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Fair Results (Update, photo link, and tag ? amswered)

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I have only been able to get a picture of 1 of my items so far, but will get the rest next week. I managed to get 15 first, 14 second, and 8 third place ribbons. One Best of Show. The Best of Show is the one I have pictured below. All in all I did well, but the wearables where I was the only one who entered an item did not get ribbons, in fact my cardigan has on the back of the tag Beautiful, but?. What ever that means, I will find out next week. But I'm happy, and I hope you enjoy my picture below.


Here is the link for my fair album, if you'd like the first picture gives you a slide show.




Some of you were as baffled as I was by what 2 of the tags said that I did not get ribbons on. Ribbons or not I am going to continue to enter different items, and hopefully they will get used to it.

This is what I was told today about the 2 tags and the reasoning why if I was the only one who entered I was not awarded a ribbon. First of all my felting was not considered crochet (this was a hat and scarf set, and a handbag), and also I used quite a bit of yarn that is not what they normally see, ( I used some expensive yarns and some novelty yarns this year). They told me to look at section 11 of entry, which is the first part I have written. And then also the 4 things they look for in crochet.

The right is reserved to award premium of grade which the exhibited article merits. Judges may disqualify an entry not meeting the intent of the regulations and the spirit of the competition.

a. worth of article

b. Material - appropriateness and suitability for use for which it was made

c. Design - simplicity and appropriateness

d. Workmanship



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WHEW! Congratulations!!


Amd really curious to know what was the "Beautiful, But" reasoning?





Who had her Thread Angel knocked down to second because : Angels don't carry flowers. :blink

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i cant wait to see the other pics, as well!!


i am also curious about the but - please keep us posted and lots of pics please


congrats you did a wonderful job!!


dont see why if you were the only entrant you didnt get ribbons - that doesnt make sense - but i have never entered anything either so dont know how that all works!

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That's quite interesting - I can understand what they're saying about the felting aspect. But I'm not sure I understand - was it the novelty yarn that they didn't feel was of a "high" standard?




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What a wonderful collection of work :cheer You deserve all your ribbons, congratulations to you, and I'm sorry there was a problem with the felted bag. I'd love to know what their thinking was, maybe they've never heard of felting or didn't like that the stitchwork is obscured?


Your doilies are awesome; the blanket with plaits through it I've never seen that concept before; all your pieces have lovely stitchwork :)



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