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It's all your fault.

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Normally I do one project at a time. I have three on the hook now cause of this place.


I am working like mad to finish one cause I do not have a place to put a fourth project near at hand and I want to start that Cathedral Rose Window Afghan like yesterday.:eek (scared to death of this pattern it looks so hard)


And then I have my jigsaw that my husband is starting to complain about cause he has not seen any progress on it. :yes


All I do now is :hook and ignore that jigsaw. Its all this places fault. :devil Darn you.


Oh and I want to make some of them cute tiny animals too. :manyheart Not enough time in the day.:angry

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I just ordered the Cathedral Rose Window pattern last night because of reading on here that everyone said it was easy. And you say it's hard...oh no...what have I done? :eek


Okay, here's the deal, when you're ready to start the Cathedral Rose give me a shout and we can start it together but we have to make a promise to not start any other projects during that time...right? :lol:lol:lol LOL Nah...it will never happen but we could still start the Cathedral together and give each other inspiration and the needed push to get through it. Anybody else interested in starting it with us?

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The CRW looks hard but it isn't! You guys can definitely do it.


Yeah, once I joined crochetville, I suddenly had multiple and I mean MULTIPLE projects going on.

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Sorry no shots, no pills and therpy for any of this. Even I have fallen into this pit.

I have been working on a doll, and used the excuse that I am waiting for a certain yarn I ordered to come in. Well, it came in and I have no excuse now. While I was waiting, I did a Alice in Wonderland doll and was lining up my next projects in bags, with yarn and everything.

So just close your eyes, relax and count to ten. Keep telling yourself :spinI will finish everything.:spin

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Push the EASY BUTTON,Angie and make the puzzle go away!!

:eekWelcome to your new life!!!


Tampa Doll-RoseRed-fellow :hook'ers-



An intervention would be a waste of :crocheting time :D

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I had a jigsaw puzzle going, too. It was a picture of a basket of yarn balls. I wanted to frame it and hang it on the wall of my craft room. That thing was so hard!! 1000 pieces! I took the little sections I managed to get together over to my mom's because she's a puzzle fiend. Every time I went over, that puzzle was just sitting there while she worked on others. After a month, I took the hint and packed it up and took it home. I had to decide whether to crochet or work on that darn thing. I finally donated it. Lesson learned.

I also have multiple projects now. I have to be single-minded and focus during the Greek Games next month.

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lets see I have two crw I need to get going on-have started only one, I have the bag/tote swap right now and I have two afghans to finish to get to the comfortghans I have promised to. Oh now my greyhound group would like a greyhound ghan done for them plus a few greyhound look a likes. I then found some doll patterns I am wanting to do, so I sit and look what I want to do, to what I need to do and shake my head. What was I thinking- :think:think. But I will put my hook forward and go as fast as my little fingers and time will let me.


Oh the fun knowing how to do something:hook

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If anyone wanted to have an intervention with me, I'd have to crochet through it so I wouldn't be too bored while they went over all the reasons I crochet too much (in their opinion). Yawn, yawn.


Of course you have multiple projects going after being on Crochetville a while. Isn't it fun!?

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fun? YES!:yay and frustrating :P...one WIP is on the border of UFO-dom, and other WIPs keep cropping up...but on the bright side, if I get sick of one, I can start something new...:yes(I do manage to keep it down to 3 or 4 at a time...and at least one is small...my way of pretending I have it all under control.) :P

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:lol I guess we ARE a ad influence:devil......but it is sooooo much FUN! Don't sweat it! Hobbies (be they crocheting or jigsaw puzzles or whatever) are SUPPOSED to be FUN! Just do what you feel like doing!:)

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