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Opinions Needed, Please...

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I would like your opinions. I love crocheting and my friends, acquaintances and co-workers all know what a fanatic I am. I've just been through the wringer with the boss from h-e-double hockey sticks. He was fired. I have a new boss who started this week. I just learned from him through a casual conversation that he and his wife are expecting their first child in a few weeks.


I am thinking of making a sweater or afghan for the new baby. But I don't want to look like I'm trying to score points with a new boss. He's a nice enough fellow and certainly an improvement over "the other one". My new boss has been by my cubicle a number of times and asked what kind of progress I'm making with the afghan I'm working on right now for someone else.


Do you think it's going to look weird making a baby gift for someone I've known 3 weeks? Do you think that he's mentioning my current project so often because he'd like something for the new baby but doesn't want to ask? :think


Any opinions appreciated...thanks!

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I think it'd be a really nice gesture on your part to give him, the wife and the new baby a handcrafted one of a kind gift...I think a babyghan is a good idea. Nothing too large; something that the baby could have as his/her "blankie". Also, it is something that would work up quickly. I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated and no...I don't think at all it would look like you were trying to score points. It is simply a nice gesture from someone who enjoys crafting such items and there was an occasion that provided the reason for the gift.

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I think that I would make one....but mention to the other people in the office that it would be nice to give the new boss a baby shower!! That way it won't seem like you are trying to win points with the boss even though you are not....but people like to talk. Include everyone to chip in for a large gift, cake etc. It would be a nice team building type thing to do! :)

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It is not strange or will even look like you are cozying up to the new boss. let me tell a quick example...My Father is the manager of a local convenience store, mom and Sis work there as well. While sis was expecting her latest child they hireda regular customer as part-time fill in help. About a week befor eshe went out for leave and only a week after he started working there he arrived at work a few minutes early, purchased his paper nad soda and under the newspaper on the coiunter was a gift box. Sis of course berated him since he took to job to help his family make ends meet. well inside was a beautiful knitted dress for the baby to be. Now some would feel like he was sucking up to management but in actuality it was a gesture of kindness toward someone who needed a smile. I think it is a great gesture.

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My DIL is a very caring and giving person. She gave her boss a present at Christmas and was called into the office for it. The boss told her she was doing a great job and had wanted to give her a promotion, but would not feel right giving her the promotion now because she had given him a gift. She was very upset because she never thought of it like that. She had also given a couple of other people gifts as well.

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I think it would be fine to do this. After all this boss hasn't been there long enough to be giving promorions right? And if the people you work with know that you give your work as gifts they won't think anything of it only that you have given a baby blanket to an expectant parent. And he does seem like he would like a gift like this because he is asking about what you are working on now. I think it woulod be nice to do.


I once gave an instructor a baby blanket and when I did another instructor was so excited about it that she asked me if I would make her something so I brought in books and she found a shirt so I made it as well. There were no students that tried to say I was looking for brownie points because they knew that I had already given a few students afghans as gifts for babies being born. So if people around you see this they should be fine with it as well.

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I agree with the others that it would be a great idea to make a babyghan. He has shown interest in what you are working on which means it will actually be appreciated (a big plus in my opinion). It is something you would do for most people so it won't look like you are scoring points;). Enjoy!

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In your position, I would have the blanket ready without talking about it. When the baby is born casually ask if all your colleagues are planning a card/ gift for the new baby. If no one else thinks it's a good idea, seeing that he's your boss, and newly-joined, perhaps it might be more tactful to restrain your generous impulse. Had he been just another colleague, or a boss of long standing, it would have been another matter.

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i think the best idea is for the whole office to go together for a baby shower. that would be fun for everyone.


Hayhook, your story is kind of scary, sorry for your daughter's unfortunate experience!

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Thank you, all, for your input. I do routinely make gifts for co-workers. I've made handmade scarves for my friends at work, baby afghans for expectant parents and even a couple of baby hats for one of the directors when his wife had twins. All gifts have been graciously accepted with no repercussions.


I'm not worried about promotions - promotions are awarded through an internal bidding process.


I will probably check with the person who has been my interim boss and see what she thinks. Maybe if I scale back and just do a hat or a cute pair of booties instead? I just wondered because he has asked me nearly every day how far along I am with the current baby afghan. Maybe he's thinking I could make one for him to give to his wife but doesn't know if he should ask or not???

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You may be right. The last boss never built any rapport with me. He did his best to drive a huge wedge between us, as manager and assistant - Probably because he was stealing from the company. He's been arrested for it.


Again, thanks to all for you excellent input. I will consult with someone higher up in my department to get their opinions.

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i think the best idea is for the whole office to go together for a baby shower. that would be fun for everyone.


Hayhook, your story is kind of scary, sorry for your daughter's unfortunate experience!


Thanks, Kathy, she was really upset over the whole thing and couldn't understand why he was upset especially when she had given gifts to others in the office. I agree with you a whole office baby shower would be a great idea.

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Thanks to all - I guess that my main concern is whether he would think I'm trying to get into his good graces with a baby gift. My coworkers all know how I hand out crocheted items left and right to all. Just about everyone has something crocheted in their cubicle.:crocheting


I will keep you all updated. I'm going to start a project, just in case I get the go-ahead from other HR managers that it would be appropriate.


The 'Ville is the best!

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If you have established a history of giving baby blankets, I would just do it. It might even look odd if you don't do one this time. ...If you did not get along with the last boss, failing to act as you usually would could be touchy.. as if you are holding an old grudge against a new guy.

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That's also a good point. I don't want it to appear that way.


As far as gift-giving in the office goes - our bosses give holiday gifts to us and we reciprocate on appropriate levels. For instance, I received movie gift cards, $50 AC Moore gift cards, crochet books, etc from my bosses, and I presented them with handmade scarves and such for the holidays. So there are no taboos in giving or accepting gifts from employees.

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if your new boss is asking about your current project, then maybe just say to him that you understand he and his wife are expecting a baby, and ask if they would like you to make a blankie for bub, or maybe he can choose the colours and have it as a surprise for the mum to be.


or if anyone else wants to put in a small item and you as a team could put together a hamper for the bub.. including your crocheted item;)

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