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Happy Friday!!


Beth- Sorry that you are having such a difficult week! I can empathize with you---and in retrospect don't know how I lasted almost 2 years working on that project!!! Sometimes, it's best to step away and do what's right for you. I am not going to say that this position I'm doing now is the end all and be all-- LOL---but it sure beats the stress/pressure I was under.


LeeAnn- Oh, no! It seems that this was also a difficult week for you between the postal service losing the packages, forgetting the  laptop cord and your phone dying! Yikes! But that is three things so I'm sure that it'll get better! Gentle hugs (and squishes)


Marisa- Have fun tonight!!!


Stacy- Hi from "cold' NJ! -have your temps warmed up- LOL


I'm going to the preview of the new LYS tonight!! I'm so excited--mostly because they are going to be open at night!!! Not many LYS's are!!!  C',mon 4:30 so I can head over there!!!


Have a good day!

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Joanne, how was the new LYS?  How cool!  I'd love one that close to me, though it could be bad for the budget! 


LeeAnn, Marisa, and Stacy, Happy Friday to all of you.  I hope you have a great weekend. 


Three more days of work before I get 5 days off!!!

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Top of the morning friends!


How are you all doing? 


Beth-the weekend is almost here, thinking of you and praying that you stay "cool" today. 


Joanne-anything fun planned for the weekend?


Marisa & Stacy-can't wait to hear about your weekend plans.


I am determined to have a super day!  I finished adding more decorations to my window display and am calling it good for now. It's still a little plain but I have used up all of our decorations from the house and bought a few more to add..I will buy more goodies after the season for next year.  I did by a wreath.  I was reading Lucy's blog from attic24 and her wreath is AMAZING! While i do not have time to crochet one I can sure use my glue gun and go to town.  This will be my weekend project.


Finished the scarf that I had been working on and brought more yarn..going to sit and crochet for a bit..it's snowing.  I'm thinking it will be a slow day.  This evening we have "The Parade of Lights", Joyce and I will be open until 7 we are serving hot cocoa and marshmallows...promoting our shops as well...hopefully we will get a few folks in.


best get my tush in gear and work on my Black Friday Sale.  Hugs and extra squishes~

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Good morning,


The LYS was fabulous!! The owners and staff are so friendly and they are definitely not knit-centric. They really cater to crocheters as well as knitters. They have a weekly knibble and knit (and crochet) every Sunday from 3-6 and although I won't go tomorrow since it's DH's birthday, I can see myself going there some Sunday afternoons. I bought 2 skeins of Ella Rae Seasons yarn and it's soft and scrumptious!!!


Would love to sit and 'chat' but cleaning awaits--as does laundry---and I have to go out in this cold weather to pick up a gift for DH--he could use a sweater- may use my 50% off Gap card I got.....and I really need to try and finish his scarf!


Have a great day everyone!

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Happy Birthday, Joanne's husband!  I hope you both enjoy today.


LeeAnn, Was it fun to decorate your store?  If you used your home decorations, what will you do at home this year? 


Marisa, any fun things going on this weekend?


Stacy, when does your semester end?


My dad had to go to the hospital yesterday because he had a piece of pot roast stuck in his esophagus and couldn't eat or drink anything.  He is OK now, but has to eat soft food for a while. 

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Good morning,


It is cold out today! :wcold:wbrr . Last night out power went off and lasted about an hour! There was no reason for it and the blocks behind ours had lights on! Thank goodness it came back on and so far so good!!! We had lots of batteries, lights, candles in our emergency kit from Hurricane Sandy so at least we had some light.


Yesterday after doing some cleaning, I went over to DD's and we went to Barnes and Noble with the boys. Picked out a few books for the boys from Santa- and then had lunch at Panera.  Last night I took DH out to dinner at Outback for his birthday which was where he wanted to go. Today, DD and the boys are going to come over for dinner and birthday cake (which I have yet to make- LOL) and to watch the Giants game.  Today is his actual 'big 60' -


I didn't finish  the scarf yet, but I will show it to him when he wakes up and hope to get it done today. I'm sure he won't mind if it's a few days late. LOL


A friend of mine from Craft Club got a job at the new LYS!!! She had mentioned at CC last week hat she applied . I'm so excited for her!!! (and a tad jealous). Of course, if I worked there, all my $ would go to yarn.


Beth- Glad that your Dad is ok- that's quite a scare!! Did you get to relax at all yesterday? I have to go to the grocery store this morning- and I might just go get that out of the way in a little bit. DH is still sleeping and I don't want to be there with all the crowds.


LeeAnn, Stacy and Marisa- Hope you are all having a good weekend!


Off to pour another cup of joe!


Have a good day!

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Good evening friends!


How are you all?  Busy I am sure.


Beth-are you on vacation for the entire week?  How's it going?


Joanne-so glad that your lys was fabulous!  I would be in serious trouble if I ever worked in a yarn/craft dept.


This weekend has been busy as usual.  Saturday was busy at the shop, lots of folks walking in and out, they were mostly looking and enjoying the scenery but hopefully they will be back to buy that special something for their loved ones.


Dd had a sleepover last night, picked her up this morning then it was back home to get some serious cleaning done.  The house is nice and sparkly.  The in-laws picked up the kiddos this afternoon.  They are spending the week with them and then we will bring them home on Thursday.  I took a break and then started soaping.  Finished one order now on to the next.  Also finished the Denver Bronco soaps, they had been in progress for a few days.  Happy to get them packaged up and off of my work table.  On to work on Christmas soaps and Strawberry Pie slices..have the topping to finish on those and then they will be ready to deliver.


Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning and happy Tuesday. I finished the knit scarf for DH last night at craft club. He loves it!!! Three weeks in a row I've made it to CC!!! we've had very cold temps and later on supposed to get some strong winds and rain. At least it won't be snow. Only one more day of work after today and then a nice long weekend.


I'm on my iPad now so will catch up after work. Now to get my coffee and start getting ready for paradise. Have a good day!,

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Today is my last day of work this week, too, Joanne.  I am looking forward to a long weekend, but a lot of it will be spent cleaning and cooking. 


LeeAnn, you are so busy!  I am sure your soaps will be gorgeous.  Can't wait to see the pictures.


Marisa and Stacy, I hope all is well with you.


I have been trying to find a long couch or a small sectional for my son.  He sleeps on our sofa, and it isn't quite long enough for him.  He can't share a room with his brother due to snoring issues.  (He's the one who snores, the other brother yells at him all night.)  It has been kind of fun going to all the local furniture stores, trying to find something that fits in our tiny house, but is big enough for my not-so-tiny son.  At least it isn't for the 6'7" one.


Have a fun day!

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I was trying to cut and paste since I'm in a hurry this morning, but it's not working :(  Let's see what I can get done!


Didn't catch up on posts, I'm running around getting everything together to head home today instead of tomorrow and try to beat this snow although it's already been snowing all day!  My 4:00 patient from today called yesterday to come so now I'll be done here early today, no sense waiting until tomorrow especially with this storm moving through today and overnight.


Update on the boy....he got the boot! :lol  He just didn't react appropriately IMO to getting completely stupid frat boy drunk on Friday when we were out with my friends.  The apologies I got were "I'm sorry everyone was having fun" and "I'm sorry I was buying your friends drinks" and "I'm sorry your friends are awesome"  Ummm :think  doesn't sounds like an apology to me whatsoever!  Maybe I'm the crazy one :think  Oh well, we'll see who's next on the list :rofl


I hope you're all having a wonderful week so far and I hope to check back in later once I'm at my parents.

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Hi friends!


How is everyone?  Happy Thanksgiving Eve Eve.  :lol 


Marisa, you're right, those do not sound like apologies!  Good idea to give him the boot.  Have fun with your family and be safe driving!


Joanne, happy birthday to your dh!  How fun to go shopping with/for the boys.  :yes  I love the pics you posted of the new LYS- looks like a fun place to shop! 


Leeann, how is the store?  How fun that your dd had a sleepover.  How is your ds doing in school these days?


Beth, good luck finding a sectional/bed for your tall invention!  Glad to hear your dad is okay- that must have been scary!  How is work?  Are you off for the entire week?


Lots going on here...work has been keeping me on my toes.  I really despise an erratic schedule, but it's retail, so what can I do?  Next week I am on all nights, which I specifically requested not to have (and they agreed to!)...they are training me for a supervisory position, but I plan to turn it down if nights will be a regular part of it.  I have class on Monday, dh has class on Thursday, and I work until 11 for three days next week- I don't like the idea of seeing my family for an hour or so per day.  :irk

We took the girls to Knott's on Sunday.  Everyone was sort of cranky but it was mostly fun.  The lines weren't too long, and Eva is tall enough for some of the more mellow coasters now.  She is also independent and wants to go on some rides alone now, which made me a little sad. 

Aside from that, lots going on with school, as the semester is winding down.  A 10-page research paper, 2 child development observations, plus 3 final exams.  Thankfully two of the profs give study guides and one part of the English exam is take-home. 

For Thanksgiving we are going to dh's aunt's house.  Much is up in the air about who is going and who is bringing what.  I think I am in charge of appetizers.  :think 


Love and hugs! 

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Hello everybody.


Stacy, sounds like life is very busy for you.  Working retail this time of year can be challenging, with end-of-semester classwork and the rest of your life thrown in the mix, good luck to you!  My daughter got a Thanksgiving present from her math professor -- the take home exam, early, so she can work on it more gradually.  He gave it to everyone who showed up the last day of school before the break.  It is kind of sad to see the kids grow their independence, particularly the last one.  Why I wasn't in a huge hurry for my daughter to start driving...  But this current phase is awesome, where my daughter is a fellow adult and a friend.  You will enjoy that a lot with your three beautiful girls.


Joanne, is today your last day at work for a while?  I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.  Will you see all of your daughters? 


Marisa, good call on the guy.  How bad was the storm?  Do you have snow there?  We are getting wet.  Lots of rain. 


LeeAnn, I hope your sales are doing great with Christmas coming.  What are the kiddos up to?  Are you fixing Thanksgiving at home, or going somewhere?


I am meeting my crochet buddy for coffee this morning, then I need to do a major cleaning/cooking spree.  While it will just be the 5 of us for dinner tomorrow (after my son works,) I still want it to be special.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-that is is so very awesome that your dd was able to take the final home..whew!  What a relief.  I am enjoying this phase with my children as well.  They are so independent but yet want to spend time with mom.  Makes me happy.


Joanne-three weeks in a row to craft club?  woohoo!  I'm so very happy for you.  And :cheer  for finishing dh's scarf.


Stacy-oh my!  A supervisory position, that's great but the hours are tough...been there..good luck my friend!


Marisa-since I am not a drinker I would have kicked him to the curb as well..not good behavior when you are wanting to make a good impression.


Things are back to being crazy.  The online orders keep coming in.. :yes  combined with the store it's a challenge.  We are going to the inlaws tomorrow..so grateful as I just don't have it in me to cook a huge meal.  I am making the stuffing and pies tonight.  Also getting ready for a huge on line Black Friday Sale..in store sale and and and..the kiddos are at the inlaws and are enjoying their stay.  They left on Sunday evening but we will bringing them home with us tomorrow.  Dh has Friday off..i'm hoping that I can close early today..much to do. 


best get my tush out the door...hugs n squishes!

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Wishing you all a most wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! I am so thankful for all of you and thank you for sharing  yourselves with me!!!


Need to do some prep work for dinner tomorrow ..looking forward to a relaxing day with DD and the boys and my DH! Hugs to you all! :ghug

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Happy Thanksgiving!  I love you all, and hope you have a wonderful day counting your blessings!  You are on my list!


I finished my baby blanket yesterday, and started a Christmas throw.  I hope I can finish it in time to give it to my niece for Christmas.  

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Good morning!!


Turkey is in the oven and I set the table with my 'good' china. I felt like being fancy and festive today!!! Now i'm going to play with yarn for a bit, before it's time to prepare other things.


Many hugs and blessings to all of you!!!!!!

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I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  It was nice here.  I am so happy to say that the gluten free pie crust from Pillsbury is good! 


My dd and I are working a cat adoption event today, so I need to get going.  Have a good Friday!  (Pizza day!)

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Hello friends!


I am so very sorry that I was not able to hop on here yesterday to personally wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving Day, but I sure thought of you and am so very grateful and blessed to get to know each and everyone of you here in our wonderful group.


Beth-how did the cat adoption go?  Do they have lots of kittens?  Pizza sounds just perfect.  So glad that you were able to find glutten free pie crust that tasted yummy.  I cheated this year and bought the pies..first time in a long time but I was ok with it.


Joanne-are you off today?  If so hopefully you are home relaxing and playing with yarn.


Stacy & Marisa-hoping your holiday was wonderful.


We drove up to the in-laws yesterday, we only stayed a few hours but it was soo nice to sit and relax.  The family dropped me off then went shopping..they wanted a few things that were on sale.  I had orders to fill, it worked out wonderfully.  The kiddos each selected their gifts and were happy happy happy.  I was more than thrilled, takes the guess work out of if.  I will still be buying them a few goodies but the big gifts are out of the way.


Here at the shop, it hasn't been that busy but that's ok.  I am going to work on paper work and tidy up a bit.  BBL~  Hugs n squishes!

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Top of the morning  friends!


Wow!   It sure has been a week huh?  Feels so strange to be at the shop today..but alas I am here.  Hoping that it picks up a little bit today.  Yesterday was nice, not too busy but not dead.


Can you all believe that Christmas is right around the corner?  We are decorating the house tomorrow.  I may need to go out and buy  more lights but remembered that I had ordered white lights for the shop that I haven’t used.


Other than that, trying to keep my head above water as far as orders are concerned, have a few to work on and then more holiday soaps.  We are having a bazaar here at the shop, Joyce has one every year with vendors and food…must make more goodies.


Hope you all have a great day!  Hugs n squishes!


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Good morning!


I've had a wonderful weekend so far! My middle DD came over on Friday and we spent the day together and I got all her Christmas presents done- I'll pick up one thing that will be a surprise, but she is very pleased with the gifts I got her.  It was a fun day and the stores we went to were not any more crowded than on a normal weekend day. We went to TJ Maxx, Gap and Hobby Lobby.  Yesterday, I did a little more shopping and I'm nearly finished. Very happy about that!


Today I'm planning to put up the Christmas decorations- this year will be first in many years, that my oldest is coming down so all 3 DD's will be here --I'm in the mood to make the house look festive!


Off I go because I have put a deadline on myself that this must be done this AM so I can have the afternoon for crocheting/knitting!


Have a wonderful Sunday!

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Hi all,


quick stop in to say hi! We were busy today, but I knew we would be since we were closed on Thurs/Fri. But I still got out on time a d am now heading over to craft club!


Hope you all enjoyed the weekend and that you had a good Monday!



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Joanne, I'm so happy to hear that you made it to craft club.  I had a student bring a hat she knitted in to school to show me.  That is so awesome!


LeeAnn, Marisa, and Stacy, I hope you are doing well, having fun, and enjoying yourselves. 


Yesterday was rough -- kids weren't ready to come back to school.  I know I wasn't.  3 weeks, then Christmas break! 

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Happy Tuesday!

It's going to be tough to work a full week!! Can't believe only 3 weeks till Christmas! The year has flown by! I had fun at CC last night and didn't realize how much I had missed going! 


Beth- Hang in there! Have you decided if you are going to keep this job- or have you started looking for something else?


LeeAnn- How's things at the shop going?


Marisa- Hope you had an awesome time at your parents - are you now back home?


Stacy- Loved the pic you posted of your 'breakfast in bed' Things like that just melt my heart. What a sweetie Mia is to do that for you!


Well, time to get ready to 'make the donuts'


Have a great day.

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Good morning! 


Joanne, I love to see that you've made it to craft club for the past couple weeks.  :clap   Sounds like your new position is already less stressful than the previous one. 


Beth, how cool that a student brought in her knitted hat to show you.  :yay   The kids here weren't ready to go back to school after the break, either.  Eva's class was chaotic yesterday.  The teacher actually had one boy sit with me at a back table because he just would not pay attention.  :no  How are the inventions?  Is their semester over?  Our finals are next week- I have two on Monday and one in 2 weeks (that one started a week late.) 


I can't believe Christmas is only 3 weeks away!  :eek   I picked up the layaway from Walmart yesterday, Eva is completely done (including stocking stuffers!) and Isabella and Mia each have one gift.  I ordered dh's gift a few minutes ago (he asked for an acoustic guitar, since his electric is a *bit* too loud with the amp to use here.  :lol

What else?  Mia stayed home today, I thought she just needed a mental health day, but we went pajama shopping, and when we came home, she put on a pair and went to bed.  :think   Dh was sick over the holiday so I hope she is not fighting that. 

We got a tree this weekend!  The girls all decided they wanted a small Charlie Brown tree this year so we got a 4.5 ft. potted one from Michael's.  They all love it, and Eva was excited that she could reach the top to put on the star. 


Well, that's all the news from here.  I have to work tonight so I should probably go and get some school work done beforehand.  Love and hugs! 

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Good afternoon ladies!


It's almost afternoon here..can't believe how fast the days are flying by.


Joanne-that is super duper awesome that you are enjoying CC and getting out on time, that is great news.  What hooky project are you working on?


Beth-ooh laaa laaaa a knitted hat, how sweet.  My kiddos weren't ready for school either. How are your inventions? what will you do over the Christmas break?


Stacy-you are super busy!  That is soo awesome that you are done with some of your Christmas shopping, I'm ashamed to admit but I have a long way to go.  I'm hoping on Sunday that I can kick out my list and get in and actually go shopping.


Marisa-how goes it?  I bet you are busy and back to work.


Things here at the shop have been wonderful, on line orders have picked up especially this last weekend.  I am almost caught up..In between the kiddos have had tons going on.  My dd's play is this week.  She has three parts in the play Beauty & the Beast, it has been intense pressure..I had to go in and talk to her drama teacher as they pressure is ridiculous, the assistant director is very nasty with the kids.  My poor daughter came home crying the last two days..that my friends I can't handle.  The teacher wasn't very happy with me, but even though you are stressed doesn't mean that you can't be respectful.


My ds had a scouts event last night too.by the time I got home it was 8:00..stayed up until midnight working on orders then back up at 5:30..i'm a bit tired but am pushing through because I really wanted to catch up..I dislike being behind..it stresses me out more than lack of sleep.


this weekend we are having our craft bazaar..tons to do before then. If I'm not back for a few days..send in the troops.  Hugs n squishes!

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