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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Popping by to post my score on my way out the door...I will be back to post scores tomorrow afternoon. Sorry I can't get to it sooner!


My score for the week is +4


This is impressive because I bought 5 skeins this week, but I have been steadily working my way though them & some other projects.

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I came home from work this afternoon & knocked out quite a bit on the afghan I'm making. It uses a "P" hook and two strands at a time. My scores for the week are: WTD=+14/YTD=+156.


I hope everyone has a great weekend! :hook

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Well, I haven't posted in about a month (computer issues, long story). So, I have an accumulated count to post for that time. I used up four skeins of Boho on a Tunisian shawl that I'm working on, but I bought 8 skeins of a acrylic stuff that I'm hoping to use for small salable items. Net result: -8 MTD/-190 YTD

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I didn't get here for 10 days :eek! I forgot to post last Sat., so I'll add it to this week. I found a pattern on here for a turkey pin and have been making them every spare moment. I used up 4 small balls and rolled 2 skeins (+ 6) :cheer. I got a partial skein (rolled it to a ball) from a friend today (- 1) :(. Because of the holiday coming up, things have been very busy at the market. I'm getting in some over time, but not much time to :crocheting. I'll try to post more this week.

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 164

Ellie 13

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Hey everyone good Job this week. I know how hard it is to stashbust when the holidays are so close and there are gift to be made!!


lhasaapsolady 20 Gold Medal Winner!!!

jammerholly14 Silver Medalist!!

dragonpuck 13 Bronze Medalist!!!

jessicagil 7

Needle Arts 7

Ellie 13 5

appy_lover 4

Jain 3

Marzee 2

walker1021 2

DesertCrocheter 2

aphelia 2

CLLinda 1

BigPinkPolkaDot 1

pineknott 0


fc1123 -1


braxxi -2

dilyca2006 -4

Crafty Witch-8 Shoot the Moon Winner!!


Contrats to our medal winners!! and to Crafty Witch..hope you got some excellent yarn with your shoot the moon score!!

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Hey everyone good Job this week. I know how hard it is to stashbust when the holidays are so close and there are gift to be made!!


lhasaapsolady 20 Gold Medal Winner!!!

jammerholly14 Silver Medalist!!

dragonpuck 13 Bronze Medalist!!!

jessicagil 7

Needle Arts 7

Ellie 13 5

appy_lover 4

Jain 3

Marzee 2

walker1021 2

DesertCrocheter 2

aphelia 2

CLLinda 1

BigPinkPolkaDot 1

pineknott 0


fc1123 -1


braxxi -2

dilyca2006 -4

Crafty Witch-8 Shoot the Moon Winner!!


Contrats to our medal winners!! and to Crafty Witch..hope you got some excellent yarn with your shoot the moon score!!


Cool! Then I went to Joann's today and bought more yarn! :devil So, I'm starting the new week with a negative, but I'm still working on my afghan...so I'll see what I can do! :hook

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Well I did buy a skein of yarn today -2 there but earlier in the day I had used a skein of yarn plus rolled a skein into a ball so there's +3 then I used a ball of yarn to make roses so +1 there for a grand total of +2 for the week. Let's see what else I can knock off for the week.

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I'm trying to stay out of the yarn stores and only use what I have this week. I really want my YTD to be positive by the end of the year.



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Congratulations to the medalists and WOW even the shoot the moon was tiny! When shoot the moon is only -8 you know we are all doing a great job! Just don't look at my YTD next week!

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I had thought I was pretty much done with buying yarn for Christmas presents, when I came up with the perfect gift for someone special. So today I went & bought 8 skeins of black Caron SS for a doilyghan. I am going to hate myself before I finish a doilyghan in all black...but it really is the perfect gift. Because of the short turn around I am making it with double strands...am I nuts?? It took 3 stores to find enough black. Wal-mart had 2 skeins, Joanne had none, but Michaels had 8...just the right amount near as I can figure. It must be a sign. Of course Michaels was the most expensive of the 3...Wal-Mart ss $2.97, Joanne on sale 2/$5, and Michaels $3.47. Now I just need to figure out which of the 2 patterns I found to try...test hook sizes for the double strand, and find the best lit chair in the house...all black...what was I thinking??? I did wind one skein down to a ball last night, and I have a swap package to mail with some skeins in it, so my score won't be to terrible by the end of the week...but...oh dear...


And Jain...your YTD score has nothing to worry about....

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I had thought I was pretty much done with buying yarn for Christmas presents, when I came up with the perfect gift for someone special. So today I went & bought 8 skeins of black Caron SS for a doilyghan. I am going to hate myself before I finish a doilyghan in all black...but it really is the perfect gift. Because of the short turn around I am making it with double strands...am I nuts?? It took 3 stores to find enough black. Wal-mart had 2 skeins, Joanne had none, but Michaels had 8...just the right amount near as I can figure. It must be a sign. Of course Michaels was the most expensive of the 3...Wal-Mart ss $2.97, Joanne on sale 2/$5, and Michaels $3.47. Now I just need to figure out which of the 2 patterns I found to try...test hook sizes for the double strand, and find the best lit chair in the house...all black...what was I thinking??? I did wind one skein down to a ball last night, and I have a swap package to mail with some skeins in it, so my score won't be to terrible by the end of the week...but...oh dear...


And Jain...your YTD score has nothing to worry about....


You can't fight the perfect gift! I hope you will post pics when you finish. it sounds like it will be stunning!

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I'd like to do it again next year...someday I'd like to finish in the positive.


Well I mailed off some yarn today, and finished off 2 skeins last night, so I am at only -1 for the week!


Double stranded work goes so fast...I just wish the pattern I settled on for the doilyghan wasn't sc. I hate sc, but it is still coming along nicely. The pattern is really pretty, and I ended up choosing it because it could be made to any size, depending on the number of rows, so I can just go till the size is right, or until I run out of yarn, whichever comes first! I only worked on this project for about an hour last night and it is now about 1 1/2 feet across. Now that the pattern is memorized it is smoking right along. Wish me luck, the thing needs to be done by the 10th of December when I will see fly down to see the recipient. If I think of it as just eight skeins of yarn, double stranded it doesn't seem as bad as a whole afghan...I can crank through that in a couple weeks...

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I sure hope we are doing this next year. I really like it.


I bought more yarn today. I happened to see a thread here about making a felted purse organizer and thought that I would make one. My purse is always a cluttered mess and I thought this would help. Stopped at Michael's on the way home after my interview. They had some purple and a peach color for the organizer and then I bought two skeins more (just because it was a gray mix and it was $1.99 each) So I bought 4 skiens all together. Yikes. When will I ever learn?


So that will be my carry-a-long project to the inlaw's house on Turkey day. I'll make this organizer and felt it and then use it to help me get my act together.


Because of the yarn I used this week, I'm at a -5 so far.



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Are the scores going to be posted on Sat. or Sun.? Since my last score was listed, I'll start this weeks points now. I used 3 balls and rolled a skein down (+4) :cheer. I co-worker asked me if I could make a stuffed reindeer. Do you think I could use my cow pattern, add antlers and a different tail? What kind of tail does a reindeer have (or is it no tail) anyway :think ?

Ellie 13

WTD: + 4 YTD: + 168

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Not going to be anywhere near a computer for the Thanksgiving weekend, so I am posting now and hope it doesn't get missed.


Busted through another of the cotton skeins I acquired back at the end of April/beginning of May, +2. This one was Sugar 'n Cream Patio Pinks. I finished it off on a dishcloth (see Dishcloth Tuesdays). I still have one more, though.


Nothing busted on the afghan this week, but I am eyeing a couple balls of pale gold/yellow that may be added soon.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +2 / YTD: +16





2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +2/YTD: +16

Dishcloth Tuesdays ~ 2009 CAL

Yo Yo’s for Charity

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Just placed my order for my next afghan project. 5 skeins will be heading my way shortly. :eek Guess that means I had better crochet my fingers off to off-set what will be coming in the house when the order gets here. :lol

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