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wanted to do sooooo many projects that you get overwhelmed and confused? :think


Or is it just me? :blush


I want to do a ripple afghan for my friend, a helmet liner for another friend, a jacket with a hood for my sister's chi, and I'd like to tackle a sweater for myself.


I'm feeling so enthusiastic about all these projects.

Who's confused like me? Anyone?

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hmmm.... lets see, I have 9 wips, 3 pigs (projects in grocerys..bags), xmas gifts and a folder of patterns to make eventually..... OH NO! not just you. lol



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lol That's me too! Right now i'm working on the triangles scarf/belt from crochet me, (weaving in ends...ugh) I started a scarf from the 2009 CPAD, I bought the recent copies of crochet today, as well as interweave crochet.....patterns in both i bought.


Oh my goodness, i'm so silly. When these magazines first came out, and i crocheted a pattern from each of them...then i misplaced the mags! So, of course i went out and bought them both again! lol does anyone else do this? I do. this is the second time!!!

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First you end up with too many projects in mind (PIM)s. Then you end up with too many works in progress (WIP)s.


Kinda like how you never have enough yarn for anything, so you start stashing... and pretty soon you have a stash that will probably exceed your lifespan, and not enough time to use it! :lol

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I think someone has been peeking at my stash. It has really been growing lately for projects in mind. Went to store the other day for 2 skeins of a particular yarn - not there - and came home with 10 or 12 more skeins for another project. Really need to slow down my thought process to equal my output process. There must be a happy medium somewhere!!!!!!!!:P:D:crocheting

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I'm right there with you...I have a pile of patterns I want to make, more WIPs than I can count, and all sort of yarn that no longer seems suitable for what I have in mind, so I have to buy more. Then there are all the patterns that I buy, and the ones I print off the internet in case I want to make them someday.

I even buy spare hooks, because "what if I want to try such and such and I don't have the right hook?????"

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I try to keep my wip to 2 so that I can switch back and forth. It takes me a loooong time to do a project as I can only do a row or two of an afghan a day when my hands are good. But, my brain moves much faster and I get project ideas and just love to have that yarn. Soooo, when I get a new project, I get the yarn for it too, only to find later on that I changed my mind on the project and now what do I use the yarn for? I love making graph afghans, besides the fun of seeing the picture grow, the single crochet is the easiest on my hands... less twisting.


The next project I had in mind is a lot like the one I am working on now and I am finding myself getting bored with the 'square' design (which is a diamond shape). So... here I am :blush with all the yarn for my next project which was a queen size bedspread size afghan for the master bedroom -- hey! it gets mighty cold up here in the winter! Now I'm looking for another design that will use the same colors on, while still being different enough to be exciting to make! :think Between the graph-ghans for the grandkids and the one for our bed, I'll be busy till 2011! Now to stay away from picking new patterns and purchasing more yarn until then! ....okay, maybe a couple of small projects... just a couple!


DH just looks at me and shakes his head. :manyheart Bless his heart! Can I help it if my yarn takes up every corner of the house.... :heehee But, he does have his basement for his man cave. :yes He does woodworking and uses his scraps for kindling to start the fires in the woodstove to warm up my hands for crocheting. :fire Hmmmm- there is that walnut he has been wanting to work with.... :hug

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Yes, all the time! I only really have 2 WIPs set aside. But I always have so many things I want to do, I sometimes over whelm myself and cant decide on which to do. I have sooooooooooooooo many patterns, I want to make every one, lol. So many projects, so little time!

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every few years i gather up all the yarn i haven't used (or forgot the projects i was going to do with them all) and donate them to the local senior center or nursing home for ladies to use for projects. then i get all worried taht i have no yarn!!! living in the country in the middle of nowhere, i think i need to crreate a stash of yarn so i have "someting to pick from" when i start a new project, and the whole cycle starts again. here i now sit with 3- 18 gallon tubs of yarn and a forgotten list of projects and xmas on the way!!!



someday i say i will get organized, but it never happens. too much work, too much kids (actually, never TOO much with the kids!!:D) too much outside the family to have alot of time to stitch, much less organize.


(big sigh)


so i will go on, donating yarn 'cuz it feels good, and buying more to do projects and forgetting to do some projects!!!! life's life, you just gotta live it!!!:hook

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I can count 5 projects started this summer that aren't finished yet. There's more that I started before this summer that aren't finished either.

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I'm finding that Crochetville doesn't help! Just when I decide on one project someone posts their work or a new pattern and I'm off in another direction. Ah well, it keeps me out of trouble I suppose.

Me too! I have even worked on projects and lost interest in them, frogged them and used the yarn for something else. Such is my life. I've lost track of my ufos and wips.

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I'm so glad to see this thread! A few days ago I began feeling overwhelmed because I added more things to my list of Christmas presents to make and can't seem to make significant progress on those I've been working on, all I seem to do is frog (that's what I get for making something without a pattern and embarking on a project I already knew I'd had trouble concentrating on the 1st time around...). So some days I've just sat on the computer rather than sit down and stitch away. It puzzles me that I choose the projects but then get bored/annoyed with them, but I just restarted crocheting early this year and I'm yet learning which patterns I enjoy and which not so in the future I'll choose better ones for me.


I'm pleased though that yesterday I finally mailed 4 RAOKs I'd had sitting around for a couple of months, I may be a procrastinator but I eventually get (almost) everything done!

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WIPS down to 2, an afghan to finish sewing together and a sweater for DH, that I had to start because I am so happy to finally have a book with cardigan pattern in it.

My problem is WIMs, I have a seperate book from my regular binder with patterns just for the WIMs. Plenty of yarn for it (7 tubs). I stash because I can't drive, so I have to have material on hand.

As mentioned in previous posts, too many WIMs and not enough time....

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Oh my goodness, am I ever good at this!! :blush Besides the Christmas projects that I just cannot talk myself into finishing...I have 2 WIP plus about a half-dozen WIM's...of course the WIM's are all for me and I'll never get to them because I put everyone else's stuff ahead of me. I bought some Paton's SWS in Raisin, when it was on sale at Michael's- $2/3, to make the cable stitch purse, and I swore I would not start it until I get 2 Christmas gifts done. I am getting so bored by them, though, that I think I may just start this purse to break up the monotony. :lol

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I can so totally relate. I have four or five tote bags throughout my house with WIPs. One holds yarn for hats and scarves for the homeless; one has baby yarn for blankets for newborns and preemies for the local hospital. One has scraps for scrapghans and squares and I have an unbelievable stash of undesignated yarn in my guest room and garage. I just kind of go from one project to another as I feel like it.


These are just my charity projects, that doesn't even count the yarn I have set aside for stuff for me. I an working on a shawl and have the yarn for a couple more.


Since I live in the desert, I don't do sweaters or really any crocheted or knitted clothing as I don't wear it enough to warrant the work. I just love my quick, easy projects.


I can't seem to pass up the yarn departments in craft stores or my local thrift stores where I buy a lot of yarn very cheaply.


So glean comfort from the fact you are not alone out there in crochetland.

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