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This is why i have not been able to crochet this week

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Ok Some of you heard about my "accident" Sunday morning A speaker fell out of the back of my van on to my foot. Foot is not broken but is still very painful. Because I am diabetic the major concern is the wound caused by the speaker. Well this is why I have not been crocheting much. I can't get comfortable and am still on pain killers so nothing to intricatethat i will have to frog. but here is a picture of the wound 6 days later. I have been keeping it covered except to wash it. I actually was able to put a shoe on yesterday.

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Oh Sweetie! I hope it heals fast. Have you been putting vitamin E on it? or aloe? both of those will help so much. So will increasing your daily vitamins (if you can take them)


Pain and painkiller caused stupidity just plain sux!

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That doesn't look like much fun, but to make you chuckle I'll share this... my 5 year old dd was looking with me and asked what she was looking at, I said someone hurt their foot... she said "well mommy why don't you go kiss it and make it better with your magic kisses?" She's too cute.. wishing you a speedy recovery hun :hug

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I sure hope you are under the care of a doctor, possibly a vascular surgeon (they usually do wound care). You have to prevent an ulcer from forming. You probably have to put special dressings on it. Don't try to treat it by yourself. Get well.

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