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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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managed to work up to + 25

15 rolled balls,4 skeins donated to thrift store,and 1 skein finished on a project.

then I went to the store,went in for 1 skein that I was totally out of,but five jumped in the cart,sigh,then on to Walmart that had the color I needed,and I managed well to only come out of there with just the 1.

final count with the minus 12 = + 13

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well, I have been working and then frogging everything I touch lately. Just can't settle on one project to get going.


But I am doing pretty good so far with a +10.


We'll see what happens by Saturday night.



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:( I still haven't finished a skein. But...., I gifted 2 skeins to two of my students that I am teaching to crochet. So that gives me a +4, I tried to give more away, but they wouldn't take it for free. Finally got off that 0, I have been busy doing everything but crochet, but the weekend is coming.:cheer:cheer:cheer
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Finished another skein of off white. :cheer I now have three strips of 12 squares stitched together, and am busy sewing in the yarn ends. I really haven't minded stitching the squares together, but these ends are getting to me. May have to put them off while I finish more squares. Nothing like procratanating. :lol


If I get busy maybe I can finish off another skein of yarn by Saturday. Hmm a challenge to myself... ;)

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I would like to join in on this CAL.


Welcome aboard Jen. :hug I see you are new to the Ville. Trouble is that this place makes you buy more yarn... That is how we all got into this mess. :rofl


just kidding.... mostly. glad you are joining us.



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Welcome aboard Jen. :hug I see you are new to the Ville. Trouble is that this place makes you buy more yarn... That is how we all got into this mess. :rofl


just kidding.... mostly. glad you are joining us.






Thanks for the welcome. I guess I will have another excuse to buy yarn now, not that I need any help with that. :rofl

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Thanks for the welcome. I guess I will have another excuse to buy yarn now, not that I need any help with that. :rofl


Yeah well the impulse to buy yarn is pretty strong, so a lot of us are just here to win the Shoot the Moon award each week. :rofl

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Well went to Rochester, Mi today went to Skeins On Main Street bad bad girl I was my fiance bought me 2 hanks of yarn of Alpaca that the lady spun into a ball for me and a skein of plymouth yarn so -2 there and I think -1 and -1 for the hank of yarn that was spun into a ball correct me if I'm wrong

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Went through another ball of yarn last night. Yeah... And I started working on a blanket that calls for RH yarn in soft white, black, and green. Well I had the Green and Black and thought I had the soft white. Went through my whole stash and couldn't find a cotton pickin' skein of RH soft white :bang Oh, well it won't get added to my score till next week as I am going away today and will be back on Sunday. I can drive by AC Moore's and Michael's as long as I don't walk in. Hmmmm maybe I can get my daughter to go for me. Oh sweetheart do Mommy a favor and pick this up for me. Yeah that's what I will do.

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Hi everyone!


I want to remind you that we are posting YTD scores this weekend, in addition to WTD, since it's the end of March. I might be slow getting things posted on Sunday, but they will get there. Thanks for your patience.:hug:manyheart

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Thanks for the welcome. I guess I will have another excuse to buy yarn now, not that I need any help with that. :rofl


Ladies, please! We are supposed to be BUSTING stash, not stashing stash!!! Don't confuse the newcomers!!!:devil:yarn:yarn:yarn

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Well totally went backwards on my stashbusting score last week as you can see from my sig that I haven't changed yet. Went shopping with the Silver Haired Old Lady (aka Mom) and :sigh.. negative score. And it is going to probably go backwards again more this week. Ordered and received 8 skeins of the most beautiful Emerald Green yarn by Caron, and the SHOL wants to go to AC Moore on Saturday for the excellent yarn sale. I have decided that at some time, if I go far enough backwards into the negative that I will be positive again.. it happens in math, why not yarn stashbustin?:rofl

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Yeah! I used up 2 more skeins of yarn yesterday on another baby ghan.


Here's the link for pictures of the latest ones, and the ones my grandma made with all the yarn I gave her: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=97769

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I don't just want to join this CAL--I need to! :lol Hmm--I suppose this means I should go buy some yarn, so I have some kind of score for the week!:laughroll

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I don't just want to join this CAL--I need to! :lol Hmm--I suppose this means I should go buy some yarn, so I have some kind of score for the week!:laughroll


Just use a skein or ball, or you can stay at zero for this week and start working towards next weeks scores.

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Just use a skein or ball, or you can stay at zero for this week and start working towards next weeks scores.


I agree with Mandii, use a ball or roll a ball, so you can start off with a + number. Buying yarn gives you - numbers. Stay in the postives as long as you can. HeHe. :)


My goal instead of having big numbers in my YTD is just to stay around 0. I don't have the stash some of these ladies have and I usually have to buy yarn to do or complete a project. :blush

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We all look for excuses to buy more, believe me. I promised my mom that I would crochet a scarf for her friend for her birthday next month and she bought me three skeins of yarn to make it.

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I was AWOL last week, taking Friday off (a use-it-or-loose-it day). Went and played Scrabble and crocheted while my opponent knitted (knit?).


This week I finished off the two RHSS skeins that have caused the zeros of the past several weeks, making the never ending VJGC squares. So far now I have finished off the Green and the Blue skeins. Am now moving on to the Yellow skein. I will finish with the Red. All of these RHSS skeins are left over from my VJGC afghan plus a shade (lighter or darker) of the color from stash for a two color 6" granny square.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +4/YTD: -15




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 4/YTD: -15


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