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Honeycomb Purse

lacy lucy

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This is the purse that I'd been putting off for a long time. Mainly due to misgivings about the pattern from www.joann.com ( the link to the pattern is not working now, if anyone could provide the link, I'd be much obliged) . I remember reading here at the ville that the pattern was either confusing or, had errors in it.


I decided to brave it last night and plunged headlong. Well it wasn't that bad - in fact, not at all bad! I didn't find any errors in the pattern. The honeycomb pattern, once you get the knack of it, is really really simple ( you need to be able to do fptr and fpdc , which is not very difficult in any case )


I haven't lined my bag yet . I used cotton ( worsted weight, I think ) yarn.


I love the honeycomb look and I'd love to experiment some more with this.


Here's my bag :




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:cheer Very Pretty! I am so happy to have found your post, this is a really different purse with the honeycomb pattern. Anyway, I got busy and found the link!:clap Just scroll down a bit and click on the view project button. Don't know why they call it "Honeycomb Knit Purse" :think since it is all crochet. Bet you can't guess what my next project will be. :devil



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Thank you for posting this. I had found a purse pattern/tutorial on a blog that had utilized the honeycomb stitch in part of it.. but the blog is in portuguese and while there were LOTS of photos.. being unable to decipher the text had made me unsure of attempting it.


This pattern should help me with the other pattern.

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