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Hi all, big hugs to you all!


I made homemade bread dough and meatballs before I went to work today.  My daughter played with the dough as needed throughout the day, and baked sub rolls.  She also cooked the meatballs.  I came home to a house that smelled so amazing.  The bread was beautiful.  She thought it was great -- she ate 3 rolls for lunch, and she usually doesn't eat much at all.  The men weren't as impressed as she was.  That's OK.  She deserves a meal catered to her tastes once in a while.  Usually I cook what my husband likes, which is very red-meat-and-potatoes centered.


Joanne, so glad you are getting to craft club.  What fun to get together with fellow crafters and have fun!  I hope you are liking your new position.  I would love to look for another job, but I want to see what happens with the changes going on in my current one first.  It is a very nice paycheck.


LeeAnn, so happy to hear that your store is doing well.  I hope you are taking care of yourself.  I hope your daughter isn't too stressed out over the upcoming performance.  From working at the ballet studio, I can tell you that the people in charge get so caught up in trying to achieve perfection that they don't realize how harsh they are.  Dramatic types -- sigh.


Stacy, my kids have finals next week.  I hope you aren't too stressed.  Are you surviving the English class OK?  I hope your baby girl is feeling better after the extra sleep.


Marisa, I hope all is well with you.


I think I'll try to go back to sleep.  Have a good one, Ladies!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I checked in yesterday and read through the posts, but never got to reply :(  It's rainy here today, but warm for December...upper 50's/low 60's!  I had dinner with my chiropractic friends on Tuesday and then a movie date with a new guy from Match, we'll see how this one pans out.  He seems nice with a good head on his shoulders, but time will tell.  He's bowling with us tonight to substitute for Becca since she has an interview in the morning and wants to prepare for that.


Stacy - I hope your week goes quickly and that you're not expected to keep up with evenings at work.


Beth - How great of dd finishing up the bread and meatballs :) 


LeeAnn - WTG on all your orders!  Keep up the great work.


Joanne - I put up my Christmas decorations at the office on Tuesday and it's so festive now....I love it :)  Glad to hear you made it to craft club this week!

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Hi all,

It's been a busy week but in a good way! Busy at work, but not stressed and Tuesday night I worked on the crocheted cowl and the knitted cowl. Last night I went to DD's after work and played with the boys and then one on one with Ryan while DD was putting Robbie to bed. He's getting so creative with his playing and it's so much fun!!! We had a ball!!! I'm so blessed that I live close by and get to see my GS so often!


Beth- Homemade bread sounds sooooo good!!!! My DH is a red meat and potatoes guy himself--me, not so much! Tonight, we are having baked ziti- left over from Tuesday- and I didn't put any meat in it. I like it better that way--he would prefer it had meat. Oh well! LOL


Stacy- Hope the job and the hours work out. Love that the girls wanted a certain kind of tree' and that you were able to get something one they liked! Good luck with your exams! Hope that everyone is healthy and that Mia didn't get sick!


Marisa- Enjoy your bowling date. I love the decorations! My SIL put the lights up outside at their house and Ryan just loves them. So do I! Can't wait to put up my tree this weekend!


LeeAnn- I hope that your DD is ok- and good for you for saying something! Good luck to her in the play! Sometimes the pressure put on kids is unbelievable. I'm happy that the shop and your online shop are doing well. Just be careful that you don't burn yourself out Stay safe in the cold--I read that CO is pretty darn cold- and possible ice storms!


Have a good night---and enjoy your Friday everyone!!!

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Friday!!!  it's Friday!  I've been waiting all week for this!  Only 2 more weeks of school (after today) then Christmas break! Today will be a great day.  The 7th graders are almost all going on a field trip, so my two worst classes will be almost empty.  And the girl I am training will be with me, so we should have a relatively low-stress day. 


Joanne, I am happy for you that you are physically close to your grandsons and get to be with them.  It is so good for them to get to know you.  I'm sure your daughter appreciates having someone she can trust to help her with them, too.  Enjoy decorating.


Marisa, I hope your bowling date goes well.  It sounds like a fun night.  If he is a great guy, wonderful, if not, you have friends around to diffuse the situation.  I hope your business is booming.  Do you like the warm December?  It was so warm yesterday morning that we had horrible fog.


Stacy, I hope everyone is well, and your upcoming finals are not devastating.  My daughter is having some problems with lack of communication from professors and classmates who are working on projects with her.  I will be glad when it is over.


LeeAnn, so glad your business is doing well.  It should -- you make wonderful products and have a great eye for displaying them.  And your prices are excellent.  I wish I could pop over to your store and do a bit of Christmas shopping.


Well, I need to get going.  My day just feels so much better when I start with an hour of crocheting!

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-two more weeks?  The countdown is on!  woohoo!   What will you do with yourself over break?  I hope you get lots of R & R.  Did you have an easy day yesterday?  Homemade bread sounds delish!  I love bread..carbs carbs carbs.


Joanne-your grands are so very lucky to have you!  What wonderful memories you are creating.


Marisa-how did the date go?  I hope you had an enjoyable evening.


Stacy-how's the retail job?  Getting busier?


Yesterday and today is the bazaar, it has been soo nice!  We have had a lot of traffic and shoppers..can't complain.  I also have several custom orders..90 chill pill soaps..they sell like crazy!  wow!


back to customers.  hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,


It was another busy day- laundry, some cleaning, DH and I went shopping for some Christmas gifts, then grocery shopping and then I went over to DD's to play with the boys while DH took a nap!


Beth- That's a great idea to start the day with some crochet. I get up at 5:30 and leave here around 6:40 --I like to get to work early (I usually arrive around 7:15 and then I have my breakfast before the work day starts at 8. Not enough time to check in here, FB, get ready AND crochet before work. But i bring it to work with me every day and try to get a few stitches in at lunchtime.


LeeAnn- Glad to hear the craft bazaar is going to wel. I'm not surprised that the 'chill pills' are selling so well. They are super adorable!!!


Marisa- Hope you had fun last night on the date!


Stacy- Good luck on your finals! I know you'll do great!


I finished DD's cowl (crochet) and brought it over to her today since I know the new coat she ordered on Cyber Monday was delivered! She loved it. Still working on the knitted cowl. Middle DD wants a very chunky cowl like one we saw in the GAP so I'll probably start that tomorrow (that will also be crochet)


Off to unwind--those boys wear me out----but I Love it!!!

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Joanne, did you get any pictures of the cowl you finished for your daughter?    I'm glad you are enjoying your new position so much.  And I imagine the little darlings wear you out -- but what a great way to get tired!  It is smart to get to work early so you can unwind and eat breakfast before you start.  I have a problem with one of my breaks -- the kids show up 15 minutes early! 


LeeAnn, so glad you are having a good craft bazaar.  I am so happy to hear about your success.


Marisa, I hope things are going great for you.


Stacy, good luck with your exams.  My daughter is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  Her Technical Writing final is a group project, and nobody in the group was contributing. Eventually, two other students jumped in, too, and the rough draft (which is the end of her part of the project) will be finished and submitted today.  She is counting down until Friday.  I am counting down for one week after that. 


I met with my crochet buddies yesterday.  One of them is doing a entrelac crochet project.  We were all trying to decipher the instructions.  Now all 3 of us want to make one.  It looks so cool!  After that, my husband and I went out to lunch, then Christmas shopping.  We are done now.  I need to address and send the Christmas cards, but that will wait until after the cat adoption event today.  Gotta do the grocery shopping first.

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Hi all,

It's SNOWING!!! DD and the boys were going to come over, but will wait another hour to see if it is still snowing! If so, she'll stay home safe and sound. Glad that is where I am right now!


Beth- I didn't get a picture of the cowl- I was so excited to give it to her. Next time I'm over her house I'll get a picture! Also have to take a pic of DH's knit scarf!


Hope you are all having a good Sunday!

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Joanne, We didn't get any snow, and we are so close to you!  Doesn't seem fair.  We did get some very cold rain though.  I was at a cat adoption event, and loading up the leader's car afterwards was a cold, wet job.  It was great though!  We found homes for 4 cats out of 7!  Those are great odds -- and 3 of them were black cats (the hardest cats to find homes for.)  Did you get time with the grandsons? How are the roads today?  It would be nice to see your finished projects, but don't worry about it.  I need to take a couple of pictures myself. 


Marisa, I hope you had a fun weekend.  Any interesting dates?


LeeAnn, how was the craft bazaar?  Do the kiddoes ever help you at things like that? 


Stacy, when will exams be over?  My kids are all done on Thursday.  My daughter is so stressed over her technical writing group project, I feel so bad for her.  At least that will be done soon.  I hope you aren't too stressed.  Are you working a lot?  What are the girls up to?  How is Jorge?


I am seriously not looking forward to work today.  At least there are only 2 more weeks of school before Christmas break.

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Good afternoon!


Hmm...I swear I posted yesterday.  :think  Well, anyway...I finished one final this morning, just typed out a child development observation and will take my second final tonight.  Then I am done until next Sunday, which is the English one.  I'm not sure what to expect on my research paper...but all is done and it's no use worrying.  

The girls are doing well.  Mia's teacher spoke to me about concerns that Mia may show signs of scoliosis- she's been cracking her back lately (even though I tell her not to) and complains of back pain.  (The teacher's dd also has it but was never diagnosed until it was so bad that she now must wear a brace 18 hours per day.)  Her ped didn't notice anything at her last check-up, so I set up an appt. for a couple weeks from now.  For now she has a rolling backpack and a chair cushion with lumbar support for her school desk. 

Work is work.  It is retail, what can I say? :lol   For the most part the customers are fine, but the coworkers seem a little distant.  The manager said they have a high turnover, so maybe they figure what's the point of getting to know someone if they're just going to leave soon? 


Beth, your poor dd!  I'm happy to hear her part came together in the end...group projects can be a huge pain when each member doesn't pull his/her own weight.  Woohoo for finding homes for 4 cats! 


Leeann, glad to hear you stepped in and spoke with the instructor about the stress.  It's ridiculous how perfectionist some of these adults can be.  It takes all the fun away from the kids.  Woohoo for your online sales coming in!  


Marisa, how's it going?  How is your mom?  


Joanne, did DD and the boys come over?  What do the boys think of the snow?  Your gs (and dd's, of course!)  are so fortunate that you live so close by!  :yes   


I have today off, and am planning a nice enchilada dinner before heading off to school.  Love and hugs! 

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Stacy, my daughter is smiling from ear to ear.  Two of her team members stepped up, took the start that she made on the project, and turned it into a thing of beauty, and submitted it.  So she has that stress off her back.  I hope your final tonight goes well, and you get a nice break before Sunday's test. 


Joanne, I hope your  Monday was great.  Did you make it to craft club again?  That sounds so lovely -- I may see about organizing something like that here.


LeeAnn, thinking of you -- I hope your sales continue to be great.


Marisa, thinking of you, too.  I hope your patients are recommending you to their friends, and you need to hire help soon!


I am really ready for the Christmas break.  I need to get a lot done before then, but I am ready for school to be out for a while. 

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Evening ladies!


Quick fly by, I'm ok working like crazy..the orders just keep coming in, custom orders and store sales..I'm trying to keep up but am barely hanging on..lesson learned for next year I guess.  Going to soak in the tub as my neck is really sore..will post more in the a.m.  hugs n extra squishes!

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LeeAnn, I'll bet you are super busy.  I hope your soak in the tub helped relieve the neck pain.  You need to visit Marisa.  She'd get you straight!  Too bad we all live so far apart.  I think I would live at Marisa's some days!  And I certainly would love to pop over to your store during my lunch break.  Wouldn't that be awesome!


It is another cold, rainy day here.  I am so glad my daughter helped me buy a new coat yesterday.  It will be great to have a hood today.


Take care, my friends.

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Hi all,


Didn't make it to craft club last night- I was tired! LOL Went to bed by 9PM....Today it started snowing--heavy at 7:30 about 10 min after I got to work. Decided to take a 1/2 day and left at 12;30, came home and shoveled and wrapped gifts! It's flurrying now, but the worst is over- although it's supposed to freeze tonight!


Beth- Glad that your DD's project partners stepped up! I always hated group projects! There are always those that slack off! That's great about the cat adoption event!!!! You must have been so pleased! How was the weather today in VA? My DD and GS didn't make it over on Sunday due to the snow- she decided better to stay off the roads and I don't blame her. I'm hoping to see them tomorrow night after work weather permitting!


Stacy- Woo hoo---another semester almost done!!! I'm so happy for you that you're getting closer to your goal! And congrats on the A I saw you posted on FB!!! My DD (youngest) has mild scoliosis--and as a nurse sometimes her back bothers her- but I used to have her checked every year by a pediatric ortho- and it always stayed the same and no treatment needed.


LeeAnn- I really hope you take care of yourself--you are burning the candle on both ends--and speaking from experience, (with the project at work where I ate, slept and breathed the project), it can play havoc with your health. Please take care of YOU!!! I'm glad that the business is booming though!!!!


Marisa- How's the weather in Pitt--and how is the new man in your life?


Well, I think I'll do some laundry since I'm home---and of course, do some hooking--making a bulky cowl for DD per her request.



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Good evening ladies!


Beth-that is so nice that you were able to wear your new coat and feel nice and toasty.  Oh my gosh!  Your poor dd, group projects are always painful, glad the semester is winding down.  How was your day?  I would love for all of you to stop on in, it would be more than wonderful.


Joanne-you are so very right, I am burning my candle on both ends...tonight I got home late but haven't worked on anything..just sitting here like a bump.  I am taking another break.  it was super busy today in both Joyce's shop and mine, she is out of town for a week.  Her new grand-baby is on the way..I will be working my tail feathers off for the rest of this week and part of next but that's ok..I wish her only the very best.   Glad that you worked half a day and was able to get home safely. 


I am caught up on orders except for one small soapy order, will pour that in the morning.  What a good feeling to finally stop creating for just a day or so..I need to make more candles and soaps but they will just have to wait,..perhaps as the week goes by I can pour a few of each.


Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning!


Another cold day here in NJ! So glad for heat!!! Yesterday I wore a skirt with fleece lined tights and boots and I was warmer than if I wore pants!  Think I may wear another skirt today with tights! LOL


I went to Vera Bradley store last night to use a 50% off one item, 20% off the rest (plus some items in certain patterns were already marked down 30%)  the store was crowded, but it was worth the wait in line since I got some really great prices!! It was a 2 day sale on the 10th/11th, but the 10th snowed so I think that is why it was so crowded last night.


I then came home and knitted a little. Amazing how I got 2 cowls done in crochet so quickly and I'm still plugging away on the knit cowl. My youngest told me she put the cowl i had made her in the dryer and it shrunk. I could have sworn I told her she couldn't dry it since it was 100% wool....guess not!  I have to make her another one now! (and it will be washable AND dryable this time around)


Have a good day all!

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Joanne, sounds like you had a good shopping trip.  I am sorry you have to re-make the cowl for your daughter.  Will you use the same color?


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't working too hard. 


Stacy, are you done with exams yet?  My kids finished today.  My daughter is already bored.


Marisa, I hope you are having a lot of fun!


I got to work in the office today.  I learned to fix graphics in our computer program.  I also did a LOT of statistics, to check the program.  I am not overly fond of statistics, but I will definitely know what's going on when I am teaching them to my students.  It is a great atmosphere, 5 minutes away from the house.  I had a nice comfy chair, a computer with two monitors, a coffee pot available upstairs, and a beautiful, private, clean bathroom!  It beats a middle school any day. 

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Good afternoon lady friends!


Joanne-oh no!  I'm sorry to read that your dd dried her cowl..what color will the new one be?  I haven't worn a skirt in years..it is in the negative degrees here..-14 F or so..this morning as I was driving in, it was -1F.  Tights do sound neat though, I have seen all of the different styles and colors and always think I should try  a pair.  How cool!


Beth-hope you had another office day today.  What crafty goodies are you working on?


I am running, still seems like it just gets busier...ordering supplies for Valentine's day goodies.  It's early but I am determined to be ready.  I felt like I just didn't have enough Christmas goodies whipped up..always making more but they are selling like hot cakes.  Will get ready next year in August if I can. 


back to quickbooks..my least favorite part of being a business owner.  Hugs n squishes dear friends. :ghug :ghug

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Good evening ladies :hi


Just a quick stop since I haven't been in all week and I'm getting ready to leave for the weekend now.  I've been sick and haven't even worked much this week, managed to get strep throat over the weekend and is now switching to a cold.  My head feels like it's about ready to blow up!  My intentions are to go home and crawl into bed even though friends are going out to celebrate one of their birthdays.  Now the bowling date I've been talking to just called that his neighbors gave him tix to tonight Penguins game and wants me to go, but I don't see that happening  either :(


Well, at any rate, I'll be back next week....wanted to stop by to say hi :hug

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Happy Saturday!

It's started snowing and we are headed out to meet DD, sil and the boys for 'breakfast with Santa' at their church. Glad that it's early and we'll come home afterwards before it gets too crazy with the weather!


Marisa- Gentle hugs that you feel better soon. Rest is the best thing for you! That stinks you ended up with strep and now the cold--hope by next week you are back to feeling much better! How's the sweater coming along?


Beth- Glad you got to be in the office- how was your day yesterday? Almost time for you to have some time off. Sure wish our office closed for a winter break!  Good luck with the cat adoption event today!


LeeAnn- Good idea to start in Aug next year for Christmas- and good thinking getting set for Valentine's Day-- how about St Patrick's day too? I am not much of a skirt gal, but do have a couple I wear with warm tights and boots!


Stacy- Good luck finishing up with your finals--and when I stop at Starbucks tomorrow to treat myself t, I'll think of you! Last week they had Christmas Blend bags on sale so I bought two as a Christmas present to me! LOL


Time to head out to see Santa!


Have a good day everyone- and stay safe and warm if you are having the snow and cold weather we are having today. Just so glad I don't have to work!


This afternoon will be laundry and crocheting/knitting time. Need to make another cowl for DD and this time I think I'll use Charisma yarn which is totally washable AND dryable! LOL

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Hi,  I think I caught Marisa's cold.  Waiting for the sinus medicine to kick in, in hopes that I can get the grocery shopping done in a relatively intelligent manner.  The cat adoption event wasn't as awesome as the last one.  Two cats were adopted, and a couple of people showed interest in our cats.  I'm hoping the interested people will follow up on it, and give some of our kitties a good home.  I talked to a woman who didn't want a cat at first, and now she is seriously thinking about finding a friend for her puppy.  Am I evil or what?


So has anybody gotten any yarn-play time in?  I can't seem to sit down and pick up a project.  Maybe I should step away from the big projects like afghans, and do something quick and more immediately gratifying.


Joanne, are you ready for Christmas?  How are the grandsons doing?  I'll bet the older one is really enjoying this year -- he's at such a fun age.  How is your daughter who is teaching doing?  Is she enjoying it?


LeeAnn, I hope you aren't too busy.  Will things slow down closer to Christmas?  I think you have a good plan, getting things ready months in advance for the big holidays.


Marisa, I hope you are feeling better, sweetie.  Is the weather horrible up there?  It sounds so cold in Ohio right now.  I imagine you are having the same. 


Stacy, How long is your school break?  Will you stay busy at work?  When do your girls get out of school?  The public schools here have a half-day on Friday, then they go back Jan. 2.  Seems like a pitiful break compared to my kids' college.


Well, I should go.  I need to get some idea of what I'm going to buy today.

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Hi all

We had fun with Santa. Robbie cried but Ryan was very good and listened to and answered his questions. It snowed all afternoon and evening. Turned to rain overnight. I shivered already and it was heavy. But I took my time and its done. I made a chunky cowl for my youngest so all 3 are getting a chunky cowl this year.


Beth small projects are good for the instant gratification factor. My dd is currently bar tending. The teacher she was subbing fir came back. She may retire at the end of the year and they have told dd they would hire her. Right now she makes more money bar tending and she is trying to get the Newark print shop off the ground


I think I'm going to work on a few rows of knitting and then start something else in crochet. Time to go shopping in my stash!!!


Have a good day

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Hi there friends!


I hopped on here yesterday and thought I had posted.. :think  I think I was distracted.


Beth-have you started counting down?  I bet!  small hooky projects are my favorite lately.  So glad that a few fur babies were adopted.  We bought a heating pad for ours, we had brought them in but I found out that I am seriously allergic.  I had a major attack...couldn't breath and had to put them back outdoors. 


Joanne-wow!  you are fast!  those cowls sure work up quickly, do you have one that you recommend that is easy and fast?


Stacy-Congratulations on the A!  Bet you did well in your other classes.


Marisa-feel better soon!




I am seriously thinking of putting my Etsy shop on vacation for the week of Christmas, just to rest and whip up new goodies for the new year.  The shop will still be open as folks are flooding in..it's soo neat.  I am having return customers so soon.  Makes my little heart flutter.  I have been working on scarves while I am at the shop.  Every now and then I take a break from paperwork and the computer in between customers...they really like looking at me crochet..it's a win win situation.  I have been selling a few scarves and am going to be hosting a Crochet Group starting in January.  I am putting it all together and getting names and such.  It will be on Thursday evenings from 5-7.  I am soo excited!  I hope to put together a few classes with small kits to teach for a small fee.  I wasn't going to charge but if I put a kit together and am staying late I think my time will be worth a few bucks.  I would seriously do it for free however I am going to offer snacks, coffee/cocoa and tea.  Joyce is letting me use the kitchen in the back, it is going to be sweet!


Back to labeling, had an order for 10 Peppermint Stick Goats Milk & Honey Lotions..just have to label and package up.  then rest.  Hugs n squishes!

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LeeAnn, a vacation week from Etsy sounds like a good idea.  You need a bit of a break from somewhere.  So glad things are staying busy for you. 


Joanne, You certainly finished that cowl quickly.  How nice that your handiwork is appreciated by your dd's.  They sound  like such awesome girls.  I wish your dd luck with the printing shop.  Seems ironic that she is earning more as a bartender than as a teacher.  I'm glad the boys went to see Santa, and Ryan was such a big boy. 


Marisa, I hope you are feeling better. 


Stacy, Are the girls excited about Christmas? 


Well, I was supposed to work in the office today, but administrative assistant will be out, and there's a big training session on Thursday, so the woman who "job shares" with me at the school (who is a receptionist at the office) will be at the office, getting last-minute things done.  My Tuesday class is my class, so I may or may not be at the office on Wednesday - to be determined at a  later date.  I like a lot of things about my job, but I do not like unexpected change.  If they would tell me ahead of time what is going on, then leave it like that, I could get used to it.  I do not like it when they tell me one thing, then change it at the last minute.  And the laundry fairies didn't fold the clean clothes last night.  Neither did the cats.  Sigh.  I think I need my coffee.  Have a good one!

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Good morning


LeeAnn- The cowls are done with super bulky yarn (wool ease thick and quick) I just ch 78 then did a row of hdc and then joined with a slip stitch so it wouldn't twist. I did 4 rows of hdc followed by 2 rows of hdc in BLO and then 4rows of hdc and 2 rows hdc BLO. Each row was joined with a sl stich, ch 1 with the hdc going into the next stitch.


I think that is a great idea to have a crochet group in your shop! How fun!!! The new LYS that opened up here has open knitting/crocheting and every Sunday from 3-6 they have what they call "knibble and knit' I haven't gotten there yet on a Sunday due to other commitments, but am planning to get there soon.


We went to a holiday party yesterday afternoon hosted by one of my co-workers- it was a fun way to spend the afternoon.


Here are some pics of recently finished projects- the bulky cowls, the basketweave knitted scarve I gave DH and the fingerless mitts I made.





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