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Hippy Handbag


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This is my first finished project post! Hooray! I make mostly simple scarves, so I do not post them.


Anyway. I made a Hippy Handbag for my mother-in-law for her birthday (today). This was the first time that I worked in rounds, and the first time I made anything with granny squares. It is far from perfect, and it is more than a tad wonky. But, I am super proud of it. :manyheart


It took a long time, but I worry that my MIL won't like it or worse, re-gift it (she is a huge fan of the re-gift). Matt, my husband, didn't know her favorite color so I had to guess. I initially had some pretty garish colors picked out, lots of neon and rainbow colors, but I decided that I may have been being a tad passive aggressive. In the end I chose neutrals, purples, and burgundy.


The pattern is from the book First Crochet: Patterns for Beginners by Lesley Stanfield. I altered it a little. I made the back of the purse all black, rather than doing 9 more squares.


Here is the bag:




And a closeup of the squares:



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Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement!


I really appreciate it. You all are so wonderfully talented and it means the world to me that you like my project.


And thanks for the color compliments, I thought that it all looked nice together. I will see the MIL on Friday, so I will know then how she feels about it.


And, as a side note, if my MIL attempts to regift this bag I will disown her (can I do that? :devil)

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