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It is not just our generation!

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My Gram is 100 and in a nursing home next door to my office. (Alzheimer's & a stroke) She lived with me for 25 years and I see her everyday. I have finally started going through her stuff to pass things on to her nieces and my son. It seems just about every other bag or box contains - YARN!!! It is just too cute! She also has little swatches and note cards about what she made with it, etc. That kind of makes me want to do a diary/journal and paste her stuff in there and add mine. I've found lots of books and patterns some quite old that I'll likely try out! Some she has written out like she designed them and I'llhave to make it to see what it looks like. :hook


When I go over on Sundays, I always take my crocheting and show her what I'm working on. She usually falls asleep while I'm there but it is so nice just to sit and crochet and be near her.


All that to say it is not just us - the yarn stash is a multi-generational TRADITION! :yes

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What a lovely legacy of a "crafter's history". I think that your idea of a diary/journal is terrific and a wonderful gift to the family. Were you aware of your grandmother's interest in yarn crafts before you began sorting out her things?

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What a lovely legacy of a "crafter's history". I think that your idea of a diary/journal is terrific and a wonderful gift to the family. Were you aware of your grandmother's interest in yarn crafts before you began sorting out her things?


Yes I knew of her interest - she learned to knit during WWI making squares for blankets for the soldiers - she was about 10. She taught me to knit and helped me become a much better crocheter and particularly started my interest in thread crochet. I have sweaters she knitted my son that are just amazing!! I just never knew about her stash of yarn!!:yarn

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Please Please make the diary/journal for your family. I have only two things from my dear grandmother who passed years ago and she loved to knit, crochet and cook.


The kids may not have an interest in these things now, but as they get older they will. I have even taken a plastic covered spiral notebook and taped all my "misc" recipes in it. It has all the recipes that have been handwritten by friends, relatives, etc. and newspaper cut out recipes and my own creations handwritten.


After my son was born, I went through this book and noted who the recipes were from. He is only 6 so could care less but I am hoping that after I am long gone it will mean something to him.


You certainly have the opportunity to preserve a family legacy that can live on for generation after generation.


It really is nice for you to spend time with your grandmother. I hope that somewhere she knows you are there.


God Bless and I will keep your grandmother in my prayers,


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Do you have any pictures of your grandmother crocheting, or pictures of the items she made and gave away? Those would be a great addition to her crochet journal.


Also, it might be fun if you can find the date of the patterns to Google the year online and find some of the headlines for that year. It would give the reader a sense of what was going on in the world when your grandmother was creating her gifts.


Is your grandmother able to crochet or hold a hook and yarn now? If so, it would be very sweet to see how much she loved crocheting all through her life.


Be sure to get pictures of you (ask the caregivers at her home) crocheting by her, even if she is sleeping.


Oh yeah, you might want to add some of the yarn labels. I think the labels from older yarns are so interesting. Just remember to protect your pictures from the older labels as they would not be acid free and might damage the pictures.


Good luck with your efforts. Please share photos if you can. I would love to see how this journal comes together.

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Have you asked your gran if she has anything that her mum made her? That would be great to add into the journal too. I would definitely do one :bounce

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Have you asked your gran if she has anything that her mum made her? That would be great to add into the journal too. I would definitely do one :bounce

Her mom did not do yarn needlework - she sewed and made clothes out of necessity but Gram taught herself or had help from others of her mom's generation. Gram definitely had an artist's creative talent. I've got a separte box for these finds as I sort through!

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When my grandma went to a nursing home in her 90's I didn't know about crochet. I know, I was so ignorant! My cousin and aunt got all her stuff. That was over 15 years ago. But now I've inherited some of it because they stash too! Multi-generational stashing! And its the same yarn!

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Please Please make the diary/journal for your family. I have only two things from my dear grandmother who passed years ago and she loved to knit, crochet and cook.

Just to expand on this: When you make the journal take it to your nearest copy shop and have bound copies made. I did this with my Mom's cookbook and gave it to all of her Grandkids for Christmas. I was glad I did because I lost the original copy in a house fire the following year. My Nephew promptly went out and had his copy copied for me so that I didn't lose all the recipes I grew up with.

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See stashing isn't a BAD thing...it's hereditary!!! :rofl


My gram had a stash too. Big boxes under the spare bed. They were filled with all kinds of yarn that was rolled in balls.


It was fun to look through and play with when I was younger. She was also the one who taught me to crochet.



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