities.  School lets out in less than 8 week...so happy!


Today has picked up a little bit at the shop, I have been so worried about the business end of things, it's tough keeping up.  Seems like I pay one bill and another one floats in..guess that is the way it all works.


I did bring my ripple to work on, I think a few rows are needed to get my head back in the game.  Hugs n squishes!

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Hi LeeAnn, I'm sure it is a non-stop round of bills to pay running your own business.  The nearest LYS is threatening to close.  I think it would be awesome to have my own yarn shop.  I can dream, yes?  I hope everyone in your house stays well.  I'm glad your dd is feeling better.  I am excited for the end of the school year, too.  My kids have less than a month before their college is done.  I have about 2 months.  I'm not sure how my job will work once the students take their state tests in May.  My job is to prepare them for the tests.  I guess I'll see.


Joanne, I hope your elbow and your bronchitis are both better.  Are you getting enough rest?


My husband started coughing now.  Uh oh!  He was whining about it today.  

I need to get going.  I'm almost out of sinus medicine, and it seems to help more than anything.  Must visit the 24 hour pharmacy before school.

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-oh no!  I am sorry to hear that your lys is on  the verge of closing..it is really a delicate tightrope.  I am glad that I have the on line shop, I worry when I go days without a sale on line.  It takes a lot of promoting and constant work.  With Etsy, if I create one treasury a day and promote on all of the social media it keeps me in the loop but if I take off even one day..I loose sales.  In my shop, it is the same thing, constant advertising.  I have an ad in our local newspaper-the classifieds was the cheapest announcing the yarn in my shop. The regular 1" ads cost $100 a day. :cry   The radio adds cost about $35 for 30 seconds..yes my friends..30 seconds.  I have played a bit of hardball and was able to get a better deal during the holiday season for $50 for 1 minute for 7 days twice a day..whew!  It all gets very complex.  I also advertise on all of the free sites that I can find..Craigs List, local newspapers and fb pages..it's a job in itself.  Hugs to your fiber friends!


Sorry to hear that your hubby is not feeling well, bet it was all of the traveling, wears a person out.  I bet after testing they will find other duties for you.  ;):hug


Joanne-hoping you are feeling much better. :hug


All of this talk about advertising, I better hop to it, need to do a bit of promoting :cry


hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, my sister got her package, and she is thrilled!  You make such a great product.  It is so nice to do something so easy, and make her so happy.  I hope you got all your advertising taken care of.  That does sound like a full-time job.  Is your shop in a high-traffic area? 


Joanne, do you feel better today?  Have you had a chance to play with yarn?

I played with my alpaca yarn, working on my scarf today, and came to a horrible realization.  I do not like the color on the yarn.  It has rather subtle stripes in it, and I really don't care for the way the colors look together.  Oh well.  I will find someone who loves it, and they will get a very soft, warm scarf.

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Happy Friday!!!!


I still have some minor aches in my elbow area. But it is so much better than it was. I haven't done much crafting to really rest it. I did 2 rows of a shawl last night 225 stitches per row. Still also have lingering cough congestion. I think allergies may be part if it on top of the bronchitis. I feel ok though.


Beth. I'm sure that someone will love the scarf!!!! How are you feeling? And DH?? That's sad about the LYS


Lee Ann. You put so much time and energy Into everything for your business. It really is a 24 hr 7 day a week thing,but it must be so rewarding!!!!


Time to get ready. Have a great day!!!!!

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LeeAnn, when I said it was nice to do something so easy, I meant ordering from you, not making the product.  Please know that I appreciate what you do.  You made her day.  The owner of our LYS recently opened a new shop closer to her home.  We suspect she would prefer to just work from the more convenient (for her) shop.  She has threatened to close before, to try to drum up sales.  I don't think that is very professional.


Joanne, so glad you are feeling better, both your elbow and your lungs.  My expectorant is working, so I should be feeling great soon.  It's just kind of gross right now.  My husband is still coming down with it.  He doesn't have asthma, though, so I expect he won't get it as bad as my son and I did.  At least I hope not.  So glad a long weekend is coming up.  Do you get any extra time off for Easter?  Any plans to do things with the grandsons?  Holidays are such fun with little ones in the picture!


I had a really good day at work yesterday.  I was quite hoarse, and the majority of my students were supportive and helpful.  I felt loved.  It was quite moving.  I hope I can keep the positive vibe going even when I'm back to full power.  (Maybe I should work on keeping things at a lower level -- it seemed to work.)


These late starts always catch me off guard.  Need to get going!  Have an awesome FRIDAY!!!

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Good morning ladies!



Joanne-so glad that your elbow is on the mend, that is a lot of stitches.  Do you have to do exercises at home too?  Will you be hunting for eggs this weekend?



Beth- I LOVE creating, it's what I do, it is very re-warding, I am tickled to have returning customers.  It makes it all worthwhile, and I am so very happy that your sister liked everything. :cheer   That is crazy that your LYS owner would have scare sales like that.  We have a furniture store here that is always having "Going out of business sales"  they are actually closing down because folks can not trust them.  Hope your hubby is feeling better and that you do too.  That was so sweet of the kiddos in your class to help.  :manyheart


I did all of my promoting yesterday, but today is a new day.  Will get to my to do list for today in a few.  Must get a bit of caffeine in first.


Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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I hope you had a Happy Easter! 


Guess what?  My hubby decided to shave off the beard, and took off his moustache, too.  First time I've seen him without, and we've been married for 23 years.  He looks ...  Well, he is still handsome, but he looks like a stranger.  Weird.  I'll get used to it, but the moustache will probably be back by then.

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