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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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My goal this week is to use up enough yarn to be in the positives for the end of month postings. We'll see if I make it.


Keep up the good work to everyone who finished in the positives. It's a struggle not to shop but we can do it!



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Remember - next time I'll be posting YTD scores too!


Yay!! I guess I'm just really glad that I've been posting them the whole entire time so I'm over the embarrasment of the really negative score.




it is great to see so many still posting their progress at almost the end of the second month! great job everyone!

It is great. Last year I was out by the first or second week I think (if that even). This time though it's kinda fun and it keeps me looking for little ways to get rid of a little yarn just here and there but it all adds up though.

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Okay, used up another small ball of yarn yesterday and a skein of cotton yarn today so that's +3 but I got a skein of yarn in the mail (thanks Alice) so that's +1 for me so far.


Wtd: +1 ytd: -232

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I actually finished a skein making the prettiest shawl going. :dreaming The only problem I seem to have is that of getting a project done and finishing a skein to do that. I had to start on another skein of the peach to finish the shawl... now what to make to finish that one... :think



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21 skeins followed me out of Michaels today :eek Hadn't shopped for yarn this year so far till today ....but they had a great sale on Paton's Kroy and Stretch sock yarn so I stocked up.


Good - got my skeins for the crocheted sock class and also the TCal i'm in....:goodorbad bad - killed my good scores


WTD = - 42 YTD = +43


At least i'm not in the negatives for the year

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I have already used up one skein so I'm on my way to getting into the positives for the week.


Just no shopping and I'll be fine.



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well I went to Jo's and got 4 skeins, but they all have a use so I just need to get to it!! I made some mittens and thought I had enough to finish them and lo and behold I need a tiny bit more!!! Dang, Dang, DANG!!! And it is Eco in a lime green---what will I do with the whole rest of a skein of that???!!!

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Having the flu paid off. Michael's had a big sale and I was too sick to go. No yarn this week to damage my score.



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Rolled a ball this morning. :) So plus 1 so far. Doubt I will get too many skeins finished off though, since I started a round ripple this weekend. I do think I have an idea for the left over yarn, but I have to get the RR done first.

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:clap I just finished up 3 small balls of yarn today. Maybe if I keep working I can get back into the +'s. Eye Surgery again tomorrow, then I will be done with the eyes. I will be glad to get my new glasses, so I can see to knit and crochet better. Ha-ha, fat chance of me getting better at this late date. :think
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well I went to Jo's and got 4 skeins, but they all have a use so I just need to get to it!! I made some mittens and thought I had enough to finish them and lo and behold I need a tiny bit more!!! Dang, Dang, DANG!!! And it is Eco in a lime green---what will I do with the whole rest of a skein of that???!!!


...there was a thread or topic for "I need just a tiny bit more..." I just recently had the problem of just 6" of dc to go to complete a square for VJGC. I am not fond of green, esp. RHSS Paddy Green and I certainly didn't want to buy another one. So I asked on the VJGC thread if anyone had some to spare, and lo, someone stepped up and is RAOKing me with the amount that I need. Wish I could "pay it forward" but I would never touch anything lime green, so, alas, I have none. But maybe I'll see someone stepping up on this thread for you.




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: 0


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Well I have just completed an order form for a :knit poncho kit from MM and I am not even sure how much yarn is in the kit. Given the price, probably a bunch... :sigh


I have a while to use up some yarn before it gets here so maybe the crunch won't be soooooo bad


(yah buying this yet? :rofl )

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...there was a thread or topic for "I need just a tiny bit more..." I just recently had the problem of just 6" of dc to go to complete a square for VJGC. I am not fond of green, esp. RHSS Paddy Green and I certainly didn't want to buy another one. So I asked on the VJGC thread if anyone had some to spare, and lo, someone stepped up and is RAOKing me with the amount that I need. Wish I could "pay it forward" but I would never touch anything lime green, so, alas, I have none. But maybe I'll see someone stepping up on this thread for you.




Ropergirl3: I have some Caron Simply Soft in Limelight. I don't know if it will match but I thought I would offer just in case. You can see the color in this project I completed yesterday but be aware that this is an amigurumi of a somewhat adult nature! LOL dildo

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