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2009 Crochet Pattern-A-Day...


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I actually liked last years. 2007 wasn't that was of a calendar, very few patterns and too many blank pages.


The 2009 looks like there's more patterns though. I'll check it out at teh book store or if there's more pics on line and see what's in there, like I did for the 2008.


Unless I miscounted, I counted 193 patterns. Considering they put weekends as one pattern, that's not too bad.


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I'm wondering if most of these patterns already available free on the websites of the designers. That was what I disliked about the calenders the most.

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I'm wondering if most of these patterns already available free on the websites of the designers. That was what I disliked about the calenders the most.

I actually liked that part. Because then I had the "print out" of the pattern. And it was organized :blush. Plus if someone else had made it from the free pattern I could see some other finished projects and get more ideas (color, yarn, etc).

But yes it would be nice to know anyway, then I could see what more patterns are avaialble.


If anyone here has any patters or pictures that are in there, I would love to see them.


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If anyone has purchased it please check dec 24 and tell me who the designer is? I submitted a pattern that I don't know if that is it or not. I have not gotten mine yet to know one way or the other. NiYa :yarn

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PS :D I just got a newsletter from them, and they are still looking for designers/submissions for the 2010 calendar. :yes Deadline is OCTOBER 15, so you still have time. :clap Let's give them a ton of fun patterns, so they don't have to stretch them out over several dates to take up space :P

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PS :D I just got a newsletter from them, and they are still looking for designers/submissions for the 2010 calendar. :yes Deadline is OCTOBER 15, so you still have time. :clap Let's give them a ton of fun patterns, so they don't have to stretch them out over several dates to take up space :P

Do you have a submission address or website they can go to? I love the idea of flooding them with a ton of patterns to choose from so they have more then enough for 2010.

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Sure. Here's the main site: http://www.knittingpatternaday.com/index.htm

You can submit your pattern online (you type the info in the appropriate boxes) But then you either email your digital px (they have minimum size/quality requirements) or snail mail the actual item for them to photograph if you need.

http://www.knittingpatternaday.com/submissions.htm --this is the direct link to the submission page, though you can reach it by clicking on the first link and scrolling down to the appropriate hyperlink.

PS, did I mention that you can get a free copy of the calendar to which you submit? (If accepted of course:P)


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Let's give them a ton of fun patterns, so they don't have to stretch them out over several dates to take up space :P


Is that why they do that, I thought is was because some of the patterns were so long.


I doubt it. I have the 2007 and there were several places that the pattern skipped the back side (it was blank) went onto the next day and that was it. Could have went back to the previous day and they could have added a pattern. The 2008 was much better in not doing that.

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I think it might be a bit of both. I've seen some double-sided more than 2 day patterns, but I've also seen some that are stretched farther than I think they would need to be, if they had more patterns.

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