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If you always make baby blankets for co-workers, I'd say go for it. My daughter just finished a baby blanket for a professor's soon-to-be baby, but says she is holding off till after finals. I do think it might be out of line to go buy an exensive baby gift, but a handcrafted blanket just seems like a nice gesture.

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Hi, all

I checked with my interim boss - I told her that I want to make something for the new boss' baby. I told her I didn't want to look like I was trying to curry favor, and she told me enthusiasticallyn that he would love to have something handmade for the baby. She said not to worry about anything - she and everyone else in the company knows that I made items for everyone. I would make something if she were expecting a baby, or if anyone else in the office was expecting. I brought it up because she asked me this morning about my progress and if I was nearly finished with the blanket I'm working on.


I'll work up a small blanket that's a good size for bringing home a newborn.

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I personally think a lot depends on the atmosphere of the workplace. My first impression would be not to single yourself out as a "good two shoes" (I know, that's a bit dated) with the new boss. This kind of thing always has some kind of effect on both your employer and your colleagues. You may be putting your boss into a bit of a sticky situation in the eyes of the other employees. If there is an office shower and everyone brings a gift....I say go for it. If no shower is planned then I would not offer a gift just yet. Bosses tend to come and go; but, keeping good relations with other employees will always be beneficial in the long run. Just my "two stitches" worth.

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I'm with Texasredhead...organize a shower if you can (or find the resident organizer and get him/her to do it). Office politics are the worst, and you don't want to cause problems. A shower could get major "brownie points" in more ways than one. Don't want your co-workers to feel like you're trying to "one-up" them, even if they know you're an avid crafter. If a shower (or whatever) isn't going to happen, maybe give your gift more privately, so you don't create issues for yourself. I think it's great that you want to give your boss such a sweet gift.

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I think it would be a nice gesture also. Maybe he would like one for his child, but doesn't feel he knows you well enough to ask you to make one. It's an act of kindness.

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OK, here's my $0.03 worth (the extra penny is to cover taxes)


In light of the concerns of the repercussions of giving the boss a gift, I would go ahead and make whatever it is I wanted to. THEN when it is finished, I would have it packaged up and ready to go. THEN I would approach the boss and ask flat out if it was appropriate or not to give him a gift for his new baby or if he felt it was beyond his perceived boss to employee relationship guidelines. If it is OK with him, whip it out and give it to him. If it is not OK, you keep the gift and save it to give to your next willing baby-to-be recipient.


Wadda ya think?



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I think any excuse is a good excuse to spoil a baby! (that's my 2-cents ... no tax lol)


I also agree that a group gift/gift basket would be nice ... if that's what your office does for other occasions. Where I work, we do the "hand-me-down" thing for everyone, we bring in out-grown clothes, hallow'een costumes, toys & movies and split them up between "the kids". I swear an ex-co-worker is going to end up with some of my baby stuff from 4 years ago that's alredy gone thru a couple of other kids! It helps that we all have boys, except for one little girl ... but she's pretty cute so we spoil her too!


If your boss ends up as one that "comes & goes" then you've done some great networking that might come in handy later on.


Good luck!


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It's kinda sad when you can't do something nice just because some one MIGHT think you're doing so with alterior motives. I've made things for teachers/ bosses and fellow employees all my life (which really isn't that long. 20 isn't that old really).

I personally have always been the kind of person who loves to make an item and give it to someone I know is going through a rough time, or 'Just Because'. I wasn't asking for a raise or for a better grade. Although I did get a few raises, and I had a better relationship with my teachers. But it wasn't because of the things I had given them, it was because I had truly earned it.


I wouldn't hesitate in giving your boss a baby blanket for the new one when it comes.

And also, your fellow employees don't have to know about it. Is there anyway you could give it to him without them finding out. Or I guess then it'd really seem like you were trying to suck up a little bit if someone did find out.

I guess I'd say just feel it out. You'll know what to do when the time comes!!

Good Luck with the decision.



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It's kinda sad when you can't do something nice just because some one MIGHT think you're doing so with alterior motives.


My concern was with how the new boss would look at a gift from me. My coworkers are all 100% for giving him something. It was not knowing him that well yet that bothered me. However, the person I consulted with feels that he would really like something for the baby. I asked if he and his wife knew what they were having yet. He said two ultrasounds say it's a girl. But you can't always be sure from an ultrasound.

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I think it is great that you want to make them the gift I am making a Baby ghan for the guy that sold me my truck so I think that trumps the 3 week thing it shouldent matter how long you have known them if God puts it on your heart to make them a gift go for it. The thing to remember is it is not a gift for him but for his child that is on the way. and you know you are not trying to score points and that is all that matters:crocheting

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update -

The baby shower was a huge success. The department approved it, we purchased a cake, some decorations and the boss was very surprised. He received a nice selection of gifts, and the sweater and hat I made for the baby was a big hit with everyone. I wish I had taken a photo of it before wrapping it up, but I was rushed for time. But here is a photo taken at the shower.


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