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Some good clean fun?!

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I'm sure that is quite a change, Beth. But change is good. It's like having a new man. Lol. I saw his pic on fb. Very handsome guy you have there!!!!


I'm finally feeling better. Just a little residual post nasal drip. And my elbow is 90 percent better. I finished knitting a dish cloth tonight. It says must have coffee and has a coffee mug on it. The only thing is you can see the mug. But the words are a little difficult to see Maybe I was knitting too loose.


But it's only a dishcloth. Lol


Heading to Boston this weekend to visit dd. Can't wait!!!!!

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Joanne, the dishcloth sounds very neat.  It seems like you are becoming a knitting guru.  That is so awesome!  Is the dishcloth two colors?  How did you get the mug and words on there?  I am glad to hear you are feeling better.  Gives me hope.  This just does not want to go away.  I'm glad your elbow is recuperating so much.


I sub at a high school today that starts really early.  I have to be there by 7.  Ugh.  No going back to sleep for me!  At least I am subbing, so hopefully, I can take my crochet with me, and get some time to work on it.


LeeAnn, I hope you and your family are staying well.  Don't work too hard!

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Beth. It's all one color. What makes the words and picture stand out is the arrangement of knits and purls. It's pretty cool although I wish you could see the letters better. I'll probably attempt another one maybe with a size smaller needle to see if that makes a difference. But first I have to finish the crochet baby blanket for a co worker and the knit shawl. I have to take it easy. As much as I want to knit and crochet I still have to be mindful not to overdo it


Hope your day subbing went ok and you got to hook a bit. This bout of bronchitis was a doozy. Still have periodic bouts of tickles in the throat followed with coughing. I'm sure all the pollen doesn't help. Lol

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-the weekend is almost here!  Will you be off all summer?  I'm glad that you are subbing, are the high school kiddos easier than middle schoolers? 


Joanne-your  dishcloth sounds awesome!  Any chance you will be sharing pics?  How exciting to be going away for the weekend, fun fun and more fun!


The hubby has been out of town this week, it was busy..I was running more than usual.  Thankfully he gets home late tonight, I will take it..all of the driving back and forth is exhausting.


This week has been a better sales week, so glad!  I am slowly working on replenishing the novelty soaps, but I still need quite a few to go.  Hopefully on Monday.  This Sunday I am driving my mom to CO Springs, she is having hip replacement surgery.  I will not be staying for her surgery because she does not know what time she is having surgery..she's a bit disorganized.  I hope all goes well for her.


other than all of that, trying to keep calm and enjoy the slightly warmer weather.  Back to crocheting, I am working on a table setting for my Mother in law, a Mother's Day gift.  I will tell you all about it tomorrow and share pictures of the progress.  Hugs n squishes!

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Hello All,

I actually got moving when my hubby got up today:  Too many things to take care up this morning because they didn't get done yesterday -- oops!


Joanne, I hope the elbow is much better now.  I understand about the bronchitis.  I feel like this is the cough that will never quit.  The pollen is bad here.  The cars are all green.   I hope the grandsons are doing well.


LeeAnn, I hope you'll share pics of the placesetting for your MIL.  You are so talented.  I need to come up with an idea for mother's day fast. 


I am now planning to go to Ohio over Memorial Day.  My daughter says she'll come with me, so I get to share driving duties!  Yay!

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I hope you are all well.  We are having a wonderful, wet spring.  I am enjoying the rain, because it is taking down the pollen levels a bit.


LeeAnn, how go the Mother's Day sales?  Are products flying off the shelves?


Joanne, how are your gorgeous grandsons?


Not much going on here -- just work.

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Good afternoon ladies!


Beth-when is your last day?  Will you able to stay home this summer?


Joanne-hoping that you are taking it easy so that you can heal.  I think you were going out of town this last weekend? 


I have been running...whew!  My mom had a total hip replacement on Monday in Colorado Springs.  I drove her up there on Sunday, together we spent the night at our aunts house, then I stayed at the hospital for her surgery and then spent the night in her room.  She had a major reaction to the anesthesia..she is doing better.  I drove back yesterday morning and was at the shop by 10:15..I am pretty worn out.  But no time for rest, my ds has church tonight, it his last mass before making his Confirmation next week.  Tomorrow is my Craft A  Long, next week is going to be a doozy..lots and lots of events..I may also have to go pick up my mom this weekend..Calgon take me away... :lol


Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!  hugs n squishes!

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Good morning !


Well I opted to stay home and have a stay-cation. I'm going to visit dd in June. I was still getting over the bronchitis and figured the best thing for me was rest. I got a lot accomplished at home and spent some leisurely days reading, crocheting and knitting. I spent Wed with dd and the boys and I'm babysitting later on today. We are heading out to a flea market soon that DH wants to go to.


Hope you are doing well!!!!enjoy your Saturday!!!!

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I tried to delete a typo, and lost my post.  I love my old computer!  It's such an adventure to type on it.


LeeAnn, I hope your mom heals quickly.  I'm glad she bounced back from the reaction to the anesthesia.  That must have been frightening.  Congrats to your son on his confirmation.  Do your children have school much longer?  We go through the middle of June.  I will be working in the office most of the summer, only 4 days a week, and fewer hours.  It will be a mini break.  I love the place settings.  I love just about everything you do! 


Joanne.  I am sorry your bronchitis is still bothering you.  I've finally started feeling pretty good.  I hope you feel great soon.  I like the sound of a staycation, particularly since you have your grandsons nearby.  It sounds like a lovely week to me.  I can't wait to hear about all your projects.

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Top of the morning ladies!


Beth-School is almost out here May 23 :cheer I shall be counting down the days.  After this week the school events should slow down a teeny tiny bit.  That is great that you will be working in the office into the summer.  What a nice break that will be.


Joanne- a staycation sounds like the most perfect idea!  I love staying home.  how's the elbow?


Tonight is Cristopher's Confirmation, we had a lunch for him on Sunday, so very glad that I was able to knock that out, tonight we have the ceremony itself and then my brother's tomorrow and then Celine's school play on Thursday and Friday.  I would say the entire week is full.  I am happy that I can attend all of their functions and still maintain the shop. 


This weekend I should have been creating more product, I whipped up a few lotion bars and sugar scrubs but nothing major.  I find that if I make a little bit of something every morning, I do not feel as stressed trying to make everything in one day.  This morning I whipped up lotion, just 3 bottles but it's something. 


Best get my tush in gear, hugs n squishes!


p.s. I finished the last placemat last night, some time soon I will sugar water the bowl to stiffen it and viola I will be done!

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LeeAnn, The place setting will be beautiful.  What a wonderful gift.  It sounds like your week is really busy.  So glad you can manage to get everything done.  I hope you will get to rest and get spoiled on Mother's Day.


I posted a link to a crocheted Yoda figure on May 4th, and my 30-year-old nephew who lives in California requested one.  So I am working on it.  I have the head and body done, stuffed, eyes inserted, and the ears crocheted, but not sewn on yet.  You know how much I love sewing...  I hope to have enough of a break at work today to get that done.  I still have to make arms, legs, and the clothing.  Eek!  Naked Yoda!  It has been a lot of fun.  I've taken a page from my students' book -- I'm listening to music on youtube while working.  Of course, I'm listening to much different music than what they like.  I am rather fond of the pop music from the 80's. 


My sons and daughter are finishing up this semester.  They are taking exams and working on final projects.  My daughter seems to be slammed, the boys, not so much.  Of course, she's taking a full load of academic courses.  Her twin is taking more hands-on courses, and the other brother is only taking 2 classes.  He will be finished today.  I think.  I'm having a tough time keeping all the schedule changes straight.


The kids at school are getting restless.  I am rather proud of how much work they are accomplishing.  My room is miserably hot - over 80 degrees by the thermostat which is the coolest part of the room.  The back corner, which is stuffed with computers and students, has to be warmer than that.


I decided on a project for some wool yarn I bought on sale.  I need a new Dog blanket for my bed.  In the morning, we take off our sleeping blankets, and put a comforter on the bed.  The dogs play on the comforter, and it gets torn up.  I was thinking of buying an Army blanket, but don't know if they come in a big enough size for our bed.  Then I realized that I have tons of this wool yarn, and no use for it, so I'm going to crochet it, felt it, and see how it works.  If nothing else, I can donate it to my cat rescue group the next time they change the bedding in the shelter for the feral cat colony.  Now to find time to work on it.  I should probably finish one of the other 4 projects I have going...


Joanne, do you have any plans for Mother's Day this weekend? 

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-Your Yoda sounds soo cute!  I did see the picture of FB, how darling!  Is he still naked?  :lol   A felted project sounds like a great way to use up wool yarn.  Oh my gosh!  The kiddos in your school attend much longer than us, wow!  What will your inventions do with themselves during the summer? 


This week has been a doozy..so glad that we are approaching the weekend.  Cristopher's Confirmation was so nice!  He was extremely happy to be finished with all of the classes and such.  Last night was my brother's, it was wonderful as well, a bit of a drive for us but all in all it worked out.


Tonight is the opening show for my daughters school play.  The play is a Midnight Summers Dream, I am going to help after I get off work then stay for the show.  They asked if I would be willing to help, I am interested to see what is going on.  My dd would much rather me "Not" help..ya know how they are too cool for mom.  Too bad, I am there.  :lol


The shop is having a good week, I have had several last minute orders for Mother's Day Gift Basket, I have three more to fill, one of them is done, I was just waiting for the candle to set up the other two are almost there.  My favorite part is putting the baskets together and shrink wrapping..I absolutely LOVE shrink wrapping. 


Today I am treating myself and getting my hair colored, I have been trying to get it done every 4-6 weeks, the hair salon is in our building, it's soo nice.  I can just walk on in when she's ready for me.  I like that I can do this for myself, I use my earnings to pay for it, so the hubby has no idea how much it costs.  I have always colored my hair myself but have decided that I do not have to do everything..I can pamper myself every now and then.


Off to Etsy land..hugs n squishes!

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Congrats to Christopher and to your brother.  So cool that they were both confirmed the same week.  I hope your daughter has fun with her play.  Does she have a major role in it?  Your daughter may not know it yet, but she will appreciate that you are helping, once she matures a little.  So glad your shop is doing well.  I imagine Mother's Day is a great day for your products!  Enjoy getting your hair done.  It's a very good thing that you pamper yourself.  You do so much for so many people.  Nice to do something for yourself once in a while.


Yoda has clothes.  I finished the robe yesterday, but need to work in the ends.  Also, I have to make the belt.  The belt pattern calls for a row of sc, but that is so bulky on the little dude, I think I'm just going to do a row of chain, maybe make it slip stitch.  I think he's adorable, but if I were to make another, I'd put something heavy in the bottom when I was stuffing it, make him a bit more stable.  I have a drunk yoda.  I'll post pics on FB before he flies to California to live with my nephew.


Joanne, I hope you are doing well.  I hope your elbow feels great, and you are knitting and crocheting up a storm.  How are the grandsons?  I'll bet they are getting so big!  Is Robbie talking yet?

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Good afternoon ladies!


The play went well, it was a Shakespeare play..kind of hard to follow along but the actors/actresses were great!  I can't believe how well they learned lines and their acting skills are pretty awesome.  Celine had a very small role, she wanted something bigger but in the end she was ok with it.  She just likes being in the drama club. 


It has been busy here at the shops, nice super wonderful!  I have so many new soapy ideas,..I would love to be home creating.  We have a Rodeo that comes through our town, I am going to make the cutest cowboy soaps..and little cowboy rubber duckies..so cute!  And of course the horses and such..fun fun fun!  I am hoping that I can work on something tomorrow night. 


This evening I have to help again with makeup for the play.  It has been such a busy week that I feel a bit worn out but what fun!


Beth-can't wait to see pictures of your Yoda.  How cute!


Joanne-missing you.


Going to take a break and just sit..maybe crochet a bit..hugs n squishes!

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I had a nice day.  I hope you all did, too.


LeeAnn, can't wait to see the Rodeo soaps. What fun!  Do you have any particular scent that says Cowboy to you?  You are busy. I'm glad you are sitting down and relaxing for a bit.


My daughter's new sweetie is coming to our house for pizza Saturday, so we needed something else for dinner tonight.  I asked everybody (who was home) if they would mind going out to dinner for my mother's day gift tonight.  We went to a steakhouse.  When we came home, the middle child and I went to an auto parts store, bought oil and filters for 4 cars.  He is going to change the oil for me (in all the cars) as another mother's day gift.  I also bought the filter and oil for his car, which made him happy.


My daughter has her final presentation on Monday. After that, the kids will all be on summer vacation.  I have about another month.  Sigh.  I am so ready for this year to be over.


I didn't get my camera out tonight.  I hope to get pictures tomorrow.

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Good morning


Beth- the Yoda sounds adorable I think your idea to take the wool and make a felted blanket is great!!! Have you met DD's new bf yet or is tonight the first time? My elbow is doing do much better and I've mostly been knitting. I am finishing up in the shawl from the KAL at the LYS. Another KAL starts Thursday night. I am also working in a crochet shawl. Not sure what I'll do with them. But may give one to a friend who is going through a rough patch right now


Leeann. Wow!!! So much going on but seems to be winding down. Congrats to your son and brother on their confirmation. And to your dd on the play. Love the idea for the soapies with a ride I coming to town!!!!


Tomorrow we r going to Rutgers gardens for their annual plant sale and to just walk around and enjoy the gardens. It's supposed to be a nice day. That's what I wanted to do for Mother's Day. Yesterday was a rough day. 15 years since my mom passed. The year she passed was Mother's Day. Today is a better day !!!


Hope you have an awesome weekend and Mother's Day!!!!! Hugs

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Joanne, I hope you have a very happy Mother's Day. The day in the gardens sounds wonderful.  Are you looking for any particular plants, or are you just going to enjoy looking around?  This is the second time we are meeting Mitchell.  He is adorable!  He's a lot smaller than my guys, and they tease Amanda about that, but he is very cute, and he loves animals (so I like him!) and he graduates next weekend.  Can't complain about that!  He already has a job.  I like him, not that my opinion is the important one, but it helps that I like him.  my daughter is going to his graduation celebration next weekend, and gets to meet the entire family.  His grandmother is very eager to meet her. 


LeeAnn, I hope you are enjoying your soapy fun!  Would it be possible for you to craft soap at the store, or do you need too much equipment?  Have a happy Mother's Day, too.


I need to get busy.  I have to clean before Mitchell shows up! 

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Hppy Mother's Day



Beth. We go to enjoy the scenery and I get a few plants/flowers. I get what strikes my fancy. Lol. Hope dinner with Mitchell went well


Leeann. Hope u get to relax today


Have a wonderful day. The boys and dd and sil are coming over for breakfast this morning. Can't wait to see r and r

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Hi friends! I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. I had to drive up over the pass to pick my mom up from Colorado springs. I should be home late tonight. Will catch up tomorrow. Hugs and squishes

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Hello everyone,  happy Thursday!


Joanne, Friday is coming!!!  I hope your work week went wonderfully well.


LeeAnn, I hope your drive to pick up your mom went smoothly.  Is she staying with you for a while?  How long does it take you to drive to Colorado Springs?


I finished Yoda, mailed him off to California, and now I'm working on the hot-dog-bun dog sweaters for my sister's dachshunds.  We started them together when I went to visit her at my parents house a long time ago.  I left them with her.  She decided she couldn't finish them, mailed them to me, and I've been pretty much ignoring them.  I decided to get them done now, though.  I would like to mail them off this week, so I have to get busy. 


Not much else going on here.  My kids are out of school for the summer, though the boys are working, and the girl is looking hard for a job.  I told her she needed to put in an application every week until she gets a job.  I have about 4 more weeks, not sure exactly when school ends.  At least the a/c was fixed in my classroom, so it is much more comfortable.  I was dancing yesterday, which made the kids laugh. 

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Good morning ladies!


Beth-dancing how fun!  I bet the kiddos love having you in their classroom.  Fun spunky teachers are always much more enjoyable.  :yes   Colorado Springs is 3 hours away, it was an interesting trip.  I have been chauffeuring my mom back and forth.  Thankfully my little sister is finishing up with her college finals today and going to be staying with my mom for the next two weeks.  She will be the new driver.  My brother also turned 16 last week, he will be able to drive her too..whew!  She lives about 45 minutes away from me, it's a bit of a chore to get her places because she is walking using a walker.  She is healing fairly well, but she has to take it easy...she's not into that..but we are forcing her.  That is great that your boys have jobs and that your dd is out looking for one.  My ds has dropped off 2 applications but he is going to hit the streets as soon as school is finished.  Your new sweaters sound soo cute!


Joanne-how are you?  Are you feeling better?  These colds are hanging on.  How's your elbow?  Paradise?  I hope everything all of it, is WONDERFUL.  :hug   What hooky projects are you working on?


Tonight is Craft Night, I have had an event every day with the exception of Mother's Day for the entire month of May, I can't wait for summer!  I haven't had a chance to play with soap, but my newest rubber duckies arrived..cowboy themed..so cute!  The boys in our family are going camping this weekend, my dd has an event on Saturday, Joyce is watching my shop on Saturday too.  I want to start cleaning tomorrow after work so that on Saturday I can play...I am hoping that I have the energy.  I have been exhausted. 


Other than all of the running, things at the shop are going well.  I found the cutest flip flop lights.. :manyheart  and sea shell lights too..can't wait to change displays.


off to work on paperwork.  Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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LeeAnn, it is hard to slow down someone who wants to keep going.  I hope your mom heals quickly.  It's awesome that your son is looking for a job.  I hope my daughter finds one.  She needs more self-confidence, and doing something productive and being paid for it would help.  She is very picky, though.  Since she is deaf in one ear, she doesn't want to run a cash register, or work in a noisy environment.  I hope you get to play on Saturday.  It is so nice to have a day off.


Joanne, I hope things are peachy for you! 


My daughter had a really good time at her bf's family's house.  I couldn't sleep last night, so I was talking to her about it at midnight.  I am regretting that this morning!  MORE COFFEE!!!  It is also a dreary, rainy day.  (That is good, I haven't watered my new tree in a while.  This might be saving its life.)


Have a great day, and crochet away!

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Top of the morning ladies!


Beth-I would have loved to stay home crocheting and drinking coffee..that would have been PERFECT!  I hope that your day flies by.  We have had rain and snow this week, Mother Nature is sure finicky.  I hope that your tree makes it.  How neat to watch it grow.



Joanne-TGIF my friend!  Any fun plans this weekend?



Last night I had the kitchen packed to the gills! We are up to 9 ladies.  It was fun! I was so inspired that I went home and finished my ripple gahn, I have another project ready to whip up.  I am going to start another afghan, I really like working on them while I am here at the shop in between customers and paperwork, it makes my days feel so enjoyable.  I don't always get to crochet but when I can, I have been working working..it really is such a huge stress reliever. 


I took the pictures last night, not the best lighting but I was soo excited I had to share.  Hugs n squishes!



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