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some people have too much..

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Money! :eek I just love searching ebay for crocheted items, just to see how much some things sell for. I can't wait until this auction ends...wonder if someone will actually pay this price for this purse? I think we could whip this up for about $10 and a few hours!! Donna



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Ugh, this is such a pet peeve of mine. I don't care how rich you are, to me it just seems immoral to spend that much money on a handbag. I don't care if you're Oprah Winfrey and could finance several small countries, it just isn't right!


That money could do so much good if it were better spent! It's just exasperating to me...


A couple hundred even for a Coach bag or something, I can see, if you can afford it and it lasts for years. But for something like that, just to get a designer name?


No way I'd do it.

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I can barely bring myself to spend $10 or less for a new purse when mine is falling apart. And wallet? Mine is really falling apart, but I keep thinking I'd rather have money IN it then spent on it...come to think of it...it's so bad I keep the money in my pocket now (when I have some).



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I don't understand the deal with the very expensive purses either. I mean, the most I've ever spent for a purse was $30 for a suede purse that I found on sale at half-price. And I felt guilty about that for days.

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I've never gotten into the expensive purses. I'll admit to having spent $50 on a purse, but it was gorgeous gorgeous leather - and I got years of use out of it. So many of my friends are into designer purses - and I'll admit that I have seen some cute ones, but I can't even believe people spend hundreds of dollars for purses! When I see one I like, I call my cousin who's a student in NYC and have her look for a knockoff at one of the many many street vendors. She's never failed me.

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I am with everyone else..no way in the world I would spend that much for a purse..especially one I can make for about $10-20! The most I have spent is $30..and it was for a handmade Cammo purse from a lady in Germany..also spent 25 on a purse made from an old Good housekeeping magazine in German.


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I must confess that I am a purse pack rat!!! I love them! ( My friend makes fun of me because I seem to find purses in almost every store and I HAVE to look at every one) With that said, I still couldn't imagine spending that much on a purse. The most I have spent is $60 on one purse. I agree that I would rather have money in the purse! I'll never forget this one purse I saw abut 2 years ago, though. It was shaped like an elephant and was beaded. ( It was an elephant shaped box with beads glued on) I collect elephants so I got pretty excited until I saw the price tag!!! $400!!!!! I quickly put it down. I don't care how much I like elephants. (I like my money better) I just wish that I could find a box like that one. I could bead it myself for about $20. What kills me is the fact that more expensive does not always mean better! If you ask me, more expensive usually means here comes a big sucker!!

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I had to post on this one. I will never and have never understood in my life why people spend tons of money on things like that. People think that other people notice expensive things yes to me the wrong notice them .Really if someone pays more attention to me or is nicer to me because I have an expensive anything what does that say about them. I always say anyone can drive and expensive car even a child molester it doesn't change the fact that they are a child molester :angry I'm with Ro on this I just couldn't pay that I'd feel guilty as sin that I didn't do something more important with the money, Ok I'm off my :soap

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I once had a Coach bag, when I was single and it was the best purse I ever had - carried everything, took a beating. But, alas, I became a Mom and my purse became a diaper bag......

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Money! :eek I just love searching ebay for crocheted items, just to see how much some things sell for. I can't wait until this auction ends...wonder if someone will actually pay this price for this purse? I think we could whip this up for about $10 and a few hours!! Donna




I LOVE handbags! But you're right, one could be made better and cheaper. On a similar note we were talking recently about Catherine Zeta Jones handknitting gifts for friends, when one idiot says "All that money and she's making gifts". Well that shut that conversation down! Some folk have no concept of the value of craft. I bet that Chanel one was made by some poor soul on a dollar a week or something too!


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Let's see now.... Mine that I just made cost me 4.77 a roll for the nylon yarn and it took 3 rolls and I have a cell phone case and enough left for a change purse as well..... I think I like this make your own crochet SAK bag idea that I had. I can't wait until that new order of nylon thread comes UPS. :cheer


I have all these decorative painting samples that I have left over from my decorative painting studio. Wish someone would pay me 999.00 for one of them. They take hours and hours to paint and no one wants to pay over 9.99 for them. Yet those purses go for that price. Gezzzz! :(

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I admit that I own many expenses purses but I have never paid $1000 for any bag. There was a Prada bag I wanted bad but couldn't see spending $1200 for it.

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Okay, I admit it, My hubby just bought me a $200 coach bag, and I love it. But to spend that kind of loot on a crochet purse when you can just make one.. no way. LOL

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I wonder that myself, I think most of the auctions are manipulated... like let´s say I offer something, and you, my dear friend, go push..

whenever someone place a bid, you go and make a better one... this way I will get to sell the product very expensive (or... just keep it as you´d be the one winning the auction).

Then again... I´m too suspicious hehee.

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Veronika, that oes happen occasionally on Ebay.


As fas as expensive purses go...I LOVE to covet them in the stores. Dooney and Burke, Kate Spade, Coach...mmmmmmm Love the designs, the fabrics, the design. I couldn't ever spend that much money on one but if someone were to buy me one, I wouldn't turn it down. I'd cherish it and show it off til there was nothing left of it.


My current purse is $40 and it is a Kate Spade/Coach knockoff. I LOVE it. it's perfect. I didn't realize it was a knockoff at the time but oh well. I still love it. It was being sold at an Army base by the PX so how was I to know. Anyways, the styling is awesome. I've never seen a purse for 20 bucks have the same styling.


These designers can charge that much money because people pay for it. Also, many of the designers stuff is handmade somewhere so they figure they can charge for labor as well. Chanel, Coach, etc have decent labor practices mostly. Celebrities who are all PC about things wouldn't buy from them otherwise.


Ok, off my soapbox, but I do COVET those expensive purses.

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Hey, like I said before no offense intended to those who have/love coach bags...they're gorgeous and so well made and IMO there's a huge difference in buying one 200 dollar purse that lasts years and is gorgeous and that you love than owning ten or twenty 1000$ little beaded bags that you carry into a club like paris hilton or something LOL.


I guess if you're Mrs. Bill Gates and give millions of dollars to charity every year that 1200 for a purse isn't so...no, wait, sorry. I tried! I just can't justify it still LOL My wedding dresses, (yes dresses, one for each wedding :lol ) didn't even cost that much! Both of my wedding gowns combined cost about 600.00!


To each their own I guess! But I agree with you, that missing certificate of authenticity is a glaring warning sign LOL


My current purse is a 24.00 Issac Mizrahi for Target purse...I love it! It's very pink. LOL I :manyheart Target.


Kate Spade designs such cool bags...but I was looking at this teensy Kate Spade wallet at Parisian awhile back and it was like 100.00 for a WALLET! I can't imagine what the purses cost...

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I love :manyheart purses, but I could not/would not spend that kind of money on one. I did break down and pay $99 for one, but I designed it....Bag Daddy. They are so fun. I usually change purses every month (if I carry it that long), but I have been carrying this one for 4 months now, and I still get excited about it.

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If i was given $1000.00 to spend on a purse i would much rather have one of ladies (or gentlemen) on this board design and make me something orginal and amazing. rather than spend it on a purse that looks like its all double crochet witha crochet flower. the only thing fancy thing on it is the label.

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:bang <---- This is about how much sense it makes to me when it comes to buying expensive purses, lol. As a matter of fact I don't even use a purse anymore.


I work in a big insurance company and I see women all over the place with their Prada, Gucci, Chapplin, Chanel, etc bags... All these tiny lil things that could barely carry a pack of gum and lipstick, heh.


Don't get me wrong I'm not hatin' on purse lovers... some of them are terribly cute. But not more then $20-$30 worth of cute, especially at that size, heh. :loco


I have a messenger bag with a dozen pockets/pouches that I take to work and just about anywhere else important. It can hold anything and everything I need including a sack 'o yarn and needles and an umbrella. All while being surprisingly light.


When I don't need to take anything with me I just take my wallet.


I'm going to make one of AJ's wrist bags this weekend tho... they look perfect for summer or a night out (depending on the yarn used) when you just need to carry the essentials.

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I had to post on this one. I will never and have never understood in my life why people spend tons of money on things like that. People think that other people notice expensive things yes to me the wrong notice them .Really if someone pays more attention to me or is nicer to me because I have an expensive anything what does that say about them. I always say anyone can drive and expensive car even a child molester it doesn't change the fact that they are a child molester :angry I'm with Ro on this I just couldn't pay that I'd feel guilty as sin that I didn't do something more important with the money, Ok I'm off my :soap


Very Well Said! :clap :clap



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